Chapter 74


I wait for the elevator to open to my father's condo. I called and woke him as I left the manor. His night nurse was conveniently close by, and he said she would help him get ready and he would be up and waiting for my arrival.

I didn't tell him much, just that I had a situation and that it was urgent and that he and I were going to have to take a drive to deal with it.

He seemed pleased that I was coming to him, even at this ungodly hour.

The doors open to his foyer, and when I walk in, he is up and dressed and waiting for me in his wheelchair.

"Son," he greets me.

He is completely alert and looks every bit the formidable man he used to be.

"Hello, Papa."

He eyes me intently. "Shall we go, or do you want to fill me in first?"

"I think I should prepare you before we go."

He nods and turns to wheel himself into the living space.

"I dismissed the nurse so that we could have some privacy," he informs me as I follow him.