
I died from too much sex, but it wasn't that bad. The girl I was doing it with was also into girls and we were constantly going at it since it was so enjoyable between us both. Now let me elaborate on how I died from too much sex since someone can have the wrong idea.

By the way, the girl I did it with was actually my step-sister, the other day I also did it with my 25 year old teacher, she was great, and before that I did it with my cousin who was even better in bed, her breasts were simply amazing.

But that isn't what we're going to talk about...let's move on....

When I woke up in the morning in my bed, I tried standing up but I failed because of how much sex I had with the girl. She had to leave earlier since her parents would be quite worried but that's not what we're going to talk about.

I was struggling to get up when I suddenly tripped over something which was a vibrator and my head hit the side of my desk as a heavy box with countless bondage toys, vibrators, and strap-ons hit my head.

My vision went dark after that and now I had been reborn into another world. It was something out of a novel, I would definitely enjoy it, but I looked nothing like my parents! Thankfully, the language was the same as my past world or else I would've been so mad.

I was laying down in my 2 year old body thinking about if I would have cheats or not but I did not! There was no system for me or a god waiting for me, but there was a doctor pulling me out! With the mentality of a 22 year old, I couldn't help but think my doctor was pretty, she had long brown hair along with black shiny eyes.

If it wasn't for me being an anti-romantic, I would've definitely fell in love right then and there. The doctor was quite surprised that I didn't cry since that was what a lot of babies would do when they were born. What's worse was that I looked nothing like my parents who had blonde hair and blue eyes, cliche rich people things I guessed, but I had black hair and violet eyes.

My parents knew either one of them would never have an affair since they were king and queen of Fiona, the nation I lived in. It was quite shocking that my parents were the king and queen. My parents shook off my appearance by saying it was a blessing, but I knew it was because of my reincarnation...

I also had an older sister and an older brother, they were basically twins, blonde hair, blue eyes, and was about 3 years older than me. Which means they were 6 years old when I'm only 3. My sister was a cute, she had a majestic atmosphere around her, my older brother was the same. I could tell they inherited all of my parent's genes since I was left out.

My siblings weren't mean to me in any sort of way, they cared and often played with me quite a bit which I felt happy about. I realized they were geniuses and extremely talented, at the age of 6, they were able to speak fluently and solve hard math problems. They were smart but I wasn't like that, in my past life, I didn't study a lot and only worked on the basics of things.

I was the type of person who was smart but never tried, I was smart at making money and having sex but that was it. That woke me up, I had to abandon my past life's tendencies and do everything I couldn't do in my past life.

When I was 3 years old, I learned something about this world, there was magic! However, people who were blessed were the ones who was able to use magic due to being born with mana in their veins. People who couldn't use magic were treated differently. People with mana wasn't rare nor people who were born without mana. It was said that they would start developing at mana veins at the age of 4.

Magic was definitely amazing, my sister was able to shoot fire into the sky while my brother could freeze the water. I wondered how much magic my parents were able to use. Due to use being royalty, our bloodline was naturally blessed with mana and the ability to perform magic. So when I turned 4, I was taken to the doctor to check if I had mana and was able to use magic.

My father, Alden von Quintus, my mother, Elizabath von Quintus, also know as the king and queen was in the same room to see if I had magic.

"So, will the testing hurt her in any way?" asked my father.

"Nope, she might feel a light shock but it won't do her any harm." replied the doctor.

"Alright." said my mom, "Don't worry Ena, it won't hurt."

"Okay." I replied.

In this world, I'm 4 years old so I was treated like one. They stuck a metal like thing to my arm and a beep went off, I felt a light shock on my left arm but it wasn't enough to hurt.

The doctor went to check on the results, when he came back, he had mixed emotions in his expression.

"What're the results?" asked my mother.

"Your majesty...your daughter does have mana in her.'s easier to show you." said the doctor.

My parents had a confused expression as the doctor came towards me.

"Princess, imagine the mana flowing through your veins." said the doctor.

I did as I was told and closed my eyes to focus. I could feel the purple mana flowing through my veins, I knew that different colored mana was normal was normal and it was based off on their personality.

"After that, try envisioning a small fire coming out of your palms." said the doctor.

With my eyes closed, I imagined a small fire erupting from my palms, but I didn't feel anything, nothing changed, there was no heat or fire.

"Your highness, your majesty, it's as you see. The princess cannot use magic despite having mana in her veins." said the doctor.

My parents including me was quite shocked, they left me alone to talk in a private room leaving me to sit on the chair and collect my thoughts. I had mana yet I couldn't use seems not everyone was blessed.


I did not give up, there were many kinds of magic in the world that I read about. I tried imagining ice, wind, and even earth yet my mana remained unchanged and I couldn't do anything. hopes were crushed but magic isn't everything. I was filled with determination to seek out different things to be talented in.

I wasn't going to let my second life go to waste!

When I saw my parents, they had a smile on their face and the doctor wasn't with them. I guess it's time for us to leave, my mother picked me up and said a few things to me.

"Don't worry princess, one day you can use magic." said my mother.

"Really?" I asked.

"Definitely." said my mother. I laid my head on her shoulder, but I knew I wasn't going to be able to use magic anytime soon. When we made it back to the mansion, the butler alfred, the maid Marie, greeted us along with my siblings.

"Alice! Alex!" I said.

When I was put back onto the ground, I ran towards my siblings. They were a few inches taller than me so I had to look up a little bit.

"How did the test go?" asked Alice.

"Are you able to use magic?" asked Alex.

"Uhm....I have mana but I can't use magic." I replied.

"What? How did that work?" asked Alice.

"Who cares about how that worked? Ena will definitely be able to use magic." said Alex with determination.

"Yep! I definitely will!" I said with false determination.

"Alright then, if anyone makes fun of you. Your older siblings will beat them up for you." said Alex with his chest out.

"Like you can beat anyone up, you still can't beat me." said Alice.

"One day!" said Alex.

I started laughing as the once gloomy atmosphere disappeared, they definitely were twins.

However, coming from a royal bloodline, along with being the third child of the 2 most important people in the nation, and couldn't use magic would definitely be shunned upon.

I was now 6 years old and wandering Fibona, the name of the city, with the maid. Marie, who had long black hair with brown eyes, held my hands as we walked through the city. My parents trusted Marie with me since she was quite strong with wind magic, she was able to blow heavy objects away as well as create strong wind slashes.

Marie could definitely become a female knight if she wanted to but she chose to stay as a maid, mostly my maid since she stuck to me the most. I wonder why? Over the past 2 years, the secret of me not being able to use magic was hidden, we all thought it wouldn't be leaked out until the other day when someone sent a letter saying that I couldn't use magic.

It was scary how people were able to get that information.

As we were wandering, a lot of people turned my way.

"Hey, isn't that the third child of the number 1 ranked family?"

"I heard she can't use magic despite having mana."

"What a disappointment, her parents probably hate her."

I couldn't help but be annoyed at them, talking about something that didn't concern you at all. It was just like the scums of my previous life, the people of the lowest. These people weren't so different from them, I looked at their disgusting faces expressionless as Marie guided me through the city.

"Princess, don't listen to them." said Marie.

"It's alright, I don't care what they say." I said.

Marie was quite shocked at what I just said, a 6 year old shouldn't have a mentality like that but I wasn't a normal 6 year old. In my past life, I had always been talked about saying that I wouldn't be successful and would end up somewhere selling my body for money.

But I didn't, I went back to the town of where the same people told me that and flexed on them. They were the ones who were in the streets begging for money, I still remember their hopeful expressions when they asked for help. But I didn't help them, I looked at them with a pitiful expression and left.

"Princess? Are you okay? We're here." said Marie.

My thoughts were snapped as we now in front of a cake shop.

"Let's go!" I said with a cheerful tone.

We entered the shop but we never thought we would meet another royal...