

「 Host... 」

Ena and Yue couldn't believe what they were seeing at the moment. Her older brother was right in front of her, his blue eyes, blonde hair, everything was there.

"Is this real?" asked Ena,

"Of course this is real, don't you miss me?" asked Alex.

Even the voice sounded the same, Ena couldn't believe it.

Her brother was back!

Without any second thoughts, Ena ran over to her older brother who was signaling for a hug. But once she was close enough, she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her chest. Looking down, there was a pillar of ice piercing her chest where her heart was. Looking back up, her brother's hair turned dark as his eyes turned red, and had an evil grin on his face.

"Why?" croaked Ena.

"Not everything you see is everything." said Alex.

With that sentence, countless shards of ice came at her.


Ena jolted awake from the nightmare she just had, she's been having countless nightmares of different scenarios, but they all ended with the same sentence, "Not everything you see is everything." No matter how hard she tried to prolong the dream or find hints, it wasn't possible.

"This is frustrating as hell!"

Her scream was muffled by the pillow that she stuffed in her face.

'Yue, can you give me any hints?'

「 Unfortunately, I don't even know context behind the sentence. 」

'You're lying right?'

「 Nope, I am only speaking the truth. 」

'Then how am I supposed to find the meaning behind it?'

「 I don't think you should bother with such things at the moment, you should focus on yourself. 」

'You're right.'


『 System Name: Yue 』

『 Host Name: Ena von Quintus 』

『 Birthday: January 13th, 777 』

『 Age: 7』

『 Sex: Female 』

『 Mana: 74/74 』

『 Magic: Locked 』

Over the course of six months, Ena had been constantly training and working on fighting with her instructer, Mary Avyanna. During that time, the royal family has yet to find nothing about the kidnappers. Her mother, the queen, tried inspecting the Valor family only to be innocent. but she knew that there was schemes, the possibility of traitors in the royal family ranking was a hundred percent.

There was no doubt about it.

Unfortunately, Ena's family only had themselves to work on this case. With the politics and matters in the city going on, their parents had simply no time to work on the case. Alice had recently turned 10, they celebrated her birthday with a ball and everyone could give gifts for her. It was far more eventful than Ena's by far, there was even an entire line to greet to the princess.

They were able to go back to their main house since everything was now fixed, there were now more guards surrounding the mansion. With Ena's knowledge from her previous world, she was able to suggest sensory alarms. It was designed to scan their entire body in a few milliseconds , if it was recognizable, the person would be able to pass, if it was someone it didn't recognize, it would send an alarm to the security room where the guards were.

This was placed all around the residence just in case. How was this possible? Let me tell you. The sensory alarms would scan the mana of the person, since it was basically impossible for people without magic to get to this residence, this would work. Ena first added the mana of her family, maids, and the trustworthy guards. It was something similar to a fingerprint or face ID on your phone but just far more advanced.

With that said...

Ena was in the courtyard, training with Mary, and was trying to defeat her.

She never thought that Mary would be this strong even if she read about her family. Even without any experience in fighting, she could tell that her teacher was no pushover. However, this only made her more determined.

"I like those eyes! Now come in Ena, show me what you've got! " said Mary.

Throwing a jab at Mary she easily sidestepped to dodge it, but Ena knew she was going to do that. She used her right jab as momentum to bring strength to her leg. Sprinting for a moment, she immediately slid and swiped at Mary's legs with her own. Mary was caught off guard by the sudden attack, but the Avyanna family...

"It's a nice attack, but the Avyanna family is also known for their quick reflexes." said Mary jumping mid air.

Ena's legs swiped at nothing but she easily recovered. They both stood a few feet from each other and waited for the latter to make a move. The tension in the air increased. Both of them twitched for a moment, right before they sprinted to each other, her mother suddenly yelled.

"It's time for lunch!" said mother.

Mary nearly slipped but was quickly saved herself with her wind magic, but Ena was not so lucky. Her right foot slipped and she fell flat on the ground, she played it off by acting to do push ups.

"Don't worry, I already saw what you guys were about to do." said mother.

That did it, Mary slumped over in embarrassment as Ena gave up and her stomach went flat on the floor.

"Well, I guess the training is now over." said Mary.

After Ena ate their delicious lunch, she laid in her bed and rested.


『 System Name: Yue 』

『 Host Name: Ena von Quintus 』

『 Birthday: January 13th, 777 』

『 Age: 7 』

『 Sex: Female 』

『 Mana: 75/75 』

『 Magic: Locked 』

『 Boosts: Mission Pack, "To Get Stronger" 』

'Uh Yue? What's this? Boost and Mission Pack? How come I've never seen this before?'

「 This is a boost to your physical abilities, it's been activated for the past 6 months. The reason you weren't able to see the boost is because of your mana level, it needed to be at least 75. 」

'What does it do?'

「 The Mission Pack boosts your physical abilities by 5% allowing you to grow stronger, this allows your mana points to also grow faster. Without the Mission Pack, you would have about 38 mana points. 」

'...you're kidding right?'

「 Nope, I am not. To unlock your magic, you need 15 more mana points. 」

When Ena heard that, she immediately felt a feeling of excitement dwell up inside her. She only needed 15 more points to go until she would unlock her magic, but unfortunately, not everything goes the way you want.

「 But because of the backlash of the boost, your increase of mana points that's gained the estimated by how much you train has decreased 2.5% Which means you will need to train for at least 5 times a week for the next six months. 」

'You're driving me crazy, if I knew this. I wouldn't have been excited in the first place.'

「 This was a must, because of you being born with a body that wasn't meant for fighting, your body naturally took longer do grow. 」

With a mental sigh, Ena already accepted the fact that this happened. The good thing was that she was able to plan more things and hopefully complete them.

'My magic better be worth it.'

「 If you use it the right way, it will probably make you immortal. 」


「 That's all I'm going to tell you. 」

'Hold on now, I can't just ignore the fact that you just said my magic could possibly make me immortal!'

Ena suddenly panicked, usually people would be happy that they could be immortal but let's be realistic here. Having the power that holds they key to immortality would definitely bring trouble. A lot of people would come after that power making her literally a trouble magnet. Now she was worried about what her magic was.

But she could only wait and train more until she unlocked it.

Over the course of six months...

Ena decided to bring knowledge from her past life to this life, she's come up with multiple blueprint tools that's contained with magic seals. Like an automatic heating teapot or a automatic freezing refrigerator. This allowed Ena to gain more recognition since she didn't have much feats besides being the third child of the Quintus Family.

While Ena was showing off her knowledge, somewhere in the shadows, a family was planning something.

"Axcel, the project will begin 2 months from now."

"Yes Eldritch."

"Is this kid still hidden?"

"Yes, there is no way the Quintus Family will ever find him."

"Good, we can proceed with our experiment for as long as we need."

"Of course, let the Valor family's experiment begin."

"We shall call it, Project Apex."

We shall create a magnificent existence the world has never seen before, an existence that will far surpass the abilities of humans, gods, and even the devil himself. With the talent and intellect of Alex von Quintus, this project is bound to shake the world. The Valor family will surely rise to the top.

"Just you wait Alden von Quintus, your status as a king will soon disappear." said Eldritch, the duke of Valor.

A loud chuckle echoed through the dark corridors as his green eyes seemed to glow in the dark.