Is this really my magic...?

「 *DING* Magic Unlocked, say stats to view! 」

"Finally!" Ena screamed into her pillow. The moment she's been waiting for the past year was finally become a reality.


However, everything seemed quite different.

『 System Name: Yue 』

『 Host Name: Ena von Quintus 』

『 Race: Human 』

『 Cultivation Level: Chi - Refinement 』

『 Chi - Early: 0/3,000 』

『 Magic: Chi Manipulation 』

『 Information: The user can create, shape, and manipulate chi, a form of Life-force which exists in everything and anything. By learning to harness this inner latent energy, they can gain superhuman capabilities and use them in cases of extreme combat. The color of Chi will be based on the color of your life form. 』

'Uh..what is this?'

Ena was genuinely confused, although she's seen a few cultivation novels, she doesn't have any information about them. Basically, she would be cluelessly cultivating.

「 You still have me, you know? 」

'Right, like you're going to help me at all.'

「 Don't worry, I'm going to explain it to you as you cultivate. But first, get in a comfortable position to cultivate. 」

Ena sat up on her bed and crossed her legs.

「 Close your eyes, try to enter a meditative state, and try to detect everything around you. 」

Ena did as she was told and started focusing, after about 5 minutes, she was starting to hear her own breathing and heartbeat. She was able to detect the small cabinet next to her bed, the sensory alarm under her door, and her blood flowing through her veins.

After about 30 minutes, there was a violet waves and flows that appeared in her dark vision.

「 Keep your eyes closed and start drawing them in into the center of your stomach. 」

With her eyes closed, she drew the flow of violet energy inside her. Drawing the violet energy inside her, she suddenly felt light and felt as if she was in a warm embrace. It felt comfortable so she kept drawing it nonstop until the warm feeling stopped.

「 *DING* 740/3,000 Chi Obtained! Congratulations on gaining your first batch of Chi! So, how was it? 」

'I guess it was comfortable, it made me feel pretty light too.'

「 Alright, then we're good. What we just did is forming you Chi Core, in order for you to even be able to cultivate, you needed a Chi core. Now that we've done the first step, we're going to be opening up your Chi meridians to allow you to manipulate Chi. 」

'And how am I supposed to do that?'

「 Now that your core as been formed, there should be Chi energy flowing through your stomach randomly. In your head, image the Chi flow through your body, your arms, and your legs. 」

Ena did as Yue said, she was able to see the small clear sphere that was blocking the violet energy from flowing through her veins. Focusing, she imagined the energy breaking through the meridians that blocked the pathways and felt a small burst then a warm feeling flowed throughout her arms. It was the same feeling as her legs and throughout the meridians in her body, more specifically the acupoints.

「 Chi Meridians unlocked! 1,500/3,000 Chi Obtained! 」

[Automatic Refinement Activating...]

[Initiating Startup....]


The chi energy in her body started flowing towards the core by itself, it was as if had a soul of it's own. Once the violet energy was all sucked into the core, Yue used the Automatic Refinement to also sync Ena's body with Chi so her meridians wouldn't cripple. That was why she needed a stronger body, Yue didn't want her host to instantly break. As Yue started syncing Ena's body with Chi, the violet Chi once again started flowing through her body, but this time it would flow through all the parts of the body that needed refining or the parts that hasn't been worked on.

Thus, once the violet energy flowed through all the parts of Ena's body, the energy started to go back to it's core and flow through her meridians once again. Yue wiped the sweat that was coming from her forehead, it took a bit of her strength due to how strong the Chi was.

[*Ding* True Chi Unlocked!]

[Cultivation Level is now Chi - Disciple Stage, congratulations in breaking through!]


『 System Name: Yue 』

『 Host Name: Ena von Quintus 』

『 Race: Human 』

『 Cultivation Level: Chi - Disciple 』

『 Chi - Early: 0/6,000 』

『 Magic: Chi Manipulation 』

『 Information: The user can create, shape, and manipulate chi, a form of Life-force which exists in everything and anything. By learning to harness this inner latent energy, they can gain superhuman capabilities and use them in cases of extreme combat. The color of Chi will be based on the color of your life form. 』

『 [ True Chi ] 』

Ena was panting on her bed, just after she cleared her meridians, she felt her body go crazy. Her body started hurting, then it went numb, then it felt as if she was being burned by the sun, then it felt as if she lost all senses of her body, then she was back in the warmth embrace. Now she was standing in front of her mirror with her jaws dropped.

Her arms looked more fit and her legs were more toned, she was now 4'3 instead of 4'0, this was above average for an eight year old.

'Yue...what is this?'

「 I synced your body with the Chi so your body wouldn't cripple. Now that the energy is one with you, you can now manipulate it with ease as if it was a natural talent. 」

'Not that, I meant what is true chi.'

「 True Chi is the energy that comes directly from your soul itself while Chi is from your core. It's basically the same thing except True Chi is meant to protect your soul and mental attacks wile Chi is used for offense and defense. 」

'I see, but I need a break. I need some time to take this all in.'

Ena laid down on her bed and started thinking. Now she knows how her magic holds the key to immortality, well you can't even call this magic, it was basically cheats. If she cultivates to an higher level, that would mean her lifespan would naturally increase, that was how it went in novels.

For once, she really thought her life was like a novel. Being born into another world after death, no cheats, then going through struggles, then trains and now here she is gaining a cheat ability.

「 Get stronger fast, something is going to happen in a month. 」

'Are you going to tell me what is going to happen?'

「 I can't tell you but I can tell you that it relates to your brother. 」


All the thoughts Ena had disappeared and now focused on what Yue just said.

「 Yep, this is information of the event that's going to happen is going to be crucial for both of us. 」

'What do you mean crucial for us both?'

「 It seems whenever I try to look into the event, I'm getting blocked by something similar to a barrier whenever I try to peek into it. There seems to be another system prying and interfering with the laws of this world. 」

'Is that bad?'

「 It depends on the motives of the system who's trying to interfere, by the looks of it, it's trying to ******. 」

'Eh? What you just said was bleeped out.'

「 I'm guessing the laws of this world is interfering so I can't tell you, just worry about getting stronger while I focus on blocking out the system that's interfering. 」

Even if Yue said that, Ena was still worried about what was going to happen a month from now. Yue did say she was one of the high ranking systems which meant she was probably strong in her realm, but like Yue said, the laws of the world might be interfering.

She had a feeling the event was going to be related to her brother, there has been no trace of him for the past 2 years, if he was going to make an entrance, this would probably be the right time for it.

But Ena let Yue handle it, for now, she was going to focus on cultivating and drawing the Chi in to get stronger. She wanted to try something first, the Chi she felt seemed quite similar to chakra from the blonde boy with whiskers anime, she forgot what was the name. She imagined a sharp pointy layer of Chi enveloping around her finger, it was similar to Hitana's clan skills, or was it the white eyed girl? She wasn't sure.

She felt a warm sensation over her finger and opened her eyes to take a look.

There it was, a layer of purple chi with a sharp top covering her finger. But then suddenly, the sharp top suddenly bent in an uneven way and made it look useless.

Because of the level of her cultivation, Ena was unable to shape chi accurately yet. She would need to cultivate into a higher level before she could manipulate the shape of her chi.

"I guess I need to cultivate..."