Becoming Super Saiyan...?

"I feel like I'm in dragon ball right now..." muttered Ena.

She was covered in a thin layer of violet chi as her hair started flowing due to it passing more chi and resemble her aura. Ena knew she shouldn't be playing around at the moment, but she couldn't have it. If you was able to do something super saiyans could, you'd definitely do it and that was what she was doing right now.

「 Could you not playing around right now? I didn't teach you this for you to play around like that. 」

'My bad, I couldn't help it.'

「 Let's start the training already, do as I told. 」

Ena walked up to the small tree and got into a stance. With her chi covered palm out, she swiped at the tree, and she was amazed at how easily it cut through. It left a deep graze on the tree trunk but luckily, it wasn't enough to knock it over. She would've gotten into trouble by her parents.

Over the past few days, her control over her chi has gotten sharper but she could tell she hasn't reached it's full potential yet. Just now was she able to cover her entire body with chi.

Yue stated that by enveloping your body in chi, it makes your body lighter allowing you to move faster with sharper movements. With that, it also gives Ena an offensive and defense ability. With her violet aura, she can use it as defense against attacks, more specifically physical and magical attacks.

On the offensive, with her control of chi can, it gives her extraordinary abilities, strength, speed, stamina, durability and reflexes. She was basically a super saiyan with cultivation in this magical world.

"This is really astonishing, to have these abilities at just eight." muttered Ena.


『 System Name: Yue 』

『 Host Name: Ena von Quintus 』

『 Race: Human 』

『 Cultivation Level: Chi - Practitioner 』

『 Chi - Intermediate: 3,450/9,000 』

Ena smiled in satisfaction, she's trained and cultivated a lot in the past couple of days. The feeling of breaking through was simply astounding, it was as if she was enlightened.

「 Alright, enough of that. You're going to be learning a new skill by using your chi, I'll help you while you're doing it so you don't somehow die. 」

'Eh? I'm fine with learning a new skill, but what's with the dying part?'

「 That will be explained, for now just listen. 」

「 You will be learning the technique, breathing empowerment. By focusing on your breathing, you enter a state of concentration. Once you've entered the state, control your chi and infuse it with your lungs. However, be careful on how much you infuse chi in your lungs because if you put more than necessary, your lungs can explode. 」

「 By gaining this ability, you will become stronger physically, faster, and more durable. You can even last for a few days without food or water with this ability, maybe even slow down your aging or even stop it, but that's impossible with the skill level you are at the moment. 」

Ena sat on the grass as she took in all the information Yue just left her with the information. She was going to have to practice this technique that could possibly kill her by exploding her lungs but in return, she would become much stronger in different skills sets. Slowing down age was something impossible, so she put that part away.

However, she already made her resolve. If she wasn't brave enough to take risks, her future would be grim considering this is a fantasy world and not all things went the way she wanted to.

Sitting in a criss cross position, she closed her eyes and tried to enter a state of concentration. Entering a concentrated state allowed Ena to focus solely on what she was doing, everything that happened around her would have no affect on her. This was suggested by Yue due to her easily being distracted, if she was learning something risky and suddenly she was distracted.

Something terrible would happen, thus, Ena tended to always enter this state when she was training.

While breathing softly, Ena balanced out the chi that was going to enter her lungs. The violet energy flowed slowly throughout her lungs and it's organs. She felt her throat go a bit warm but kept going until it was successful. But then it suddenly felt too hot, Ena immediately stopped the flow and broke out of her concentration.

Ena started calm down as she took a few deep breaths.

'What was that?'

「 The hot feeling is a warning that your lungs might explode, plus I'm even helping you control the chi accurately so you wouldn't pour too much. Let's keep going, it's your first time doing this anyways. 」

'Wait, what did I do wrong though?'

「 The chi you poured into your lungs were too slow, thus the chi started combining in your lungs. You need to pour it in fast, but not that fast, slow, but not that slow. 」

'That doesn't really help but I get the general idea.'

With a sigh, Ena sat back down and entered her concentrated state again. As she was pouring the chi through her lungs, she was unconsciously taking in the chi in the surrounding area. Violet energy entered her core as she was pouring the chi into her throat giving her a warm feeling in the center.

She can feel the violet energy circulating through her organs and the large vessels that was connected to the lungs. However, this technique wasn't meant to be a constant breathing technique, it was to refine her lungs to give her the ability of breathing empowerment. The burning sensation of hurt throat started to come, right before she stopped, Yue interfered.

「 Don't stop it, keep going. This is the feeling of your lungs refining to give you this ability so you wouldn't need to constantly go through the circulation of your chi entering your throat. 」

Ena wanted to complain to Yue, but she had to keep pouring the chi through her lungs. It was as if lava was being poured down her throat, but when it stopped, it felt as cool as water and her lungs felt somewhat different.

「 Your lungs has been refined, by inhaling air based chi, you're able to sustain yourself without food and water for a couple of days. Your stronger has become stronger as well as your reflexes and durability. And also... 」

「 *DING* Congratulations on breaking through, to Practitioner ; Peak Stage, you are now able to take in chi from your surroundings more easily. Your chi also has been upgraded, it is now more dense and more sharper, it can cut through steel as if ti's butter. 」

Before Ena could even react, a layer of lilac colored chi bursted out and enveloped her. It was true, the sensation of the chi was more dense meaning she was now more protected and her offensive ability has increased.

"I really am a super saiyan huh...?"