
「 Would you like to learn "Chi Detection" and "Chi Projection" ? 」


「 Implanting skills... 」

「 Complete. 」

Instantly, images of how to use the two skills entered her mind as if it's always been there.

Chi Detection, by detecting the chi in the air, Ena can detect what is surrounding the chi which means she can sense people and even non living objects. Using this skill, she can image an outline of the hallways in her house in her head. Outside, there was also several guards she could detect as well as a few sensory alarms and where they were placed.

Chi Project, the ability to exert various shapes chi from her body to use as offense or defense. Ena decided to try it out, a small ball of chi forming in her palm, and it was thrown in the air. Sure enough, this ability definitely worked, catching it with her palm, it went back in her body.

Several thoughts on how to use this ability entered her mind, she could simply be like Zeus and strike a lightning bolt at someone if she wanted to. But of course she couldn't. now wasn't time to reveal her abilities yet.

For today, she was going to rest and not cultivate.

She had already cultivated enough yesterday.


In the city, there was panic.

The children of their parents had suddenly gone missing. The parents were in a panic at where their child went, they didn't spot anyone come to their place and take their child so they were also left quite confused.

However, it wasn't just their family.

Multiple children of the citizen's family was disappearing, yet they all had no idea how were they disappearing.

Naturally the king took note of what was happening, reading multiple reports from the guards of the city, they had also seen nothing. Even though the children was getting abducted in plain sight, no one saw how they were disappearing.

"We've received multiple reports about the children suddenly disappearing from their parents, although they were taken each time during daylight, nobody saw where they had disappeared to. People say they were last seen near the shops, parks, or walking around the city. When they turned back to their children, they were already gone. Speak." said Alden, the king.

"We have the same reports over at the residences near us, although the reports of kidnapping is true, but the kidnappers are still on the loose somewhere."

"Looking at the reports, I'd say it's related to the kidnapping of your son, Alex von Quintus. Although his way was more violent, these two cases still have the same word, kidnapping."

"Thank you, Avyanna. Since we have a clue, we need to survey the entire city, search for hidden places or where people could conceal themselves. If we seek it out, naturally they'll start to move to different places but we're going to lead them to where they want."

"Alright, for now. Let's pray the children will be alright."


Deep underground in an isolated area where it's filled with corridors and broken down doors.

Muffled screams echoed through the empty hallways as a man stood in front of the six children with their mouths tied up.

"Keep quiet or else we'll do even worse to you." said the man.

His glowing green eyes scared the six children, they immediately shut their mouths but there were tears of fear in their eyes.

One minute they were walking around with their parents, having fun, then the next minute they were in darkness with their mouths, hands, and legs tied up to a chair.

They were shaking in fair as the man took out a syringe and pressed the needles in into their arms. Due to the pain, they let out a small yelp as more tears started flowing down their eyes.

"Don't worry, everything will be all right soon." cooed the green eyed man.

Even if the man said that, they didn't believe him for a second. They could smell the disgusting odor behind them, it was the corpses of the the children who were here before them. With the used syringes on the ground, they could tell it wasn't that long ago since they could still see the green liquid dripping from the tip of the needle.

The man stared at the 6 children in front of him, he was waiting for the liquid to take place. If this batch of children wouldn't survive, he would have to get another batch of children. He didn't want that since he would have to check the ingredients of the chemical that was put into the liquid again.

After a few seconds, the 6 children's crying stopped, their eyes rolled back showing their white sclera, foams started coming out of their mouth as the man's eyes flared with anger and smashed the syringe onto the ground.

"DAMN IT! It failed again, what the hell are the scientists doing?! The Valor family is known for our intelligence, the liquid they're doing is humiliating, it makes us look bad!" The man roared.

"Eldritch, calm down." said Axcel.

"How can I? Project Apex is coming yet this damn experiment hasn't been successful! The only time it was successful was when we took the kid of the royal family, damn bloodlines and their disadvantages." said Eldritch.

"Don't worry, our next try will be a success."

"It better be..."


Ena had a sudden shiver down her spine, it was as if something horrifying had just happened. But she was just about to cultivate in her room, since she was busy, she pushed the feeling away and focused.

However, she didn't forget the feeling.

'Yue, is the system still prying into this world?'

「 Yes, it still hasn't been kicked out yet. It seems it's just as powerful as me, but it'll be gone soon. 」

'I see...do you think the system is related to the kidnapping of Alex?'

Yue paused for a moment, she didn't want to believe but it was still a high possibility. If what she thought they were trying to do was true, she needed to kick the system away as fast as possible.

「 Most likely, we'll soon have the chance to investigate, for now let's cultivate. 」

With that, Ena closed her eyes and started cultivating...