Fight 1

The kid sprinted to where Ena was standing but was sent flying into a pillar.

Stretching her legs, "Your body isn't that hard, but definitely more muscular." Looking at him, he was only a few inches taller than herself, no kid could suddenly turn into hulk after all.

It let out a loud roar before charging towards Ena, applying chi towards her fist, she threw it towards it's head but it quickly dodged. She was surprised at this, not only was it quick with it's movements, it was learning how to fight at a fast rate too. Just by a few exchange of attacks, it learned how to dodge, and time it's attacks correctly.

"I guess I'll have to evolve too."

Jumping around. violet aura covered her body as her hair fluttered due to the electrostatic energy coming from the aura.

"Now then, let's start for real this time."

This time, Ena was the one to charge at it. With her aura, it enhanced all of Ena's abilities, it couldn't even dodge or react when her fist collided with it's face.

With this, it didn't stand a chance against her. It let out an ear piercing sound making Ena flinch. It had fire in it's left hand, fire in it's right hand, and there was wind swirling dust under it's legs.

"Different types of magic at the same time...?"

In this world, using multiple types of magic at the same time was abnormal. The creature in front of her was doing it with ease, just how strong was it? The halo above it's head was getting darker as the mana in the air started to head towards it.

Ena didn't let it have the chance to strengthen it's attack, immediately rushing over with sharp chi projecting out of her hands, slashing horizontally at it. But before it could make contact, fireballs and sharps of ice burst from it's palms and came at her.

Forming 2 balls of purple chi in her palms, she threw one at the fireball and the ice shards. As the chi collided with the fireball, it let out a small shock to the surrounding area as they both disappeared. When it collided with the ice, it obliterated all of the shards before disappearing itself.

She didn't notice that the kid was now right in front of her, flying. It sent out a hard punch at Ena, luckily she was protected by her aura of chi, but she was still knocked a bit back by the impact. Though she was quite startled by how heavy the punch was, not wasting any time, she regained her composure and let out a series of attacks.

Slashing sharp chi at it's hard body, it left a gnash, but it was already starting to heal. Before the wound could fully close, she quickly released 3 more slashes revealing green flesh with black liquid dripping from the wound.

It let out a roar due to the pain it was feeling, but it couldn't react to how fast the attacks were since it had no training. It was only able to learn quickly due to it's instincts as well as the halo that helped increased their learning by interacting with it's brain waves.

Ena could see that it's wound was healing, but it was much slower compared to before. Looking at the mutated figure, it's black halo above it's head was become darker and darker, it was as if the halo contained a deep abyss.

Then a question struck her mind, what if the halo was providing the mutant it's powers? Whenever it started healing, the halo's color would change from white and sometimes black. The white would provide healing to itself and the black provided magic power for offense and defense.

With that thought, the halo was pitch black right now, which meant it was building up power. But it was a bit too late, several fireballs, air slashes, and ice shards immediately came at her at high speed. Even with her quick reflexes, she was unable to dodge them all which left a few cuts in her aura.

Due to it being partially damaged, the aura covering her disappeared leaving her unprotected. The mutant took note of that and started coming at her, but Ena was prepared for this.

With her breathing empowerment, her body felt stronger and felt more lighter. As soon as the mutant was close enough, she brought chi to her feet and immediately jumped. While she was mid air, right above the mutant, she formed a lightning rod of chi in her hands and threw it towards the halo.

As the purple lightning rod left sparks as it flew through the air, the mutant moved right to dodge it thinking it was coming for it's body. Suddenly, there was the sound of glass breaking, the halo had been broken by the lightning rod.

The mutant felt painful static waves in it's head, but once it was gone, the mutant now fully relied on it's instincts. Seeing the girl in front of her, it lunged at her with it's palm out.

Ena seeing this couldn't help but wonder just what the halo was capable of. From a smart mutant to a one that now followed it's instincts only. With quick footwork, she appeared in front of the mutant. Before the blade made of chi cut it's head off, it let out a loud roar before dying.


It's head rolled on the floor as the body went limp.

But Ena didn't want to investigate the body, she wanted to check out the halo that was now broken in 3 different pieces. Once she picked it up, the halo turned dark red as she felt a burning sensation on her hand. Dropping it, the broken pieces of halo turned into ashes. Now, there was no sort of information about this halo.

'Yue, what is this?'

「 I'm going to tell you that now, but let me tell you what Azazel is trying to make. 」

'You were able to find out about it?'

「 Yes, now listen. What Azazel is trying to make is a blackened protagonist, a blackened protagonist in our world is a figure that corrupts. Meaning Azazel was trying to literally make one and corrupt this world and tear it down. All of the mutants was the children who didn't manage to become one. I can only guess that your brother, Alex, is also one of the victims of the project. 」

Before Ena could reply, her chi detection went off. Looking into the direction of where the sense of danger was, there were multiple, if not dozens of mutants coming towards her.

'Yue, can I escape?'

「 I'd recommend killing them all, if the experiment, blacked protagonist is successful, all of the failed ones who become the successful one's subordinates, I'd rather not go through something more troublesome. 」


"This is going to be tiring..."