
The feeling of her used chi replenished as her core was full and the energy flowed throughout her body. Since Ena wanted to test out her skills, she used more chi than usual, though she can't say she was disappointed. She was quite happy at her abilities, all her cultivating and training with her instructor paid off.

Although she still hasn't reached her full potential yet, the offensive abilities of her chi was powerful, so was the defensive ability. But her aura needed stabilizing, it was easily damaged when physical and magic attacks hit her. Due to her physical abilities not being stronger, she had to rely on chi more instead of trying to attack with her body.

"I should start working on my body." said Ena in a serious expression.

「 Definitely, now get to it. 」

Getting up, she laid a mat across the floor, and gathered the equipment she needed. There were weighted arm bands, weighted jump ropes, and dumbbells. What makes the equipment unique is that she made this herself, by pouring chi into it, it'll get heavier, and you can adjust how heavy you want it by pouring chi into it.


She let out grunts as she started using the weighted jump ropes, it was heavier than last name, naturally she was struggling. No chi was used to help her, this workout relied solely on her physical strength. Sweat dripped down her forehead, her heart as quickening due so that more blood pumped throughout her body.

After about 30 minutes, she sat down on the mat to take a break. Taking a deep breaths to cool herself down, her arms and legs were already sore from the workout she just finished.

"Why is this harder than it should be?"

「 Maybe if you weren't so focused on using chi, it might've been easier. 」

'You're right.'

Ena's head laid on the cold wall of her room, she was quite disappointed in herself for relying on chi too much. However, the feeling of disappointment turned into determination, she would definitely make up for it. Getting up again, she picked up the equipment that she struggled with and started once again.

The sound of struggling was heard once again...



The door to Ena's room burst open revealing Alice with a panicked look.

Ena, who was resting, shot up in fear at the loud noise.

"Oh, it's just you Alice. Don't scary me like that...."

Ena's voice trailed of when she saw Alice's panicked expression, "What's wrong?!"

"Father..." Alice took a deep breath, "Father suddenly passed out! He's in the hospital right now, let's go!"


"Yes, NOW!"

Before Ena could say anything else, she was flipped over Alice shoulder who was know sprinting through the house.

'Just how strong is Alice?'

However her worries were switched when she saw her father laying on the bed with a few tubes attached to his hips, arms, and legs. Her mother looked alright on the outside, but she was stressed and panicked on the inside.

"Mother, Father, what happened?" asked Ena.

Although her father was awake, he felt too tired to speak and let his wife speak for him.

"First, don't worry, I can see the sweat dripping down your neck Alice, calm down." said mother giving Alice a smile.

Alice took a deep breath, "I'm calm, what happened with father though?"

"He only used up too much of his magic, he'll recover soon." replied mother.

She held father's hand and rubbed it softly with a smile, "He always does too much for the nation, I'm already too old to take care of him." said mother with a chuckle.

"You're not old! And what type of magic does father even use?" asked Ena.

Mother let out a small chuckle before answering, "His magic differentiates between brainwashing and illusionary magic, it's somewhere in between."

"How does that work?" asked Alice.

Ena was also quite confused on how this worked, how would he even brainwash people or create illusions?

"By releasing nearly all of his mana, also giving them his will or intentions, the mana will spread itself throughout the city and carry on the owner's intentions to the citizens. But he never uses it since it would basically be manipulating the people without permission, any type of manipulation is forbidden. And also because of the after effects of the usage, it drains his mana, and he'll need a few days to recover." said mother.

The information about father's magic was a lot to take in, you would need to be a genius to actually process the information, luckily for her, she was a genius.

Although the problem about father's health was fine, the main problems was who was going to help the kingdom since the king would be stuck in bed for a few days to rest.

"Who's going to take over father's role then?" asked Ena.

"Who else? Me, of course." replied mother.

"Mother is...?" asked Alice.

"If I was born a man and was the king, nobody would dare try to go against me." said mother with a prideful look.

If her mother said that randomly, Ena would definitely not believe her, but after 8 years with her, she'd definitely believe it.

Soon enough, it was time for Ena and Alice to leave.

Then suddenly out of nowhere....

"Ena, let's spar!"

"No way!"

"Why not?" pouted Alice.

"Do you remember what happened a few years ago? I instantly got knocked out without realizing it." said Ena crossing her arms..

"That was..." muttered Alice trailing off before continuing, "That was just an accident, I didn't realize it would be like that." protested Alice.

"I don't believe you, plus we still have a things to do like study." said Ena.

"Just once! I won't use magic and we can only use our strength." said Alice.

Seeing the determination in Alice's eyes, Ena couldn't help but sigh.

"Fine, but do not knock me out."

There was another reason Ena didn't want to spar though, she was dead tired and felt like her body was going to break at any moment.