Not Just A Light Spar


They both kicked off as particles of dust fluttered everywhere behind their feet. Ena threw a fist towards her sister who easily swiped her fist away and threw one of her own. But with Ena's experience, she was able to quickly react and dodge just in time.

"Not bad."

"I could say the same for you."

With a smile on both their faces, they went at it with each other again .

Their footwork looked like dancers having a battle as their martial arts looked like professionals trying to kill each other. But this wasn't a fight between professionals, it was a fight between sisters.

Alice swiped at Ena's feet who jumped, then was suddenly flung somewhere, but landed right on her feet at just the right moment. Alice didn't give Ena any time to react, once she landed, she threw a series of punches at Ena. Ena was trying her hardest to evade her attacks but some of the punches were too quick, using her palms to take the blow, she was knocked back a little.

'That hurt.' thought Ena rubbing her palm.

"Is that all you've got?"

"Of course not, I'm just getting started."

Despite them being 3 years apart in age, there was one thing that would always be there about them.

It was that they were competitive, very competitive.

They couldn't even play regular board games without arguing who was going to win.

Ena threw a kick towards Alice who blocked it with her fist, "You've got some strength in that kick." said Alice impressed.

"You better start focusing or else you'll regret it."

Using the momentum from her leg that was blocked by Alice, Ena did a roundhouse kick at Alice. Due to Alice being surprised at the move, she felt a slight pain at her shoulder and was knocked back.

"That hurt a bit." said Alice rubbing her shoulder.

"I did tell you to focus." said Ena with a smug grin.

"So it's like that eh? Fine."

That was when Ena felt fear from her sister, one moment she was kidding around, now she looked like she was a demon.

"I was kidding-"

Before Ena could finish her sentence, a fist was coming towards her face, it took all of her attention to dodge it in time. Looking at her sister, she could tell that Alice was serious, this wasn't just a light spar anymore. It was actually time to get serious, with that thought, Ena prepared herself mentally and physically.

Ena knew she was slower than Alice in physical abilities, but her reflexes and reaction time was much quicker, that was why she decided to stay on the defensive rather than the offensive. In a blink of an eye, Alice's leg was swing towards her hips. Ena quickly reacted, jumping back and went to sweep her legs.

But her legs swiped at nothing, looking up, Alice's foot was coming down towards her head.

"That's bad."

Immediately moving away, she was able to avoid the attack that left a few cracks on the ground.

'That definitely would've cracked my skull.' thought Ena.

Cold sweat was already dripping down her neck when she imagined what would've happened if she didn't dodge, but her thoughts were cut short when another attack was coming. This time a punch was coming at her shoulder and abdomen, using her hand to smack down the attack that came at her abdomen and shifting her body to avoid the attack on her shoulder.

Ena gave Alice a kick in the stomach which sent her flying back, yet Alice regained her composure like nothing happened. She couldn't help but be amazed at her sister's defense, though there was no time to be impressed.

She needed to attack, she couldn't stay on the defensive forever.

「 Just fight back. 」

'Right, as if it's that easy. You know what? I might as well do that.'

Charging at Alice, she brought her fist towards Alice's chest only to meet another fist. But she was prepared for the blocks, Alice was faster than her after all, this time she threw her fist towards Alice's abdomen. Though that was a feint, using one leg to sweet Alice's legs, they both lost balance as they fell to the ground.

When Ena fell, she felt a sharp pain in her stomach and heard a crack. Everything else didn't matter anymore, she was focused on the pain and was trying to ease it as much as possible. Looking over to Alice who was getting up, but something was off. Her blue eyes was different and her blonde hair was lighter than before.

That was when it hit Ena, this person was never her sister in the first place, it was someone disguised at her sister. A bunch of thoughts entered Ena's mind.

Who was this person?

How was her sister?

Where did her sister go?

She couldn't lose another one of her siblings, but due to the pain, the only thing she managed to say was,

"Who...are you?" Ena managed to croak out.

"You don't need to know that right now, but you'll find out soon enough."

"*Sigh(, I wished it could've lasted longer. But this body is too weak for me, though the disguise magic worked well." said the woman.

When Ena heard the words disguise magic, she was shocked. She's never heard of such magic in this world, if there was, she definitely would've found any types of information relating to it.

"But if I was to say who I was, I'd say I'm pretty close to your father."

"That man will soon be corrupted." said the woman.

The once soft and warm voice of Alice was gone, it turned into a cold icy voice that sent shivers down her spine. Worry began to fill her, how was her sister? Where was she? Before she knew it, her eyes roamed the entire area hoping to look for a trace of sister, but she wasn't anywhere in her vision.

"Worrying over someone even in this state of yours, quite commendable. Your sister is alive, but think you should worry about yourself." said the woman.

Before Ena could release her chi, her vision went dark.

The last thing she saw was the woman's hair change into a silver color and heard, "I got her."