
"Why did I even agree to go now?"

Ena asked herself, she didn't even want to go yet everyone in the room pressured her too. Entering her house, she went towards her room as normal while Marie went to change into her maid outfit.

Luckily, it was still in the afternoon where her parents were still out doing work. Though there wasn't going to be much time, with a sigh, Ena left her room, and began to search every room.

With her Chi Detection searching for letter throughout the mansion, Ena looked through drawers, shelves, anything that could contain her letter. Ena would say she knew her father pretty well, the letter would most likely be in his bedroom, but considering how much his image changed in her eyes.

She couldn't say she knew about him.

Even with her chi detection, she didn't have get any hints. She's explored the downstairs room, upstairs, and even the library.

'Huh? Library?'

If she recalled, she didn't think she explored the library yet. Shooting up from the sofa, she made her way towards the library that was near the back of the mansion. Entering it, a breeze of wind hit her face as she passed through the doors. All of the shelves were in the same position, but there was only one shelf she was looking for.

Ena made her way towards the bottom shelf where the book "belief" once were. Looking through the books that was placed near the shelf, there wasn't anything there.

"Where the heck is it?"

「 Bottom right, under the red book. 」

'It's been a while Yue! And thank you.'

「 I was busy pushing the system, for now it now knows I'm here, but you're still unknown to him. 」

'That's good, I was worried for a bit.'

With that said, Ena followed Yue's words, and looked under the red book at the bottom right. There was a small handle on it, when she tried pulling it, it wouldn't open.

'Why is this so hard?'

Since she couldn't pull it with her strength, she applied chi to her arms, and pulled it. That's when it finally opened, it only took a bit of chi. In the square box, there contained a white envelope with a few seals on it which meant this was the same letter Alianor handed her father. The box looked something like a delivery, but it was delivered differently.

It was too much thinking on how it was delivered here, but she'd find out sooner or later. Ena contemplated whether or not to open the letter here or back in her room. She chose to open it in her room since it was safer, once she reached her room, she sat on the bed, and started unsealing it with her chi.

Once it was unsealed, the envelope opened, and revealed shocking details.

「 In 2 days, Project Apex will initiate, and our plan to take over the nation will proceed. All of my failed experiments will be your son's followers and will never betray him. With your son's abilities and the halo given to him, nothing will stop this project from succeeding. Not even all of the royal families will be able to stop this. Remember to go under the town square if you ever need more of my mutants, everything will be there for you. 」

「 After everything succeeds, we'll stand on top of the world together. No one will overpower us or even become as strong as us. Everyone will stay below us as we will keep ascending and achieve higher realms. With our magic together, we will become gods. Let us climb together, nothing will interfere with our project, let's prepare our ascend, my king. 」

One person has an obsession with becoming the king, another one has an obsession with becoming a god. Just what type of people was in this world? Suddenly, the door's knob suddenly turned, and Ena immediately hid the letter under her pillow.


Ena took a sigh of relief when it was Marie who entered the door, she wouldn't know how to act if it was someone else.

"Is there something you need Marie?" asked Ena.

"Yes, I was wondering if you got the letter yet." said Marie.

"I did, the contents of the letter are quite weird, but there's crucial information we need in here. It's better if we all get together and discuss it together." said Ena.

"Good, where was the letter placed?" asked Marie.

"It was placed in the library under a book, it's a weird place for a letter to be put." said Ena.

"Are you talking about the spot with the handle that's under a book?" asked Marie.

Confused, "How'd you know?" asked Ena.

"I pass by that spot sometimes when I'm cleaning the library, it's said that it was a small tunnel made for delivering letters privately. If it's placed back, that means the person already read it, and is sending it back to the other person." said Marie.

"Then that means this letter is supposed to be in Alianor's hands right now? How long does it usually take to deliver?" asked Ena.

"That depends on how far the letter is being delivered to." said Marie.

"What if it's going to the town square?" asked Ena.

"It'll take a day at most, but the letter will only be sent if magic is activated onto the tunnel." said Marie.

"You should've said that earlier, I almost had a heart attack. That means my father still hasn't sent the letter yet, how does one send the letter?" asked Ena.

"It's a long wire that connects to another wire that allows magic to be poured in, once it's activated, the letter will automatically be sent to the place you want it to go. Some seals on the letter helps guiding the tunnel on where it needs to go." said Marie.

"Then that means we're going to have to meet up with Ellie as fast as possible." said Ena.

"Not technically, we can just use the private delivery system to send it to Ellie." said Marie.

"I don't even know where their residence is." said Ena.

"I do, they gave me the address of their residence." said Marie.

"Okay, but where are we going to find the other wire that you're supposed to pour magic in?" asked Ena.

"It's in your parent's room to the right, I pass by sometimes, and wonder what it was." said Marie.

"Then let's go right now, my parents will be back home with Alice soon. We're lucky Alice still has training." said Ena.

"Indeed princess, let's go deliver the letter." said Marie.

Ena was interested in how the delivery tunnel worked, moreover, why was Marie allowed to know their residence, but she wasn't?

"That's stupid..." Ena murmured to herself.