War II

"HOLD THEM OFF!" Ellie shouted.

"WE ARE! Where's Ena?!" asked Ivy as she wrapped the mutant with her plant magic and ripped off its head.

"I think she's fighting her brother!" said Ellie.

Ivy gave a worried look, "Will she be okay?"

"From the looks of it, I think she'll be fine. For now, let's focus on our problems. About twenty mutants are coming our way, think we could hold them off?" Ellie asked.

"Of course, let's get this party started!" exclaimed Ivy.

Lightning magic sparkled from the air as it circulated through the roots from Ivy's plant magic, although it was a weird combination, it sure was effective.


Ena and Alex both flew backward when her layer of chi that covered her hands met Alex's fireball he was planning to project from his hand.

"Hmm? What was that?" Alex asked looking at his blistered palm.

"You're not the only one who's different, I've changed a lot too," Ena said.

But Alex's smile only grew wider, "Good, good! It would've been boring if there were no surprises, after all, I'm looking forward to this ability of yours!"

Ena was already creeped out by Alex's behavior, nevertheless, she focused on getting her attacks in instead. Ena glanced over her shoulder one more time, everyone was following their plan and cooperating to defeat the mutants. However, Ena knew that this wasn't going to last that long, they were going to get tired soon.

Focusing back on Alex, "Let's do this."

Not wasting any time at all, she applied chi to her feet to boost herself in front of Alex who was a bit surprised at her burst of speed. Alex was knocked back by Ena's fist that connected with his abdomen, but when Ena looked at him, he still had the same smile on.

'That didn't hurt him at all?'

"You'll have to do better than that if you want to kill me," Alex said.

Ena knew Alex was trying to provoke her and throw her off balance, but she was in a deep state of tranquility, her only focus was on Alex.

「 Chi Empowerment - Activated 」


A streak of purple lightning traced Ena's movements as she zig-zagged towards Alex. Right when she was before him, she created a Rasengan with her chi and hit it against Alex's stomach.


Alex spat out a mouthful of blood as he was launched back. He could feel his internal organs damaged and his breathing wavered a bit. But it wasn't enough to break him down, his regeneration abilities allowed him to recover quickly.

Ena was surprised that the Rasengan worked, she didn't think something from an anime would help her in a real-life situation, but she didn't regret it. Since it was the first time she used it, Ena knew it wouldn't do the damage she wanted. Alex's wound could be seen due to his ripped clothes, it was regenerating bit by bit.

Ena watched intently, the regeneration looked similar to the mutant's regeneration. Her intuition was correct, Alex was using his halo but he hasn't brought it out yet. This made her more on guard, he could bring out the halo and he would gain a great boost in battle.

"Why aren't you going all out yet?" Ena asked.

"I should be asking you that, I know you still haven't gone all out. I mean, look at the terrible attack you just did, it didn't even damage me one bit!" Alex exclaimed.

Ena's pride hurt a little, this time she made sure her attacks would hurt him.

Sparks of lightning swirled around Ena's feet as she rushed towards Alex who smiled that he successfully provoked her.

Ena jabbed at Alex's face who easily caught the punch, "As I said, you'll have to do- URGAHH!" Before Alex could finish his sentence, Ena uppercut him to shut him up.

Using this as momentum, Ena used her left fist to punch his stomach and kicked him right in his private area.

"GAH!" Alex blurted, even his regeneration couldn't heal the pain in his private area.

Suddenly, Ena was hit by a burning force from the side which sent her flying into the wall.

"Ugh..." The left side of her shoulder hurt a bit, thankfully she was able to cover herself in chi right before she hit the wall.

'But damn, where the hell did that fireball come from?'

When her vision cleared, Alex was only standing a few feet from her. His eyes were filled with satisfaction as if he took pleasure in hurting her.

"You must be wondering where it came from right? You're too focused on me, you never bothered to check your surroundings. You have good eyes, but your eyes are too good." said Alex.

"Shut up, I don't need someone like you to lecture me." Ena spat.

"HAHA! Did you think I was lecturing you? Of course not, I was telling you your mistakes. See, the difference between us is that I still haven't made any mistakes. Everything I've done was intentional, I didn't underestimate you either but I wasn't taking you seriously. Now, let me show you the difference between us." Alex said.

Ena widened her eyes, she was able to dodge the attack that was coming right to her head. If she didn't move away, her head would've been crushed into the wall and she might've died too.

"Do you get it now? This is the difference between us." Alex said.

Ena glanced at Alex who's appearance changed drastically. There was a dark halo above his head, his right eye was now glowing green, and three sharp claws erupted from his hand. He looked like wolverine right now but with a very different appearance and a crazed smile.

"You...you mixed yourself with the mutants?!" Ena asked.

"Of course, I'm now half-human and half mutant. This is needed to go into the higher realm, you pitiful, normal humans will never make it to the higher realm." Alex said.

Ena's standards for crazy changed, Alex was the definition of a lunatic. There wasn't much time left for Ena before Alden and Alianor would come and she knew that.

"Screw it, I'll just attack you straightforward," Ena muttered.

Before she could even sprint forward, she was suddenly...