Person Filled With Anger and Wrath

In the house a few blocks away from that of Ye Qian's.

A small dome of Green light was covered by a silver light as it passed through it and then converged right into the centre of it, where the three people were sleeping completely unaware of what was happening to them.

The silvery green light converged into a one and then covered their bodies removing any of the slightest injured in them.

Within a nick of time, the woman's health was back to normal while the injuries on the man's body started to heal at a rate even visible to the naked eyes.

What could only be called a medical science miracle was happening right now.

Within the time which one would breathe, the injures on the mans' body were completely healed, while the light blue back palm mark on the woman's face was also gone.

Ye Qian opened his eyes and then carefully examined the three and then placed his index finger on their glabella one after the other.