Your Mom Is Not So Old!

Ye Qian was walking to his house with fast steps but not too fast, only enough for a normal human.

Ye Qian knew that there were those men who were staying around their house doing some security stuff but why were they doing this he didn't quite understand.

But he knew that they would definitely be here to harm his family.

If they were then they would have tried to do so when he had left the two little girls alone in the meat shop while he went to the room behind it.

He shook his head and then thought of another possibility.

He knew that Yuan Meng's family was very big and powerful and could be called a giant.

But since she didn't want to talk about it Ye Qian had also never pestered about that thing.

The one he loved was Yuan Meng and not her family so it didn't matter whether she was someone of a powerful background.

And now that he was no less than a god-like figure even on the Earth the matter was nothing to him.