Family Should Stay Together


The little sparrow chirped in delight and beamed in joy.

"Haha, for your hard work, I will bring you some more delicious sweet dessert."

Ye Qian chuckled and scratched her neck as she pecked on his cheeks just like the little girls.

He had been busy making some simple artefacts for his parents and daughters for nearly an hour by now and knowing that everyone was in a deep sleep he knew that this was the best time for him to do this.

He had combined some of the so-called Star Dust along with the gold jewellery which he had found in the case in Potian's bathroom.

With that, he knew that if he wanted to combine these two materials, he would either have to use a lot of his energy since the Star Dust would not easy for any kind of amalgams with any other kind of elements much less a metal which had no spiritual property at all.

Like the Gold which he had got from Potian.