I Wish I Won't Come Here, Again


With that Ye Qian put all the small pieces of jewellery which he had made for everyone and the leftover amalgam in the Samsara Ring and went to rest.

No matter what, he still didn't want to let go of the feeling of sleeping.

That was also why no matter how much cultivation he had before, he would once in a while still eat and sleep while making his body not lose the sensation of such things as he knew that they were the things that gave him once comfort.

Ye Qian covered himself with the blanket which he had brought while the small sparrow also started sleeping on it.

Within a few moments, Ye Qian was able to hear her light snoring's which were just like her chirps.

No matter if she was the most powerful being right now, she always had a similar routine in the world of Pridid, so it was the same for her as of now.