Why Did She Stay There?

Yuan Meng had just walked out of the room when she saw a peon dash in with a gloomy face.

"Teachers, due to some serious accident, Teacher Yang of the Class 9th division C will not be able to attend school for a couple of days, and thus, Miss Ning of Science from Class 10th is being asked to take care of his class for the time being."

The peon seemed to be looking for something or specifically someone while saying the news.

Ning Wei was still in a sad mood but after her name was being called, she looked at the peon and took the notice letter from him.

"Are you Miss Ning?"

The peon asked while taken aback, as a peon he had known most of the teachers of the school, but after seeing around the staffroom for a long time, he had not yet found Ning Wei, so he was astonished to see some unknown woman walking towards him while pointing at the letter in his hand.


With her mood already foul, Ning Wei only answered in a simple word.