Who Is The Gentleman?

While coming back from the metro street, Ye Qian had entered a huge store.

Ye Qian was quite fascinated by the electronic gadgets which were in their store.

Right now Ye Qian was taken aback that how much the technology had advanced in just a matter of a couple of years since he was not here.

The last time he was here there were smartphones but they could not be compared as to what they were right now.

Ye Qian was thus roaming around when he saw that there was a sale on mobiles, while entering the shop he remembered that he had also wanted to buy Yuan Meng and Ning Wei mobiles.

Ye Qian didn't want the two ladies to lose any face, he had seen that even the people who used to work on the bases of daily wages had a mobile far better than that of either Yuan Meng or Ning Wei.

Ye Qian remembered that Yuan Meng had a smartphone before he died, but she was now using a retro phone which could only be used to call and didn't have any other features.