524 He Has Two Lovers!

Ye Qian was trying hard to remove the money from his pocket.

And it was really hard for him to do so.

Many people were looking at him as if they were seeing a clown, except for one person.

"Sir, please be careful, you might damage the money."

Mu Meicui said while gulping down.

The thick stack of notes that Ye Qian was trying to pull out of his pocket was not something she had ever seen.

Usually, customers would use cards and other methods for the payment and even if it was a much more expensive good then they would do the same, so it was pretty much that she had not seen someone removing so much money at a single time for a long time.

"Ahh, yes yes, don't worry."

Ye Qian nodded and carefully tried to remove the money, he knew that if the money was torn then it would be of no use, not like it would hurt him anyway, but he won't be able to buy some good gifts for Yuan Meng and Ning Wei.