525 How Can He Be Like That! (CHAP HAS BEEN SHUFFELED)

'She seems to have been angered till the brink of death by that guy, hehe?'

The salesman who was helping the man in branded Gucci Jacket sneered while seeing the flushed face of Mu Meicui.

He had not seen Ye Qian getting out 2 stashes of notes from his pocket, and was thinking that the man had somehow convinced the idiot woman to show him some mobiles but after not having enough money he should have denied having it.

'You should have known what his ability is when I said to you before, now suffer.'

The man sneered in his heart and then turned to the man in the jacket.

You see sir, this is the latest model of the company, it has the following features."

"And I know that only someone like you can have the ability to have it!."