A Fraudulent!

In the showroom of gadgets.

Ye Qian has placed the stacks of notes in front of the manager who looked at him with awe.

It had to be known that carrying so much money was usually considered risky but the fact that Ye Qian was carrying so much made him feel admiration towards Ye Qian.

The manager even thought that Ye Qian was a young master and was likely trying to play like a tiger in pig's clothes since no one would suspect Ye Qian who wore measly and brandless clothes to have so much money stacked in his pockets.


Ye Qian looked at the bill amount and was indeed satisfied.

Though the phones seemed a bit expensive for normal people, Ye Qian would never care about money given his powers and intelligence.

To him, it was just a matter of time, and he would be able to bring piles of money in front of his family.