Envy Is The Root Of Adversity!

In front of the manager of the store.

Ye Qian looked at the salesperson named Gong Lim with light pity, he didn't know what was wrong with the man, but he seemed to be blinded by jealousy and thus was trying to make things worse for the salesgirl.

Right when he had arrived in the store, the guy mocked him wanting Ye Qian to get angry and leave the store and now he was saying that Ye Qian and Mu Meicui had conspired against the manager wanting to swindle the money.

Ye Qian could clearly understand that the guy definitely didn't have any wrong intentions toward him but was trying to make a mess for the girl.

Meanwhile, Ye Qian glanced at the girl and sighed.

The girl was already close to tears and another word of blame would be enough for her to start crying.

Ye Qian shook his head.

There was no need for him to get in between this situation before, but since the guy was pointing fingers at him, now the situation had changed.