Why Is He Married?

"The more I look at him the more I feel attracted."

The first receptionist sighed.

"Then stop looking, didn't I say that the guy's status is married."

Her friend who was right next to her chuckled and stated as if it was an obvious thing.

"Aaaahhhhh, you don't know, I also can't think of not looking at him."

The first receptionist almost banged the mouse on her desk.

(Of course, not the real one, she would jump to the higher floor if it was a real mouse, KEK)

She seemed to be a bit annoyed by this.

"Hey are you on those days, why do you look like this?"

The second receptionist asked in worry.

"Nah, I just can't accept such a cute guy is already taken."

The first receptionist rolled her eyes and sighed while resting her chin on her palm as she stared at Ye Qian.

"Hey tell me, why is he married?"