Fish About To Take Bait!

"Mom, I checked his resume, although he is good and has the right qualification for handling the position, but he seems to have vanished for 5 years."

"What do you mean,n Wenwen?"

Li Zhiyun frowned and asked.

Han Xiaowen then started to narrate what had happened since she came and met Ye Qian and how she was not able to remember Ye Qian when she felt that she had met him.

"Hmm, if it's like this, then it should be not a problem, maybe he was gone somewhere or had been not well so could not work anywhere, you know that condition like mine can also happen to others."

Li Zhiyun said and then continued.

"And the most important is the fact is what you feel, after all, even if a person is highly qualified and is not well mannered and is not loyal to the company and us, he will be of no use even if he joins your position."

"Yes Mom, I understand what you want to say, I will check his performance at the interview again."