Liu Kang Lost Sense

Han Xiaowen was still in worry and fear seeing Liu Kang's current condition when she felt a gentle touch on her head.

Feeling the touch she felt warmth and her fear and worry dissipated.

But there was a familiar feeling that she felt from the touch just now.

'Can he really be the master I met that day?'

She stared at Ye Qian as he walked to Juan and Shuren who were also still shocked at what had happened just now and were still on the ground.

"Come on stand up, how long are you going to sit on the floor like this.?"

Ye Qian laughed out seeing Juan staring at his hand for a few moments as he wanted to help her rise.

"Who... who wants to sit on the floor, Head Liu just pushed us so hard that I think my arm just broke, help me stand up."

Juan pouted seeing Ye Qian chuckle.

"Ohh, let me see."

Ye Qian's brows raised as he squatted and extended his hand towards her.
