Ye Qian Got The Job!

Seeing Ye Qian pointing at Liu Kang whose condition didn't look any good, Han Xiaowen, Juan, Shuren and Head Jiang couldn't understand.

But what Ye Qian had said was indeed true.

Even if the doctors were to check Liu Kang with the best machines right now, they would only find that Liu Kang's nerves were overpowered and thus he lost his sense.

Of course, they could only find that it was due to a rise in his blood pressure due to anger, but none of them would be able to find that all of this was due to him having injected something in a fit of his anger.

But Ye Qian knew that whatever Liu Kang had eaten was mostly likely triggered all the strength in Liu Kang's body causing his potential to burst for a flash of the moment before his body could not handle the strength released by his muscles and causing him to turn insane.

"So does that mean that Head Liu will never get well?"

Juan couldn't help but ask.

Ye Qian shook his head.