Can Someone Catch Fish With Bare Hands?

After washing their feet and hands with the water and their face to make them feel fresh, Ye Qian and the girls walked back towards the car.

It can be said that it had been about half an hour since they had been here, with the help of the driver, Ye Qian packed the fish in a box which was in the car and they were about to leave.

While driving, the driver had his eye constantly looking at the three girls who looked out of the window and giggling and pointing at the various things they looked fascinating to look at.

Of course, he also looked at Ye Qian with eyes that seemed as if confused and shocked.

The reason was simple.

During this half-hour that the girls and Ye Qian were having their small competition of catching fish, what he had seen had caused him to be baffled for quite a long time.

And remembering what he had just seen a few moments ago with his own eyes, the driver could not help but still think if it was true or not.