Can Qiqi Become Faster Than A Car?

"Hey, look out!"

While the driver was thinking while driving without any sense, Ye Qian's voice brought him back.


The driver's eyes winded as he snapped out of his thoughts and shook his head.

"I... I am sorry!"

It can be said that he had done something really wrong here, right now he was driving and his attention was not on driving but was immersed in his own thoughts.

He understood that this action of his might have caused the lives of several people to be at risk

He looked at Ye Qian and then at the little girls behind his back while also decreasing the speed of the car.

As for Ye Qian, he simply nodded.

He knew that the driver was probably lost in his own thoughts, but since there was not any car on the road that they were driving on, Ye Qian didn't tell him either.