Feeling Wary!

As soon as he glanced at Ye Qian, the owner frowned.

"Young man, your condition doesn't look any good."

"No sir, thanks for your worry, I will be fine after a bit of rest, can you please buy these herbs from me and give me the best price possible that you can give me."

Ye Qian shook his head, there had been very few people with whom he had come in contact ever since his soul arrived in this world in a completely different body.

But there were very few people who would treat him any good after looking at his condition.

There were a few times when he had walked in with herbs on his back intending to sell them but was taken advantage of since he looked very desperate and needy.

But this was the first time that he had come from this side of the gate.

There were a total of three gates that were the entrance into the city through the outer wall.