Don't Loose Hope!


Taking the weird-looking water vessel which looked like a small pot, made of copper, Ye Qian couldn't help but stare at it for a moment before drinking the water in one go.

After a few moments, the owner who was sitting right opposite him with a  simple smile on his face asked.

"So tell me what do you know about herbs?"

His question caused Ye Qian to be shocked and didn't dare to meet his gaze.

Actually, there was nothing that he knew about the herbs.

And also the herbs that he felt were of some good use and were of some value were only based on how he had memorized them and not on their names.

He was not a farmer of herbs even if he wanted to be able to cultivate just one kind of herb.

Besides, from what he had heard so far, the magical herbs that were valued so much were not something that could even be grown in a short period of time.