Moving along the corridors of the deserted Chaldea, Ainz couldn't think of anything except the possible consequences of the use of summoning of Servants in the near future.

'I wouldn't be considered a slaveholder for using it?' However, his thoughts were on the nature of contracts and summoning of Servants. 'Do they voluntarily go for it?'

Memories about his previous world cropped up in his mind however. Yes, formally, the workers of his past world also 'choose' their own work 'voluntarily', no one forced them into slavery and did not force them to go work in the mines, in hazardous industries or in waste handling. However could it be considered a voluntary choice to go to work for a black company if you were no longer offered any other choices? And they didn't just not offer anything, the very possibility of choosing wasn't there, all of the arcologies were ruled by titanic megacorporations, which brutally held a monopoly on providing people with jobs. Either you work for them or you don't work at all and if you don't work then you are left without money for living. So ultimately you still forced to work for them, taking the work that the company offered you. Was Ainz similar to these 'mega-companies' which only offer the choices of 'work for us or die'?

Reflections about this caused pain in the non-existent abdomen of Ainz... Although, no, given that at the moment he was in the body of a homunculus, this time it was quite corporeal.

And yet, on the other hand, Ainz's desire to collect the most of a collection was always part of his personality. From the time when he was a mere Player and the collection was, at the time, just a collection of virtual data. Now, when his possible collection acquired a natural, real form and even more, not just a form but the bodies and personalities of real legendary heroes with whom Ainz could meet in person, communicate, learn from so many secrets and truths , answers to various questions, maybe even learn something from people so legendary that they could surpass the limits of humanity itself? Perhaps he could even strengthen his own abilities, at least Ainz hoped that he could do so without resorting to some radical methods...

Unfortunately the dialogue that Ainz conducted with himself did not end by the time he saw the shield of Mashu in front of him, currently lying in the center of the Servant's summoning circle and therefore, when Romani turned toward him, quite joyful of the current situation, wanting to give the go-ahead for the summoning ritual, instead of anticipation for finished ritual he saw only a man deep in thought.

"Ainz?" Cautiously, Romani addressed the man frozen in thought. "Is everything all right?"

Ainz only glanced at the doctor, after which he returned to his contemplation of the ritual.

"Not at all." He replied after a few seconds of silence. "I'm a little worried that the summoning of the heroes is, in fact, a slavery contract... Will they not be against this?"

"Are you worried about their reaction?" Roman however incorrectly interpreted Ainz thoughts. "But you can always defend yourself with the help of the Command Spells. You still have your Command Spells for Mashu?"

Command Spells?

Ainz did not immediately understand what Romani was talking about, before the information crammed into his head at the moment of his summoning stirred up as a wave of understanding.

Command Spells or Command Seals , Absolute Orders.

The spells, demonstrating the absolute power of the Master over the Servant, orders that can rewrite reality itself or to subdue the Servant's will or to turn a possible loss into victory by giving an order like 'Win this battle' or 'Recover your mana'. At least, they were described in this exact way. In reality the use of the spells was fraught with a whole galaxy of various restrictions.

Although formally, such orders could achieve anything and everything, their use was dependent on the existence of a Servant. In other words Orders without a Servant were useless and if the Order used was not related or casted to the Servant himself, then the Command Spells were simply radiant tattoos on a Masters arm. Also, the Command Spells were rather limited in how much power they had. Although an order which was held back only by the personal issues of the Servant or their refusal did not require much, for example to force the Servant to fight another Servant whom he did not want to fight against - it was impossible to order the Servant to destroy the Earth. At least if he did not have the abilities of this caliber, which the Servant simply did not use according to personal preferences. More powerful effects also required more magic in the form of several Command Spells used at once, such as temporarily raising the rank of a Phantasm. And even in the simple case of subjugating the mind of the Servant to give an order contrary to what the Servant could stomach or tolerate, the aforementioned summoned Servant could resist it. Few could really overcame it and in this case several Spells could still force the Servant to obey the given order. The very fact that someone could resist the Absolute Orders was somewhat... frustrating for Ainz. In addition, even simple psychological changes like attempting to change the personality of the Servant could be excessive for the Spells, using one or even two spells would give too weak of an effect, if the hero's mind was affected at all. In addition there were only three such Spells for any Servants along with one Master.

In other words Ainz who always saw the benefit of using any, even the smallest of resources, simply forgot about the existence of the Command Spells as a factor after defining them as an extremely narrow version of 'Wish Upon A Star' which was applicable to specific people.

But still, having checked just in case, Ainz was able to find three Command Spells tied to him and to Mashu so he could quite logically assumed that after making a new contract with a Servant he would also receive three Command Spells for it, so in response to Doctor Roman's question he nodded.

"Then I don't see any problems in the summoning of Servants." Roman nodded to him. "Even if they will be hostile against us, as a last resort, you will be able to use the Command Spells."

'Forcing a person to work with a tranquilizer... That's what I really would like to avoid!' Ainz could only mentally exclaim at Romani's arguments but looking at the summoning circle Ainz sighed. This time with his very real, though not quite human, lungs. Judging by the nonchalance with which those around him treated the summoning of Servants it seems that there was really nothing extraordinary about this. Considering his pre-existing desire to collect a new collection... Ainz sighed and extended his hand to open his inventory.

As expected, a small black gap in the fabric of reality formed next to his hand, to which the pupils of Dr. Roman, who was standing nearby, widened.

"That is..." He began vaguely, having observed Ainz's hand emerging from the gap. Where in his hand a bunch of white-transparent crystals rested. "Is that... A pocket dimension?"

"Yes." Thinking about his answer, Ainz turned away from the inventory, which immediately disappeared, after which he squeezed the handful of data-crystals, "Now what?"

"What?" Romani distracted from observing the pocket dimension exclaimed. "Ah yes, the ritual..."

"How many of those magical sources do you have?" Looking at Ainz Roman thought loudly. "Those are rather weak, it may take a few of..."

"Data-crystals?" Ainz looked at Romani to which Ainz responded with a nod.

"Data-crystals..." Roman thought about it and nodded in agreement. "Yes, in my opinion those seem quite good. So how many of these do you have?"

Ainz looked thoughtfully at the handful of low-level data crystal that he had collected after cleaning up the monsters in the Singularity. As it turned out, the monsters killed by Mashu did leave data-crystals behind. But only sometimes and are extremely weak. Moreover. without possessing any attributes, so under normal conditions in Yggdrasil they would be considered useless. However Ainz was a true DMMORPG player, he collected all the crystals dropped by killed enemies ,after which, taking advantage of how slowly the Singularity collapsed, he rushed forward with the dignity of a real professional to an obstacle that arose before every true connoisseur of Yggdrasil. Mindless grinding.

With the methodical movements of a machine, Ainz destroyed all the monsters in the Singularity, not only the skeletons but strange creatures resembling enormous hands or even stranger creatures like flying doors. However after Yggdrasil Ainz was not particularly surprised at the design of his opponents.

Also ,just in case, Ainz examined the bodies of the defeated Servants, with a satisfactory result, as with the body of the defeated Professor Lev and from a huge guy he ran into who was spending his time in the burning Fuyuki ruins away from the main battles, from whom he also managed to collect a drop. So at the moment he had enough of the necessary ingredients.

"A little less than a hundred small crystals, five medium, and two rather large ones." Ainz answered. "Will this be enough?"

"Yes, more than enough." Romani happily glanced at Ainz and smiled. "If you are talking about these small ones then I suppose it will take about... Twenty? No, twenty-one."

'What accuracy in calculations.' Ainz was surprised at this, but he trusted the calculations were made by someone clearly much more knowledgeable in the magic rituals of this world. He then laid out the data-crystals, which in this case were not catalysts but a simple source of energy and took a step back.

"It seems that this is enough." The man next to Ainz looked at the message that had opened in front of him and then ran his hand over his face. "I suppose in that case... Test launch?"

"Launch." Ainz nodded in confirmation after which he peered into the circle of summoning, in the center of which rested the shield of Mashu, not noticing the giant machinery that worked nearby to ensure the ritual.

The small data-crystals lit up instantly, after which as if reaching for a specific incandescent point in a second they glowed out sharply, illuminating the circle of summoning with a bright blue light. Ainz under normal conditions would not even be bothered by such a thing, but being placed in a Da Vinci puppet, he was forced to close his eyes at the moment when the bright light went up and when he could blink and open his eyes again, he heard a familiar voice.

"Well then, this time summoned as a Caster..." The speaker's voice was slightly disappointed, but still rather benevolent. "So you are my Master?"

When Ainz's gaze nevertheless was able to focus on the one who was in front of him. The Servant who appeared before him turned out to be a blue-haired Servant in a fur coat already familiar to Ainz.

"Caster" - Ainz smiled at the man.

"Ah, boy." Caster's smile became patronizing at the moment when Caster's gaze touched his summoner. "So you are my Master?"

"Yes." Ainz's voice was calm. "But, I see you don't recognize me."

"Don't recognize?" Looking at Ainz again, Caster frowned as if thinking about something. "Sorry, but I don't remember anyone with your appearance. About the sensations though..."

Thinking about something, Caster suddenly took a step back, leaving the circle of summoning and then glanced at Ainz. Surprised Caster replied, with an uncomprehending, but most of all wary voice. "Who are you?"

"Ainz Ooal Gown." Sighing, Ainz glanced at Caster again. "And the story about me can wait for some other time. At least the fact that I called you here and now won't change from this."

Caster's gaze did not soften, but however, he could not deny the absolute truthfulness of Ainz's words. So with a sigh Caster reluctantly put his hand forward.

"Contract." He said, as if forcefully.

"Contract." Ainz replied back, after which, feeling how the connection was being formed, he carefully scrutinized it. It is unnecessary that Caster should be limited to Ainz supply of mana to the same extent as Mashu, but even in this case Ainz preferred to protect himself. Using about half of Caster's full mana capacity was enough though.

"Oh!" Caster was genuinely surprised, after which he snapped his fingers several times as if to remember."Such power... And this power...I do recognize you!"

As if realizing something, Caster pointed a finger at Ainz. "Last time you looked different and even felt a little different, but this familiar power... In Fuyuki!"

"Yes that is right." Ainz answered. "Back then in Fuyuki."

"But how... Who are you?!" at this moment Caster's voice was genuinely surprised.

"My name is Ainz Ooal Gown, as I said already." As if talking to a foolish child the man repeated his name then nodded in the direction of Dr. Roman standing next to him. "And any other questions can wait for a while... As I said already."

'So there is one.' Ainz smiled to himself internally, feeling the pleasant feeling from starting a new collection spreading inside him. Who will appear next?'.

"Great!" However Dr. Roman was extremely satisfied, regardless of Ainz's thoughts. "So the system finally works! In that case I suppose now we should prepare more..."

"Prepare?" However Ainz was alarmed by such wording. "But what about summoning the other Servants?"

"But we decided to only do a test summon?" Romani's look became interested. "Didn't you yourself say this? It seems to me that before carrying out the next ritual it is worth it to collect more information and debugging the work of the machine..."

It's trueyes, Ainz certainly was the one who offered to carry out a test ritual. But now, finally, when he felt the joy of starting a new collection, his collectors desire rising from the depths of his soul can no longer be extinguished.

"Of course, it is necessary to conduct a test." Ainz's mind worked to its fullest at that moment. "But why stop at one summon? Even if this ritual turned out to be successful it can be a simple coincidence, right? Perhaps, it is worthwhile, in this case, to try to conduct a series of tests in order to finally confirm the performance of the System? Perhaps the error will lie in the sequential use of the rituals?"

"Hmm." The words of Ainz were not without logic, Roman could recognize this. However he didn't like something in Ainz proposal. And yet at the same time Ainz was the main ally of Chaldea in the current situation and the only available Master. Which meant that the Servants depended on him, the only one whom Chaldea could depend on. Sighing, Romani was forced to admit his impotence in this case. "Well, okay, summon as much as you want..."

However he did not have time to finish this phrase, as the next portion of small crystals took its place - and again the same sequences as before and again the glow of the crystals and again a bright flash of light...

"Second Servant in a row!" Roman nodded with satisfaction at the moment when the glow of the crystals dissipated, revealing a familiar figure to Ainz.

"Servant Rider, Medusa." The voice of the girl in the already familiar clothes, as if created by Peroroncino himself, was quiet but clear. "If you require a sacrifice do feel free to use me as you wish."

Ainz smiled, feeling an excitement slowly starting to awaken in his soul.

"Contract?" Without any preludes he turned to the girl.

"Contract." She agreed without hesitation and only when she felt the power that flowed into her, did she immediately turned her attention both to her strange Master and to the people who were nearby. "Another Servant?"

"Explanations will have to wait." Ainz waved aside, feeling the insatiable beast of collecting wake up in him. "Next summon!"

The Rider took a step from the pedestal but she did not even make three steps away before a flash of light arose behind her.

"The third successful call in a row!" Across from her a man clapped his hands in satisfaction. "It seems we really managed to make the system work!"

"Servant Archer." The man's voice resounded through the room. "I answer your summon."

"Excellent, Caster, Rider and Archer in one go!" Roman clapped his hands. He didn't have time to say anything other than that since he was distracted by the next flash of light. "What, another one?!"

However despite Roman'sexcitemet the fourth summon did not manage to summon a Servant. The light flashed and the instantly extinguished crystals this time did not obscure a figure in the glow of light so the crystals were wasted. However, Ainz did not seem upset at all. On the contrary, he seemed to be even happier after an unsuccessful summoning attempt.

"Here is the first unsuccessful roll." He happily proclaimed, after which directing his gaze on the three Servants standing next to him, with whom he signed a contract, he turned toward Roman himself with a look. "Well then, what can you say about these crystals?"

The new crystals which appeared from the space pocket, the so-called data-crystals, made Romani frown. These were much more impressive than the small fragments of before.

"Hmm, strange." However, Romani's thought was cut off by Ainz, who looked at the circle of the ritual of summonings. "Can this system call for equipment?"

"Equipment?" Roman blinked then looked at the circle, where at the moment there was no Servant. However there was something else.

A strange blade in the form of a cruciform lay in the middle of the place where the Servant should be summoned, as if it were summoned instead of a Servant. Although, of course, the system itself was not designed to summon anything other than Servants.

"This is... A Black Key." A man who did not immediately recognize the weapon in the end did recall what it was.

What lay in the very center of the summoning circle really was nothing but a Black Key, a tool of the church exorcists. However one thing still worried Roman. The FATE system was designed for the summoning of Servants... And certainly not the summoning of items!

In Roman's mind the thought passed through that the Black Key that was summoned was somehow a Servant who had merged with the weapon, but Ainz's voice that sounded nearby dissuade him from thinking so.

"Weapon, without any signs of a Servant." Ainz then looked at the Black Key with interest. "Although the weapon is also part of the collection..."

Roman sincerely wanted to investigate the strange Black Key that appeared in the place of a Servant. However, noticing how Ainz looked at it with genuine interest, he was forced to retreat.

"Hmm, well." Having lifted the blade from its place, Ainz twirled it in his hands for trial, after which, having come to some definite conclusion, he plunged it into his own spatial pocket. "Next one!"

Instead of small fragments, this time in the hands of Ainz there were three much more complete crystals, which was also placed in the summoning circle. These crystals, obtained from the bodies of slain Servants - well, not quite Servants, but rather their 'monstrous forms' - were much more powerful. But they also practically did not have any pronounced attributes, so that with their help, in theory, anyone could be called upon as a Servant.

'Am I seeing things or is Ainz seems somehow unusually joyful regarding the summoning of Servants?' After observing how quickly the ritual was prepared by Ainz, Roman could do nothing but think to himself. No, of course it was an honor for any mage to summon even one Servant, so the enthusiasm was completely understandable, especially considering that Ainz who played the Master role was clearly not limited in mana to maintain the Servants summoned. But there was something strange about Ainz behavior. Something that did not quite fit the picture of simple joy from being able to summon the Servants. More specifically, to Roman, it seemed that Ainz was not excited at invoking the greatest heroes of humanity as much as he was excited by the appearance of the Servants.

As Ainz did not bother to perform the Sacrament, which opens the way for him to the greatest and strongest representatives of the whole of humanity, but... Well to be honest it looked more like Ainz was just a child running around the candy shop. Moving from shop window to shop window, looking at the bright and colorful wrappers, before demanding that their parents buy everything at once.

A new flash of light and once again, a new Servant. It suddenly began to appear, as if the FATE System itself was not completely sure whether it should indulge Ainz's wishes, when with mania's persistence he began to call upon the Servants, and while biting his fingers.

"Assassin-class Servant." A black figure appeared in a hoodie appeared at the call site and spoke in a deep, confident voice that didn't fit with his white bone mask that hid his face and the tattered shroud that hid the body. "I heard your call from the shadows."

'I too seem to have already seen you before.' Looking at the Assassin that appeared, Ainz nodded to himself, after which thinking about something turned his eyes to the Servants who had been summoned up earlier who did not yet fully comprehend what was happening at the moment and how they should react to this situation. 'If you think about it, I only called servants whom I have already seen before. Only two of the non-summoned Servants remained...'

'I just had two large crystals left for two separate rolls.' Ainz nodded to himself and then glanced at the Assassin that appeared, as if he had just remembered that he existed. "Ah yes, the contract."

The next-to-last crystal appeared in his hand. Unlike many others, it had very distinct attributes, 'darkness' and 'dragon'. Guessing who would appear next was easy.

This time, the flickering of the circle of summoning was much brighter but the color of this flickering was almost indignant. As if it were saying, 'Enough, take your data crystals and get out!'.

However, regardless of how the light of the circle flickered, the summoning took place without any special incidents. The figure that appeared was dressed in black armor, which seemed to continue to the bottom as the dress was made of the same steel plates.

"I have come as bidden by the summons. You are the one they call..." Taking a step out of the circle of summoning, the girl, whose face was partially hidden behind a strange black mask, wanted to say something to Ainz but got a little lost, accidentally being distracted by the Servants standing next to the wall, because of this her last words sounded a little less majestic than the girl intended. "Master?"

"I suppose so." Nodding to her ,Ainz, feeling a bit despondent by the end of the gacha soon, extended his hand to her. "Contract?"

After these words, the summoned Saber merely glanced at the Servants standing nearby, after which she nevertheless stretched her own a little uncertainly.

'Excellent, it seems the gacha can be considered completely successful' Ainz's mood due to his suppression of emotions could not be called really joyous, however it is steadily kept at the level of 'significantly above average' by a successful summoning and the very chance to plunge again into Ainz's favorite occupation, collecting. 'However it's somewhat a pity that I can only call upon those Servants whom I saw myself. This however can be quite logical. "Win to recruit" was always a fairly common strategy, especially in games. But in the end, this only means that I will need to see as many Servants as possible in order to expand my collection.'

The data crystal that Ainz had collected from the body of the murdered Professor Lev was the last one to be brought to light. In terms of power it was approximately equal to the crystal that he managed to get from Saber's body. But it had two very pronounced elements, 'darkness' and 'evil' or in the language of Yggdrasil, 'negative karma'.

'On the other hand, I do not remember Lancer possessing one of these two parameters...' Ainz thoughtfully placed the last data crystal as a catalyst and the fuel. 'However at the same time it seems to me this is the only Servant from those that I have seen that I haven't called for yet... Although yes, there was also the big guy... Maybe he will be more suitable for these parameters?'

Truth be told, Ainz had a lot of items that he could use to make summons. His personal storage of data-crystals, not to mention the endless treasures of Ainz Ooal Gown, various powerful artifacts, magical and even quest objects from Yggdrasil. However... Ainz did not want to spend them so carelessly. In the end there was a chance that they simply would not work as a catalyst, it was a different world that had its own laws and it's not certain that this world would accept data-crystals or objects from Yggdrasil. And of course although theoretically some of Ainz's data-crystals from Yggdrasil could be replaced with the help of monsters from this world, this did not mean that he had to spend them right and left, especially considering the fact that the resources of the two worlds could have huge differences.

True, there was one more thing that Ainz took from the Singularity, which he thought he could well try to use as a catalyst or as a source of Mana but Ainz had doubts about it. Perhaps even more than about his own resources.

The last time when the circle of summoning flashed Ainz was already prepared to see either the stoic, almost hewn out of stone, Lancer's face or the animalistic grin of Berserker, twisted with anger. But instead the bright light did not fade but seemed to change slightly.

"Something's wrong." Roman instantly determined from the flickering of the circle of summoning. "Something..."

However he did not have time to react. This time the flash of light was much stronger. Because of this, even Ainz, who had already managed to get used to his new body, had to cover his eyes again.

"Everything, everything, everything as you would will it." The voice that spoke was female, very quiet and judging by the tone, very young. "I will offer all of myself to you. This body, this heart, all of it..."

The manifested figure, was not familiar to Ainz. It was not Lancer and of course not Berserker, and not even someone who was summoned again. Although theoretically this was impossible. The girl who appeared was head and shoulders below even Ainz's current body, so at best she could rest her head on the chest of an adult man when comparing her height. However given her voice, which was guessed at best sixteen years old, her height was not at all a problem.

'It seems that something that I was so afraid of, happened' Ainz sighed. He had to admit, he thought about it in passing but did not come to the unequivocal conclusion of what he needed to do if a similar situation developed. 'I summoned a child.'

Of course, surely stories about legendary children who have achieved something legendary in their lives existed, even at such a young age, and have accumulated through history. It would be foolish to assume that the Throne of Heroes, which was both soulless and heartless, would refuse to accept their souls to become Servants. However even so, Ainz's internal moral principles were very unambiguous. Memories of children working in the arcology would not have allowed him to send a girl, who has not yet grown up, to do a difficult task. Of course on the other hand if we are talking about someone like Aura or Mare, then Ainz did not doubt their ability to execute almost any order that he could give them... Although even he would prefer not to use them. In any case the girl's summon was the only dark spot in this rolls.

'Although she is quite cute' Like all children, the girl in front of him, even though her face was hidden by a bone mask, a mask strangely similar to the mask of the Assassin that appeared earlier, was cute in its special, childish sense. 'Or is it because I'm getting old and now I'm starting to consider all children as cute, like those old women?'

Thinking about this Ainz extended his hand unconsciously.

"Master, no!" She tried to warn her Master with a voice that was far louder than before, but after a second Ainz's hand still touched the girl's hair. "Master!"

"M?" -Ainz's reaction to the girl's voice led him out of his thoughts, allowing him to look at the girl and then realize his mistake. "Oh, sorry!"

Thinking that this behavior was rather rude, Ainz pulled his hand away from the girl.

"Master... Master..." The mask hid the girl's face in front of him, but even without her face being visible, one tone at a time, it became clear to Ainz that the girl was surprised, not to say shocked. "Master ... Are you alive?!"

"Alive?" For a second Ainz thought that the girl across from him somehow managed to guess that Ainz was an undead. Like Caster, who still was wary, but it's more likely that she meant something else. Because of which the overlord gently agreed. "Yes, I am."

"You... You... Everything that touches me dies... I am a poisonous flower, blossoming to the destruction of the enemy..." Each subsequent phrase of the girl was more and more difficult for her to say. Ainz looking at her tried to analyze the situation before him as quickly as possible.

'Poisonous flower? All that touches her dies? So she has a poisonous touch...' In Yggdrasil there were enough enemies of all possible types, including poisonous ones, including those who imposed poison not with their magic or attack, but even with a simple aura, which is why ordinary players were not fond of hunting somewhere in the swamps or caves, which incidentally made it possible for Ainz Ooal Gown to be the first to discover the Tomb of Nazarick hidden in a swamp. However for Ainz as a representative of the undead who was completely immune to poisons and diseases of any level - except perhaps a few incredibly strong ones that could be counted on the fingers of one hand in the game, such enemies never presented any inconvenience. And vice versa they often became the most beloved since poisonous enemies rarely possessed other strong special abilities. 'However, her reaction... Is she crying?'.

Without looking at the girl's face it was impossible to find out whether she was crying or not. But judging by her stumbling tone and the way she was now trying to draw air between her teeth, the mage was able to identify her state of mind.

'But why?' Ainz's thoughts again became confused. 'If you think about it, she is clearly a child... Besides, she said that anyone who touches her dies. If I have immunity to her poison then...'

'Ah, I think I understand!' Ainz came to a definite conclusion, - 'It hurts her!'

'It is unlikely that a Servant summoned as a child would have time to become famous in his life by accomplishing something truly significant, so surely her poison was her only weapon that left a mark on history, she was probably proud of it. As she said, anyone who touched her would die. But now when confronted with me, in her perception, probably an ordinary person, she could not kill me with her poison' Having come to this conclusion, Ainz suddenly frowned. 'Hey, it hurt when someone gets upset because you did not die!'

However, the girl who was not privy to his thoughts took a step toward Ainz - and then suddenly hugged him with all her strength, squeezing his puppet body to such an extent that Ainz felt his bones creak.

"Hassan of Serenity." Said the girl, and it took Ainz a second to figure out that that was the Servants name. "I will serve you for eternity, Master!"

'Hey wait, wait, isn't that a bit much?' Ainz wanted to step back from the girl, but suddenly found that she had superhuman strength. As expected from a Servant. Though Ainz would certainly be able to step away from her if he really wanted to.

"Khm." someone's cough attracted Ainz's attention. Then turning his gaze from the girl who it seemed didn't think of stepping away from Ainz, he saw five people standing at the wall at once. Earlier, the Servants and Romani, a little embarrassed, managed to avert their eyes from the scene that happened before them. Even Saber and Rider, whose eyes could not be seen behind their blindfolds, managed to do this.

"Of course that's all nice and all that." in the end, Caster was still able to respond first to the embarrassing scene, "But how about getting everyone up to point about why we are here?"

"Khm." Ainz also suddenly became embarrassed. It seems that he gave free rein to his exclusively paternal feelings towards the girl, distracting the newly called Servants. "Yes, of course, now..."

Slowly Ainz tried to remove the girl from himself, after which, having discovered that she obviously did not want to simply step back from her Master, he glanced at the Servants somewhat apologetically. "I apologize... Just give me five minutes."

However, judging by how strongly Hassan clung to her Master, it seemed things would go on longer than that.