When she woke up, Olga-Marie Animusphere sighed several times, as if checking to see if she could still breathe after all that had happened. After which she slowly opened her eyes. Her eyes were stuck together and did not want to open - though it was somewhat expected, as yesterday she fell asleep drowning in tears.

Slowly the girl rose from her seat, feeling the vile sensation of clothes sticking to her sweaty body. She fell asleep yesterday without undressing. It was not surprising though, considering all that had happened to her.

Having risen from her seat the girl slowly stretched, then lowered one leg off the couch, then the other and slowly stood up only to trip on the bottle lying on the floor. The bottle with remains of unfinished whiskey then, with a mocking splash, poured out smearing the carpet that was already past the best days of its life.

'I should ask Lev to send someone for cleaning.' The thought automatically went through the girls head before she could catch herself. Lev will not send anyone. And he will never come. He is dead. And even if he were alive, it is still not clear what would be worse in this case...

Her head throbbed, not from a hangover but from the thoughts that had overwhelmed the girl.

'Why always me? Why only me? Why do I constantly get into some kind of carousel of fuckery?' - was the only thought the girl could think of.

'Why Chaldea? Why a Singularity? Why Lev? And in the goddamn Hell, why me?!' The girl finished.

All her tears were wept yesterday. They went in proportion of one to one with the unfinished whiskey already soaking the carpet in her office. She went through all of the five stages - denial, anger, bargaining, depression and eventually acceptance. Now she no longer wanted to cry and shout to the sky, asking why was all of this happening to her. She did not want to cry, remembering Lev, and did not want to ask dark questions about the future, thinking about Momo... Ainz. She didn't even want to drink alcohol, which she got yesterday by raiding Lev's stash.

She only wanted to go to the bathroom.

The Animusphere's office was a whole complex of rooms, among which there were even living rooms. So to the girl's pleasure she didn't need to risk running into other people, showing everyone her wrinkled clothes and matted tattered white hair. She needed to take only a few steps.

Reaching the shower, the girl took off her clothes. In the past, she would definitely have folded the clothes and placed it to the side in a neat pile, after which she would have called someone to take her things for washing. But now she just threw everything off the floor and climbed into the bathtub herself.

With a blissful sound, hot water poured from the faucet, immediately starting to fill the bath, after which the Animusphere with a sigh, threw back her head on the side. The main core of Chaldea was the main power source of absolutely everything that exists in Chaldea. It was both an electric and a heating station at the same time, because of which, even under current its conditions, the hot water supply was not affected.

Olga did not want to think about the current situation. She only wanted to lie in the bath and slowly dissolve in the warm water. She wanted to dissolve completely, just to not think about everything that had happened. She tried to think about it yesterday and as her crumpled clothes and spilled whiskey showed — did not succeed.

She also wanted to smoke, but the girl used up the last remaining pack of cigarettes yesterday after her revival.

She didn't want to think about the revival either.

In addition she had long wanted to start solving her smoking problems. Health problems, supply problems, problems with hiding it from Lev - all of it. If he knew he would definitely scold her. No, wouldn't scold her, he was too soft and kind for that - most likely, he would just have looked with his slightly offended look and shook his head, as if to say 'I want only the best for you, but you could do anything you want to do' and this would be the most cruel punishment for the girl.

Least of all, she wanted to avoid thinking about Lev.

Continuing to lie in her bathtub, she closed her eyes then focused on the sensation of warm water rising higher and higher. So she would not think about anything.

Unfortunately the girl could not concentrate on the water indefinitely. The bath was quickly filled completely and Animusphere was forced to start washing. Having left the bathroom ten minutes later, in her usual place, the girl found a spare set of clothes.

'Probably, Lev thought that I would need it...' The thought slipped through the girl's head before she closed her eyes and tried to shake it off, as if trying to force this thought out of her head. Did she succeed in this or did she convinces herself that she had succeeded, but only after a few minutes the girl was still able to distract herself from the events of yesterday.

Putting on her new clothes, a white blouse like the one she wore yesterday and a black jacket with a matching skirt in color, with a dark orange frame, the girl took a step toward the mirror hanging on the wall, then looked into it.

What looked back at her was not Olga-Marie. It was more like a zombie or a ghoul - dark, almost black circles laid under her eyes and the eyes themselves were red from the alcohol and tears. The hair however, looked better this time as they were just washed and is now styled with a simple ponytail behind the girl's back.

'I should ask Lev to..." The girl again caught herself thinking those thoughts and silenced her inner voice.

"On the other hand..." Finally, she said out loud after ten seconds of watching herself from the mirror. "The ponytail is a classic hairstyle that suits me. Just like any other hairstyle, though."

Therefore she placed a simple rubber band on her hair to place them in one ponytail, the girl looked at herself in the mirror again and began the routine procedures. She is Olga-Marie, a noble lady of the Animusphere and not some rootless girl. She has no right to look less than impeccable in any circumstances!

Olga-Marie knew how to use make-up well and therefore after only a couple of tens of minutes, the face from the mirror that looked backed at her belonged once again to the unshakable chief of Chaldea.

"Well." The face from the mirror smiled tightly. "It is quite the thing!"

After picking up the clothes that were on the floor, the girl neatly packed them in a pile then folded them on a bedside table nearby. She should call L... people so that they could take care of the discarded clothes.

Coming out of the bathroom, Olga-Marie was ready for the new day as the commander of Chaldea.

'Good' In the end the girl still held herself together. 'What are my plans for today?'

Without a timetable drawn up by Le... her subordinates, the director did not have any idea about what things were planned for her today. Usually, L... someone just presented her her schedule, and then showed here where she needed to sign, with whom she needed to meet, and sometimes how Chaldea's projects, which the Animuspheres are responsible for in turning it into reality, are working in progress. In the current conditions the girl was not sure that she would need to sign any documents or meet with anyone at all.

But what should she do then?

Usually in those days when nothing special was included in the schedule of the director, she just spent the days doing whatever she wanted by herself. Communicating with Le... With subordinates, in general. Chasing Roman, threatening to fire him. Reading books. Listening to music. Sometimes she flew to some country to rest when she was bored with sitting still in Chaldea. Maybe even researched some magecraft.

Olga-Marie herself was not sure what she needed to do at her post. Usually she just gave instructions to Le... Damn, this constantly slipping of his name was more annoying than the girl would have liked!

Usually she simply gave instructions to her subordinates, after which her deputy and right hand organized everything behind her back, creating documents, writing lists, counting estimates and then told her where she had to sign and then magically all her instructions were done independently and her wishes were satisfied, buildings were built, people were hired, everyone followed her orders and problems disappeared by themselves.

It's not that Olga-Marie did a lot of things at her workplace. Usually she sits in a large chair, placed at before massive desk, she simply read or watched movies on her tablet computer.

Having made her way to the desk , she glanced at the huge desk shining of polished cedar and then at its surface. In the corner there was an inkwell, exclusively for her use, next to it were several seals - those were not particularly important. And next to them lay a few sheets of paper.

'Documents?' The girl stumbled in her step for a second. What were these documents doing on her desk? It seems that everyone knew that the documents were never perused by her, except for her signature. And the intricacies of the bureaucracy has never met her eyes before.

Surprised by a strange coincidence the girl walked around the desk , after sitting down on the armchair she leaned closer to a whole impressive stack of documents that were lying in front of the girl at that moment.

'Chief, please hand over these documents to Lev. I could not get into his office, so I leave them to you for the time being.' - this was the inscription on a small sticker glued to the top sheet.

Finding the answer to the girl's object of interest, what the documents were doing on her desk, she leaned back and closed her eyes.

"I leave them to you for the time being..." The girl said slowly, after which she sighed. "You could at least try to pretend..."

Although if Olga-Marie had been her self from the past, just a couple of days ago, she would not even be surprised at such a remark but would simply hand over the documents to Lev... To her deputy. And it's not that the writer of this sticker was wrong, she still couldn't imagine why she needed these documents.

"But not today!" The girl nevertheless exclaimed in the end after which she returned to contemplating the papers, tearing off the ill-fated sticker.

The documents were from the day before yesterday apparently and someone managed to bring it to her literally just the mission to the Singularity. Although judging by the thickness of the stack, there was also a monthly report from the various Chaldean subdivisions.

'Okay.' Thinking to herself the girl pulled the pile towards her. 'Good.'

The first sheet however turned out to be a real obstacle for her.

"This is..." Thoughtfully Olga Maria looked at what was written. "Report from the Japanese department of Chaldea..."

The report consisted of four columns - spendings, allocated fundings, growth dynamics and the ratio of allocated finance to spending and growth dynamics.

And what should she do about it?

Looking at the report the girl felt like she was becoming ill.

However a light knock on the door distracted the girl from the contemplation about the documents contents, forcing her to jump on her seat.

"I'm here!" At first she was only able to shout out but after stopping for a second and taking a few breaths Olga Marie managed to lower the volume. "Come in!"

After the girl's voice reached the visitor, behind the opened door she saw the last person she wanted to meet right now.

"Momo..." the girl corrected immediately, "Ainz! What can I do for you?"

Putting the sheet away, the girl instantly jumped out of her seat, suppressing the desire to bow to the one who just appeared. When looking at the man in his new body... No, the godlike being in his new body, Olga-Marie did not know what she should feel and how she should react to him. Yesterday, while in the company of many Servants, Mashu, Roman - she could feel at least a little secure, but now, having met with the necromancer one on one...

Ainz was very modest, but at the same time he was a godlike entity capable of sending her into oblivion with a single glance. He was her savior and the person who may have actually revived her, but he was also a necromancer who have achieved rank A in the darkest magical system in the world. He was a man who promised to help her in her endeavour, but he was also the one whom she accidentally, while being overwhelmed by her emotions, kissed forcibly.

"Ah, chief!" Olga-Marie just grinned crookedly at such an address. Chief, of course... If he wanted to laugh at her, awarding her with this title, then he obviously did it right. "Good morning!"

After that, the boy's gaze reached the girl's hands, and he instantly stopped.

"Ah, chief, you are busy with reports?" Seeing the sheet in the hands of the Animusphere, the man came to the obvious conclusion and nodded to her again, as if apologizing. "Forgive me for the distraction."

If Ainz were a subordinate of the Animusphere, a similar reaction would have been expected, even more so, she would consider it an exemplary reaction by her subordinate. But in the current conditions, Olga-Marie only wanted to shout 'stop laughing at me!'

The man in front of her had enough strength, power and skill to declare Chaldea his property and then enter the office of Olga-Marie and put his feet on her desk as if he owned the place. He could do anything and personally order Animusphere herself to do anything. Even more so, if Animusphere herself were in his position of power she would do something similar!

But he has not done so. Instead of declaring himself the new commander of Chaldea, although he could certainly do so, he just hung his head in apology, continuing to call her chief. As if he really was her subordinate.

'Stop making fun of me!' The girl wanted to shout. A powerful necromancer with divine-like power cannot, should not, treat Animusphere herself as such and behave in such a way!

"Chief, can I come in?" In the end instead of just going inside, Ainz, stayed on the threshold, shifted his weight from one foot to the other, as if really in the face of his boss. No, he was not in fear, just how much he behaved like from the position of a subordinate of the Animusphere.

'But this is wrong!' The girl wanted to shout. 'Wrong, wrong, wrong!'

"Of course, come in." In the end, the girl still could not help herself, nodding to him, and looked away. Immediately many thoughts burst into her head like a hurricane, sweeping away all the mental balance that she had before.

Why did he come to her? What does he want from her?

The girl with a slight panic watched as the man or, rather, the incomprehensible creature in the body of a man - went inside then after looking around fixed his gaze on the Animusphere, forcing her to freeze again.

'Come on! Say it already!' The girl could not relax under the attentive gaze of Ainz. 'If you came to kill me, kill me already, just stop torturing me!'

If in reverse, Olga possessed Ainz's strength and capabilities, in the current situation, an insolent one, that have decided to kiss her without her consent, would definitely be killed. She would definitely take the leading position in any group in which she would find herself, as befits a noble Lady of the Animusphere. So from Ainz she expected similar actions.

However, contrary to her expectations, the incoming man just looked around, stopping next to the girl, he looked at her expectantly. For a moment the Chief of Chaldea is prepared for... Something, but instead of any expected reaction she received an unexpected one.

"Chief, I came to you to ask about the Servants." The girl was taken aback.

"But..." she instantly became confused, "These are your Servants... What did you even want to ask from me?"

"The fact is that some Servants began to make inquiries about Chaldea." Ainz scratched his head a little embarrassed, as if a manager in charge of his unprofessional subordinates, "For example, Archer wanted to know from me if he could work in the kitchen... Medusa also wanted access to the library... Cu Chulain and Arthuria wanted to get access to the staff lounge, those rooms where the game consoles are located... Hassan also wanted to see the blueprints of the building... And Serenity..."

Ainz fell silent and shook his head. "No, nothing."

A little thought after, Ainz decided not to voice Serenity's thoughts. She in any case had no special desires, except to be as close as possible and to communicate more closely with her Master, so her request was simple. Arguing at the possibility of an attack on Ainz at night, she wanted to get exclusive access to her Master's room. So Ainz decided not to inform the Chief about this particular desire on the girl's part in order to avoid the mere possibility of the chief's agreement to something like that.

Olga-Marie who had listened quietly up to this point shook her head several times, after which, having recovered herself a little, looked at Ainz attentively.

'Is he mocking me?' The thought slipped through her mind but Ainz did not sound mocking and therefore either controlled his emotions very well or really had no such thing in his mind about it.

Throughout her life Olga-Marie did not try to command others, and the people around her seeing this fact did not try to change that, allowing her to go about her business. Lev... Her subordinates simply brought her the documents needing her signature and showed where she needed to sign. She was not accustomed to someone asking her for permission and in such conditions especially.

"But... Are these not your Servants?" The girl asked. "Why do you need my permission?"

"The Servants are of course mine, but after all you are still the chief of Chaldea!" The boy smiled at the girl with a polite smile, as if not quite understanding the essence of the matter.

'You are the chief of Chaldea...' - these words were reflected in the girl's head with a ringing echo.

"Yes ..." Somehow suddenly, the girl internally unexpectedly agreed with herself. "Yes, I am the chief of Chaldea... After all, I really am the chief of Chaldea..."

"Hmm, strange," A comment from Ainz brought the girl out of her stupor.

"What's strange?" Immediately strained girl, seeing that Ainz slightly raised his hands.

"Nothing like that chief!" Ainz said immediately, and shifted his gaze to the document that continued to lie on the table. "I was just somewhat surprised... This document, this is a monthly report?"

Ainz pointed at the pile of papers, as well as at the very top sheet with columns and numbers.

"Yes..." The girl nodded slowly, and looked attentively at the necromancer in front of her. "What exactly in these reports attracted your eye?"

"Nothing, really..." The man shook his head, after which he looked more closely at the columns of the numbers. "Just... This department from Nagasaki shows a relatively large increase in their cost of maintenance..."

Ainz pointed a finger at one of the lines in the document and ran his finger to one of the columns, where next to the list showing an average of three or five percent increase in the cost of maintenance, contrasting with the Nagasaki department, the number was almost eighteen percent.

"And... What do you think this means?" The girl asked gathering her courage and determining that Ainz was clearly not going to kill her at the moment.

"It can mean many things," The man rubbed his chin. "If it was a newly created department then such expenses can be reasonable... But if not then perhaps the department is developing very rapidly at the moment... Or on the contrary, is not currently going through the best times... Well, was going through... Anyway judging by the money required to support their work... In the worst case, someone is simply pocketing large amounts of money from the allocated maintenance budget."

Ainz wasn't any major department head in his past world, but he still knew the basics and had at least a good grip on understanding reports and at least some common sense in order to determine that if one of the departments needed the money and if there was a reason for that.

"And..." The girl stretched uncertainly. "What do you propose to do in this case?"

"What I propose to do?" Ainz thought for a moment. "The simplest solution in this case is a direct inquiry to the branch head, but there is a chance that a reliable answer will still not be possible. If it was the branch head that was using the allocated funds wastefully, then it will not be possible to get an honest answer. Or even if the department is really faced with a problem, this may mean that some of the high-ranking managers are trying to claim more funds for solving the problem in order to take the extra funds for themselves. Or perhaps if they are really faced with a problem then some of the superiors may try to deny the existence of the problem, fearing for their position in the organization which they may lose because of their inability to deal with it."

Thoughtfully Ainz frowned and rubbed his chin. "A personal visit to one of these departments may be too unimportant for the head of the entire organization. Just like the director of an international company checking on individual stores..."

Memories of the old world of Ainz spun in his head at a breakneck pace.

"The best thing to do in this case is to appoint an auditor from an accountable commission near to the location of the department." Ainz nodded. "However if large sums of money are involved in the case then there is a possibility that the verification commission or auditor may be bribed. So the best option is to send direct requests of their budget allocation from the director, it would not require much time and effort, and then notify him of the arrival of the local commission. If the answer of the regional director and the commission does not match the data - then send for a different commission, but this time using one from a more distant location from the problematic branch territory, in the best case from another country, while also continuing to wait for a new budget report in the next month. If the reason for the increased spending is not found, but the increase in cost suddenly dropped, then it is most likely that someone from the branch's directors is guilty of theft. If the reason is not found and the unnecessary spending does not stop then not only the branch director, but also the inspectors are involved in the theft..."

Ainz continued to think out loud, recalling all the information that he had accumulated during his work experience in his world as a clerk. Constantly coming into contact with documents and communicating with various people inside and outside of the company. Watching various similar actions for finding corruption from inside and outside.

Olga-Marie while listening to every word uttered by the man could only remember carefully what he had said.

However the explanation of the man ended quickly enough and the room again plunged into quiet once againBut this time it did not leave Animusphere mind empty. On the contrary, her head was now full of thoughts.

"Ainz..." As a result of having come to some important conclusion for herself, the girl nevertheless after having collected her thoughts, was able to respond back to Ainz.

"Yes?" Distracted from his own recallings, Ainz glanced at Olga-Marie, who looked as if she were preparing to jump into a fire.

"I ask of you..." The words were spoken by the girl with an incredible creak, but she needed to ask him. "Please... Teach me how to be a chief!"

"Hmm?" As if he did not realize what was said, Ainz stared at the girl. "Wait - what?"

"Teach me how be a chief!" The girl almost demanded from the man, feeling embarrassed by what was said earlier.

"Ah..." Ainz spoke first after which realizing what was said he instantly scrunched his face. "Aaaaa..."

For a second Ainz fell silent, and Olga-Marie prepared herself for the answer...

"I can't." Ainz said eventually. "Even if you ask for something like that, the way I talk to people... Regarding how to be a good boss, I have very little experience in something like this..."

'Of course.' The Animusphere nodded to herself. This was to be expected, Ainz was a godlike magi possessing strength, intelligence and charisma, capable of dominating their will without any need for special knowledge or training. He simply could not teach someone like Animusphere, someone absolutely mediocre, what was natural for him. Just like a fish could not teach a person how to breathe underwater.

"I understand." The girl nodded to the man. "In that case..."

"But..." The man continued, forcing Olga to raise her head. "I think there are a couple of tips I could give that I think may be useful..."

Marie looked up again and this time Ainz, looking at her, smiled at the girl with an encouraging smile.

'And he has a bright smile...' The girl shook her head after that thought. 'No, it's not even his real appearance! He is a necromancer of rank A with the appearance of a skeleton!'

This was enough to extinguish any of the girl's stupid thoughts.

"So." Sighing and looking at the Animusphere from all sides, the man shook his head. "First of all, the most important thing is the distribution of punishments and rewards..."

The two talked for more than an hour. First, Ainz simply told the Animusphere about various management techniques, about the distribution of awards, setting goals, about relationships in a team and about other such things. After some time, Olga herself started asking Ainz clarifying questions, after some time she began to theorize how to do it herself and therefore by the end of the third hour of conversation, the girl was already engaged in a full-fledged dialogue with Ainz.

"I don't understand." She shook her head, making her ponytail, hanging behind her back, dangle from side to side. "If they get an increased number of days off then why should I give them extra leave?"

"This increases their productivity of work." Ainz nodded several times with foreknowledge.

Megacorporations of the future did not care about their employees, but very much cared about their profit margins. Therefore they always chose the most soulless, but the most effective way of policies with their employees, so when research nevertheless confirmed the need for a weekend break, gritting their teeth the chiefs were forced to follow the most rational and therefore profitable of possible schedules. "Short respite after short-term loads are best for solving physical fatigue, however mental fatigue, even if it accumulates much more slowly, passes by just as slowly because of which long periods of rest are just as necessary. That's a long period of rest is used simultaneously with short but frequent ones. In other words a five-day working week with periodic holidays is, if not an ideal, a reliably verified model of the functioning of the working environment."

"Perhaps," in the end Marie still had to agree and nod to Ainz. "But in that case..."

But the conversation between the two was interrupted by a knock on the door, after which, without waiting for the girl's permission, an unknown visitor opened the door. The girl who appeared on the doorstep was relatively familiar to the Animusphere. Yesterday they officially introduced themselves to each other, but could not look at each other closely up to this point.

The girl who appeared was not tall but her dark skin and blue hair were not features that many people could boast. Although even fewer people could boast of becoming a Servant at such a young age.

"Ah, Serenity." Ainz smiled at the girl. "Did you want to meet with the chief?"

"No, Master." The girl shook her head, then she cast a glance at the Animusphere, which made her shudder. "On the contrary. Master, I beg you, you should not move around without me. In this hectic time the enemy can be anywhere. You should not be left without my protection."

"Of course Serenity, I'm are already finishing with the Chief." Ainz immediately smiled at the girl to which she nodded back to him, while simultaneously throwing another look at the Animusphere, which caused Olga to catch her breath. Immediately after, the girl left the office, closing the door behind.

"Well, it was a productive conversation, but it seems that we really should finish." Having come to a definite conclusion, Ainz sighed and smiled at the girl again. "Well in that case, I only hope that I was able to help you, chief."

This time the title of 'chief' did not sound mocking to the girl.

"Ainz." However, having collected her thoughts before Ainz could leave, the Animusphere looked at the man carefully. "I would like to invite you to become my deputy..."

"I refuse." The man responded instantly, after which he added - "Please don't get me wrong, chief, but I'm afraid that this position will be too tough for me. I am simply not suited to being a boss."

"Beside..." Stretching out a little, the man glanced at Olga and smiled. "You're the boss here, and I'm just a special operative, aren't I?"

Only a completely blind person could not see the meaning behind his words, so Olga-Marie could only put up with what was said and nod to the man.

'I cannot and will not rule for you. I promised to teach you how to manage and I will do exactly just that.' - this was what Ainz said to the girl, so now she could only nod in response.

The knock that sounded through the door again made Ainz rise from his seat and move away, shouting through the door - "Yes, yes, I'm coming!".

"Oh, yes, also chief." at the last step, having already picked up the door handle Ainz turned around on the spot. "I almost forgot what I came for. So what about the Servants?"

With these words, Olga could not resist and laughed.

"Of course, you can allow them anything you want." She finally nodded. "Just don't forget to let me know. I'm the chief of the Chaldea after all!"

"Of course, chief." The man smiled at her, after which he took a step out of the office.

"And by the way, chief!" But before the huge door slammed behind him, the man managed to shout inside. "That new hairstyle is really suits you!"

The door slammed shut behind him a moment later, leaving the girl alone. And although her face was red, a smile played on her lips.

Turning away from the door, the girl reached first to the sheets of paper with the report, but, after thinking a little she got out of the chair and took a step towards the little sticker that lay next to her on the table.

'I leave them to you for the time being, you say...' The girl glanced at the partially opened folder, which they had just recently dismantled with Ainz and then at the small yellow sheet of paper in her hands and began to fold it.

In several movements of the hands of the girl there appeared a small paper airplane folded in such a way that by chance, the name of the former deputy of Olga-Marie turned out to be written on one of its wings.

'And he is not that scary either...' The thought came to the girls mind. 'Even in the form of a skeleton...'

After that, slightly waving her thin girlish hand, the chief launched the small plane into flight. But either because of its small size or because of the curved wings the plane almost immediately went into a steep dive, falling into the trash can, only having time to flash off with its wing with the name for the last time before the eyes of the girl.

"And Lev..." The girl said out loud, then shrugged her shoulders. "In the end, it is just a name."

And after that she returned to the analysis of the documents.

Ainz, moving along the corridors of the Chaldea with Serenity, could only think about what had happened.

'I feel so stupid...' Was the only thought Ainz could think of, feeling how periodically the suppression of emotions keeps him from clutching his face. 'I talked so confidently with my boss about managing people even when I don't have any experience in that kind of thing... I even refused to become her deputy because of this! I thought that she would be upset or angry but instead she so calmly accepted my refusal... She probably also understood that I did not understand anything about managing a company...'

"Master..." In the end, not restraining herself, moving alongside Ainz, Serenity took Ainz's hand into an embrace and then looked at him carefully. "How many goals did you set for yourself?"

"Ha?" Ains thought about what was just said, then looked at the girl in response, but she only carefully studied her Master's face. "I don't know... Honestly, I didn't think about any special goals, I just do what seems to be necessary to do."

"So, Master, you didn't do it on purpose?" Shocked, Serenity looked at Ainz.

Ainz was not completely sure what Serenity is hinting at, but finally he came to the conclusion that the best option was to deny everything, so he shook his head.

"Master, in this matter, you are terrifyingly effective." The girl shook her head then looked somewhere off into the distance. "But now I clearly have to prepare for the harsh competition..."

Name: Olga-Marie Animusphere

Race: Human

Title: Damned Iron Chief of Chaldea

Occupation: Chief of Chaldea

Residence: Chaldea, chief's office on the top floor

Karma: -50 (Neutral ~ Neutral Evil)

Class level: Mage ~ Academic (8)

Scientist (1)

Commander (1)

Total: 10 Class levels

HP: 3

MP: 10

Physical attack: 1

Physical defense: 0

Dexterity: 5

Magical attack: 20

Magic defense: 0

Resistance: 5

Special abilities: 0

Ability: Gandr

Power Level: 1-7

Ordinary spell that creates a projectile made of magical energy, capable of causing damage with a direct hit of a target. The projectile moves fast enough, which is why it can be quite problematic to avoid it at the first levels, but moves strictly in a straight line, which is why an experienced player can simply avoid the line of attack. Damage, range, recharge time and manacost for activation fully coincide with the spell "Magic Arrow". In fact, this represents just a slightly modified version of the spell "Magic Arrow".

Ability: Flash of Light

Power Level: 8-14

Ordinary spell that creates a bright flash of light. Usually this spell does not cause direct damage, but it can blind a low-level player with no resistance. It is also a spell that can cause damage to players with light vulnerability, such as undeads or demons. Quite a popular choice among novice players.

Skill: Clock Tower Magic

Power Level: 8-14

Skill, responsible for the use of magecraft related to the Clock Tower (Arcane). Gives access to the use of magic of the first and second tier. It has no other features at all, though.

Player Comments:

- Level too low. Noob builds are all the same.

- I don't understand why the commander class is given to a mage, but okay, I'll give it a chance.

- The level is too low, but the absence of any defense and extremely low HP is fatal. Before pumping any points further in the magical attack, this problem should be solved.