Roman once again looked at the panel, after which, taking note of one of the indicators, called his superior.

"Chief," Roman instantly whispered to the communicator, "The power consumption of the Main Core is above normal..."

"THEN FIX IT!" - instantly the communicator yelled back, forcing the guy to wince and crouch a little, as if waiting for a strike that didn't follow, - "Do I really need to tell you to do this? Why then, tell me please, do I even need you here?"

There were so many problems with this statement that Roman did not even know where to start. Was it worth it to mention that his field of expertise was medicine and now he was conducting the test of the Main Core solely because there was no one more qualified in the technical team, or should she remind her that she was the one who organized the Core's check up, or he should tell her about her declaration "I want to become a worthy chief for Chaldea", she should not have to shout at...

"You - did you die there or what?!" - interrupting the thought process of Romani, there was an angry voice of the chief from the speakers, - "Romani!"

'If I can only tell her something like,' Hey, chief, don't you think that Ainz would not like a girl who constantly swears at her subordinates?', then she would instantly stop yelling at me and the others' - such were the thoughts of Roman .

For a second, he even thought about putting them into execution — at least that way he could get some moral compensation for what was happening to him — but instead he only shook his head and exhaled.

"Well, chief," he said into the communicator, then rose from his seat and headed for the exit from the control cabin. Most likely, the increased energy consumption was due to the loss of power connections and its loss was most likely due to the fact that they could not repair all the cables damaged during the explosion.

Explosion, hmm...

The explosion happened a whole week ago, but its effects were still felt - and it was not only expressed in the empty Chaldea or the bodies of the other Masters that is kept in their cryocapsules - even if it was a terrible and disgusting thing, the human psyche is such that, it quickly forgets about what it does not interact with daily. No, Romani was thinking about other things, like the central transfer room, which was still covered with black soot to this day, and with the pieces of metal still stuck in its walls all around it. Or on what he's doing right now, checking the central core, only to discover, quite by chance, that somewhere, in Chaldea, there was a broken cable which they had not found before.

With a quiet click, the door opened, leading the doctor away from the control center, after which Romani took a step out of it and headed for the nearby staircase to descend to the Main Core. Unfortunately, a closer control center, located very close to it, was also closed from access - another reminder of the explosion.

Having gone down several flights down, Roman sighed again, and advanced to the door leading into the room, then took a step inside.

"If you think about it..." - he wondered - "Why am I doing this? We have the technicians to personally change the cables... "

"Although, maybe they are busy right now?" - he instantly tried to find an answer for his own self-posed question and shook his head - "What if they are?"

Perhaps if now, going down to the core, he would meet several drunken or bored technicians - he could justify to himself his anger, or rather even disappointment, but without proof of any... laziness- all he could do was shake his head.

"This is an unworthy behavior for a servant of the Lord, to condemn one, about the life of whom you know nothing..." - Roman shook his head. Although he had not been a servant of the Lord for years, old habits were indeed very difficult to forget.

Upon entering the Core, he looked around a little bit, as if hoping that he would be able to see the torn cable by coincidence, however, when this failed for obvious reasons, he sighed and moved to the source of energy.

The Main Core of Chaldea was a real technomagic miracle, a whole gigantic thermonuclear power station, in a magical sense, that fit into just one room. Using it, Chaldea could maintain the shields for months, at the same time also using the Chaldea system itself, the virtual Throne of Heroes — all at the same time. And yet, there was a problem. If the Chaldea's core possessed such monstrous parameters, then Chaldea itself needed no more source of energy, since the entire Chaldea could be powered from just one core. So, if Professor Lev succeeded in destroying the Core, then all of Chaldea would have perished instantly, since the shields and life support systems would be completely de-powered.

Thinking about the possibility of this, Romani slightly shrugged, feeling uncomfortable for a second.

Fortunately, the explosion caused by Lev still did not reach the Main Core, simply breaking several important cables. And, no matter how surprising it was, it happened because Lev placed the explosive device in the wrong way. If he wanted to destroy the reactor, he should have shifted the location of the bomb a little bit - but Lev himself said that he just so strongly wanted to murder the chief, that he planted the explosives exactly under her feet. In other words, if it were not for Lev's desire to kill the chief, he probably would have destroyed Chaldea without any particular problems, so in some somewhat strange sense, the chief simultaneously took the blow of Lev instead of the whole Chaldea and was the single reason for the single chance Chaldea had now at the same time.

For a moment after this thought, Roman shook his head.

"I'm really not very good at placing blame at other people..." - the guy rubbed his neck, as if apologizing to someone - although no one was near him, after which he proceeded with a sigh then began to to search for the broken cables.

The reactor room was not very large for a room where the energy source worthy of several large nuclear power plants were located, but it was still much larger than an ordinary room, because of which the search for the cables took longer than Roman himself would like. Although, it's not that he wanted to inspect the Chaldea's Core at all - rather, he simply fell victim to the unruly enthusiasm of the chief who wanted to inspect the Core just before the expedition to the Singularity, while all other people who already knew of Olga's active personality just escaped, leaving him at the mercy of a girl.

If he had the opportunity, he would just shut himself in his office, sprawled on the couch, brew a cup of hot cocoa with marshmallows, then close the curtains, turn off the lights, and then turn on...

The newest concert of "Love Love Aidol"!

Just thinking about the unseen collection of performances by the group of idols Romani broke into a smile, and then began to seek out the defect with tripled strength. The sooner the chief releases him - the faster he will get to the cherished password-protected folder with obscene materials for a man of his age. And he was not talking about porn - porn for a lonely man of his age was actually quite decent. However, an idol group ...

Trying to see through the collection of wires and cables was not easy, but a man inspired by his thoughts could easily find the beginning and end of the cable, and then, without any particular problem, he would determine if there was a problem somewhere. Of course, it might have been easier with magic, but the guy didn't complain and only continued to methodically examine and search the surrounding environment step by step. As was expected, though, after only ten minutes, he did come across the problem.

"Aha!" - the guy concluded encouragingly, finding the right point - "As I thought, the broken power cable".

One of the numerous wires leaving the central core to the wall was torn in the middle, because of which the geometry of the technomagic circuit was broken, which prevented the proper functioning of the equipment and the work of the Chaldea core. Under normal conditions, for someone like Roman, this would have been a disaster — although he was a very good scientist, he was still not a technician and the idea that he would have to recalculate the entire magic scheme to create a new one, and then direct the laying of new cables, would make him fall into powerlessness on the floor. However, fortunately, anticipating something like that, at the insistence of the chief, he discussed this problem with both Da Vinci and an assistant who unexpectedly appeared next to him in the form of Cu Chulain, who wished to take part in the conversation - however, he left in the middle of the conversation, when he got bored "with this humbers's discussion."

Touching the cable under such a voltage would be the height of stupidity, so after carefully examining and remembering the position of the damaged circuit that was required to be disconnected later, Roman already took a step towards the door before he realized something.

"What if there is more than one damaged cable?" He stopped for a second. If there were other damaged cables, then at the next test run it will still be noticeable, so the chief will probably send him to fix it all over again, also accompanied by some insult.

"Romani, you are an idiot and if I was not such a good chief — I would have thrown you into the core of Chaldea this instant!" - Roman could imagine the chief shouting something like that without any difficulty, which made him sigh and continue to look around the room.

If you think about it, then the chief yelled at him - and at all who came to her - all the time. No, that is, of course, not all the time! To be more precise, she did it when she was in a bad mood, when she believed that workers did not work well, when she felt that they were not sufficiently afraid of her, after contact with the outside world, after meeting other magi, during stressful times, when she was sad, overjoyed, bored, or when she was angry... As a result, Romani had to admit to himself that the chief really did yelled at all her subordinates all the time, so there was nothing unusual in receiving an insult from the chief. The only thing that could be strange at all was that the chief would now yell at him upon returning from the core and that this yell would have a reason for it.

Usually, the boss insulted people by inventing a pretext on the go, sometimes even without a pretext — after which, being satisfied with the result, she simply left to get the next person, but now, by a strange whim, Olga-Marie clung only to those people whom she could catch doing something wrong, according to her. Of course, it was not that a strong improvement compared to her in the past, as the chief would still use any of the smallest reason that she could find to start berating the person, but she still tried to become at least a little bit better of a person.

Moreover, in the past, the chief was accustomed to simply sitting in her office, entrusting his deputy, Lev, to do all the business, while now she herself was trying to participate in the operation of Chaldea. Yes, she repeatedly broke down and in the end everything ended with her calling people subordinate to her "brainless idiots", but she still tried to do at least something. In a sense, it was a real improvement compared to her past behavior - although at the same time, in the past, since the chief was less often in contact with the Chaldea's personnel, she entered into conflicts with them too...

On the other hand, if she entered into conflicts in the past, then the conflict always ended with the retirement of the person involved — or at least letting them go on a rest for a week or two, while at this time it was now quite easy to calm her down, someone would just mention Ainz.

In general, it was a more difficult question that could not be easily answered - "did it get better in Chaldea after the chief began to interfere with it's operations ". For the chief - definitely yes. For the Servants, probably, also yes. The chief tried to provide the Servants with everything they needed, after which several rather decent proposals followed from her, such as creating a new backup scheme for the technomagical contours from Da Vinci and Roman. For the general staff?.. Difficulties with an inaccessible bosses not caring about their conditions, they definitely disappeared - however, other difficulties arose related to the bosses, who were too interested in their life.

However, if someone had asked Roman himself whether this was a positive change — with great reluctance, he would have answered that "yes, this is for the best." Of course, while the positives were fairly balanced with negative ones, after a while, Olga-Marie will learn to manage people and her own emotions. At least it was the best that Roman could hope for.

Passing the remaining cables with an attentive glance, Romani stopped when his eyes stumbled over another damaged cable.

"Aha, I was right yet again!" - the man lifted a thumbs up a second when he managed to notice another damage - "Another broken cable!".

Not that it was so significant, but Romani himself was glad that he was able to detect the damage in the core the first time around, because it clearly meant that he would not need to go down to the power core one more time.

Looking carefully at the cables and remembering which cables were damaged, Romani nodded a couple of times, and then continued to inspect the room once again just in case.

Although, not only Olga-Marie changed after returning from the Singularity. And it was only possible to speculate about what happened to her - after what could have happened in the Singularity, her mind could have changed in any way. Then, at the same time, another changed person existed. Mashu Kyrielight. And if the changes in the boss could not be clearly determined as positive or negative, then the behavior of Mashu, although it did not change radically, became much more... Right? No, this word meant as if something in Mashu was wrong in a sense - which, of course, was not true. Mashu was like a daughter to him and he would never allow himself to say something bad about her. Just that Mashu... She has always been very demanding of herself - perhaps because of the conditions of her birth and upbringing, she was very focused on achieving a result - the best grades, good behavior, outstanding knowledge. This suited her and even more, it was a necessary trait for someone like the father of the chief, Marisbury Animupshere, but Roman himself never wanted to see her like this - especially when the reason for this was not the girl's desire, but her thought that she "should", like it was something she had to do and had to prove herself to someone. However, he always lacked... Something to tell her that. More precisely, of course, he had the intelligence and kindness to mention it in conversation with the girl, but each time she easily worked through all his worries with cold logic and arguments to which he could not reply to and was forced to retreat. He simply lacked the ability to argue and push his opinion, even when he had no objective reasons not to do so. Usually, he simply said something, after which, if his opponent had any counter arguments, he simply apologized and left, afraid of the opportunity to start a dispute or even conflict with someone, after which he spent days and even weeks thinking about the unfinished argument, coming with new and possible ways of responding to the opponent's points, after which he began to hope that the last disagreement would arise again. However, even if he nevertheless managed to reiterate his carefully thought-out arguments - usually the opponent simply rejected them, even if the opponent did not have any way to challenge them, and Roman would retreat again. It was precisely because of this peculiarity of his personality that Romani, although he had already tried for several years to argue with Mashu, each time he was forced to retreat.

However, just yesterday, Romani was surprised to see that instead of the usual way Mashu spent her time, that is to spend all her time in training or studying, Mashu enjoyed croissants prepared by Archer. Of course, she enjoyed them during a break between two trainings, between training with Cu Chulain, who agreed to teach her something about runes and a training session with Arthuria, however she also was talking with the Servant, while enjoying croissants and tea, and did not try to eat through all her available food as quickly as possible in order to go to the next lesson faster. Moreover, as Roman, who found out all this information from Archer, he also learned that she started doing it quite regularly in the last few days, and Archer himself saw at least once how Mashu also tried to talk with Medusa about the books she read. It wasn't going really well... Because Medusa only replied all her inquiries mostly only with polite simple phrases, but she tried nevertheless. And never before did Mashu tried to discuss books with anyone, although she repeatedly had opportunities for this.

And if a lot of terrible things happened in the Singularity that changes the boss, then Mashu changed a little while later, after the Singularity itself - and this change had a reason.

Ainz Ooal Gown.

When he appeared as he really was on the doorstep of Chaldea - Roman did not know what to expect from him. He was suspicious and, to be honest, they still did not know what to expect from their strange ally. Even more, the only thing they could find out for certain is the information from Medusa, which only confused them more, because Medusa only confirmed that Ainz did not feel like a Greek god. It still didn't exclude Hades completely from the list of possible candidates, as Medusa could not fully vouch for his identity, because she had never met Hades in her life, but it's more likely that he wasn't one of them. However, in this case it only made all the existing information about him even more complex.

Even so, when he appeared in Chaldea, they were not in a position to neglect any help, especially considering that Ainz accompanied Mashu and Olga-Marie, who he had saved only a few minutes earlier. They were forced to accept his help - however, before anyone could express their ideas about what they needed to do in order to learn more information about Ainz - first, there was a change of opinion by the chief, then Mashu. It was not worth even talking about Hassan Serenity, from the very beginning she was completely on the side of Ainz and nothing more. In other words, in just a week, he was able to get, if not loyalty, at least a certain amount of credibility from half of Chaldea - and this was not caused by certain actions or promises, because of which he could be suspected of manipulating people. No, he rightly deserved such an attitude towards him - even Roman himself was grateful to him for the fact that he could still talk with Mashu, while Romani himself lacked in spirit all the time. However, this was frightening, unnerving Roman. In just one week, he found an approach to an obstinate girl, whom Roman could not convince for several years, and to another obstinate girl, who was not interested in any opinions except from her deputy for the same years. It was commendable, highly commendable, but only made Roman speculate more about who Ainz really was - and what goals did he pursue?

Of course, he said that he was only trying to return the debt, but to whom and why? Roman was a man who usually would have thought about something like that and would react by just shrugging his shoulders and saying "well, if everything is not against it, then I don't see a reason for objecting," however, the passivity of his actions did not mean that he did not think about acting independently. And right now, after the death of mankind, the appearance of Ainz looked suspicious enough to make him think seriously.

Did he pursue any other goals? Did he have any secret desires? Or did he really planned just to return his old debt to someone?

Walking around once more in the room full of wires, trying to assess the scale of damage, Romani eventually nodded to himself and headed in the control room in order to inform the chief about the damage and to switch to a different power supply circuit for Chaldea.

Coming out of the basement, Romani sighed, then stretched and headed for the stairs, but halfway to the office, as soon as he stepped onto the metal steps, he was hailed.

"Doctor Roman!" - the voice was unfamiliar to Roman, so he hesitated a bit before turning to the speaker, remembering who he could meet under these conditions. As far as Roman himself remembered - after the announcement that a reyshifting procedure was to take place in the next few hours - almost all of Chaldea's personnels chose to leave the room closest to it, so he did not expect to meet anyone under these conditions.

Looking around, Romani easily noticed the person moving towards him - but Roman himself was completely sure that he had never seen this man before - at least because he obviously would never have forgotten that appearance. The man that appeared before his eyes looked so perfect that it was impossible to describe it with any word other than "masterpiece". Although it was impossible to point out any particular feature in his appearance as "beautiful", everything together, everything from the skin tone to facial features was ideally combined in him, as if an unknown master tried to reproduce a certain perfect reflection of a person in his creation.

"Doctor Roman" - the man approaching him nodded to Romani, - "Am I not disturbing you?"

Romani was completely sure that if he had ever seen such a person, he would definitely have remembered it, so that the answer to the question of whom he is seeing in front of him at the moment did not take long to figure out.

"Ainz," the man smiled at the approaching mage, who replaced his real body, "So I see you have already changed the body?"

"Yes," Ainz nodded to him in response, but to Roman's gaze, he didn't look as happy as he should have been, "Exactly."

Romani was not one of those people who could simply ask the question "did something happen?", even when he knew that something clearly had happened, his uncertainty about his own right to interfere in someone else's privacy was just that great. But after his thoughts about Ainz he just couldn't leave him alone.

"Something happened?" - He asked, after which, thinking for a second, suggested, - "Something related to the Singularity?"

"No, no, nothing like that!" - however, it was enough for Ainz to hear the question to instantly wave his hands, - "Everything is good... Even, perhaps, I would say that it is too good..."

After these words, the necromancer fell silent and acted a little confused, to which Romani was obliged to react.

"I see..." but he didn't know at all how he was supposed to reactt, so he simply uttered a meaningless phrase into the void. For an instant an awkward silence was established before Romani realized that unlike many people in the past, Ainz did not intend to take the initiative in the dialogue for himself, which is why Romani himself was forced to show uncharacteristic initiative for him, - " Than, what exactly is troubling you?"

Fortunately, Ainz did not need more encouragement, so he instantly replied.

"Here!" - right there, as if presenting the evidence of a crime, the guy pointed to himself, - "I am talking about this!"

At first, Roman looked at the cheek, which Ainz pointed to, but not finding anything strange with it, he turned his eyes to the guy, - "What do you mean?"

"This body!" - immediately Ainz said almost accusingly, but at the same time - complaining, - "It is too beautiful!"

'Huh?' - is the response that Romani felt inside.

"What?" - he asked a little later, having decided that he could not understand clearly what was said the first time.

"I am saying that this body is too beautiful!" - it seemed as if all this time Ainz was just waiting for the right time to complain to someone, - "I asked Da Vinci in the past to create something plain and ordinary body for me, but having come to her today I received it! For some reason, Da Vinci decided that I needed something beautiful, but without excesses - she even praised me for demanding something so unusual and complex from her, like "beauty in the absence of beauty," but she just totally misunderstood me!"

Looking at the unexpected verbal reaction of the mage Romani blinked uncertainly several times, after which he felt his lips stretch into a smile against his will.

"This is no reason to smile at!" - however, Ainz, only noticing the smile on Roman's lips, instantly responded with a frown, - "I just wanted a normal body, no frills, but I got a beautiful porcelain doll! Serenity did not give me a break before, but now I have become even more beautiful! I'm quite afraid for my own well-being."

Actually, Ainz's words about a normal body touched some strings in Romani's soul, but whatever camaraderie to Ainz he could feel was instantly overpowered and drowned out by Romani's schadenfreude from the depths of his mind.

Unable to hold back, Romani laughed.

Although, of course, the situation itself wasn't really funny, but only a few seconds ago he reflected on the possible secret plans of Ainz and his influence on the people ofChaldea as something serious or sinister. This disconnect with reality, where Ainz complained about ordinary human misunderstanding and how he didn't want to stand out, was in fact so different from the image of Ainz in Romani's head that he could not resist it and laughed.

"Doctor Roman!" - Ainz indignantly complain frowning, but instead of a bossy shout or a threatening look, it was more like the frowning look of a guy who had just been laughed at by his friends, as if Ainz was this guy, frowning, saying "it's not funny, that's enough, stop it". From this inconsistency with picture of Ainz's in Romani's head, he laughed louder, which caused Ainz's return frown on the doctor.

"I beg your pardon," Romani hiccupped after a dozen seconds, when, at the end, he calmed down and, with a clearly lightened soul, looked again at Ainz in a new way, "Da Vinci was always... Was somewhat special in her understanding of other people."

"I noticed this," in response, Ainz only sighed, and then ran his hand through his hair, ruffling them, "Being a genius is good, but problems with common sense... Sometimes I even enjoy the fact that I am so far from being a genius."

'Far from being a genius?' - at this remark Romani suddenly froze, - 'Is he really?'

Of course, not all Servants were geniuses, not even all magis were, however, among those who achieved rank A in magic, there were in fact no one who could be called of possessing "of average intelligence". Comprehension of magecraft assumed possession of a certain level of intelligence and ingenuity, at least to understand the principles of magecraft, so that having heard the words of Ainz, Romani shook his head.

"Don't you?" - not that Romani wanted to argue, but the curious detail he heard still made the guy take the initiative, - "How did you then reach the heights of magic?"

"The heights of magic, hmm?" - in response to this, Ainz stopped almost instantly, after which he looked at Roman a little frowningly, - "How should I say this... I spent a lot of time in training... Constant, repetitive training, honing the magic that I know."

"That's how?" - Romani raised an eyebrow in surprise. Of course, there was not only one or two Servants that reached incredible heights of mastery through persistent practice and meditation, but he did not want to hear that from a magi - and even more so, necromancers - who developed their mastery thanks to constant repetitive training. Although, he admits, he didn't get to hear about the necromancers who reached the top, except for a few divine spirits, too...

"Yes," but Ainz himself only nodded at this, "I admit, if someone like Ulbert were in my place, he would have been a much more powerful mage than me... Or someone like Punnito would probably be much smarter..."

"Ulbert, Punnito" - Romani instantly noted to himself the names dropped by Ainz.

"You shouldn't worry about it, Ainz," but Romani still tried to protest the guy, suddenly finding himself defending his strengths, "You did still inspire others, like the chief or Mashu, it's worth a lot…"

"Yes?" - however, it seemed as if Ainz had heard about it for the first time in his life, - "That's how... But, I think that I did not succeed really..."

'Didn't succeed?' - at this moment Romani wondered - 'What does this mean?'

After talking with Ainz , the chief was able to overcome her long standing habit of not participating in the operation of Chaldea, and he himself gave the advice to Mashu what Romani himself wanted to convey to her for several years.

'Does he think of this as a failure?' - Romani looked thoughtfully at Ainz, after which he looked away - 'But what did he want to achieve by talking then?'

However, Ainz did not answer this unspoken question, instead he looked up, as if hesitating to look Roman in the eyes.

"Admittedly, I'm not very good at talking to people at all," Romani choked on these words. Who is "not very good at talking to people?!" The person who convinced Olga-Marie to forget about Lev and begin to lead the Chaldea in only one conversation? What, then, is "good at talking" by his standards?!

However, Ainz, having perceived Roman's shocked silence as a sign of his agreement, continued, "Besides, I'm not very used to being the boss. Frankly, in the past, our management was based on a slightly different principle..."

At this Romani just shook his head. Was he a king? Maybe he meant that he was a king and was not used to being a "boss" who is not a monarch, but only one of the field commanders?

"So if I make mistakes, I would really like someone to tell me about them," at this moment Ainz sighed, "True... I do not think this is a good idea to ask people like this directly."

It really was true - although, perhaps, Ainz didn't seem so terrible in person, he was still a necromancer of rank A, it would be very difficult for people to get used to him and stop being afraid of him for the things he did in his life.

Although, he admits, after talking with Ainz, Roman no longer see Ainz as someone who could have created atrocities sufficient to rise to rank A in necromancy.

"Why don't you ask Serenity then?" - At this point, Romani looked at Ainz, to which he replied with a frown.

"Perhaps I would need to check the words of Serenity most of all," Ainz shook his head at that, as if saying 'this girl is a bad news', "I'm not very experienced in dealing with people, but even I can easily determine when someone should not be trusted completely."

Thinking about it, Romani nodded to himself. Serenity was obviously very devoted to her Master, but he really didn't have to trust her, she could not disagree with Ainz - perhaps she was even too devoted to her Master for her and his own good. Even if the likelihood of this is small — it was there nonetheless, so Ainz would prefer to avoid it altogether.

After these words, both Ainz and Romani fell silent before the necromancer realized.

"Ah, I beg your pardon, Romani, did you need to go somewhere? Did I distract you?" - the necromancer instantly worried, to which Romani shook his head.

"No, it's okay, actually," after thinking for a second about the chief and how she was obviously preparing to bring a storm of indignation at him because of his long absence in his place, Romani thought a little, then nodded, - "I think we can talk a little more..."

"... and since then I never drank alcohol again," after these words, Romani sighed and pressed his hands to his face, as if trying to hide all his shame and embarrassment behind them, "Marisbury's dressing down could never be washed, and that the stapler wasn't ever found again."

At this, Ainz himself only smiled, after which he shook his head, as if an experienced old man, listening to the adventures of young people, who for a long time were him in the past. Although, in a sense, this was also the case for Ainz, who participated in large party's just a couple of times when he was very young, fifteen years ago.

"For everyone, perhaps, there exist their own shameful stories from the past," Ainz sighed at that. If you think about it, he did create Pandora's Actor...

'No!' - in horror, suddenly Ainz clutched at his head, feeling how abruptly he calms down at the same second due to the action of his abilities, - 'After all, if I created Pandora's Actor and now Nazarick is real, then he... I created a monster !'

"Ainz?" - however, having managed to see the inner turmoil of the necromancer, Romani looked at him worriedly, - "What is it? You turned pale."

"Nothing special," but Ainz only dismissed it and laughed uncertainly.

Romani responded with an appreciating glance, then nodded, "Well, if you think so."


Moving from the side of the corridor, the chief looked menacingly, like an enraged Valkyrie, despite the fact that she was barely as tall as Roman himself. However, a glance at her made the lazy doctor suddenly feel the inevitable retribution, placed over him like a Damocles sword.

"Oh, hi chief!" - however, Ainz, it seemed, was not at all disturbed by the appearance of the girl, only glancing at her, after which he waved at her several times, - "It is good to see you here."

"Who the hell are you?" - however, the chief did not share his joyous mood, instantly identifying Ainz as a hindrance after a quick look.

"What?" - the guy blinked several times, after which, realizing that at the moment he was occupying a different body, nodded, -" I beg your pardon chief. I'm Ainz, I just changed body."

"Ainz?" - after this word the chief stopped, as if reluctantly braking the train of revenge, and then repeated loudly again, - "Ainz?"

"Ainz?!" - Finally, the information reached the girl's mind, forcing her steps to stop at half step. As if at the click of a switch, all the hatred and vengefulness of the chief disappeared at that very second. Although, as Roman himself could see - it did not disappear, because there was plenty of hatred in her eyes cast on Roman, Olga-Marie simply chose to hide her hatred in front of Ainz's eyes, - "Do you need Roman?"

"Mmmm..." After these words, Ainz turned his gaze to Roman, as if asking him if he should allow the chief to talk to him. Seeing Roman's pleading gaze in response, Ainz nodded, "Yes, in a few more minutes."

"O-h... O-k-a-y..." the girl said slowly and with pressure, after which, sending another angry look to Romani, "I'll talk to him later."

After which, she slowly walked away.

As soon as the girl disappeared around the bend, Roman was able to slowly exhale.

"Thank you so much, Ainz!" - on these words Romani nodded several times, - "It seems that you just saved me from a big hassle!"

"It's nothing, I am ready to help," - Ainz just waved away these words. Romani himself only looked at Ainz again.

"Yes, speaking of why I came to find you from the beginning," in the end, as if there's a reason - and maybe really there is having recollected it only now, Ainz remembered something - "Why I came here from the beginning... in a few hours we will have to go to the Singularity - and I just wanted to know if everything is well and if I could help with anything..."

In response, Romani thought for a second, after which he smiled.

"No," - the guy smiled, - "You already helped us all enough."

"Okay... I think..." in response, Ainz just nodded a couple of times. He himself did not understand how he could help someone when he didn't do anything, but just in case he nevertheless agreed with Roman.

"Okay, in that case," eventually, finding the time most appropriate for ending the conversation, Romani nodded, "I will go, or the chief will come again for my soul and this time, I'm afraid, even you cannot save me from her anger."

"Okay," Ainz could only nod again.

Romani's back disappeared behind the doors leading to the stairs, just a second later Ainz felt the familiar pressure on his arm.

"Serenity?" - Ainz glanced at the girl who appeared from nowhere, - "Is something wrong?"

"I thought that only women are my opponents..." Serenity just shook her head at this, "I made a huge mistake... A huge one..."

"Serenity?" - Ainz only turned to the girl after that, but instead of answering, he received only a frowning glance in response.

"I will not give up anyway," was the answer of the girl, determined to continue her fight, "I will not give up and wait for my turn, after the chief, Mashu and Romani."

"Well," - in the end, the guy did not know what to say in response and just nodded as before, - "If you say so..."

Serenity nodded no less seriously.

"Forty-Eighth Candidate, your presence is required in the main center of the Chaldea" - rang through the speakers a moment later.

"It looks like it's our time to reyshift," Ainz concluded the obvious, after which he sighed, preparing for the next one. "Good. In this case, let's go. We are going to the new Singularity."

Magic Explorer - is an extremely rare, unique class with variable unlock conditions for various players and with variable bonuses depending both on the class unlock path and on the previously acquired specialization of the player. It is reliably known there are at least five different variations of abilities given by the class for different players, but only about two players using this class: Kiss_Ur_Schwein_org and /\0I(0 /\0Z/\I(I. It is also not known for certain how this class and requirements are obtained in the form of a level and other classes, which is why many consider this class "just randomly popping up for some people." Whether this is true or not is unknown, however, given the well-known love of the developers for "unexpected approaches to solving problems", it is actually quite possible