"So..." - Ainz leaned forward, arms crossed in front of him - a gesture he learned from his boss in his past life, "How many soldiers do you have?"

Gilles just poured a little wine for himself, and then, for the sake of decency, he offered some to those present, but they refused. Only Marie Antoinette reached out for a glass, but Mozart grabbed her hand, looking a her with a frown on his face, which only earned him a mischievous grin from her, as she stuck out her tongue. Gilles did not pay attention to that exchange, and sipped a little from the glass, after which, noticing that Jeanne was looking a little disapprovingly at the alcohol, he coughed in embarrassment and set the glass aside.

"Twenty thousand," he finally said, and sighed.

"Twenty thousand?" Ainz frowned a little and looked at John. He claimed that he had fought the battle with the Witch while commanding half the army of France, close to seventy thousand. Even that number was embellished, Gilles had to have at least twice the number he just mentioned.

However, John only sighed and joined the conversation "Is the situation really this bad?"

Gilles only nodded grimly.

"Battles with armies are one thing," the knight winced. "But fighting endless hordes of monsters, day after day, retreating, waging a hopeless war, is completely different. Some of us died, but most simply escaped. Our moral is shattered, the realization of hopelessness... Some were even seduced by the Witch's proposals... I do not know what happened to them now."

After these words, an uncomfortable pause hung in the tent.

"It is clear," Ainz sighed "Everything is clear."

Were these words really clear for Ainz? Of course not.

However, the simple idea that they had twenty thousand soldiers instead of sixty thousand was still bad enough to give him some understanding of his current situation.

Gilles, uttering the bitter truth, leaned back in his chair, after which, he thought for a moment and looked at Jeanne, who had been sitting next to him all this time.

"If our Saint returned to us at this time, it could return the moral to the soldiers". It was almost physically painful for Gilles to say the rest of this sentence, but he had to "But... in the current conditions, after the Witch did so many terrible things…"

The commander tried by all means possible to avoid insulting Jeanne, but she nevertheless sighed a little, understanding the unspoken fact.

For a second, silence returned to the tent before John spoke again "Actually... I have an idea."

After that, when the eyes of all those present were fixed on him, the duke turned his eyes to Ainz. Ainz only blinked back, after which, John, deciding that the mage gave him the greenlight to speak, began.

"Ainz told me this idea," Ainz froze for a second. 'I did?! What could I have told him?!'

"So it turns out that the Witch will not let us, nor this army, be. She will return again, stronger and much angrier than before, with even more monsters. She will not back down so easily. So why don't we use this to our advantage?"

All of those present looked at each other, after which, Mozart, realizing what John was leading to, looked at Ainz and nodded, "Is that so?... In that case, it might work."

'What might work?' Ainz felt completely out of the conversation.

Fortunately, John continued to speak.

"In any case, the Witch will return with a new army," John leaned to the table, "And we will have to defend ourselves and this army... Then why not use this as a justification for the return of the Saint?"

Jeanne, finally realizing what her associate was talking about, squirmed a little in her chair.

"Ah, that's what it is," Gilles nodded to himself too, after which, he thoughtfully nodded, and said "Yes, that might work."

"We do heroic deeds with a devilish plan!" Marie Antoinette clapped her hands and smiled, "I like it!"

'What are you all talking about?!' Ainz just froze, an imaginary drop of sweat crawled down on his forehead 'If I ask them now what they are talking about, wouldn't I look like an idiot?! I would! especially in Jeanne's eyes... I will look completely incompetent and incapable of keeping up with the conversation!...Wait, what if they ask me something about the plan?!'

If someone had asked Ainz a question now, he would have been completely unprepared for it, so he needed to urgently change the topic of the conversation!

Ainz tried to come up with something that would allow him to show that he was still able to participate in the conversation, but as if his luck ran out, nothing came to his mind. As a result, without inventing anything, he decided that even a random statement would be better than mere silence.

"The Witch can feel Jeanne" said Ainz in the end, drawing the attention of the people present, "And she will definitely try to attack her again."

For a second, those present were silent.

'I said something wrong?!' Ainz froze for a second 'Now they will think of me as an idiot!'

"Fantastic!" John suddenly rejoiced "So it will be even better."

'Ha?' the mage blinked a couple times as he noticed how everyone present nodded to themselves, confirming John's words 'Did I say something right?'

"When the forces of the Witch attack, the appearance of the Saint in the midst of the battle in order to save France again and lead her troops into battle will become much more believable. When they see the True Miracle, none of the soldiers will doubt that this is Jeanne, the real Jeanne. In this case, it will be possible to convince people that they are fighting against the evil Witch, who has assumed the form of their Saint, no, it would be easy," Gilles talked a little bit to himself, after which he looked at John, "Fine plan, John!"

"This is not my plan," John just looked at Ainz, and the eyes of all those present shifted to Ainz, who was sitting nearby, "I just took Ainz's plan, which he told me a little earlier and changed it a little, so all credit goes to him."

"In that case," Gilles instantly turned his eyes back to the necromancer, "My thanks to you."

'I never offered anything like that!' Ainz instantly froze again, after which he thought "Or did I?.."

No, of course, a while back, he did in fact mention something taught to him once by Punnito Moe, but it was about gaining trust of people, not entire armies at all ...

"In that case, we know how we can return the fighting spirit to the soldiers, and how to make Jeanne fight openly again" Gilles turned his eyes to John, and then back to Ainz "In that case ... What will you do now?"

Ainz paused for a second, feeling the panic rise inside him before it was strangled by his Emotional Suppression, leaving him only a cold mind.

Initially, he went to this Singularity in order to meet as many Servants as possible, which he could add to his collection. The presence of Mozart, Marie Antoinette and Gilles proved to him that the appearance of the Servants in this Singularity was not an a one-time miracle, as with Jeanne, so it could be done again now.

"We need to find allies," Ainz tried to cover up this thought with an excuse, "We need to go find allies who can match the powers of the Witch's champions."

"Do you think this is possible?" John looked at the mage with interest, while Gilles himself only nodded.

"Quite possible," Ainz sighed, then blinked.

'The sooner I can escape from this singularity, the better,' Ainz sighed. He did not want to look like a coward, but he was already in a somewhat unpleasant situation with a reassessment of his abilities, and he clearly did not want to reveal it or to repeat it.

"Good," Gilles finally nodded, after which he looked at Ainz a little more carefully, "In that case... What about your Servants?"

John, without knowing about some features of the existence of the world around, ignored the subtext left by Gilles, but Ainz understood him.

'What does he want from me?' the guy felt a panic rising from the depths of his mind, but did not let that one appear on his face.

"I'll leave a few..." the mage began carefully, trying to determine Gilles reaction, after which, making sure that he apparently expected this, he perked up, "Those who can help in case the Witch's Servants attack."

"Good," Gilles nodded to himself, after which he turned in the direction of Mozart and Marie Antoinette, whom he correctly identified as a third party in the negotiations, "And you..."

Amadeus opened his mouth to answer, but was instantly shut up by his queen, "I am not very good with all these cunning plans, but I am good with meeting new people, so I will gladly go with Ainz!"

Mozart, who clearly wanted to say something before, looked at the girl, after which, he shrugged at Ainz and Gilles, and leaned back in his chair, as if he were not at all concerned about it.

"Well, in that case, I suppose we have finished discussing the plans," Gilles sighed, "When will you leave?"

Ainz was ready to leave even at that moment, not needing either sleep, food, or rest, being undead, but thinking for a second, he said, "At dawn tomorrow. After the battle, we all need rest."

"Good," Gilles nodded. "I will send a few soldiers who do not ask questions, who can provide you with a short respite. Ser Lansel should suffice."

"Okay, then I'll go after the Servants," Ainz nodded, "Teleportation..."

Closing her eyes, the Witch continued to feel how the cold bandages, smeared with some odorous liquid, slowly cooled her burning wounds, which were in no hurry to heal themselves, despite her nature as a Servant.

The door creaked, after which, several steps could be heard on the granite floor of the empty room where the girl was at the moment. Only one living creature would dare to boldly approached her, especially now, so the girl did not even open her eyes in order to verify the identity of the person who entered.

"Ah, Gilles," the Witch only fidgeted, sitting comfortably on the couch, "Did something happen?"

"Nothing of the kind, Jeanne," came the man's voice with almost affectionate notes in it, "I just came to change the bandages."

"Hmm?" after this, the girl opened her eyes and looked at Gilles, standing next to her with a whole pack of smelly gauze in his hands.

Gilles was a tall man, but very thin, which made it difficult to accept him as a warrior. Of course, the armor and the blade hid his thinness, because of which, in full outfit, he might have seemed a little more impressive than he actually was, but now, being dressed in a huge black hooded robe that hung like a rag on him, he seemed even more fragile than he really was. That fragility, together with his short, slightly greasy, unkempt hair and large bulging eyes gave him the appearance of a somewhat crazy person.

The Witch was not completely undressed, almost all of her body was wrapped in huge bandages that hid all its virtues, but they tightly enough encircled all her bends and contours, so that anyone could easily determine her figure. But the girl did not feel constrained by this with Gilles, even when he looked at her body with love. Because it was not the love that a man could have for a woman, it was closer to a special kind of love that a believer has for his deity, the love with which the creator enjoys the most beautiful masterpiece in the world.

"What did you get?" Instantly the girl lost her patience, "Spill it!"

"Of course, Jeanne," the man smiled at the girl, after which, he began to unwrap the bandages. The moment the first one slipped from the Witch's hand, the disgusting smell intensified, causing the girl to grimace.

"These things stink," she leaned back, "Gilles, could you bring something more pleasant?!"

"I apologize, Jeanne, but all medicine smells bad," the man smiled. "Please endure, and when you become healthy, I will immediately stop doing all this."

"When I will be healthy!" the girl gave a loud mocking chuckle, "I am a Servant! I must be able to regenerate without all your rubbish!"

"Of course, Jeanne," the man smiled even more at that, "But that bitch inflicted some serious wounds on you with her damned weapons, so it may take some time..."

"That bitch..." Jeanne only grunted at it. The memory of the damned girl towering above her returned to her mind.

A short figure with two blades in her hands, leaning toward her face to cut her throat. Not rejoicing and not triumphant, not mocking and not in disgust, not looking forward to it and not sad... Just bored. As if doing her job. Taking another life, not the first and not the last. As if Jeanne was just another... Another minor step in someone's life. Just another victim who fell in battle. Just another casual victim... useless, miserable, unnecessary...

The fire inside the Witch blazed again because of this thought, making it's way through her body, after which, all her wounds instantly exploded in a spectacle of pain.

"Mother fucker!" the girl instantly arched in an arc of pain, clutching her hands into fists, feeling her nails bite into the flesh, piercing the skin "I hate it! I hate it! I hate it!"

Gilles should probably be panicked by this display of emotions, but instead, he only took a step back, letting the girl raise her clenched fist and hit her bed, breaking the thick oak boards with a blow.

"I hate it! I hate it! I hate it!" as if having entered into some kind of rage trance, the Witch struck blow after blow, crumbling her own bed, feeling the pain of incessant fire spreading through her body, burning her over and over again, "I HATE!"

The small sofa could not stand the last, especially strong, blow, finally cracking, its rickety legs parted to the sides, causing the girl to collapse on the floor.

The girl hit cold granite, and as if suddenly waking up, she fell silent. She did not rise or even roll onto her back, just continuing to lie on the cold granite, feeling how it's coldness mixed with the phantom pain from the fire.

"Jeanne?" finally Gilles spoke after she continued to lie motionless on the floor for several seconds, after which, without getting an answer, he took a step towards the girl, "Jeanne?!"

"Gilles," she finally said, however, it was not the voice that Gilles wanted to hear. It was a sharp, slightly broken, angry voice, behind which one could sense barely restrained emotions "Am I weak?"

"What?" Gilles instantly took another step and held out his hands to raise the girl, "No, Jeanne, of course not!"

"Then why did I lose?" the girl made no attempt to get up from her seat, allowing Gilles to lift her from the floor, "Why did I lose, Gilles? Why did I lose again?"

"Jeanne, they deceived you," the man tried to utter reassuringly, "You fought alone against three Servants ..."

"I don't need your flattery!" the girl snapped and abruptly punched the man. She did not use all her strength, but this was enough for the man to take a step back "I am weak, Gilles! I am weak!"

"No, Jeanne, of course not," the man tried to hold the girl in spite of the sudden movement and lifted her slightly, after which, for lack of a better option, he laid her back on the broken sofa, "You were poisoned. It was just a vile killer trick, no more."

"Poisoned, hmm?" the girl seemed to think about this word, allowing the mage to put her back on the sofa, after which, she covered her eyes with her hand, as if hiding them from the light, or from Gilles, after which, she silent again.

In the established silence, Gilles continued to slowly remove the bandages from the girl and replace them with new ones, and when the girl spoke again, she was completely bandaged.

"They poisoned me, haha," the girl smirked at the thought, after which, she removed her hand and looked at the mage, "If you think about it, I have never been poisoned before..."

"Jeanne," the man tried to talk to her, but she seemed to not listen to the voice.

"They tortured me," the girl smiled, "They burned me... But I was never poisoned... Tell me, how many other ways to die do I yet have to experience?"

"Jeanne," he tried to reassure the girl, but she did not even begin to listen to him, continuing to speak.

"Maybe next time they will hang me?" the girl smiled at this thought, as if she was joking with herself, "Or drown me... Oh no, maybe they decide to burn me again?"

Gilles, finally understood that the girl could not control her thoughts at this moment, and therefore was forced to hug her. However, she did not stop at all.

"Or do they chop off my head?" the girl laughed, "Oh, I heard that this is one of the most painless ways to die! One movement, a moment of pain, and you die. You don't even have time to understand what happened."

"Jeanne, Jeanne, Jeanne," the mage continued to mutter, clutching the girl, who continued to hang powerlessly in his hands.

"Or is it the opposite? they will want to enjoy it in its fullest?!" the girl fell into a fit of laughter, "I know, ahaha! First, my hands will be cut off... Then my legs ... Ahahaha! Then they will start skinning alive... Ahaha! And then, when I stop feeling pain, they will crush my head with a carriage... Like an overripe watermelon!"

After that, the girl began to laugh madly, continuing to hang in the hands of Gilles, stroking the girl's back.

At first, Jeanne's laughter was sincere, but gradually, the longer Gilles held her in his arms, the more additional tones began to appear in her laughter. It was as if sobs began to mix in her crazy laughter.

The girl continued to laugh further, until the sobs completely blocked all her laughter, after which, she clung to Gilles, who continued to hug her.

Several times, the girl sobbed, but this did not turn into crying. Instead, the girl clung to Gilles, as if drowning in the last chance of salvation, and continued to hold him like that for several minutes, saying nothing.

After a few minutes, the girl was able to loosen her grip on the man, she abruptly and roughly pushed him away from herself.

"Get away from here, you stink!" Gilles really smelled a little of the medicinal solutions that he used to treat the girl, but Jeanne still remained the main source of this smell, since she was bandaged from head to toe. However, Gilles did not say anything to her and simply took a step back and bowed to her.

"Of course, Your Holiness," he bowed to the girl, and then headed for the exit.

"I don't need your flattery," the girl just managed to throw after him, before the man disappeared behind the door. However, even with his back to ehr, Gilles could swear that the girl smiled to him a little.

Taking a step out from the room where the Witch was, left alone on the broken couch, Gilles closed the door behind him, and when he finally turned around, he came face to face with the man standing opposite to him, or maybe it was a girl.

"How's Milady's health?" came the charmingly-sweet voice of a guy in front of Gilles, forcing him to instantly go dark.

"Everything is fine," he answered shortly and went on, but Chevalier did not stay behind, and instead went after Gilles, so that he was forced to drop another sentence, "She is stubborn, she will be back on her feet in a couple of days."

"that's just wonderful," Chevalier smiled. "Perseverance is the quality that prevails in Milady, this is what I definitely managed to notice."

Gilles, discovering that the guy continued to follow on his heels, was forced to ask him a question again "What do you want?"

"I'm just interested in the health status of my Milady!" he instantly replied, almost offended by the question "What kind of knight would I be if I don't even care about the health of my Mistress?!"

"Don't play your games with me, Saber," Caster suddenly stopped and turned to face the guy following him, who almost bumped into him. Saber just smiled and waved his hands a little in front of his face.

"I apologize, commander!" he said with a guilty smiled, "As they say, old habits die hard!"

Gilles just frowned at the guy.

"The thing is, I would like to discuss the recent additions to our ranks..." Saber smiled. "Servants summoned this morning."

"Something wrong?" Gilles just looked at the guy directly.

"No, no, nothing like that," Saber immediately waved his hands again. "The guy in the high collar is pretty nice, although a little obsessed... But the second one, and not to mention our most significant add-on..."

"What's wrong with him?" - Gilles looked at Chevalier closely.

"Nothing special, it's just that," Saber sighed, "Since the moment he was called this morning, he has already stripped our army of seventeen people..."

"They will rise again as zombies" Caster dismissed the man's concerns. "So the army will not lose in combat strength."

"Of course not," Chevalier smiled, "But the point is who our new colleague killed... Three men and fourteen women. The loss of men is really not very significant, but the number of women among our troops is very small, so the loss of all the beautiful girls on our side may be somewhat... Sad."

"Sorry for this", he only nodded, allowing Saber to continue the conversation.

"The thing is that I wanted to find out," Chevalier innocently asked, "Could you, or Milady, find a more... suitable use for the our colleague's...power? And although I would not want to part with such an outstanding gentleman even before I could talk to him as a person, perhaps there is an possibility to organize a mission for our colleague... Outside, where he can't destroy all the beautiful girls fighting on our side?"

For a second, Gilles fell silent, pondering the words spoken by the guy, after which he reluctantly nodded. "I will discuss this with Jeanne."

"I wouldn't even dare to dream about anything more," the swordsman smiled and took a step back.

Gilles stopped for a second, after which, he looked at Chevalier. Although he was injured even more seriously than Jeanne, at the moment, he looked as if all his injuries had been a lie, his hand was back in place, he was not holding on to his pierced stomach, and even the small cuts on his body completely healed. All that remains is just the smiling face of a young guy with the beauty of Apollo.

"Of all the people around, only you make me sick," Gilles wrinkled, after which he looked again at Chevalier, "And believe me, if you make me sick, I will do my best to watch you closely."

"Your mistrust hurts me, commander," the guy bowed and took another step back, a little upset, "But I suppose, that is the fate of the spy. I am very sorry that you do not trust me, but if this happened, then I will do my best to not give you reason to suspect me of anything."

Gilles merely grimaced at these words.

"Get out of my sight," he gave the command, to which Chevalier only bowed and hid the next step in one of the corridors located nearby.

The next day Ainz met the dawn looking at the slowly awakening camp of French soldiers wandering around their service posts.

Somewhere in the distance, a messenger seemed to make his way from one end of the camp to the other with an important message, after which the morning silence settled down again, diluted only by the sound of soldiers yawning.

Realizing that he had no other way, Ainz reluctantly cast the spell.

"Chaldea in touch!" A moment later he heard Roman's voice, overly peppy for the morning hours.

"Roman?" Ainz was a little surprised "Where's the chief?"

"The chief is still sleeping," the man said immediately, a little nervously, as if afraid that the chief would suddenly appear behind his back, chastising him for the futility of his work and the inability to establish a connection between Chaldea and Ainz, "Did something happen?"

"Not really," Ainz sighed, surveying the camp from a bird's eye view, continuing to soar in the clouds, "I just wanted a little help."

"Oh, of course," the technician, doctor and scientist immediately smiled "What kind?"

"Is it possible to use the Chaldean scanner in order to detect Servants?" Ainz asked an interesting question, "The fact is that for the battle with the Witch we will need all possible forces."

"Witch?" Roman said with great Interest.

"A long story," Ainz dismissed. "Is this possible?"

"Theoretically, yes" the technician agreed, "But in practice it will be a little more complicated without the ability to establish a permanent connection…"

At this point, Roman was silent and Ainz vividly imagined how he looked around in search of his boss "The accuracy will be reduced too much. Of course, I can point you to some outstanding points on the radar, but without the ability to say exactly what I am pointing to. Maybe I can determine the approximate location of the Servants, but maybe I will fall on a large group of strong opponents - or even on the Servants who are not friendly."

"It's still better than trying to comb through France hoping for a random meeting." Ainz reasoned with Roman, "so I guess I will take this chance."

"Of course," the doctor agreed, after which, he left the microphone for a few seconds, returning after a couple of moments, "All of France is almost completely dotted with strong signatures!"

Ainz just nodded at this, "Good. Where are the strongest?"

"In Orleans," the technician said without delay.

"This is logical," agreed Ainz, "This is the location of the Witch's base. Where are the rest?"

For a couple of seconds, the man was distracted again, "In Lyon there are sufficiently strong signatures, as well as in Thiers. I cannot be sure that the Servants are there, but it is there that the most powerful signal sources are located."

"Good, thanks," Ainz sighed, after which, thinking about all the problems that Roman went through with his boss because of the inability to contact Ainz, he sighed, "And I apologize."

"For what?" Roman only asked in a blank voice.

"Nothing," after these words, Ainz disconnected.

After a dozen minutes, the camp was boiling again and seething with life, languid faces gave way to fresh and rested ones, voices and sounds began to be heard again, so Ainz decided to go down. Just in case, he also used invisibility and returned to the tent given by Gilles to rest the Servants.

None of the Servants were asleep. Arthuria was dressed in armor, she had apparently calmed down, but still continued to give Ainz strange looks, while Medusa and Cu Chulainn were talking quietly about something at the very end of the tent.

"Lord Mage," Hassan's voice above his ear made Ainz look at Assassin, "I suppose we are ready to depart."

"Good," Ainz sighed, after which, he looked at Marie, who, with tenacity worthy of a better application, tried to undo Jeanne's braid. Jeanne, obviously feeling somewhat uncomfortable, continued to try to get away.

"Good," the mage nodded, after which, noting that Hassan had not left him instantly, he turned to him. "Has something happened?"

"Nothing, Lord Mage," the man said calmly, after which, he was silent for a couple of seconds, "Of course, Lord Mage, I trust your judgment, I just would like to know about your decision about the Servants that you will entrust to the French army."

"Oh," Ainz instantly beamed, realizing that in this conversation he could really justify his decision, "Jeanne is an obvious decision, since she is the central figure of the whole plan. Cu Chulainn and Medusa can heal, which is especially important in the current conditions of the army, in addition, Cu Chulainn is a mage, which means that he has a wide range of utility not only in combat conditions, but also in everyday situations, while Medusa has good senses and does not rely on her vision, which means she is effective in detecting invisible opponents. Of course, Archer would be better in that case. However, since the French army does not need to be afraid of an ambush, unlike our group, I decided to choose Medusa to stay with them. In addition, together, they are capable of fighting a large group of opponents if necessary, and they're strong enough to least hold on until reinforcements arrive in the event of a full-scale attack by the Witch's Servants."

"Of course," Hassan nodded at this, as if it were something taken for granted, "But I'm not talking about them, but about Serenity..."

After this question, Ainz froze.

Why did Ainz choose to leave Serenity in the camp?

Because he was a little afraid of her. But not in the sense in which he was afraid of Arthuria or Hassan, or in the sense that he doubted her loyalty, on the opposite, he was almost sure of her loyalty. That was the problem, Serenity was too loyal, but she was also quite impulsive, and even Ainz, who did not know the secret of interpersonal relationships, could notice her desire to be with her Master for all the time available to her. In other words, the girl was too much for Ainz. Therefore, he did not leave her as a necessary element for the french army, but as an undesired element in his team.

But could he tell Hassan about this?

What would a boss who removes a specialist from the project simply because he did not like him look like for Hassan? Moreover, what if he didn't like the specialist not because he possessed some negative qualities, but rather, because he possessed excessively positive ones? After all, any Servant would appreciate Serenity's loyalty as her primary positive trait. Ainz was sure of it.

Therefore, he could not answer this question with what he really thought.

However, looking at Hassan, he was expecting his answer, Ainz felt another phantom drop of sweat rolling down his forehead.

"Oooooooh" Ainz tried to buy himself some time "This is absolutely necessary…"

"Yes?" Hassan, mocking or not, asked again, "why exactly?"

"Oh," Ainz stalled again. It was urgent for him to come up with an excuse, but absolutely nothing came to mind.

'What can I say?! What can I say?!' a moment later, his panic died out, leaving only one realization: Once, his lie and improvisation in an unknown topic worked with Arthuria, so all he had to do was rely on bluffing one more time.

"I could tell you the main reason for this," Ainz stepped on the thin ice of the bluff, "But why should I?"

Hassan, standing opposite to the mage, did not change expression, but solely because he did not have a face to do so.

"You..." he said, "Don't you trust me?"

"No, of course that's not it" Ainz immediately hastened to reassure him, "And that is why I do not want to tell you about this. I trust you and your judgment and I am absolutely sure that you yourself can easily understand why I chose to leave Serenity in the camp."

For a few seconds, everything froze, before Hassan nodded slowly "That's how…"

"Of course," Ainz blurted out in a smile. He hoped that Hassan would not take his word as a bluff.

"Hm, then..." Hassan thought for a second, "I can definitely determine the reason for this decision."

'He bought it!' The magician exulted inwardly, but the emotional suppression cut off the arising joy within him, leaving only a feeling of little satisfaction, "Of course, Hassan, I believe in your abilities."

"Good, Master," Hassan fell silent for a second, "In that case, it is possible that..."

"Oh, Marie Antoinette," Ainz instantly grabbed the girl who had finally left Jeanne alone and was now wandering around, "Tell me, can you tell me the location of Thiers?"

"Thiers?" the girl thought for a second and smiled, "Of course! I was there only once, but I can definitely get there."

"Perfect!" - Ainz said with exaggerated enthusiasm "In this case, we are going to Thiers!"

Physical Resistance - a skill that reduces physical damage taken, similar to Magic Resistance. However, despite the extreme similarity of these two skills, while Magic Resistance is a fairly common skill, Physical Resistance is not just a rare, but practically a non-existent skill that can neutralize the main weakness of many magic-oriented Servants - their low Endurance and helplessness in close combat.