Ainz sighed, after which he tried to take on the most noble and intelligent appearance that he could. The one with whom he is going to meet now was perhaps the strangest person from the point of view of the magician. And at the same time one of the most important.

Sighing again, Ainz still raised his hand and knocked on the door.

Silence reigned for a few seconds before a female voice nevertheless answered him, "It's not locked."

Ainz opened the door, and then took a step inside the room, immediately his nose poked book, which almost fell out of its closet.

Da Vinci's office looked exactly as Ainz himself remembered - despite the fact that the room itself was very spacious, it was crowded with tables, shelves, littered with drawings, models and various fixtures, whose purpose Ainz could not even predict that it seemed as if the room is like a tiny closet littered with all kinds of useless trash. Inexplicable drawings, mechanical products, half-completed - or unfinished - models and figures lay in a chaotic and very picturesque mess, driving away from his head any thought that the owner of the room was at least to some extent concerned about the cleanliness of her own workplace.

In support of this thought, Da Vinci herself was in the center of this creative chaos. Directly in front of her, on a small table, was a small notebook, filled, it seemed, without the smallest of margins, with small, slime-like handwriting, in which she nevertheless continued to write something at the moment with her right hand. However, completely distracted from this matter, Da Vinci's left hand continued to do something else at the same time- peering closer a little, Ainz could see how, without directly looking, Da Vinci was using her other hand to draw something on a small sheet, with a small pencil neatly marking line by line.

On the table in front of Da Vinci was a small crystal.

"Oh, Ainz?" The girl was distracted from her notes, looking up at the magician, but her hands didn't even flinch - even looking up at Ainz, she continued to draw and write at the same time, while not even looking directly at them, "I admit I didn't think that I would see you in my workshop. Did something happen?"

"No, no," Ainz shook his head, and then took a step inside, closing the door behind him, "Just passing by."

"Hm, Is that so?" Da Vinci smiled, not ceasing to go about her business, "In that case, I hope you will not mind if I continue to go about my business?"

"Ah," Ainz nodded. "I'm distracting you."

"Not at all," as if to confirm her words, the girl, without lowering her gaze, finished writing the last sentence, after which she put a neat dot at the end and put down the pen, nevertheless, continuing to draw with one hand, "Even so, I'm glad you are here. Tea or coffee?"

Ainz sighed, "Tea, perhaps."

After finishing the final touch with one hand on a piece of paper, the girl nevertheless cleared it away from herself, after which she smiled at the magician, "Black, green?"

"Green." Ainz sighed, then looked around. There were several chairs in Da Vinci's office, but they were all occupied — some were packed up with a lot of papers, some contained things that Ainz would call equipment or artifacts.

"Ah, right," Da Vinci smiled, noticing the magician's gaze, and then she got up from the small sofa that she had occupied before and pointed to it. "You can sit here."

Ainz nodded and took a step passing by Da Vinci, going to the vacant seat, after which looked back to talk to the girl, but she already disappeared somewhere in the wilds of her own office and, twisting a little in place, the magician looked at the crystal that had attracted his attention from the very beginning.

At first glance, the crystal lying in front of him could be mistaken for a data crystal. From the second, third and even tenth looks, perhaps, too.

Data crystals did not have any uniform form - depending on the quality, effect, and even the source, they could differ greatly in appearance, taking the form of a fragment of glass, a roadside cobblestone or a beautiful carved figurine depicting some god or demon with inhuman accuracy, because of which sometimes players could not find the data crystal they needed for years when in fact all this time it was under their nose. Ainz remembered how, just four years after the start of the game, one of the newcomers realized that one of the highest-level data crystals could be found very early in the game, disguised as one of the pieces of coal lying on the side of an old abandoned mine near the beginner city.

Ainz smiled - those were good times.

However, Ainz, for more than a decade of the game, developed a peculiar sixth sense for data crystals. He could confidently distinguish a piece of useless ore from the data crystal hidden by the developers, and therefore, looking at the small crystal in front of him, he could shake his head with confidence.

Not that the crystal in front of him was so different from the classic look of standard data crystals. That is, it was a crystal, multifaceted, it even glowed a little, like one of the main currencies of Yggdrasil should be. But something was missing from this creation - the cut were a little sharper than needed, the insides of the crystal were slightly cloudy and the light glow was slightly stronger than usual for a data crystal, so Ainz could confidently conclude that it was not what he needed.

"You are studying my creation?" - as if out of nowhere, Da Vinci appeared next to Ainz, carrying two cups in her hands, after which she handed one to Ainz, "Do you like it?"

Ainz took the cup from her hands, after which he took a sip and grimaced. The Tea was hot.

However, it was at least tasty, in comparison with all the teas Ainz had tried before in his life. Not that this was an achievement - but it once again convinced Ainz that he made the right decision when he chose to inhabit a human body.

"Are you trying to create a data crystal?" Ainz sighed and asked what he thought was the most appropriate question.

"Tried?" The girl froze at the word, then grunted. "As I can tell from this remark, I failed. Can you tell me how you determined this? Cainabel needed to at least pick it up to say for sure."

"Ahem," Ainz thought, "Experience, I guess."

"Of course," Da Vinci shrugged, as if she hadn't expected another answer.

Ainz took a sip of tea, pausing to think of subjects for further conversation. He was not a communication master, so he could hardly have picked the right words to eventually lead to the topic is interested in, so he decided just to continue the conversation, "So you talked with Cainabel?"

"Yes," Da Vinci answered simply, after which she took a sip.

Ainz asked a question that seemed appropriate to the conversation, "And what do you think about her?"

"The same things as everyone, probably," Da Vinci answered with a little shrug, "A disgusting woman and a bastard, occupying space that someone else could put to better use in this world. But a very interesting person, this is at least something positive about her."

"Interesting?" Ainz tried to ask a question.

"She is very knowledgeable," the girl nevertheless explained. "She is difficult to communicate with, but many interesting things can be learned from her. Tell me, what exactly is "Supertier Magic"?

"Ahem." Ainz choked on tea from the unexpected question, then coughed a couple of times. "What?"

"Supertier Magic," Da Vinci repeated again, "Cainabel touched on this topic, but could not speak too much about it. She said only that only the Higher Beings possessed this power, and that no one except them, even the gods and demons, was able to achieve such abilities. I am very interested in this matter."

"This…" - Ainz was silent for a second. He did not have an answer to this question except "this is the ability that the mages gains after the seventieth level" - "It will be difficult to explain."

"I'm not afraid of complicated explanations," Da Vinci smiled with a broad smile, "Do not underestimate me, I'm still Leonardo Da Vinci, the greatest scientist in the universe, a man who conquered all the sciences of the world."

"Although," Da Vinci immediately stopped short, "Now I am technically a woman. We can say that as a man I managed to conquer even being a woman. Is this not yet another proof of my genius?"

Ainz was not sure whether this question was rhetorical or not, so he simply took another sip of tea.

"So what about Supertier Magic?" The girl looked at Ainz carefully, immediately distracted from her thoughts.

"I," Ainz stopped short. He came here with a specific purpose, to get information, and if he now refuses information to Da Vinci, then she could easily refuse his request. Another problem was that Ainz himself simply could not answer Da Vinci's answer to this question. The problem was that Da Vinci didn't know about this fact, and even if Ainz himself had told her the simple "I don't know anything about it," she would probably have considered him a liar, - "This is... A really difficult question."

"Then I will listen carefully," Da Vinci smiled at the magician, after which she took a step to Ainz and sat down next to him. Of course, this was obvious, given that there were no free space for Da Vinci anywhere else in the room, however, at the same time, the girl was very close to the magician, literally touching to his hip, much closer than Medusa did.

Ainz froze.

Not that he was so struck by the proximity of the female body - yes, he had not done anything like this for quite some time, but now he was very much interested in a different thought.

Oh damn, the plan was so simple!

So, the chief and Roman managed to connect to the next Singularity, so in the near future Ainz would have gone there after a short briefing with everyone involved in this matter. However, some things that Ainz was very concerned about, he could not clarify.

One of the most troubling - the power of the Servants. From the very first day he appeared here, Ainz knew that something had put the knowledge into his head that the Servants were one of the strongest entities in this world. And Ainz, knowing himself, even though he was a hundred-level player, was far from the strongest among them, he simply took the information for granted. Throughout his days in Yggdrasil, Ainz worked around the simple idea that his strength was based solely on information gathering and the usage of the right tactics and equipment against his opponents. Therefore, faced with the idea that the Servants were the strongest, he simply accepted this as a fact and continued to act based on that information. Recent experiences though showed to him that he was somewhat... Inaccurate.

Servants were one of the strongest beings of this world. But they're not the strongest creatures that Ainz have encountered.

On the other hand, he still could not so easily ease his paranoia and say, "All Servants are wimps." They were equipped full with interesting abilities and even sometimes unpleasant surprises and specialties. In addition, the Servants also differed greatly in strength - it was impossible to completely deny the possibility that one day he would have to fight with a Servant, whose strength can compare - or even surpass - his own.

And this was only one of his many questions - Servants, Grail, Summoning, Resurrection, Data crystals - and, of course, why did Ainz found himself in this world? His list of questions was very extensive.

But to whom could he possibly talk about it?

All the people he knew were either Servants, whose pool of knowledge is not sufficient, or the Chief and Roman, who no matter how much he trusted their judgment, Ainz was very unsure that they would be able to answer his questions.

Just in case, Ainz also looked in the library, but as expected, it could not give him anything except the information that Ainz already had. In this case, there was only one possible option that had at least some chance of success - Da Vinci. At least, judging by the Chief, the words of his old friends and the behavior of the girls around him, he had the greatest chance of receiving information here. Even if he did not receive a direct answer to these questions, he could at least clarify something for himself.

But as this meeting showed, his plan could not stand the clash with reality. Even before he could even try to move on to discussing his own issues, he was grilled for information first. It was dangerous.

If he did not answer now, then it would be logical that Da Vinci would refuse to answer his questions too. That was bad.

But Ainz couldn't answer anything himself. Even if he had lied to her, sooner or later his lie would have been discovered. It was bad.

Ainz was distracted from his thoughts and looked at Da Vinci, who continued with one hand to support the cup of coffee, from which she took a sip, then look at Ainz with a slightly narrowed and slightly studying gaze, and with her other hand to write something in a small notebook, not looking at the notebook itself.

'I wish I could do this,' thought Ainz, after which he sighed. He needed answers to his questions. To do this, he had to answer the question of Da Vinci and not lie. What did that mean?

This meant that his answers would need to be mysterious, impressive and as vague as much as possible.

So Ainz should now be doing what he was slowly getting used to doing. Allow people to lie to themselves and pretend that he understands what he and they are discussing.

"Hmm," Ainz made a final sip after making the decision, then put down his cup and looked at Da Vinci, who was sitting very close to him, "Let's just say... An agreement in which only one party benefits can hardly be called a mutually beneficial agreement. I think you would agree with that."

"Oh, have we already moved to the stage of making contracts?" Da Vinci looked at Ainz with a smile, "I am not ready for this yet - although I would completely agree to the marriage contract in the future."

Ainz coughed several times, to which Da Vinci only smiled. "I'm sorry, just a joke. In any case, I do not think that all your other possible ladies would let me in, even if I wanted to."

Ainz sighed, and then concentrated on the conversation, - "In any case, Da Vinci…"

"Call me Leo," Da Vinci looked at the magician. "I think it's kind of silly to use my last name all the time."

"Good, Leo," Ainz sighed, "What I want to say... What if you and I make an agreement? I will answer your questions if you answer mine."

"Now you sound like you are pulling me to the dark side," Da Vinci thought for a moment, then looked up at the ceiling and put a finger to her chin, not ceasing to write something with her second hand, "Do you have cookies?"

"What?" Ainz blinked.

"Just a joke," Da Vinci smiled, and then sighed, "But I agree... Until the conversation goes on how best to destroy humanity."

"I don't think there will be problems with this in the current situation," Ainz stared expressively at the large stained-glass window somewhere in the distance of the cluttered office, after which he looked at Leo and smiled, "Just a joke."

"Hm," Da Vinci grunted, "In that case, I think, as a true gentleman, you will let the lady go first."

Ainz nodded graciously at this, after which Da Vinci smiled and looked at the magician, "So, in that case... What is Supertier Magic?"

Ainz sighed - 'Of course, she immediately starts with the most difficult one.'

"That is an ability," Ainz could have stopped at that, however, the completeness of his answer would surely affect the completeness of Da Vinci's answer. In addition, the more he says now, the more likely it will be that Da Vinci will not ask a random question, to which Ainz will not be forced to come up with even more vague answers, "Which the most powerful of magicians themselves possess. Only the strongest of them, with abilities comparable with dragons and gods. In a way, this is a form of magecraft and in some ways not quite. Unlike magecraft, this ability does not use mana, but it is available only to the strongest of magis. You can consider it to be the "highest form of magecraft."

After that Ainz fell silent. It seems that he managed to say what was needed, not to lie and also not to give out any weird details.

However, Da Vinci froze in shock after what was said. Even her hand recording something stopped, and the girl's pupils dilated with shock.

"Hey, Leo," Ainz snapped his fingers a couple of times, causing the girl to come back to life.

"Ah?" She glanced at Ainz with confusion, after which she suddenly realized and started writing without looking at triple speed, literally jumping over the paragraphs.

"Now it's my turn," Ainz sighed. "How strong are the Servants?"

Da Vinci froze for a second, after which she carefully, very attentively and studyingly looked at the magician. For several seconds, she tacitly evaluated him, before she nevertheless came to some definite conclusion and nodded slowly - "It varies. It depends on the particular Servant. Some of them are strong, but can be defeated by sufficiently trained strong specialized magis and a whole lot of preparation. Some of them alone pose a great threat to the modern world. There is a huge difference between the Servants, therefore it is impossible to say for sure."

Ainz grimaced inwardly - it was an answer of about the same detail as Ainz's answer, if not less.

"So you're a magician?" Da Vinci instantly grabbed onto the thought, "A real magician? A true magician?"

"I am not familiar with this concept," Ainz replied with a light soul, "I was called as such before - like so many others. Who is the strongest of my Servants and how strong are they compared to the rest?"

Da Vinci paused for a second, pondering her thoughts, not stopping scribbling something in her notebook before answering - "It's hard to choose between Jeanne, the Dragon Witch and Arthuria. They are approximately equal at the moment, but Arthuria is the only one whose strength I saw with my own eyes. She is clearly strong, extremely strong, even by the standards of Servants. I would say that it is at the level of the strongest, but still weaker than the highest possible level. I'm not sure how strong she will be against even more powerful Servants, but I suppose that even Gilgamesh, probably the strongest of Servants, that I know of, will not be able to kill her easily, but such guesses on my part remain only guesses. Eighty percent of the rest of the Servants that I know are probably weaker than her."

Ainz sighed. So his caution really was all in vain. He was too wary of the rest of the Servants.

No, Arthuria was strong... In a way. She had a very strong attack, especially with her Noble Phantasm and high parameters, however, comparing her with level 100 players... Taking into account only her characteristics, Ainz would be able to defeat her at about the seventieth level. Given the issue of equipment, ability, and variability, level sixty seemed like a fair assessment. Situationally, with the help of her Phantasm, she was stronger, but without taking into account her Noble Phantasm, she simply did not have the arsenal of abilities that the player would possess at that level. In addition, her equipment, although it was very decent, did not quite reach the quality of the "great artifacts type of equipment". Also, she lacked consumables, such as scrolls or potions, which a player would have in abundance, so it could be said that the sixtieth level was even a generous assessment for her.

"How did you achieve such a power?" Da Vinci looked at Ainz carefully.

"Over time," Ainz democratically dropped the words "grinded the hell out of the game," "Training, teachers, ancient manuscripts and a lot of time and study , the selection of tactics and strategies. I slowly became stronger until at one moment this magic came to me by itself."

'This is called an ability that opens with level-up,' Ainz said in his head. He just got to level seventy and, as expected, got a slot for the Supertier Magic spell, like all players. Inwardly, the magician grinned - he didn't even have to lie, he was telling the truth.

"What is the Holy Grail?" Ainz looked at the girl carefully.

"The vessel in which the blood of Christ was collected," Da Vinci sighed, "Or at least that's what they believe it to be. It is impossible to say for sure - it may be a magical anomaly, it may be God's will, it may be a piece of his power, it may even be a gate to the Root. It is not known for certain, but magi and the church are equally hungry for it. Magis believe that it is simply an extremely powerful and unattainable artifact, the church - that it is a holy relic of the Lord. More precisely, no one knows, not even me."

Ainz grimaced internally once more. Useless information.

"Who else has this kind of power?" Da Vinci looked at Ainz carefully.

"At the moment, no one that I have met personally," Ainz answered calmly, "But I know about a multitude of people that possessed such a power. Previously, they had this power, but now I do not think that in this world there is anyone other than me."

Da Vinci sighed intermittently. Ainz began to like this situation- he only needed to speak the pure truth, which was completely useless information for Da Vinci, just changing the details a little, and in return he received important information, - "Why does the Grail not fulfill wishes?"

"The premise is incorrect," Da Vinci glanced at the magician. "The Grail does fulfills wishes. There are simply many kinds of wishes. The True Grail is supposed to be able to fulfill any desire, but its location and existence itself remains in question. The Lesser Grails are weak, but capable of fulfilling desires to a lesser degree, while any great wishes remains beyond their powers. Some things may appear to be a Holy Grail, some of it could be imitations, some of them simply could be great magical artifacts susceptible of being currupted by monsters or black magic. Why do you need to use a Grail?"

"Ahem." Ainz choked. He was already used to answering questions about Supertier Magic, and the question took him by surprise, "I want it for..."

Ainz stopped.

He pondered this question.

Da Vinci did not rush him, taking a step back and hiding with two cups in his hands behind the next rack.

And really.

Why does he need the Grail?

That is, of course, collecting it was his side goal. His true wish was of Ainz Ooal Gown. His friends, his family, his life. But…

What will he do with the Grail?

He decided that he would not make his friends suffer. Will not make his friends fall victim to his stupid desires. To let them simply live their life.

All he wanted was to let his friends live peacefully.

In this world or in another. Let them live fully, independently. Just live, as people should.

This world... In this world, his friends have yet to be born. This world has to endure the horror of the third world war, hunger, poverty, devastation.


Da Vinci returned as unexpectedly as she left, handing Ainz another cup of tea. He took it, took a sip and smiled.

"I want to create a better world for my friends," Ainz smiled while looking at Da Vinci. She, having heard this, stopped for a second.

"You know you have to tell the truth, right?" The girl took a sip of coffee and looked at Ainz.

"And I'm telling the truth," Ainz smiled, "I simply want a better world for my friends."

Da Vinci silently looked at Ainz for a few seconds before closing her eyes. "Who are your friends?"

Ainz smiled. Fond memories of Ainz Ooal Gown returned to him.

Emotion suppression soured it instantly.

"Second question in a row. Our conversation is over," Ainz said instantly, after which he looked at the cup in his hands, "Thank you for the tea and for the dialogue."

"The pleasure is all mine," Da Vinci instantly retreated, after which she looked at Ainz. He is unemotionally turning the cup in his hands, then drank the rest in one gulp and then set it aside.

"Soon the chief will call you for a briefing before the next Singularity," the magician calmly remarked, after which he took a step to the door, "I was glad for the talk, Leo."

"Of course, Ainz," Da Vinci smiled back, after which she watched the door close behind the magician. After a second, the smile began to slowly slide off her face. Da Vinci took another sip of coffee, after which she went to the sofa where Ainz was sitting a second ago, and then sank down onto the sofa and her notes.

The Notebook of Da Vinci was written in fine handwriting, written in a way so that only Da Vinci herself could make out what was written. An important fact was that the records were encrypted.

It was not the most reliable code that Da Vinci could come up with - but the fastest she could write with.

"Ainz Ooal Gown" - was listed on the first line.

"Magician" - this word has been circled several times.

"Trying to assess the strengths of the inhabitants of this world" - emphasized three times.

"Friends whom he wants to protect" - this phrase Da Vinci newly added herself.

So, Ainz Ooal Gown. The necromancer, possibly the strongest in the world.

Da Vinci leafed a few pages back.

"Ainz Ooal Gown" - was also written on the page.

Cainabel was a disgusting person, it was impossible to communicate with her and to call her a "bitch" would be like giving a compliment. However, Da Vinci herself did not lie that she was an interesting conversationalist.

Cainabel did not hide her intentions. If it weren't for Ainz, she would have turned this world into a bloody mess long ago, she would have killed everyone and everything, would have increased her strength and set off for the next world. But Ainz was here.

Cainabel willingly shared information that related to her achievements - and especially the achievements of Ainz. Da Vinci herself believed that it was a kind of defense mechanism - Cainabel was extremely self-confident, but at the same time she did lose to Ainz. She definitely could not lose to a weakling, so in a sense she loved to retell Ainz's adventures - after all, they all proved that he was not just strong, but monstrously, divinely strong. In other words, she lost to him only because his strength could not be described in words. A defense reaction, classic.

Therefore, Cainabel loved to talk about the achievements of Ainz. In a sense, his achievements were part of her achievements.

Da Vinci glanced at the notes.

Ainz Ooal Gown, conqueror of the worlds, lord of the undead, god of undeath.

He conquered thousands, thousands of countries, and destroyed whole worlds.

He also saved them.

From the World Eater, a creature that has absorbed all the power of the Root. From the Eight Great Dragons crippled and corrupted by the evil of the World Eater. From the Twelve Seraphim of Sephiroth, who decided to destroy the unclean world. From the Seven Lords of Sins, trying to seize power in all worlds. From the Five Rainbow Buddhas, trying to restore the world to its original state of "purity." And from the Lord of Six Heaven, who was trying to regain the power of the Creators in order to recreate past worlds destroyed by the war.

Ainz was full of controversy.

The horrors created by him, the murdered heroes and annihilated kingdoms would be enough for a thousand villains.

His heroism, saved worlds, killed monsters and prevented catastrophes would be enough for a thousand heroes.

That was weird. Funny, to some extent, even.

Apparently from what Da Vinci knew about Ainz, he can only act in two ways out of all.

To conquer this world, destroy, enslave and force humanity into cruel experiments.

Or heroically save them, without demanding anything in return, and then go into the sunset, without telling anyone his name and without even giving a hint that he did it.

Leonardo Da Vinci leafed a few pages back, after which she peered at the notebook.

There were two pictures on the pages.

On one of them was a skeleton. Although to call this creature simply a skeleton was impossible. It was the embodiment of death - dressed in the most luxurious mantle woven from pure darkness, nine rings of divine power on its fingers, in the red fire of its eyes - great secrets and infinite power.

On the other page was a simple person. He was an ordinary looking, weakly smiling person, in a white shirt and black pants, with a cup of green tea, looking thoughtfully into the distance. One of the most ordinary of passers-by. One on whose shoulders rests the fate of the whole working world.

Da Vinci took a sip and peered at the two drawings.

Access to the power of the strongest soldiers in the world. Search for the greatest of artifacts. To gather power for battle.

Only two kinds of people would do this.


And great heroes.

But what is the truth?

Da Vinci smiled.

This remained a mystery.

And if something in the life of Da Vinci loved and hated more than anything, then it was a mystery.

"Ainz Ooal Gown," - Da Vinci smiled at her thoughts and looked at the door, behind which the back of her friend hid for a long time, - "How many more mysteries will you throw me?"

"Leonardo Da Vinci" - a voice came from the speakers suddenly - "Your presence is required in the main conversation room."

"Hm," the girl sighed. Of course, the second Singularity.

Whoever Ainz Ooal Gown was, they fought on the same side.

And Da Vinci really hoped that it would remain so. Where else would she find so many interesting puzzles to solve?

Name: Leonardo Da Vinci

Race: Human

Title: Natural Born Genius

Occupation: Commandant of the Chaldea Security Organization (self-nominated)

Residence: Chaldea, Da Vinci's office in the administrative wing

Karma: +150 (Neutral Good ~ Good)

Race level: -

Class Level: Mage ~ Academic (15)

Genius (5)

Archmage (5)

Magic Explorer (9)

Scientist (10)

Others (15)

Total: 59 Class Levels = 59 General Levels

HP: 10

Mana: 90

Physical Attack: 10

Physical Defense: 0

Agility: 40

Magical Attack: 100

Magical Defense: 0

Resistance: 60

Special Abilities: 100

Ability: Uomo Universale

Level: Special

One of the rare "special" abilities. While most abilities, no matter how strong they are, are subject to the general game rules, some unique builds have "special" abilities, abilities that violate the usual game logic. Specifically, in this case, this ability spends a certain amount of mana for a certain level of damage dealt and deals exactly one hundred percent of the current health of the target, including all the defenses it possess, damage reduction and regeneration. In other words, it is an unblockable magic instakill that circumvents all defenses against instakills due to the fact that this spell deals damage. On the other hand, if the target has the ability to resurrect, block damage, invulnerability, or the user does not have enough mana to completely destroy the target with the ability, this ability will actually be useless, since its mana costs are incredibly high.

Player Comments:

- So, what is the right name for it? Zero stats, zero health, zero defense... And perhaps one of the strongest abilities I've ever seen. This is a Lethal Joke Character, by all means.

- Unique build. One time use, of course. After using the ability it's useless. But for that one ability, this is a great idea.

- You can kill it with one blow. One hit - and she's dead. If you do not have time to make the blow - you are already dead. Simple, huh.