Cainabel trudged through the corridors, feeling extremely irritated and somewhat furious. In just the time, the last few days, that Cainabel was summoned it was already becoming quite a familiar state of mind to her.
"Fight me!" Came the cry of a girl just behind Cainabel, a sound as loud like thunder.
More than anything, Cainabel wanted to crush this "Dragon Witch" like the worm she is. Cut off her hands and feet, and then finally chop off her head and enjoy draining the blood from the miserable still living remains - in general, just do what Cainabel did all her life before.
'No fighting' damn it.
"Fight me, jerk!" The girl's scream at the already annoyed Cainabel makes her even more annoyed than from the fact the she has to endure being near humans. But still a little less than from the fact that Cainabel was just summoned as a Servant, and not just by anyone, but by Momo… Ainz himself.
It was worse than all the cries of the worm put together.
"A brainless creature," Cainabel could not stand it anymore and turned around after another scream from the girl, almost making her bump into her at full speed,"Even in order for your brainless yapping to actually annoy me, you still need to become a couple orders of magnitude more powerful."
It was a bluff - Cainabel had no patience with anyone regardless of their level of strength. However, the worm did not know this, and Cainabel in any case could not kill this annoying louse, being tied hand and foot by the words, orders really, of her Master, so the worm, with a little more than a glance, took a different approach to the situation.
"The omnipotent True Ancestor is afraid to lose?" The worm tried to grin smugly at Cainabel.
Cainabel clenched her fists.
She now wanted nothing more than to crush the head of the girl in front of her.
Who does she think she is?! Does she even understand who she is talking to?! Does she realize how easy it is for Cainabel to just break her head and look inside her skull in search of a brain that was clearly absent?
But still, Cainabel could not do this. Not while she is being bound by the orders of Ainz.
But still she wanted to retaliate to the girl in front of her with at least something.
Cainabel did not spend much time with the rest of the Servants - except for one interesting exception. And this entertaining exception provided her with some information.
"I really don't understand how it was possible to betray you," Cainabel glared at the girl in front of her with a scornful look, "When trash is dumped to a neighbor, this can be considered a betrayal of the neighbor, but not a betrayal to the trash thrown out, it is treated just like all trash should be."
The girl opposite her choked on her own words. Anger, hatred flashed in her eyes for a second, but most importantly - pain.
Cainabel saw this pain and immediately broke into a cruel smile, - "On the other hand, a brainless cattle taken to a slaughterhouse to a neighbor is more likely to be considered a gift, especially if after it is just barbecued. Tell me, are you garbage or cattle?"
The girl opposite her silently lowered her head, clenching her fists in anger. However, in this expression there was not only anger - but also pain. Cainabel's words hurt the girl deeply - and that was good. The more Cainabel hurt her, the longer she will fall behind her. Of course, then she will confront her with a vengeance - but then Cainabel will just need to redouble her efforts in order to trample the girl in the mud for a little longer.
"Oh, I apologize," Cainabel finally decided to deliver her finishing blow. Perhaps a little later she will regret it, but now she will enjoy the moment to its fullest, - "I completely forgot, you are not able to determine who you really are. You, after all, are just an unsuccessful alteration of a real person without your own name, the one with only a nickname from the unwashed masses. Tell me what does it feels like to live without a name, Dragon Witch?"
The Witch could not bear this anymore and swung her hand. For Cainabel , the movement seemed insanely slow and awkward, but she did not bother to defend herself. A second later, a resounding slap in the face was struck at Cainabel by the hand of the Dragon Witch.
"Excellent," Cainabel grinned. "Now I can say that I was just defending myself."
In the next second, Cainabel felt her summons seething, trying to be the first to get out at the call of their mistress.
Chaldea will not be able to withstand her Noble Phantasm, but in order to kill one little thing, she has enough of the meager part of her power that she possessed now. Yes, the Witch will probably be reborn later, but Cainabel will receive the pleasure from killing her.
"Cainabel," came a voice, stopping the girl in her tracks instantly. Damn, it's Ainz!
"My beloved Master," Cainabel instantly fell on her knee, without looking up, "How can I serve you?"
"What is happening here?" Judging by Ainz's voice he was ... A little confused and angry.
But for what?
Cainabel did not kill any of the people - she even specially turned off her abilities that could kill them by accident. And the Witch hit her first, so Cainabel's intention to defend herself could hardly mean anything wrong.
"I hate you..." said a voice behind Cainabel, and the vampire smiled, "And you too! I hate you all!"
The next moment, when the Witch rushed away, Cainabel grinned. Disrespecting Ainz? That sounds like carte blanche to trash her fucking brains out!
"My lord!" - Cainabel hid the pleasure in her voice behind the pretense of hardly restrained anger, "This scoundrel dared to offend you! Let me, your most faithful servant, present her head to you as a gift!"
Cainabel had already prepared to hear the encouraging "Yes" and was severely disappointed.
"No," Cainabel winced. Why is it "no?" "And we need to talk for a moment."
Cainabel froze. Where did she miscalculate?!
Ainz was ... a Dark Lich Mage who killed entire pantheons for fun, exterminating peoples and nations, the Root of Evil - he should have been glad that he would get rid of the annoying girl in the form of this Witch. Instead, Ainz sounded like... A very saddened father.
'Where did I miscalculate ?!' - Cainabel panic soared immediately in her mind. That is, she was told that she was not to fight - but it was a simple rule, like when Cainabel herself forbade her minions from killing each other. She didn't have to love them - and, in general, if one of them even thought about speaking in her presence without her highest permission - she herself would have killed them, not to mention shouting words like "I hate you".
However, Ainz, who reached for the nearest door, behind which is one of dozens, if not hundreds of unused dorm rooms, was discovered, only inviting Cainabel to follow him with a gesture and then entered the room himself. Cainabel rose, and then slowly trudged along after him.
The room was small, narrow, with only one bed, a wardrobe and a table. Cainabel winced, remembering her beautiful huge bed made of black gold and dragon stone, which remained in her ruined castle. She lived surrounded by a lot of luxury and trying to fit her here was... Just insulting, to say the least.
Ainz took a step, after which he pulled up a chair and sat down on it.
"Close the door," he gave the command, and Cainabel obeyed, closing the door behind her, remaining standing in front of Ainz, "Sit down."
According to the words, she sat opposite to Ainz on the bed.
'This bed spring's stick into my thin skin' - Cainabel grimaced internally - 'This rubbish is for Servants and people, not for me.'
Not that , currently, she was not a Servant herself.
"Cainabel ," Ainz sighed. She really did not like the sigh, - "Why did you do this?"
It was foolish to assume that a creature with his experience and acuity of mind would not be able to add two plus two, however, for this case Cainabel had a plan prepared - "My Master, can that miserable fake of a Servant be worthy of the honor bestowed by you - to fight for you? I just wanted to weed out those unworthy of this honor. My lord, the Servant should be an ideal tool in the hands of his lord, and not a brainless beast rushing at every red flag…"
"Enough," Ainz interrupted Cainabel with a practiced gesture of his hand, "Cainabel, my well-being, you cares for it a lot less than what you shows."
Ainz knew.
Cainabel froze.
Of course he would have known about it sooner or later, but Cainabel hoped for later. At least until after she managed to 'retire' several Servants from the game and strengthen her position for Ainz as someone who understands him perfectly.
But Cainabel still understood that the probability of such an outcome was far from zero. She was a god, and not just some trifle that manage to crawl itself into the grains of the Root and imagines itself omnipotent, but a real, Elder God, who have already existed from the birth of the world. However, when she came to the world - Ainz was already old and legendary.
Technically speaking, Cainabel was right and wrong at the same time. She really did exist in the game from the very beginning of the "world", from the very start of the game, appearing in the form of lore, however, she "came to the world" in the flesh only in the fifth anniversary of the launch of the game in the form of a real interactable NPC. By this time, Ainz have managed not only to grow to the maximum level, but also to complete a large number of quests - therefore, in some strange literal sense of the word, Cainabel was right - she did exist from the very birth of the world, but Ainz was already old and legendary at the time when Cainabel appeared in this world.
In any case, it didn't mean anything now - it only meant that Cainabel was aware that her actions and thoughts were like an open book for Ainz. It's just that Cainabel thought that she could avoid Ainz's attention long enough.
Sadly, she failed.
"My lord," no matter how much Ainz knew about her, she wasn't even going to show openly that she could even theoretically dislike Ainz, for this would result in painful torture at best — Cainabel knew, she used to do that herself, "I don't crave for anything more than serving you and it hurts me to realize that you have to be content with so... Pitiful Servants."
"Pitiful?" Ainz looked at the girl, letting her explain.
"Humans," she practically spat out the word, and there was no pretense in this hatred, "Brainless worms swarming in the shit of history... Are they worthy to serve you, my lord? Wouldn't it be better to get rid of them all and allow more worthy servants - perhaps like me, to serve you?"
In this way, Cainabel could hope to grow into one of the trusted lieutenants - Cainabel knew that they were usually not killed for fun. At least Cainabel herself has killed no more than a dozen in her very, very long life.
"Cainabel," Ainz sighed, "I don't think you understand why I need Servants at all."
Cainabel froze for a second. Damn, she is in a bind!
"My lord," the girl smiled the most seductive smile that she could — however, while still not looking up at Ainz, "I, in the worst of my nightmares, could not imagine that I could offend you even with the thought that you are unable to do anything. I am just saying that not every job is worthy of your personal presence. Someone must communicate with the mob, fight hordes of annoying flies and serve you wine during the festivities. All I want to do is make sure that the chosen Servants are worthy of this honor."
"No," Ainz's voice sounded like a thunderbolt from the blue, "This is also not the reason why I am gathering the Servants."
Cainabel froze. So he was not looking for minions... Damn it, why else were the Servants needed?!
"Ah, my lord," Cainabel nodded knowingly, trying to hide her ignorance behind a false understanding, "How could I be so blind! I understand it now!"
Cainabel nervously sweated.
"How could I have been so blind that I hadn't deduced about your ingenious plan before!" Cainabel tried to hide the lies in flattery right away, "Truly, just by looking at everything I know, I can touch part of your wisdom!"
Cainabel hoped that flattery was enough to hide her misunderstanding.
"Really," Ainz said calmly, "And what is my brilliant plan?"
Cainabel froze.
He saw through her! He saw her deception through!
Cainabel wanted to laugh nervously and straighten her collar — although she didn't even have a collar — it suddenly became so hot and stuffy in the room.
"I…" - Cainabel tried to come up with a suitable lie, -"I would not dare to express your ingenious plan into words, because even words can steal part of its genius - I do not have enough intelligence to even imagine all the layers of your plan…"
"You have no idea, do you?" Ainz interrupted her. Cainabel froze in horror. Of course, she could have guessed that someone with his mind and experience could reveal her lies at a glance - "Don't worry. This is something like a "birds of a feather"... Ahem, in any case, you probably don't understand why I collect the Servants."
Cainabel did not understand.
She didn't understand why at all.
Any reasonable man, not burdened by stupid dogmatic morality, moved only for one thing. Power.
To gain power, however, there were two paths - conquest and personal strength. Cainabel herself pursued this goal - in the past, she gathered henchmen and gathered strength in order to devour the whole world - to bleed the blood from all the monsters, heroes, gods - and to drink it all, to devour without leaving a trace, in order to gain ultimate power. To become a World Enemy.
This did not happen. In the thousands of world lines that she knew of, this did not happen. She was always defeated, destroyed completely - although Ainz Ooal Gown rightfully took the prize in terms of how to defeat her in the most cruel way. They did not just level her down into the earth - as an Elder God, she could return again, just a couple of hundred years later. Ainz Ooal Gown however took her power - he absorbed her power just like she drank the power of other lower beings, and then threw her into the abyss.
This proved that Cainabel and Ainz were alike. Cainabel wanted to have power - Ainz too as well, their endless search and accumulation of strength told her about it. Cainabel wanted to rule - that was her plan after gaining strength. Ainz Ooal Gown also wanted to rule - he constantly competed with many other forces, powerful and not. They managed to subjugate the whole world... For a short while, all of Yggdrasil - only for a few moments. But they did it.
Therefore, Cainabel did not know what Ainz was seeking now. To seize the world, to subordinate all the remnants by force - to rule at his pleasure. Wasn't that Ainz's ultimate plan?
"No," Cainabel was forced to admit, "No, I don't understand."
Ainz sighed, while only looking at Cainabel.
She will not be killed for her stupidity? Cainabel could only hope so.
"Cainabel," the lich under the mask of a human, "Our personal acquaintance was short and all that you can know about me is somewhat... One-sided."
Cainabel jerked like a slap in the face. She really did know only little about Ainz - at least no more than any other inhabitant of Yggdrasil - but even that was enough for her.
"At the moment I am not pursuing the same goals as before," the magician finally said.
Cainabel froze, startled. In what sense is he not pursuing it?
"I do not want to rule this world," Ainz finally said unequivocally, "And I do not want to see the Servants only as my minions."
Cainabel thought deeply, quickly sorting through the options in her head.
The desire for strength and conquest was as natural for any Yggdrasil creature as breathing - at least for those miserable creatures who had not gotten rid of this bad habit a long time ago, for example, by becoming an undead.
Cainabel suddenly froze, carefully examining the thought from all sides.
Ainz said only of an unwillingness to conquer. Not about personal strength.
"Servants..." - Ainz paused, "Are very valuable to me. This does not mean that I will not be able to sacrifice them... Or that I will value them above myself. I already did this before - and when the need arises - I will do the same. However, they are very valuable."
In what sense, are they valuable?
Cainabel thought about Ainz and his words.
If he did not want to rule, to conquer and enslave - he did not need trusted lieutenants, soldiers or even slaves. Ainz also did not force the Servants to fulfill all of his whims - although Cainabel was sure that some of the Servants would not refuse even the very personal and dubious orders of the magician.
However, he did not really say that he did not need personal strength.
Why did he need the Servants? If he wanted to experiment on them, he would have long ago taken apart the most intrusive and useless ones. Use all the body parts that are usable for artifacts, potions, or even food - and then throw away the useless residues in the trash. Cainabel herself would have done this if she had not needed one of her servants.
"Servants…" - Ainz paused, - "Are somewhat special."
Cainabel pondered. What does it mean that Servants "are somewhat special?"
The Servants were weak, stupid and annoying. There was nothing in them that Ainz himself did not have.
Except one.
The thought so distracted Cainabel from her thoughts that she unconsciously raised her face and looked at Ainz, who was sitting in front of her.
The Throne of Heroes.
Ainz just smiled at the girl. This smile could fool anyone, but Cainabel knew what the monster was hiding under the mask of the human.
The Throne of Heroes is a mystical place or concept that houses the souls of heroes. Even their Shadows and reflections from real heroes, they were inferior and the Throne of Heroes itself would hardly be worth a note from Cainabel herself, if not for one detail.
The Throne of Heroes also existed in Yggdrasil.
Of course, to compare the perfect system of Yggdrasil with the Throne of Heroes was offensive - but in a sense they were similar. The last gift from the Creators is their only hope. The Rebirth System.
Yggdrasil's beings were different in nature - resurrection or reincarnation was possible and trivial for the vast majority of its inhabitants. However, the Higher Beings possessed a power greater than anyone could have ever imagined.
Long ago, at the dawn of the creation of the world the Creators lost their battle. They lost to the World Eater - all that they accomplished was a single wound. A wound from which thousands and thousands of unborn souls of worlds long ago devoured by the World Enemy gushed forth. The Creators was lost in that battle - but the Creators committed their last revenge. They created the Rebirth System.
A system that allowed the unborn souls of the devoured worlds to incarnate in the worlds of Yggdrasil and continue the struggle that the Creators lost. A system through which thousands of thousands of those who later became Higher Beings entered the world.
Ainz was one of them.
Ainz possessed power, and he had a connection with the Rebirth System.
The Throne of Heroes was like a miserable copy of the Rebirth System, as the Servants were only a miserable forgeries of the Higher Beings. However, despite this - it was still a powerful thing. The Servants possessed only one thing that Ainz did not have.
Access to the Throne of Heroes.
"I understand you, my lord," Cainabel smiled. "You strive for what you have lost."
Ainz suddenly froze at these words and Cainabel smiled - 'Bullseye!'
"This…" - Ainz thought for a moment, - "Is not so far from the truth, but still not entirely true."
"I understand," said Cainabel. She really understood. Ainz did not want to get his own imprint on the Throne of Heroes.
He wanted to absorb the power of the Throne of Heroes.
Everything finally fell into place in Cainabel's head.
Ainz intentions really was clear to her - she just underestimated his scale a little. Ainz did not want to only rule one miserable world. He wanted to absorb the power of all the worlds.
Cainabel suppressed her urge to laugh. Just think, and she thought to fool someone whose plans extended so far! What naivety on her part.
"You see," Ainz eventually sighed and glanced at Cainabel. She saw a timid smile spread across his lips - but it was not a shy smile, as anyone who did not know Ainz might have thought. She saw that it was like the feigned modesty of someone who was enjoying his plan - "That's why I really don't want you to fight with the Servants."
Cainabel was suddenly embarrassed. But why? After all, the Servants, weak as they are, remained Servants - Cainabel did not plan to cut away their connection with the Throne of Heroes. Even more, Cainabel did not know how to do this. Ainz certainly knew how, but that was natural — it was Ainz.
"I do not want to simply return to what once was," Ainz said and Cainabel nodded. Of course, the connection with the Throne of Heroes could not even be compared with the Rebirth System - "I only wish to make the life of the Servants a little better."
Cainabel blinked.
"I would like them to enjoy this life as much as possible," Ainz said calmly, "So that they themselves come naturally to what they desire."
Cainabel could not restrain herself and a smile nevertheless crept out onto her face.
Cainabel could not have come up with any other word for this, except as "genius."
Ainz did not want to simply absorb the power of the Throne of Heroes through his own power, through bloody rituals and thousands of victims. It was simply inelegant.
He desired that the Servants themselves bestow upon him this power.
Of course Cainabel herself did not understand this! Perhaps the fault lies in the inertia of her way of thinking.
Yggdrasil was full of creatures whose power could not be measured or described in simple words. Higher Beings or World Enemies, they were all nearby, you could die every second. Therefore, Cainabel was forced to act quickly. Attack with lightning speed from all sides, destroy everything, then gain power.
Ainz didn't have to rush.
Ainz was as close to omnipotence, as close to omnipotence as anyone who was not omnipotent could be. He was incredibly strong before killing her - but, after becoming the Last Being, he grew to the greatest heights.
But it was still not enough. He desired more.
Ainz was ambitious, but he was not touched by the greatest sin of all the ambitious and hungry for power. Haste.
Why would Ainz destroy the Throne of Heroes, and fight the whole world? He could just wait.
Surround the Servant with care. Build relationships. Gain their love and trust, slowly leading them to the thoughts that are beneficial for him, after which - let the Servants themselves come to the correct conclusion. Give him the key, open the way to the Throne of Heroes.
Ainz was an undead. He is not bothered by such trivial things as time or a short life. He planned like that of a great leader - for dozens, hundreds of years in advance. Whether it was twenty years - or twenty thousand - Ainz was not bothered by this. Slowly he could corrupt the minds of the Servants, acting slowly and unhurriedly, like the lazy spider that weaved the most incredible web - and now need only to slowly wait until the caught flies themselves become entangled in its web. He could wait - he did not need to rush. In a world where no one present a danger to him, he could just wait. Just a couple of dozen generations - and the world will become completely his. He does not even need to do anything - he just had to wait. Becoming an integral part of their life, allowing people to bring him to the top themselves, open the way to all their secrets and riches.
Then, with one movement, cut off all their lives.
Cainabel restrained herself so as not to laugh. She really wanted to.
Just think, and she thought she could outwit him? How frivolous of her!
She could see for years to come - Ainz could look through the millennia as if reading an open book. Sow sprouts that birth seedlings when everyone have already forgotten about it, getting result when no one could even think that everything that happened was interconnected. She looked at the world as a goal. His thoughts are much wider.
"So I would like you not to fight so much with the Servants," Ainz said in the end, making Cainabel nod. Of course, because she is Ainz's subordinate, fighting with the Servants, could cast a shadow on Ainz himself, while his goal was to attract all the Servants to his side.
"Of course, my lord," Cainabel nodded knowingly. However, in all this plan there was only one flaw, - "However... What is my goal?"
Cainabel was a Servant, however she was a Servant not summoned from the Throne of Heroes. She had no integral use to him. This meant that Cainabel was not needed for Ainz's plan. Even more than that, now that she knew of his plan, she was dangerous.
Cainabel did not want to die and would never have dared to fight against Ainz. However, she herself would kill anyone who knew of her plan that could jeopardize it. And Ainz had plenty of opportunities to end her life.
"You?" Ainz looked at Cainabel and she froze, "I have no particular plans for you... Your presence here is quite enough. It... Reminds me of the past."
Cainabel was a trophy.
Not the best of roles. But far from the worst.
Cainabel was needed here simply as a small trinket, reminiscent of past trifles.
Cainabel should have gotten angry at this - and had it been anyone else in Ainz's place, she would have done so. Perhaps she would have killed the insolent.
But with Ainz, being a trophy wasn't so bad. In the end, at the very least, it was guaranteed that she would not be killed in the process of capturing the power of the Throne of Heroes. This fact alone was somewhat reassuring.
"My lord," however Cainabel still tried to ingratiate herself more, "I am ready to serve you, in any matter, no matter what you order of me."
Cainabel was ready for much to save her life - and even more to receive a reward.
"Hm," Ainz looked at Cainabel, "Of course. We can expect much troubles ahead - battles and traps. I will need someone to help me…"
Cainabel could not suppress a big smile.
It was wonderful. Just great. Being a helpful servant was really good. Especially a servant who perfectly understands the plan of his master.
"In that case, I suppose," but Ainz did not finish his soliloquy, "You will need... Payment or something the like."
Cainabel froze for a second, feeling her wildest dreams come true.
"However, I can offer little," Ainz looked at Cainabel and she exhaled. Of course, leftovers from the master's table. However, if these were scraps from the Throne of Heroes? Cainabel was more than pleased with such an offer.
"Of course, my lord," Cainabel lowered her head to prevent Ainz from seeing her joy. He did not intend to kill her even now, when she knew of Ainz's plan. Not that she had ever planned to divulge it to anyone - Ainz was clearly prepared for this and Cainabel's life still depended on his actions. However, offering a reward for loyal service motivated Cainabel best.
'Perhaps this was exactly what my servants lacked?' - Cainabel thought - 'Maybe I should have promised them something for their faithful service, and not just forced them to serve... Hmm, what difference does it makenow. I don't think I will be able to gain control of anything now.'
"However, I will not force you to become a different person," Ainz glanced at Cainabel "You are free to not like any of the Servants and clash with those with whom you want. I just want to make sure that you will no longer provoke such... Extreme actions. Otherwise I will have to intervene."
The subtext of this speech was extremely simple and understandable. Cainabel was needed in order to be the "bad guy" in the group, to act as a scapegoat l to divert anger, distract the attention of others from Ainz's actions. However, if her actions go beyond personal conflict and have an effect on the Servant, causing them to trust Ainz less - her death will be a foregone conclusion.
'But that is exactly what I just did!' Cainabel suddenly froze. Of course, the damn Witch - her fight with the Witch made her swear at Ainz! Damn, that was exactly what Ainz didn't need - he didn't need the Cainabel actions to touch himself! Up to this point, the actions of Cainabel perfectly fit his narrative - Cainabel acted as an acceptable target of hatred for the rest of the Servants. Ainz had to intervene due to the fact that her actions began to violate the boundaries of his plan.
"Besides, I think you should apologize," confirming Cainabel's thoughts, Ainz pointed out her mistake.
"Of course, my lord, I crossed the line," Cainabel bowed to the magician, "Can I go?"
"If you understand everything," Ainz just in case made sure that Cainabel understood the essence of his plan, and then nodded. "Go."
Cainabel instantly went out of the door, trying to restrain the emotions that are overwhelming her.
Ainz not only crafted a plan that stretched hundreds of years in advance, in which Cainabel played a role without suspecting it, but when her actions began to violate his plan, he could easily point out her mistake, and then to involve her in the plan, tying her by the strongest leash - the desire for strength.
Cainabel had previously experienced great fear and some respect for Ainz, but now, for the first time in all that time, Cainabel was experiencing something new.
Admiration for his genius, his plans, his actions. After all, Cainabel herself, even with knowing his experience and strength, could only barely discern his plan - and had no idea about the things that Ainz himself wanted to hide from her - and he clearly wanted to hide a lot from her. Cainabel admired this monster hiding behind a mask of a lich that was hiding behind a mask of a man.
Cainabel smiled. After all, perhaps the idea of serving Ainz was not so bad in the end.
Ainz sighed, leaning back in his chair. It's good that Cainabel understood him correctly!
He simply did not want the Servants to conflict among themselves, that was all.
Servants... Yes, they were a collection. And, of course, they were Servants. Ainz did not lie when he said that he was ready to sacrifice them. They were funny, and interesting - but Ainz knew that in the end they remained just Servants. A collectible that he could throw away.
"You are striving for what you have lost" - these words of Cainabel settled in Ainz's head.
He strove.
His days in Ainz Ooal Gown have passed. Really gone. For a long time they did not even get together, did not go to raids, did not complete quests, simply throwing jokes to each other and chatting about their affairs. So long ago…
The suppression of emotions worked again and Ainz straightened up in his chair.
Servants could not replace his Ainz Ooal Gown. Never.
But... He really did not communicate with anyone else. Outside and inside the game. He did not encounter other players, did not complete quests, did not fight, none of this.
Servants were the first with whom he experienced... Adventure?
Indeed an adventure. With battles, plans, traps, betrayals and the long-awaited finale.
It was as if he was in Yggdrasil again, as if he had gone on another quest again, as if he was alive again...
Emotion suppression activated for a second time.
It is just pointless.
Ainz sighed and closed his eyes.
Servants will not be a replacement for his Ainz Ooal Gown. Never.
Then Ainz sighed again.
No matter how much he thinks about it.
Servant: Cainabel
Class: Foreigner
Status: ? (Incorrect summoning)
Gender: Female
Alignments: Neutral-Evil
Attribute: Beast
Strength: A
Dexterity: B
Endurance: A++
Luck: A++
Mana: EX
Noble Phantasm: EX