Zhuge Liang considered himself to be an intelligent person.

Lord El Melloi the Second, also known as Waver for the very limited circle of friends close to him also considered himself not the most stupid of magi.

Logically speaking, as the combination of two intelligent people, the pseudo-servant Zhuge Liang should never have fallen into situations that could clearly be described as "catastrophically stupid".

Why then, is Zhuge Liang currently on the way to the barbarian camp absolutely knowing that they would not accept him as an ally - hardly even as a neutral side to their conflict?

"I apologize for the inconvenience caused by my request, Lord El Melloi," Ainz apologized, for the umpteenth time.

Yes, exactly, it's all because of this person.

Zhuge Liang tried to make his face look benevolent, but he was never particularly good at acting, so his "kind smile" turned out to be very wooden like at best - "It's okay. It's an honor to assist you in your investigation."

To this reply, Ainz only smiled politely, after which he took a step away from Zhuge Liang, toward his Servants.

To the Four Servants that he brought along with him.

The decision to leave several of his Servants behind while going to a meeting with the barbarian camp, people who were most easily described as "enemies" could hardly be called logical or level-headed. Indeed just as illogical as the decision to meet with the barbarians altogether. But Ainz were committed to these two decisions. Leaving Caster in Romulus' camp - the one that Romulus have recognized as Cu Chulainn thanks to his "abilities", more particularly his Noble Phantasm - and the girl in dressed in all black, like two opposite side of a mirror to the Servant that Ainz brought along with him. So why did Ainz decided to commit such actions?

It was a rather difficult question to answer. Or, more precisely, there were so many possible answers to this question that Zhuge Liang was not sure which one was the right one.

The simplest and most obvious possible "answer" in this case was that Ainz left his two Servants as a possible "helping hand" to Romulus and his allies. Also considering that the designated "helpers" could additionally serve Ainz as observers to Romulus and his Servants, this answer was the most logical and natural, especially considering that Cu Chulainn's abilities were already discovered from observation by Romulus. On the other hand, what do we know about the second girl?

Zhuge Liang was not sure of who she might be. However, what he was sure of was that she was dangerous.

Not as dangerous as the other Servant taken with Ainz, and not as powerful as Romulus, but still stronger than any other Servant subordinate to Romulus.

Leaving a strong Servant in the rearguard was foolish. Almost as stupid as a Master going to battle with a Servant by himself.

But Ainz has chosen options that Zhuge himself could only describe as "very stupid" with astonishing frequency. So why?

Perhaps Ainz chose not to leave the two Servant behind as a possible "help" to Romulus, but in order to prepare for an attack? Leaving behind the enemy's rear two Servants, Ainz would be able to attack Romulus from the rear if necessary. If one takes into account the fact that Ainz lied about the actions of Berserker, then such a course of action looked at least as disturbingly possible on the part of the Master.

But still, if he really wanted to attack Romulus, then diverting attention should have become his main directive of behavior... Perhaps he's just diverting attention from himself to hide something by doing anything important in broad daylight, in other words by taking action so blatantly he manages to hide his true intention.

Zhuge Liang was far from being the most stupid man - if he commanded an army there were very few who could even stand on the same ground as him. However, when it came to intrigues rather than tactics, Zhuge Liang was not as strong here. Still as capable, but much less experienced.

So, to all the oddities and dangerous variables - Nero, Romulus, the barbarians - one more was added. Ainz.

As if sensing the thoughts of Zhuge Liang, Ainz started speaking, "Did something happen? You look like you have a toothache."

"Nothing special," Zhuge Liang again gave out a fake smile, which was easy to recognize and very obvious — but instead of commenting on it Ainz just nodded politely in response, "I see. Will we arrive at the barbarian camp soon?"

"Soon enough," Zhuge Liang supported the change of subject, after which he turned his eyes to the city road ahead and the city walls visible in the distance, "I already see the city. Alba Longa."

"Yes, as far as I know..." - Ainz thoughtfully said, "Romulus and the whole of Rome consider this city to be a very significant place in the empire..."

"Yes," Zhuge nodded, realizing that it was impossible to keep such widely known information secret decided to elaborate, "Romulus would become angry should someone mention the fact that this city was captured by barbarians..."

'And yet - he did not even take a single step to get it back' - Zhuge Liang left this thought to himself.

On the other hand, judging by the thoughtfulness of Ainz, he could have come to the same conclusion on his own just as before.

Zhuge Liang took a few more steps before stopping, forcing Ainz to stand still. "I'm afraid I will have to part ways with you here. I do not think that my appearance in the barbarian camp will be perceived positively, even if I tell them the pure truth that I arrived solely as your guide I doubt their reaction would be anything good. Nevertheless, we are at war with the barbarians - they will not miss the opportunity to reduce the combat potential of their enemy."

"I understand," Ainz just nodded. "In that case, I am very grateful that you were able to help us and serve as a guide, even when it would be dangerous to you."

"There is nothing to thank me for," Zhuge Liang smiled, although he understood that his course of action was indeed actually quite dangerous. If the barbarians had at least half that control and influence over the surrounding territory that Romulus had over Rome, then even by being at kilometers from the city Zhuge Liang is already at great risk. For instance, to an ambush by the enemy Servants - "You have helped Rome - it is natural that I would return this to you courtesy of your generosity ."

"Oh, it's an honor," Ainz smiled and nodded, deciding not to talk about this topic more than necessary, "In that case, I suppose our paths diverge here."

With these words, bowing respectfully, Ainz walked away along with his Servants, leaving Zhuge Liang alone.

Suge Liang, just in case, inspected his surroundings carefully at the possibility of enemies approaching him, nevertheless he extended a hand to his cigarette case and pulled out a large cigar. With a snap of his fingers, Zhuge Liang created a small flame, the cigar, and then puffed, releasing a ring of smoke.

What the hell ended up happening here?

Zhuge Liang shook his head, after which, having puffed out again, he looked around and slowly headed back to Rome.

Be that as it may however, he really needs to move away from the barbarian camp.

Jeanne watched Cainabel with some surprise.

It was impossible to say that they have become friends... Cainabel do not become friends with anyone. Jeanne even thought that the very concept of "friendship" was alien to Cainabel.

However, due to the time they have spent together, Jeanne have learned to distinguish the types of emotions on the face of Cainabel. Although, to be even more precise, since Cainabel herself does not express any positive emotions at all, Jeanne have learned to distinguish the various kinds of "annoyed" facial expressions of Cainabel. Usually it was annoyed and bored. Periodically, when Cainabel issued a new insult to the people around her, her expression changed to annoyed and cheerful. If someone tried to insult Cainabel in response - it became annoyed and angry. Therefore, right now, Jeanne felt awkward and perhaps scared to even look at the new expression on the face of Cainabel, so unlike her previous expressions.

Interested and perhaps excited.

"Cainabel" still, considering that Jeanne could not be overheard by her possible opponents, and even if they could, they would hardly have been able to get any information just from the name of the girl — even Jeanne herself could not get anything even with her skills, Jeanne turned to the very dangerous Servant, "You are... in a strange mood. Did something happen?"

"Hmm..." Jeanne felt something like horror. Something unnatural was on Cainabel's face at the moment when she turned toward Jeanne.

A smile.

A real smile. Not a predatory smile, not even a mocking smile... But a simple, real smile.

Jeanne felt a cold sweat break through her. If something in the world could make Cainabel smile, this was clearly a bad sign. A very, very bad one.

"Let's just say that…" - Cainabel, instead of insulting Jeanne, answered her. ANSWERED! HER! - "There is someone in this city that is... Strong."

"Strong?" Jeanne felt her mouth go dry. Strong... In what sense?! - "Strong ... For you?"

And Cainabel's smile faded a moment later when her gaze was fixed on Jeanne.

It was the usual, degrading gaze of Cainabel, but Jeanne suddenly felt... Joy. The joy that the incomprehensible smile of Cainabel has disappeared, replaced by her usual irritation, - "Sometimes I forget how stupid you can still be…"

Cainabel sighed, after which she glanced at the walls of the distant city, "No. Still nowhere strong enough. However…"

"Let's just say that," Cainabel glanced up at the sky. "You are trash. All of you. The Witch is trash. Cu Chulainn is trash. Nero is trash. Romulus is trash."

"But," Cainabel cast another glance at the approaching city, "The ones inside this city... Mostly trash. Except one. That one I will call... Prey."

At this point, Cainabel smiled again - but this time her smile did not make Jeanne sweat, because it was a smile that is in accord with the image of Cainabel. A predatory, bestial smile, - "Perhaps the battle with him will be my first source of entertainment in a long time…"

Jeanne wanted to smile at Cainabel in response, saying something like "It's good that you are in a good mood," but instead she suddenly froze, almost tripping herself.

If Cainabel called even Romulus trash...

How strong is the Servant then, that they attracted her attention?

Ainz thoughtfully continued to move forward, looking at the approaching gates of the barbarian occupied city.

Why did he leave Cu Chulainn and the Dragon Witch in Rome?

Zhuge Liang was right in his first assumption - Ainz really wanted to leave an observer in Rome and more importantly Romulus' camp. However, why precisely Cu Chulainn and the Witch?

Placing Cu Chulainn in Rome was justified from a logical point of view - Ainz himself could act as a passable Caster, so having another Caster is not that important. Leaving the Witch behind was also logical, because Ainz and Cainabel were suitable as damage dealers.

However, the main reason these two who were chosen to be left behind was because Ainz was now heading to the barbarian camp.

Ainz could not boast of possessing a tremendous amount of personal information about all of his Servants. But about Cu Chulainn, Ainz knew a few things ; that he was a magician, a generally good guy, a lover of battles and booze. And more importantly, he himself was a barbarian, at least according to the standard of the Romans.

It was foolish to believe that Ainz, even if he was not the wisest person in the world, was so stupid as not to be able to observe his Servants, especially their behavior in the Singularity. Therefore, he knew something else about Cu Chulainn.

He was not particularly pleased with the Romans.

Whether it was the long journey to Rome, the slavery, or simply the prejudice of Romulus towards barbarians, or maybe it was even Caesar's eating habits, whatever it is Cu Chulainn was not particularly happy with these possible allies.

Of course, he respected and obeyed his Master, Ainz was sure of this, so the likelihood that he would become stubborn or rebel and go over to the side of the barbarians was minimal at best.

But in this strange Singularity, Ainz preferred not to risk even more than he usually preferred to do.

Last but not least, the Dragon Witch.

It was now impossible to call her a destroyer, a megalomaniac or a brute. She was not particularly cooperative, not very feminine in behaviour and belligerent enough, but her somewhat negative traits ended there, perhaps. She probably is not able to to betray Ainz, especially just for the sake of joining the camp of the potential adversaries of humanity, who, judging by the testimonies of the other two camps, only exist to destroy Rome.

But Ainz preferred not to take risks. Now - especially.

Of course, this could be called cowardice or even paranoia... But unlike many people, Ainz was able to recognize his shortcomings. Yes, he was a coward. And perhaps a bit indulgent with his paranoia. If it was possible to avoid any possible confrontation, he would prefer to do so.

On the other hand...

"Cainabel" - Ainz turned to his Servant for communication - "Where is the location of the strong Servant?"

"Hm..." - a thoughtful voice came out in response - "Not far. In front of the gates of the city. And she... is approaching."

Ainz frowned to himself, then turned toward his Servants. Mashu, Jeanne, Cainabel and Medusa - Ainz's perception of strength was slightly different than that of other people, therefore, it was difficult to determine whether his Servants were really strong... Well, apart from Cainabel, that Ainz could easily determine. But if Cainabel herself noted the Servant existence separately... At best, this meant that the rest of the Servants had no chance of victory. At worst, they would be killed so fast, they would not even be able to determine what had killed them.

"Hold," Ainz gave the command out loud, after which he turned back to the city that was already not so far away. He paid close attention to the gates where he could see a moving figure. Looking closely, Ainz saw only two things. First - the figure itself was a girl. Short, with skin the color of mocha coffee, her lithe body might give the false impression that the girl is frail or weak - however, if Cainabel herself took note of her strength, then it was definitely the case that her incredible power was hidden behind her fragile facade. And the second is the way she moved.

The girl was moving at a speed that would be suitable for a Berserker, racing forward without taking note of any obstacles in her way with a speed of a racing car. However, unlike the majority of the Berserkers who would be sweeping everything in its path, she moved so carefully and gracefully and with incredible composure, as if she was not touching the ground at all, that her movements did not even make the grass crumple under her feet.

To be honest, such a sight looked fascinating... And frightening.

"She has incredible rank in Agility and at the same time she controls her movements so gracefully that she doesn't even raise dust even when moving so quickly," Ainz frowned at the girl.

For a second, the thought of not even trying to start a conversation with the girl and instead just attacking her slipped through Ainz's mind, but he threw it away. She obviously could become a worthy ally... Should it be possible, of course.

As the girl approached, Ainz suddenly felt a hand clutching his shoulder. Turning around, he was able to meet the eyes of Jeanne.

"You can't see her parameters?" The magician asked, after which, having received an uncertain nod in response, Ainя turned toward the newcomer.

Having approached Ainz, the girl stopped abruptly literally ten steps away from the magician, as if she were not exposed to inertia at all, fixing her eyes on Сainabel, who was standing near Ainz. Cainabel, instead of putting on her usual disgusted expression, only smiled at the girl - almost amicably, if such a word could even be used in relation to Сainabel.

"Why are you approaching our camp?" Without any greeting or a gesture of acknowledgement, the girl then froze, glancing at Сainabel. Cainabel, in response to this, simply took a step back, then pushed Ainz forward. The newly arrived girl, instantly realizing the meaning of such an action, shifted her gaze to the magician.

Ainz carefully looked at the girl - who now he was able to accurately determine the main features of her appearance due to their close proximity. The girl was not tall, with a skin the color of mocha coffee and with snow-white hair descending along her back reaching her knees. Her big eyes and delicate facial features gave her the appearance of a sad expression, but her unblinking red eyes that is currently looking at Ainz appraisingly more likely inspired thoughts of emotionlessness similar to an android, rather than of sadness.

She wore a tight-fitting white suit, however, on the open areas of her arms and legs, Ainz could see several white lines that made up a strange pattern, which stood out against the background of her dark skin.

"Good afternoon," in the end, while still looking at the girl, Ainz decided to be polite no matter what, "My name is Ainz Ooal Gown and these are my Servants."

The girl did not react to the Ainz's movement, who is currently gesturing toward the Servants, she only continued to look at the magician with unblinking eyes. It seemed as if she had not paid any attention to what was just said, but after a second of silence, the girl nevertheless nodded slowly, - "Altera."

'I do not know a single Servant with that name!' - Jeanne instantly responded to what the name the girl provided using the link between Master and Servants, after which Ainz simply frowned. Theoretically, nothing prevented Servants from introducing themselves by a different name... However, until now this has never happened.

"It's nice to meet you," Ainz, however, only smiled back, "We arrived in peace and just wanted to discuss some details of what is happening here and now..."

"I see," Altera nodded slowly, but Ainz did not have time to reply, "I understand now how you could make her go after you. You are as alien as she is. No, more... You are even more alien than her."

At that moment, Ainz froze.

Until that moment, Ainz was only called or considered as strange, incomprehensible, or even mysterious... But alien?

'She can feel my Existence Outside the Domain?!' - Ainz looked at Altera warily. She, catching something in the eyes of the magician, immediately took a step back, moving her hand to the side. A second later, a blade flickered in Altera's hand - although it was simply impossible to call it a blade in the full sense of the word. Rather, it was like a single crystal, from which the handle emanated. Green, blue and red light shimmered in this crystal when viewed from different sides, which made it seem as if the blade itself was shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow.

Cainabel, instantly feeling the tension that had suddenly appeared, took a step forward. In her hands, however, instead of the blade, was only a small umbrella. It appeared as if it was gathered from drops of darkness, appearing instantly in Cainabel's hand. The parasol looked like it was designed to protect from the sun rather than rain, it was a black parasol made of light fabric. However, Ainz understood that in order to kill the enemy Cainabel didn't need anything more than a parasol.

"Well, well," instead of attacking, Ainz merely raised his hands in a conciliatory manner. Although the fact that she was able to discern one of his skills — or rather, feel it, and somewhat knocked Ainz out of his calm, he still would have preferred to avoid any bloodshed, if that were possible — "There's no need for any alarm. As I have said before, we came in peace and do not want to fight."

Altera looked emotionlessly at Ainz after these words, then turned her gaze toward Cainabel. She, having caught the command, grinned, then threw her parasol aside. The parasol having only travelled for several moments in the air instantly scattered with dark drops that dissipated into thin air. Altera, observing this action, only nodded, after which her crystalline blade also disappeared from her hands in a small flash.

"Why did you come here?" Altera looked at Ainz after that. Ainz noted with some degree of nervousness that from the very beginning of the conversation, the girl had never blinked.

"Considering that the situation around Rome is more than ambiguous now..." Ainz shook his head thoughtfully, "I would like to find out the point of view of all parties before making any decision."

Altera for several seconds only continued to stare unblinkingly at Ainz before blinking, which managed to calm Ainz's nerves, "That's why... So, have you already met the forces of Romulus and Nero?"

"Yes." Ainz just nodded.

"Then why didn't you join them?" Altera only looked at Ainz emotionlessly.

"I thought about it," Ainz just smiled back, "But, as I said... I prefer to hear all sides of the conflict before making my verdict."

"Hmm..." Altera looked silently at Ainz for a few seconds more before reaching a definite decision and nodding, turning around. "Then follow me."

Ainz just nodded, and then moved forward.

The city looked... Peaceful.

Again he repeated to himself - too peaceful.

Ainz did not consider himself a man with a lot of prejudices, but when he heard something like "barbarians, the main enemies of all Rome, captured a city from which our conflict began", he expected to see a devastated city, many marauding soldiers, the populace in fear and reclusion... But instead he just saw... a city.

The most ordinary, quiet, and peaceful city. Of course, among the ordinary soldiers and the expected Romans there were many others bearing the symbols of their own tribes and clans, men and women, dressed in a different style of clothing and armed with different weapons, but there was nothing beyond that. Not a single house was burned or plundered, there were no corpses, not even blood stains on the ground or walls. It seemed as if this city simply continued to live their daily life as they always did. As if their capture by the "barbarians" did not occur at all.

Ainz grimaced as if with a toothache trying to keep up with Altera who is walking ahead while looking around at his surroundings. But no matter how much he looked around, even his very attentive gaze could not find anything out of place.

"It's... Too calm," - the voice of Medusa voiced his thoughts, - "It's... Strange."

"Perhaps, over the past month, people have come to terms with the occupation?" Mashu tried to rationalize the picture that is in front of them.

"It is possible," Medusa agreed, but judging by her tone, she did not really believe in such a possibility. Ainz could not blame her - he himself considered the current situation more than suspicious. Once again this Singularity did not give him any simple answer.

Unlike Nero, at the sight of which the people of Rome usually immediately abandoned their affairs in order to greet their Emperor. At the sight of Altera, the rest of the people only gave her approving or even admiring glances, after which they simply went back about their business. No matter how you look at it, it didn't seem like a terrible capture of the city by evil barbarians at all.

Ainz expected this time that he would be heading into another palace, however, instead of walking into any palatial building, Altera simply turned towards one of the large building nearby.

"It looks more like a barracks than a headquarters for a conquering Servants," Medusa answered instantly, barely knowing exactly where they were moving toward. Ainz, looking around, instantly found several training dummies and even some training armor and wooden copies of weapons that is hung on racks.

Ainz just nodded, noting this detail to himself.

Throughout the journey, Altera did not utter a word, simply continuing to walk forward, without even turning around once. Opening the doors to the barracks, she proceeded inside, which were now practically deserted. Passing silently through the barracks, she reached one of the room then the doors.

"Oh, my dear comrade-in-arms!" - before she was able to even enter the room Altera was greeted with a loud voice, "And... Have you brought reinforcements to us for this liberation war?!"

"Spartacus," Altera instantly greeted the speaker, after which she glanced at the already familiar red-haired girl standing nearby, "Boudica."

"Hm," Ainz took a step inside after Altera, after which he could instantly find the speaker. Standing next to Boudicca was... Him.

'Were everyone so muscular in Rome?' Ainz sighed, not hoping to hear the answer to his rhetorical question. However, in the case of Spartacus, this, perhaps, was to be expected.

Spartacus was a mountain of muscles. Muscles so powerful that it seemed as if the muscles worn on the huge, two-meter body, were ready to explode any second now. His musculature is balanced on a thin line where such stature is possible on a human and one where such a thing is "freakish". Each fiber on his body was greatly outlined and in itself could be comparable to a bodybuilder's pumped up biceps. However, it is surprising that besides this, two other things attracted attention to Spartacus.

The first was his face. Massive, as it should be, it was nevertheless hidden behind a strange mask of leather straps that completely hid his features, leaving only his large mouth, grinning in a friendly but even more disturbing smile, leaving only the eyes and short blond hair free. The second was the fact that Spartacus was not wearing any clothes.

More precisely, though not completely naked, he was covered in massive - for a second Ainz even felt a prick of envy - iron belt that hid his dignity in the manner of a chastity belt. However, that was all. All the rest of his body was completely exposed, so Ainz could have considered that Spartacus was actually in his underwear.

'...I don't feel comfortable standing in the same room with him' - Ainz noted to himself, looking away from Spartacus to the nearby Boudica.

"You!" She instantly recognized the magician. "You have come to the aid of the Red Saber!"

"Ahem," Ainz glanced at Altera, "I just intervened and stopped your fight, nothing more."

"Hm!" Boudica, seeing Ainz, was silent for a few seconds before exhaling and smiling, "Good... In any case, I suppose if you came here to us, you are not at one with her."

"No," Ainz replied tactfully, " I'm currently not her ally."

"Then I'm ready to at least listen to what you are ready to say," Boudica smiled back.

"Again, meeting new people and yet they forgot about me again," a fourth voice suddenly came out, forcing Ainz to pay attention to the fourth Servant present, turning to face her.

The girl was sitting in the very corner of the room - not very tall, and not capable of attracting attention at all. Is it because she was equipped with a katana - or because she was wearing a yukata? - Ainz, despite the fact that he came from the Tokyo Arcology, was not particularly well versed in such a thing, since he had not seen it in reality either in his own time or even in his new reality - however, in any case, against the background of the undressed mountain of muscles that is Spartacus, she seemed the most calm and normal of all of them. Although the fact that even being in the presence of her probable commander, she continued to lie lazily, spreading herself out on several pillows laid on a bench, lazily sipping from the bowl filled with something that Ainz recognized as sake by the smell toned down this impression a little.

'Jing Ke' - Jeanne's voice rang out in Ainz's head - 'Assassin of emperors.'

For a second, the thought flashed through Ainz's head that if there were more suitable working conditions for the "assassin of emperors" - whoever she was - than the Roman Empire, then Ainz did not know about it.

However, Altera, not paying any attention to her comrades' antics, took several steps, after which reaching her chair, took a seat, after which she finally turned her attention toward Ainz, finally nodded, blinking only a second time after meeting with Ainz, - "Ainz."

Ainz took a step into the room, after which he nodded at Altera, looking at the occupants of the room, a room filled with Servants of his likely enemy, and smiled, - "My name is Ainz Ooal Gown. Pleased to meet you."

"There is nothing more pleasant than seeing another friend on the battlefield against tyranny," Spartacus broke into a huge, actually somewhat threatening smile, seemingly trying his best to look friendly.

"Again, you're babbling about such a thing," the girl, now known to Ainz as Jing Ke, only sighed and then drank from the bowl, "Every day, that phrase again and again... it is as if you couldn't think of anything else..."

"What else can I think about when our friends is currently suffering in slavery from the damned oppressors, the Romans?!" Spartacus looked indignantly at Jing Ke, while still expressing his broad smile, which made him look quite befitting for a class like Berserker.

"Silence," Altera's voice, despite being quiet, instantly interrupted the conversation between the two Servants, forcing Ainz to look at Altera again.


Again, the same thing is happening. A group of Servants again. Again they would be throwing jabs at each other. Again, the leader would call them to order. Again, again, and again... All the same.

"Hm," Ainz nodded silently, after which he looked at Altera, "The Romans have already told me about the situation around them... But I think you would be adding some more detail to add to their story."

"Right to the point," Altera glanced at Ainz with her head slightly tilted over. It seemed as if she were asking a question, but her tone was completely non-questioning. Rather, she simply stated a fact, "Good. We must destroy the barrier."

Mashu next to Ainz choked in surprise, coughing right away, but honestly Ainz already suspected something like that.

"Is that so?," Ainz just shook his head, "In that case why then not unite with the Romans in this aspiration?"

"With these oppressors?!" - at that moment Spartacus managed to ask indignantly, but Altera only shook her head.

"They are weak," she replied calmly and emotionlessly, "Only I have the strength to destroy the barrier."

"Perhaps," Ainz did not argue. At least if Cainabel singled her out from the other Servants, then her strength was definitely on a completely different level than that of everyone else - "But would help from the Romans be superfluous? Even if they are weaker than you - they are still Servants, they are still able to fight. So why not join forces with them?"

Spartacus only indignantly cast a glance at Ainz, however, he did not break Altera's order of silence.

All the same, hearing the words of Ainz, Altera only slowly looked down.

"Disbelief," she said at the end, after a few minutes of silence, "Dislike of the Romans. Previous story with them."

"Hmm, that's the reason?" Ainz nodded. Well, paying attention to Boudica and Spartacus, Ainz already realized that people who were not flaming with love for Rome had probably gathered in this camp... Perhaps the "assassin of emperors" also felt that it is her duty to join the war against the Emperors of Rome. But then, who was Altera in this case? "And this dislike is more important than the destruction of the barrier?"

The spoken words made Altera slowly look up and blink slowly.

"No," she said at the end, after which she was silent for a few seconds, "Maybe. The exact answer is difficult."

'She sounds like a robot,' Ainz frowned. What famous robots were in the history of mankind? Ainz could name a couple of famous science fiction books from his childhood, but it is unlikely that Altera was something like "Sento the Red Dragon" - or any other hero whose adventures he had once read.

"I see," Ainz nodded. Now the final test was coming, - "And what course of action do you suggest in this case?"

"Join us," Boudica, who was silent before, stepped forward, "Together we..."

"We will gain enough strength and would be able to destroy all our opponents, yes," Ainz nodded.

Three camps. Three situations. Three sides of the conflict.

One group. One mission. One suggestion.

This time, even his usual mantra "do not think too much about it" did not bear fruit. Ainz would not even trust a penny to any of those present.

"However, in this case I need to know," smiled Ainz, "Why did you send the two Berserkers to the Romans' camp."

Boudica paused for a second, then frowned. "What are you talking about? We did not…"

"I needed to evaluate the combat potential of the enemy," Altera answered calmly, glancing at Ainz.

"What?" Boudica turned to silent Altera, "But when..."

"Hm, clearly," Ainz nodded, and then smiled. "In that case, did you succeed?"

Altera continued to stare at Ainz for a few seconds. Ainz, not waiting for a reply, simply nodded, "So - no."

Altera just silently continued to stare at Ainz.

"In that case, I seem to have come to a conclusion," Ainz nodded to himself.

'Cainabel,' he immediately contacted his most powerful Servant, 'How many of them can you destroy by yourself?'

For a second, silence spread over the connection before Ainz heard Cainabel's voice. Joyful and even anticipatory, uttering only one short phrase - 'Everyone.'

'The entire barbarian camp?' Ainz expected something like that.

'Everyone in this Singularity' - Cainabel answered even more joyfully.

Ainz was silent for a second, considering his next step.

'In that case,' Ainz nodded to himself, 'I think I know what we're going to do now.'

After that, Ainz, breaking the connection with his Servant, nodded to Altera, "I agree to join you."

"Good," she responded monosyllabically.

"But with one condition," Ainz smiled. Altera just calmly turned her gaze back to him - "You will need to arrange a meeting of all the camp leaders."

Altera, hearing the request, only tilted her head a little, - "Why?"

Ainz smiled mysteriously - as much as he could, - "I think I have an idea what is happening in this Singularity."

Death Magic: A++ (Case)

The most logical explanation for such a rank and the existence of such a skill would be the fact that Ainz is a top-ranking magician possessing a huge arsenal of spells, but in fact, since this skill does not denote possession of a specific magic system, but rather as a supporting skill, like Paracelsus 'Average'. This is the skill that is connected with the very nature of Ainz as an Overlord - the highest form of the undead - and as the Eclipse, the highest form of the death mage. The effect of such a skill does not lie in giving Ainz any new capabilities, but instead in the strengthening of his existing abilities with respect to controlling the undead or with the spells of instant death.