After completing her mission Jing Ke retreated to an inconspicuous undergrowth not so far away from where Nero found her demise, and exhaled.
On the one hand, it was a little strange for someone like her to rejoice that she did not die while trying to kill a Servant - and even more, an Emperor, especially given the nature of her Noble Phantasm.
Only For Killing, the blade that was once created for her only assassination - the murder of the First Emperor of Qin, Qin Shi Huang. The blade was an ideal assassin's blade, a reflection of her legend - the legend of a hired murderer that agreed to a mission even while knowing that she would die as a result. It was a blade reflecting an unshakable confidence in its mission, an absolute willingness to sacrifice everything for the sake of killing the target and all the sacrifices made for the sake of one murder. In other words, it was a reflection of the ancient law of life - "Life for life". Renouncing his life and every opportunity to escape from the justice and calamity that should befall her, the blade will take the life of its target.
True, using her Noble Phantasm was not a suicide attack, but rather an attack that took its target life, in exchange it would leave Jing completely open to any retaliation from the target or from anybody nearby. In this case, however, Jing had her scroll to protect her in that instant.
In other words, Jing was ready to sacrifice herself for the sake of murder... But still, this did not mean that after using her Phantasm she was predestined to fall victim to Caesar's blade. She was ready to die to complete her mission, but it doesn't mean she wanted to die.
Therefore, after retreating from the doomed target, Jing used her abilities as an Assassin in full, hiding her presence with Presence Concealment, and then returning towards her camp.
On the one hand, she was still a little embarrassed by what had happened.
Jing had received an unequivocal order from Altera - to deal with Nero. Moreover, unlike many previous cases - this time Altera gave the order in person. Which was weird in her opinion.
On the other hand, the orders of the commanding officer were not to be questioned - if Jing Ke was ordered - she had to kill her target, regardless of the price for such an act. That was the paradigm of the Assassin of Emperors.
Jing Ke moved cautiously, but still quickly, and so her camp appeared on the horizon in only a couple of hours before the sunset had touched the horizon.
This time, Jing Ke did not bother to be courteous and did not manifest, slipping through people who were unaware of the unmanifested Servant, moving along the streets of the city with the ease inherent to her class, before slipping into the barracks now chosen as the headquarters by its leader.
Of course, at first she was worried, why not take the local palace as a headquarter, but Boudica instantly objected, saying that she wanted to be closer to her soldiers. Spartacus, of course, reiterated his eternal "we are fighting tyranny and therefore the best we can do with its symbol is to destroy it completely and not make it our headquarters" - well, or something like that, Jing Ke stopped listening to the Berserker's rants a long time ago when she understood that she will not get a clear answer from him. On the other hand, Spartacus was a Berserker, so getting at least some kind of answer from him was already a good result.
Altera didn't care at all what building they would make their headquarters - given that Jing Ke noticed that Altera was able to sleep standing up, with her eyes open and even while continuing to move and do something, Assassin no longer had any questions or complaints. And is there really a big difference? Pillows and sake could be spread and consumed, respectively, in the barracks if it was at least relatively clean. Fortunately, at least from that side the barracks passed the quality requirements from the Assassin of Emperors.
Jing Ke slipped inside the barracks, and then finally removed her Presence Concealment, moving towards the room designated as the "Meeting Room" at Altera's headquarters.
After a few seconds, Jing opened the door behind which the voices inside were spilled - especially the voice of Boudica - and then took a step inside.
Instantly, as soon as she appeared on the doorstep, the ongoing dialogue in the room ceased and the eyes of all those present - Altera's, Boudica's and Spartacus' focused at her.
"The target has been neutralized," Jing Ke reported, and then she went to her nook of the room, next to which a small bowl of sake rested on a table. The best way to celebrate another day of your life...
However, Jing Ke took only one more step into the room before Spartacus took a step in front of her, blocking her path.
"What is this about?" Boudica asked. Jing Ke was not slow to notice how her hand shifted closer to her blade.
Jing Ke turned towards Altera, seeking clarification from her for the situation unfolding before her eyes, but she only saw her cold, unemotional eyes.
"What target was neutralized?" Altera asked coldly.
Jing Ke felt the situation was rapidly beginning to become more confusing beyond the permissible limits.
"Nero," Jing Ke answered honestly, looking straight into Altera's eyes, "You ordered me to kill Nero. I did it."
After Jing Ke's reply, silence fell in the room.
Jing Ke glanced once again at Altera's eyes, but her expression did not change at all.
"When?" She asked suddenly, staring intently at Jing Ke.
"...This morning," Jing Ke began to doubt herself while looking at Altera. Altera, however, only blinked at such a statement.
"What?!" Boudica's voice, however, sounded surprised.
Jing Ke turned toward the Servant, but she had already shifted her gaze towards Altera, "Is this true?!"
Altera only closed her eyes in response. The gesture is so uncharacteristic to her that Jing Ke realized the answer even before it was pronounced.
"No," Altera answered bluntly, after which she opened her eyes, glancing at Jing Ke, "I did not give the order for the removal of Nero."
Jing Ke silently looked at Altera.
Everyone else present stared at Jing Ke.
"How did you get the order?" Altera glanced at Jing Ke carefully. She sighed.
She did not want to die, but she was ready for it.
"This morning you visited me in my room," Jing Ke said everything as she recalled, "After which you personally told me about the need to eliminate Nero after the meeting."
Jing Ke did not like many things in the world - just as she did liked many things, but silence was not in either the first or second group.
Because Jing Ke was not often confronted with silence.
She definitely wouldn't like the next meeting.
"I always gave orders using our link," Altera answered as coldly as she always had before. Jing Ke usually liked her cold professionalism, but not now. Absolutely not now.
"So," Jing Ke sighed and glanced at Altera, "Who then gave me the order?"
"Unknown," Altera blinked again, "Illusion, Memory manipulation, Change in perception, Magecraft, Noble Phantasms, Skills."
After she listed out the possibilities, Altera suddenly stopped for a second, after which she slowly nodded, "Ainz."
"Ha?" Jing blinked, looking at Altera, "But he was the organizer of the meeting, wasn't he? Why would he destroy his own plans?"
"To blame us," Altera nodded slowly.
"From the very beginning, Ainz strove to reach barrier, that is true," Altera nodded. "However, he strove to get to the barrier, not destroy it."
After these words, everyone - including even Spartacus, who had only silently and frowningly smiled with his eternal, unnerving smile - no matter how he managed to combine this, was deep in thought about it.
"Ainz had previously visited the Roman camps, which means he should have known that their strength was not enough to break the barrier," Altera said coldly, slowly looking around her Servants with unblinking eyes, "However, immediately after his visit to our camp and meeting me — he proposed organizing a general conference, luring Nero out of their city, after which, after finding out that she had acquired information about the Grail, he instantly pitted us with the rest of the camps by manipulating Jing Ke. In order to prevent our camps from coming together and putting an end to the threat of the barrier."
What Altera said sounded... Not so far-fetched. Even more so, it was too logical and dangerous to leave it unchecked.
"Bastard!" Spartacus roared instantly, as soon as Altera finished the line of thought, "Traitor! How dare he betray our military brotherhood?! How dare he use us for his vile plans?!"
"However, he made a mistake," Altera said instantly.
Boudica, a second later, realized what she meant.
"His Servants," Boudica nodded. Ainz took his strongest Servant as his bodyguard and thereby left only three in the camp of Altera.
"Spartacus," Altera turned toward the Berserker, after which she nodded slowly, "Jing and I will eliminate his Servants now, while he is too far away. Boudica - your goal is Corfinius. You must reach the Grail before Ainz, his Servants, and the Servants of the Romans do."
Boudica nodded. "It will be done."
After a moment, Rider darted off, rushing to the Grail. Altera looked around the remaining Servants and nodded, rising from the table.
It is time to show Ainz the power of the Scourge of God.
The Dragon Witch foresaw that in this Singularity everything would be simple. Unlike Ainz, she was not prone to bouts of paranoia and being wary of the enemy, preferring not to look for a black cat in a dark room, especially knowing that she might not find it there.
What can she say, she paid for that carelessness.
"You are accused of complicity with the barbarians", - despite the fact that usually a court sentence was not read out with a blade directed at the accused - or in this case, Romulus's monstrous spear threateningly hanging over the Witch - Zhuge Liang's voice sounded as if he had pronounced the verdict, "Excuses?"
"Um," Cu Chulainn looked at Romulus, trying to find an excuse, "We didn't know?"
While the sage of the Celts possessed many talents, eloquence was not one of them.
'Master' - the Witch instantly reached for her Master, however, to her horror, she did not feel the usual connection with her with the Master.
"My control over Rome is enough to block your connection," Romulus looked at the Witch accusingly, clearly realizing what bothered her so much at the moment. His voice sounded saddened, as if he didn't want to do what he was doing now - but he held his spear confidently enough to easily kill the Witch or Cu Chulainn, - "You can not escape. Teleportation has also been blocked."
The Witch turned her gaze toward Alexander, who, for all his boyish appearance, now looked like a Servant - a real Servant, ready for battle - then towards Caesar, who had become Romulus' Servant a couple of minutes ago.
"Hey, Witch," Cu Chulainn glanced at the Witch, "Romulus could not restrict teleportation to too large a territory. Damn it, even I don't know how to do it - but believe me, I'm not a fool."
"Another word and I will kill you on the spot," this time Romulus did not use his patronizing "child." No, now he spoke not as a noble Ancestor, but as a soldier. A soldier of Rome, who scornfully called the Mediterranean Sea "ours," a soldier of the Mare Nostrum.
"I don't think that the result will be very different in any case," Cu Chulainn glanced defiantly at Romulus.
The Witch thought.
Cu Chulainn's plan was easy to catch, but could she follow it?
The Witch glanced at Alexander, then at Zhuge Liang and Romulus. Even if he can distract Romulus and Zhuge Liang - Caesar and Alexander can slow her enough so that she does not have time to escape before Romulus deals with Cu Chulainn. And he will deal with him quickly.
"Hey," The Dragon Witch suddenly turned towards Cu Chulainn, forcing him to listen, "This reminds me of something. Remember when we fought?"
Cu Chulainn juggled his memory, recalling that moment and trying to understand what the Witch meant, "Yes... Then our battle came out very... Blaze of glory?"
"Ready for a repeat?" The Witch grunted under her breath, watching Caesar begin to draw his blade.
Cu Chulainn shot her a last look, but the Witch only nodded. She had a plan.
A plan suitable for the Altered Servant.
Cu Chulainn grunted, after which he finally looked at Romulus, "Hey, big man. I wouldn't want to spoil the whole deal, but you better really let us go."
"Why?" Romulus glanced directly at Cu Chulainn.
"Because while you think you took us hostage," Cu Chulainn grinned, "We took all of Rome hostage."
A second later, Cu Chulainn rushed forward.
"Wicker Man!" Cu Chulainn's Noble Phantasm worked instantly, creating a barrier between them and the Servants of Romulus. The Witch had to use this opportunity to rush forward, leaving behind the doomed Servant.
This time, Cu Chulainn did not care about the surrounding landscape, and therefore the rising colossus of the Wicker Man easily broke through the ceiling, destroying the walls of the magnificent palace, making the Roman citizens in the distance to freeze in horror. Against the backdrop of the Phantasm that has just arisen, even the bulk of Romulus was completely overshadowed as something insignificant and so small.
"Ochd Deug Odin!" This time, Cu Chulainn did not care about hiding his Phantasm. He had to act quickly - his second Phantasm manifested itself instantly, but required a few seconds for a supply of mana. Seconds that no one would gave him.
Having hardly just arisen, the bulk of the fire giant suddenly swayed, in incomprehension - before the next blow tore it to pieces. A lot of tree shoots tore it apart - Romulus's spear, the incarnation of the tree of Rome, struck only once - exactly as much as Romulus needed to destroy the symbol of the Celtic wisdom - just as only one company of Rome put an end to the Gaul, who once gave rise to the tribes that praised the old gods.
A second later, the torn giant turned into pure mana, among the clouds of which he appeared. Romulus, the Divine Ancestor of Rome.
Cu Chulainn did not have time. Just a couple of seconds and all...
"Moles Necessrie !" Romulus' Noble Phantasm took shape.
After a second, four walls, cutting off the Witch's retreat, arose from underfoot. Instantly four fragile-looking, ephemeral, as if ghostly walls rose from the ground, cutting off the combatants from escape. The speed of the emergence of the Phantasm was such that the Witch barely managed to jump to the side so as not to be instantly cut into two parts by the Phantasm of Romulus.
Moles Necessrie . The legend of Romulus and Remus, two beloved brothers. The legend of how Romulus killed his beloved brother and build his beloved Rome on his blood.
A Noble Phantasm reflecting Romulus' love for his Rome, subjugating and supplanting even his love for his own family. His incomparable love for his Empire, for his City, for his People. Romulus' manifestation of love - "I will defend Rome even if for this I have to destroy the rest of the World."
It was a barrier-type Noble Phantasm capable of saving the target of his love - as easy as destroying what would stand in the way of his infinite love of Rome. Ephemeral and barely perceptible, like any love, and indestructible, like his love for Rome.
Now Ochd Deug Odin was hardly a danger to Rome - Cu Chulainn understood this.
It was impossible to retreat now - the Witch understood this.
Cu Chulainn was left with only a very little chance for victory...
"Kha!" Cu Chulainn suddenly felt a sharp pain. With incredulity he turned around.
His gaze met that of the Witch. A Witch clutching a black blade that does not reflect light. The black blade that entered the heart of Cu Chulainn.
"What the hell... ?!" he looked in surprise at the Witch.
A second later, the Witch pulled out the blade, causing Cu Chulainn's body to sway.
"You thought we were allies?" The Witch's face turned into a contemptuous grin, "What a pity."
After a second, Cu Chulainn's features turned to that of contempt and hatred. The Witch's black blade struck his neck, chopping off Cu Chulainn's head a second later.
"You... You are capable of killing even your own ally?!" even Romulus stopped for a second from surprise.
"Hate me for that," the Witch grinned.
A lump appeared in her throat, she suppressed this impulse with a new grin, - "Your hatred gives me strength."
A second later, her black plate glove touched Ochd Deug Odin, who did not have time to crumble, pouring the last of the required mana into him.
A second later, the black blade, still stained with the blood of Cu Chulainn, pierced the exposed wall of Romulus Phantasm.
The barrier of Romulus was not invulnerable, but even the power of the Witch would not be enough to destroy it. Earlier.
However, the Witch that existed now plunged the blade into the walls of Romulus Phatasm with unexpected ease, breaking a gap in the walls with the black blade. Betrayal that destroys even all-embracing love.
"Say goodbye to Rome," the Witch smirked, after which Ochd Deug Odin activated.
"NO!" Romulus rushed forward, but the Witch was right. Distracted by his Phantasm and what happened before him, Romulus lost control of the barrier restricting teleportation. The Witch disappeared instantly, missing the spear of Romulus with only a couple of centimeters.
After a second, Ochd Deug Odin activated.
Although the owner of this power have died Ochd Deug Odin embodied the wrath of God against the people who tried to comprehend his wisdom. The Dragon Witch, the embodiment of the other side of the coin - a rebellion of humans against the divine - and so she could activate it.
A second later, Leonidas activated his Noble Phantasm, defending himself and the other Servants against the might of the Phantasm of Cu Chulainn, but his Noble Phantasm could not cover the whole of Rome. The endless hatred of the divine and of humans, mixed in the Phantasm of Cu Chulainn, poisoned by the betrayal and hatred of the Witch, broke free, absorbing Rome with the ease with which a fire devours the most beautiful of canvases painted by a master painter.
Hundreds of buildings, thousands of people ceased to exist instantly, devoured by flame, turned into dust and ashes.
Rome ceased to exist in an instant.
Leonidas's Phantasm was the only thing that stood against such a force, not yielding, until the raging tornado of fire died down, leaving only a scorched wasteland.
Romulus was not under the influence of Leonidas's shield.
However, when the fiery inferno subsided, Leonidas saw Romulus.
He stood still, motionless while looking at the wasteland.
The wasteland that was once called Rome.
"Rome…" -Romulus held out his hands to the beautiful city that he vowed to protect.
"Rome, Rome, Rome…" -Romulus pronounced time after time.
Leonidas lowered his shield exhaustedly. Such an attack took all his strength to defend against and judging by the fact that the Witch had escaped, a retaliatory attack was no longer required.
Leonidas grabbed his spear, and then stuck it in the ground.
"My Rome…" -Romulus said once more and Leonidas saw how a lone tear slowly escapes the face that was as if carved from marble - "My Rome…"
"Orders?" Leonidas glanced at Romulus.
When he heard this, he suddenly dropped his hands exhaustively, turning from an eternal titan into a hunched, decrepit old man.
"Kill them all," came a quiet voice, "Each one. Everyone you see. Everyone you smell. Everyone who meets you."
"Every Servant or..". -Zhuge Liang made a step towards Romulus, but after a second Romulus hand grabbed him, instantly striking him into the ground. Zhuge Liang, not expecting such a reaction, crouched in pain.
"Waver!" Alexander rushed forward and Romulus pushed Zhuge Liang away from him as easily as he picked him up, like an unnecessary rag. Alexander rushed toward Shuge Liang - "Waver, are you okay?!"
"Everyone you meet," - the glance of Romulus, speaking in the void, was insane. The look of a man who have vowed to protect Rome and failed, - "There is no more Roman Empire without Rome. No more Romans without Rome. Kill them all. Press their corpses into the ground. Tear them apart. Hang them on the crosses. Feed them to the dogs. Kill them all."
"Besides that woman and Ainz," Romulus suddenly stopped, "For I will show them the greatness of Rome, which cannot be burned."
"NOOOOOOOO!" - Nero fell to her knees. "You lie, you lie, this is all an illusion!"
"Why should I create a lie if the truth would hurt you the most?" - the Master's voice sounded in her head mockingly - "Come on. Take a look at what remain of Rome. I'm sure a couple of shacks have survived even after all that. A pair of shacks and a pair of unwashed peasants - the greatness of Rome in all its glory... "
"Shut up, shut up, shut up!" - Nero crouched on the floor, trying to clasp her head with her hands, as if this would save her from the monstrous visions of a burning Rome - "You forced her hand! You forced them all!"
"Oh, believe me, I would love to do it if I could," the Master sighed. "But I cannot and I did not have to. Or did you think that this would be one of the romantic stories? Oh yes, the noble prince saves a virgin in trouble from the clutches of a vile sorcerer, ha-ha, a classic... "
"Shut up, shut up, shut up" - Nero muttered like a mantra, trying to keep the tears from running down her cheeks - "Why can't you just leave me!"
"Because I am your only chance," the Master smirked. "Here is a little lesson for you. Sometimes a knight saving a princess is a monster worse than a dragon. Or did you never know that in order to defeat a killer you need to think like a killer? "
After the words of the Master, Nero could no longer withstand the shock and lost consciousness.
"Ugh, how weak..." - the Master sighed, after which he thought - "But I really didn't order her to do that. That damned Ainz and his damned unbreakable bonds with his Servants... Oh, well, at least this Ainz and his Servants know how to make the situation interesting! I am sure that Lev would have just found and killed everyone , as, in fact, he had done before. Lev, you are a disgrace to all the Demon Kings! Well, was a Demon King, of course. "
After that, the Master fell silent and sighed - "Well, okay. I can't wait to see what happens to the Grail now. I am sure that at least I will receive praise for such a Singularity. "
After that, the Master imagined how his master pats him on the head and grinned. His imagination sometimes threw him... interesting pictures.
"But there is so much potential for darkness in Nero," the Master sighed. "It's interesting that she will respond to the offer to be summoned as... Hm, Rider?"
Caligula ran forward.
Power. More power. Even more power.
His mind was in furor.
He was not going to return to Romulus' side. He was about to avenge his dead niece. And for this he needed power.
A lot of power. More power than Romulus could give him.
Just as much as the Grail could give.
Caligula moved on, paying attention to nothing. Corfinius. That sounded like his destination.
Approaching Corfinius Caligula felt the presence of another Servant, but he did not care. Only the Grail now means anything to him.
"Damn!" Came a distorted voice from afar, "Damned Romans! Again ahead of us!"
Somewhere in another time, under different circumstances, he would have identified the voice that just resounded as Boudica, the adversary of his niece, but now he was not bothered by anything. No barriers stood in his way. His way to the Grail.
"Step back!" Came the distorted voice, "Ainz is manipulating you, like all of us!"
Caligula did not listen to Boudica's explanations, moving forward with all the power that a Berserker had. Caligula moved towards the Grail.
"You! Stop!" Boudica's voice came, after which a blow sent him flying.
Caligula was thrown aside from the blow of the Servant, but he did not even pay attention to it. Rising from his fall, he rushed forward. The goal was so close...
"Fucking Berserkers!" Boudica's voice sounded loud and clear, but for Caligula it was no different from white noise, "Why are you all like that?!"
Caligula was not interested in answering the questions addressed to him. He saw the cave. He could smell the fragrance of power emanating from the Grail.
Otherwise, he would have felt that the sweet scent reminded him of a decaying corpse. But not as he is right now.
The clouds parted, revealing a full moon night. The night he is in full Power.
Caligula rushed forward to the cave where the Grail was hidden, but this time he was stopped.
An obstacle stood in the way of his last step to the Grail.
"Finally you stopped!" Boudica rejoiced quietly, after which she intercepted the blade, "The Romans will receive the Grail through my corpse. Fight!"
Caligula stopped.
Before him stood a Servant. Girl.
Caligula's mind was no longer directed his actions. Only madness and emotions. The bitterness of loss. Crazed Love. And Hatred.
"Not attacking, hmm?" Boudica shifted a little, preserving her center of gravity, and then she struck. Her blade entered the flesh of an unprotected Caligula.
She just doesn't understand.
Caligula realized.
She does not understand his madness. His hate. His aspirations.
And if she does not understand his madness...
He will make her understand.
The clouds in the sky parted, revealing the full Moon.
That Moon that gave him his crazy love. And the one that robbed him of his love.
"NERO!" Caligula exclaimed, looking at her, after which he turned his gaze towards Boudica, pronouncing the name of his second love, "FLUCTICULUS DIANA!"
And the mad light of the moon illuminated him. Before he lost his mind because of the love of the goddess. Now he has lost his mind because of his love for his niece.
Boudica realized the power of Caligula's Phantasm too late.
Diana. Goddess of the moon. As cruel and changeable as all the gods. The goddess that saw a great commander and warrior, ruler and orator and wished to make him her own. The goddess that showed him the beauty that appears only on a moonlit night, strewn with stars. Beauty that mortals cannot touch.
The proximity of the beautiful moon and the inability to touch it. It drove dreamers, poets, and writers alike crazy. What could one man have done when the moon goddess herself showed him a beauty that no man could ever reach?
Caligula went crazy. Touching beauty and not being able to keep it, he plunged into madness in despair, which led to his fall. His crazed love tore his life apart.
And so Caligula was endowed with power. A force, which allowed him to open the eyes of anyone about what he saw. To the madness of unattainable beauty.
Boudica fell to her knees. Caligula's Noble Phantasm penetrated her mind, revealing to her eyes what he saw. The unattainable beauty of the moon goddess.
Boudica's mind was instantly crippled by Caligula's Phantasm. However, Boudicca had a goal.
Therefore, even the endless beauty of the moon could not distract her for a long time.
But it still was enough.
When Boudica's mind cleared, she saw the hands of Caligula reaching out to the Grail.
"No!" She rushed instantly, but it was too late. Caligula touched the Grail.
To instantly fall to the ground.
An inhuman scream came from his mouth.
Boudica paused in confusion before seeing that his hand, touching the Grail, was covered with a viscous black slurry.
Boudica did not know this, but this black slime was similar to the one from which the Dragon Witch was created.
The Grail before which had sparkled with gold due to the winner, faded and slowly began to distort, turning from a golden bowl into black slime. The Slime of which is flowing onto Caligula.
Caligula began to scream, but a second later the black slime swallowed him completely, interrupting his scream. Boudica stepped back.
The grail was a trap.
Boudica felt horror.
A cocoon of black mucus, moving like a living creature, suddenly froze, after which it lost its color, turning into a gray shell. The shell cracked a moment later.
A hand appeared behind the fallen gray shell. Then the second. Then the whole body.
The Servant who rose from the earth was like Caligula, but he was not. He also looked like Romulus.
Rising from the ground, a giant dressed in black armor, decorated with gold, stretched out, overshadowing Boudicca with his entire three-meter height. Another trait that shows his relation to Romulus.
After that, the unknown Servant opened his eyes. Black, with red dots for pupils. The same as those of Caligula and Romulus.
"Hmmm..." the Servant then stared at Boudica, "So you are Boudica, the one who swore revenge on Rome?"
Boudicca gripped her blade tighter. What just happened... Unsettled her. However, she was not going to give up, - "Yes."
Hearing this, the giant grinned, and then laughed a patronizing laugh, "Do not be afraid my child. I am not an enemy to you - I am your ally."
After that, the Servant glanced at Boudica and tilted his head slightly - "I vowed revenge on Rome even when my brother had just founded it."
Yggdrasil Magic: A++
It cannot be said unequivocally whether or not some kind of magical system is worse or better. Rather, they are all just different. Orpheus's magic is practically useless without musical talent, Solomon's magic can be learned at a basic level even without magical circuits, and the magic of Circe can boast of its capability of creating a potion of immortality.
There is only one magic that is above the rest. True Magic.
And the Magic of Yggdrasil.
Of course it cannot be said that Yggdrasil's magic is equal to True Magic. Rather, it is simply a magical system that serves as a bridge between the two. While magical systems are a kind of "constructor" that can be folded into new forms by the effort of countless generations of Magi, Yggdrasil's magic was created complete. There is no way for improving it - it is just a complete set of existing spells. Powerful, incredibly strong, but still finite and limited. Separated by levels of "power" - of "tiers" - from the weakest, easily duplicated by the spells of other magical systems - to those that are able to stand on par with the True Magic.
Of course, it cannot unequivocally be said that Yggdrasil's magic cannot be changed or modified — and Yggdrassil Magic does possess something called Supertier Magic that is something completely different — but such a description speaks well of the strength and capabilities of such magic system — as well as its weaknesses.