Ainz slowly moved forward in the darkness, step by step plunging deeper into the depths of the cave..
"I hope this isn't actually a dungeon..." - Ainz shook his head - "At least I hope that it is without dragons..."
For Players the dungeons of Yggdrasil meant a lot of things, both good and bad. The good thing about dungeons, is that most often they lie in inconspicuous places like underground caves and hidden among the high peaks of mountains. Or, like the case of the Great Tomb of Nazarick, hidden with a very obscure revealing method, so one doesn't generally need to be afraid of a second party tumbling in behind them. Furthermore, dungeons were usually the place where the most unique treasures, data crystals, quests and other interesting gameplay elements were hidden.
The bad thing about them was that in Yggdrasil, nothing was cheap and easy - and most often than not these very sought after items were protected by very unique powerful mobs to match the rarity of the loot. And, even in the best of cases, where the mobs one would meet in a dungeon were not a particularly unpleasant surprise for players - and it happened so damn infrequently - some kind of very deadly traps would be waiting for the players. For example, an acid cloud suddenly gushing out from under the ground capable of decomposing players of the hundredth level in seconds into its constituent elements was the most harmless of what Ainz could recall. Those shitty devs!
In the end, Ainz was somehow calmer knowing that he was clearly walking into a trap rather than just going forward, not knowing exactly what is going to happen. Not to mention…
Ainz focused once more on the tracking spell he had placed on the two Servants, after which he nodded to himself. He especially liked the fact that he would get an answer on what specifically the trap was.
Walking a little further along, Ainz's gaze finally landed on what he was searching for, or more likely, the trap that would be sprung on him. The coveted and searched for Grail, one of two in this Singularity - the goal of his mission. It was placed on a small table or chest decorated plentifully with ornaments, carved figures and bas-reliefs which details Ainz was unable to discern due to the distance. It looked like a very ornate chest with the two very noticeable angel-like statues next to the Grail. It even has two poles for ease of transport!
Ains stopped in place for a second, then he used several detection spells, - Mass Detection of Traps, Detect Magic, Detect Enchantment - All, All Appraisal Magic Item.
After a second, several inconspicuous sections on the ground on Ainz's path to the Grail were lit with soft magical light, the space around the Grail sparked, the Grail and the ark blinked brightly, and finally, Ainz's mind began to be filled with information about the things he had appraised.
"Hmm..." - Ainz looked at the highlighted sections of earth - "Magic traps... With serious enough firepower - the eighth rank. The one closest to the Grail - perhaps a weak ninth rank spell? Something like Ray of Star, probably... But, hmm... That looked like an interesting spell... "
A spell is casted on the Grail itself, it was a very esoteric trap. It was quite the unique spell, so much so that Ainz could not find any analogue to it in his Yggdrasil days - at least not an exact comparison at least. It was a spell that functioned by restricting movement or perhaps even by manipulating space itself. It functioned as a trap by not allowing anyone to touch the Grail without first touching the table on which it stood on. Given that Ainz's spell has revealed that the chest - an ark to be more precise, is the Ark of Covenant… well, let's just say that being forced to touch it makes for a very interesting trap. Few will be paying a paranoid level of attention after passing through the guards, the two Servants, and all the traps that he would be aware of being unconsciously drawn to touch the Ark. This would probably be the last and main trap for those who wish to acquire the Grail.
Ainz had detected a very powerful enchantment was on the Ark of Covenant - although a somewhat strange enchantment in AInz's opinion. It would instantly cast an instant death spell on anyone who touched the Ark, excluding only a few people, and anyone who didn't die immediately would find their magical energy being sucked dry until they died. Ainz was unable to imagine how such a thing could be used in battle with any kind of efficiency. However, as a trap? It would be a very frightening thing if used right.
One more thing about the Ark did confuse Ainz a bit. It seemed as if the Ark... is not working at 'full' strength is the closest thing Ainz could compare it to. As if there was a way to make the Ark use its full strength. Thankfully, as Ainz is not a complete idiot, Ainz decided to leave the idiot bait of opening the Ark alone.
Attempting to destroy the trap placed on the Grail could destroy the Grail or even worse provoke a reaction from the Ark itself. Fortunately for Ainz, he doesn't need to bother with destroying the trap to acquire the Grail. As he was protected from any and all instant kill spells, he did not need to worry about the dangers of touching the Ark. So Ainz simply reached out to the Grail and let his hand be guided to touch the Ark, which predictably, did nothing. With one hand resting on the Ark, Ainz reached out to the Grail with his other hand and placed it in his Inventory.
Pausing for a moment, Ainz then listened to the words transmitted to him by his tracking spell and exhaled.
Well, he had another ten seconds to waste.
Ainz gives a measuring look at the Ark. He admits, up to this point he had never seen an independently materialized Noble Phantasm before. The ability to study a Noble Phantasm without any risk of taking a sword beam to the face alone is immeasurably precious. Not to mention, the Ark of the Covenant would be a very good showpiece for his collection of things from the New World…
Ainz placed his hands to the Ark and slowly with a certain carefullnes not to drop it, or god forbid open it, he raised it. A second later, the bottomless darkness of Ainz's inventory opened before him, after which Ainz, with a gentle movement, shoved the huge mass of the Ark into his inventory... For scientific purposes, of course.
After that, Ains exhaled, looked around at the empty cave and teleported out.
In an instant after Ainz had teleported, a series of explosions of monstrous power consumed the entire mountain, instantly destroying the walls of the cave and burying everything inside. Instantly, the traps inside the Grail room activated and fired all at once. It seemed to be a last ditch trap to kill anyone who managed to actually take the Grail, or perhaps it was done because Ainz had 'appropriated' the Ark. Whatever had provoked the reaction didn't matter in the end since Ainz was no longer anywhere near the explosions, and Ainz had more important things to worry about, like the spear that had just struck him.
Ainz's figure, hovering in the air watching the fireworks, slowly began to descend, looking at the Servant that had attacked him from afar.
"Honestly, man, I'm sorry about this," were the words of Lancer, in whose hand a spear had reappeared a second later, his Noble Phantasm, the power of which he had just used to attack Ainz.
Ains felt a prick of regret. "Yes, me too, Hector. Grasp Heart."
"THE ARK OF COVENANT JUST DISAPPEARED!" Archer screamed in horror, barely paying attention to the fact that he had just been attacked grievously by Cainabel, almost losing his hand.
"What do you mean it - disappeared?!" - Rider barely managed to deliver another useless blow to distract Cainabel from finishing off his panicking ally. Which is followed by a frantic if controlled dodge, allowing Rider to get off with only a small scratch on his chest by Cainabel's claws which, due to Rider's Noble Phantasm, can be easily ignored. However, given that Cainabel possesses a monstrous amount of strength and with her rank of Divinity, Cainabel's attacks, even when reduced to only a quarter of her full strength would break a weaker Servant in half even with such a light scratch.
"IT JUST DISAPPEARED" The panicked Archer rushed towards the retreating Rider, "SIMPLY GONE!"
"Damn it, as if we had not enough problems!" Rider then attacked Cainabel, either to vent his frustration or just to keep the battle tempo going. "What is happening?!"
"Don't you like surprises?" The laughter of Cainabel, turned into a bass croak by her warped… everything, sounded like the gnashing of metal, "Oh, you have no idea what else I have in store!"
At once, hundreds of bone spikes covered the battlefield, emerging out from under the ground and piercing Archer's body, causing him to cry out in pain, while Rider managed to evade the attack.
"Well, well, look at you now," Cainabel's voice slowly sounded out like a crackling rumble, "Where did your bravado disappear to, Servant?! I was hoping that behind your empty boasts there is something more than the self-confidence of a fool!"
At her command, the hundreds of bone spikes shot up towards the sky like needles, piercing Archer through and rushing to the second Servant.
"Damn it, this is dangerous - even if my Noble Phantasm reduces the damage I would receive to a third, getting hit by a hundred sharp bone needles will still tear me to pieces." Therefore, the Servant was forced to use one of his Noble Phantasm, "I did not think that I would have to reveal my cards so quickly, but... Dromeus Komētēs!"
In a flash of green light the figure of the Servant disappeared. One could even say that the Servant had actually teleported - however, this was not so. In fact, he had only moved with such an incredible speed that it surpassed even the speed that Cainabel is capable of perceiving in her combat transformation that it looked like teleportation. He was so fast that overcoming the entire distance that separated him and Cainabel in a few moments to attack her was just a trifling matter.
"Achilles," the spear in his hands, however, only grated powerlessly against Cainabel, unable even to inflict a wound on it, "So, it is where your stupid bragging comes from..."
"Ho..." using the power of his Noble Phantasm, Achilles instantly retreated, "So you have heard about me."
"Your stupidity stands out even from the rest of the Servants in the Throne of Heroes," Cainabel slowly turned toward Achilles, "But indeed, the strongest of the ants will consider himself the strongest among all - since for the ant the world outside of its ant hill is unknown."
"Auch, it hurts my pride," Achilles sighed, after which he looked at Cainabel frowning, "But you are still slower than me."
"An elephant is also slower than a hummingbird," Cainabel smiled, although with her current appearance it looked more like a shark grinning, "But the elephant only needs to step on the hummingbird to crush it completely."
Achilles only glanced silently at Cainabel in reply. Of course, he could still spite her by saying that despite this comparison, his Divinity was still higher than that of Cainabel's. But, still, senseless provocation at the moment would not lead him anywhere. Cainabel was not especially skilled in her attacks, so angering her in an effort to make her sloppier is quite the moot point. Furthermore, angering her at this point would probably only give her more strength to pummel him even harder, one after all does not piss off Heracles and expect anything good out of that. Achilles' eyes glanced toward his long-suffering ally, Archer.
Archer, despite everything, was still alive - but, at least in this battle, he was no longer a factor in the fight. Even if he somehow succeeds in getting up and proceeds to attack Cainabel, it would probably be a wasted effort at this point. Even with his uninjured and full-strght capabilities, his attacks did not even injure Cainabel, not to speak of his current, very holey state.
Achilles was fast, he was Achilles after all, 'and there will never be a hero faster than Achilles in this world' and all that. Therefore, he could evade Cainabel's attacks. But as fast as he is he could not breach Cainabel's defenses forcing him to reduce their battle to a pointless draw or a drawn out attrition. And even so this balance can only hold until the moment when Cainabel catch him with just one attack.
He might be forced to use his Noble Phantasm to have any chance in this fight, but which should he use to give him the greatest chance of victory. Using his Chariot would be the surefire way to win, but the moment he is distracted by their summoning could be the end for him, at the very least for Archer. He's already using his speed to even out the fight so it wouldn't be any further help there. His shield? He could crush Cainabel by rushing forward, but without the overwhelming speed of his chariot, Achilles couldn't be sure of his chances of actually hitting her with it. His spear perhaps… no that is a stupid idea. Never mind the fact that his opponent is female and it wouldn't work on her, getting into a fist fight with Cainabel seemed like a monumentally stupid idea, he might as well just stab his heel and be done with it. Achilles suddenly caught sight of the look that Archer is giving him. Judging by the determination in his eyes...
Achilles then came to a decision.
Archer, ha that guy... Indeed, to give strength, intelligence and courage to stand alone against any giant and beast in his path.
Achilles slowly closed his eyes and stepped back.
"Are you running away?" Cainabel smiled. "Did you like Hector's tactics that much? Indeed, you were such wonderful friends, I am sure that you really wanted to become like him."
Mentioning Hector's name unpleasantly struck at the heart of Achilles, but he, exhaling, backed away in the end.
"Heh," Archer's voice then came from behind Cainabel, how he managed this feat with his mangled body is a mystery. "Funny. You seemed to be so strong, and yet have no divinity in any way."
"Do I hear a dog whimpering?" Cainabel slowly turned toward Archer, "Yes, you, the dog full of holes - are you, perhaps, the one whimpering?"
"Do you know who I am?" Archer grinned, then immediately spat out a glob of blood. Even without Cainabel doing anything, she had already done so much damage that he will die in the next couple of minutes, so he did not see any reason to bother with any pretenses, - "David. David, the killer of Goliath."
"Your current state makes your title quite the insult, David," Cainabel, whose face contorted a grimace of contempt, grinned while giving out a croaking laugh.
"Yes,... and though I don't talk about it much, if at all," David grinned. "I'm actually a distant ancestor of the Son of God, and that gives me a level of divinity. Very small true, but the fact is, it is still of a higher rank than yours."
Cainabel took a step towards the very close to death holy man. Her smug smirk slowly slipping from her face - however, her monstrous grin didn't get any less disturbing from this, - "Come again?"
"Isn't it funny," David grinned, "I am such a bug compared to you... But I still have Divinity above yours. Isn't it funny?"
David forced a faint smile to appear in his face and laughed, "Hehe..."
A second later, Cainabel drove her clawed hand through David's stomach, breaking through it.
"No, it's not funny," Cainabel looked into David's eyes as she did it and smiled, "But maybe you will grin again now?"
David only cast an indecipherable look at Cainabel.
"What, is it not funny anymore?" Cainabel smiled, after which she shook David's body on her arm, "Come on, laugh again. Have a good laugh. I liked the way you laughed - but looks like you aren't laughing anymore... Come on, come on!"
Cainabel accompanied her every word with a shake of her hand, forcing David's body to wriggle like a puppet whose strings have been cut. But, without waiting for an answer and seeing David's body slowly transforming into pure mana, she shook the corpse off her hand.
"Oh well, it seems that you're not that Divine after all," Cainabel sighs pretentiously, and then turns around to look for Rider, "And where, hmm, is the second one..."
David's plan was simple, just as Cainabel's was. All that was needed was to distract her for a minute to give time to Achilles. Well, Ahilles used the distraction judiciously.
"Troias Tragoidia! Akhilleus Kosmos! Dromeus Kometes!" - using three of his Noble Phantasms at the same time, Achilles struck Cainabel.
Unfortunately, his chariot could not break through Cainabel's defenses, it seemed that even an A ranked Noble Phantasm was not enough.
However, his second and third Noble Phantasm managed to fulfill their goal.
"What hatred!" Baal avoided another spell, after which he answered back with his own, "What an inhuman grace! Verily, beauty and cruelty intertwine in your figure, Medea!"
Despite the fact that, judging by the tone and voice, Baal said it with absolute sincerity, this did not please Medea at all. Unfortunately, at the moment, her body was already suffering burns in many places, in some places her cloak was melted to her skin. Although her Noble Phantasm, her Rule Breaker, was able to destroy almost any magic with just one touch. Its effectiveness against an incoming spell is limited by the speed and accuracy of Medea herself; many of Baal's spells could reach her. Even picking up her blade with magic in order to have time to react to his attacks while blocking some with her Noble Phantasm, Medea's fate is still hanging by a thread. Even though Medea had managed to dissipate a lot of Baal's spells, he seemed to be not at all bothered by the waste of mana. Medea herself was forced to rely solely on her speed of reaction - and on urgently created protective spells, the only reason she was still alive. To save mana, Medea even had to abandon flight and any more powerful damaging spells, instead resorting to dodging on foot and to using barely noticeable weaker attacks, from which Baal more often than not simply dodged. And if he somehow gets hit by one, easily dispelled without causing any actual damage. At the same time, Baal himself continued to attack while talking as if he were at a social event, not at all bothered by the ongoing battle.
Medea bit her lip in frustration, after which she glanced at Archer, who was still lying nearby.
'Come on…' - Medea almost grimaced - 'This plan is too simple to go unnoticed... Even by someone like you!'
"Enjoying my work?" After a second Medea barely managed to use Argos, her favorite protective spell, to repel Baal's attack. Baal's spell, like a ray of light striking from the sky itself, crashed into the thin shield that had arisen, a shield that became covered with many small cracks a moment later. A second later, Medea's shield finally could no longer hold on and was destroyed, allowing the beam to continue on its way, albeit slightly weakened from the collision with Medea's shield. At the very least the precious second bought Medea enough time to dodge the beam, causing it to miss and hit only the ground. The point of impact instantly swells with the pressure of the volcanized hot mass of stones and earth, and then explodes in a flash of light. Medea only managed to barely set up another shield to defend from it, after which she managed to neutralize a second spell from with her blade before her body was sent on a new flight path.
Medea's gaze slid over Archer, after which, catching the Servant slowly coming to, she relaxed, and then looked at Baal.
"Hm, you looked like you had found some confidence," Baal nodded in surprise. "Perhaps this is a form of heroic awareness? Something like 'if I die now - then all the terrible things that I did will remain meaningless cruelty' - or something like that?"
"You think..." Medea exhaled, limping a little on one leg, after which she glared up at Baal. "That your words would make me stumble? That it will give you an advantage?"
A second later, another spell headed for Medea, but she was ready for it. Rule Breaker soared in the air next to her as she reacted almost instantly, neutralizing yet another ray of heat. Perhaps one could say that her words had hurt Baal in a sense, but instead of showing any kind of emotion, he was contemplative instead.
"An advantage, hmm?" Baal looked up at the sky, as if in thoughtfulness, an obvious feigned gesture to say the least - and then sent another spell towards Medea, "No, that doesn't sound right. I do not do it to gain any advantage in battle, hmmm."
Then Baal suddenly stopped in place, as if frozen in a shocked realization, even making his wings behind his body stop in the air. The shocked expression then melted into a kind, good-natured, a warm smile, even - "I just like to cause suffering."
After another second, Baal teleported away from Medea's next futile attack, only to reappear behind Medea and laying a hand on her shoulder. She could try to attack him now, but an attempt to attack him in his current position would most likely mean Medea's death. So - not now, when Archer finally began to rise, when she finally had a chance .
"But don't worry," Baal slowly leaned toward Medea's ear, making her jerk a little. "You're not the only one. I like to hurt everyone. In the end, I'm still the Emperor of Demons. Maybe not a crazed destroyer - but sometimes my demonic part... It requires me to act in certain ways."
"You deserve only contempt," Medea spat out in response, not bothering to turn in Baal's direction.
"Such cutting words from one who lived her whole life as a series of betrayal?" Baal smiled, and then teleported away, "Well, okay, it seems we have already played enough, I think it's time to finish this?"
"Oh yes," Medea grinned languidly, looking with a kind of hatred toward the Archer that is slowly lifting herself from the ground, "I agree."
"Tri-star Amore Mio!" After a second, the arrow in Archer's hands flashed with a bright light. Baal managed to respond to the attack, instantly teleporting to the side to dodge the light arrow, but her goal was already achieved. Archer's arrow, which flashed like a burning star, flew to the sky with such force that several small clouds hanging in the air were instantly incinerated by a beam flying through the sky.
"Atlas!" Medea's spell words took shape, after which Baal was frozen in place. This was achieved by concentrating the atmospheric pressure to a single point on Baal's body- "Archer!"
"Tri-star Amore Mio!" - with another cry, Archer's Noble Phantasm reacted to her commands again. Again, another arrow in the arms of the archer began to lit up with a bright light directed at her target. Baal, frozen in place, sighed.
"I was planning on leaving you for dessert," Baal sighed, "Freedom."
With nary but a flash, Baal's ability, focusing on breaking through restraints, broke through Medea's spell , allowing him to evade Archer's Noble Phantasm again.
However, this time again Medea reacted.
"Aero," the simplest spell wind struck Baal unexpectedly. A spell of this level could not hurt Baal at all, but an unexpected change in the flow of wind caused his wings to fail for a second. Unlike Medea's magic, Baal did not fly with the help of a spell, but with the help of wings that relied on moving air currents around him. So, with but a gust of wind, Baal was forced to lose control for a second - "Come on!"
"Tri-star Amore Mio!" Archer's next arrow then was placed on the bowstring, and then shot. This time, Baal did not have time to get out of the attack trajectory.
"Hm, how interesting," Baal only managed to give a retort before Archer's arrow hit him.
Unlike the two previous times, this attack found its target. An incredible force pierced through Baal's arm, after which it instantly tore it asunder with a stream of force while continuing its path. Archer's arrow easily passed through Baal's arm, tearing it from the shoulder, and then flew to the sky.
For a second, after the deafening roar of the arrow had passed, silence settled before a sigh was heard.
"Auch," the speaker's voice was only a little pained, as if he had pricked his finger on a carelessly placed needle, "That hurt."
Baal had survived the attack - albeit missing his left hand, there was only his right hand holding a cane.
"Well, at least now we know your identity for sure," Baal smiled, looking at Archer, "Artemis, hmm? Now I understand how you were able to deal with my curse."
After that, Baal's gaze came across a plush toy lying on the ground near Artemis. The plush toy is still on the ground writhing in agony and unable to move, releasing a silent scream of agony.
"How is Orion feeling?" Baal smiled.
"Tri-star Amore Mio!" Artemis answered back with another shot from her Noble Phantasm.
Baal smiled.
While serving under Ainz means he doesn't have to risk fighting him, alas, his demonic nature could not demonstrate itself in all its glory. Therefore, he so wanted to meet in battle with someone new.
Get to know them better.
And make them suffer.
The enemy fleet was approaching them at a speed significantly superior to the capabilities of the most modern of ships. And Jason was not only talking about the 'modern' era of Drake or of her Fleet, but of the 'modern' time of the Heroes recorded in the Throne of Heroes.
Jason exhaled. His sense of danger is literally shouting to him that he is literally jumping into the lion's mouth at the moment, watching the enemy ships approaching. But Jason himself soberly and calmly - as much as it is possible for him - assessed the situation.
The approaching fleet full of Servants posed a great amount of danger to him, yes. But to cross Ainz… yeah facing a boatload of Servants seemed paltry in comparison.
And if it was necessary to choose between a large albeit limited and an unlimitedly large amount of danger, then Jason was not stupid enough to doubt his choice.
"Lord Jason," Medea looked back at him, waiting for orders, "Orders?"
"Get ready," Jason breathed out. Indeed, he could not give any more orders at the moment, except perhaps - "Atalanta, try to shoot a couple of the approaching ships."
"It will be easy," Atalanta threw up her bow.
"I do not advise going through such a course of action though," An unrecognized voice caught Jason's attention, forcing him to turn toward the speaker.
A shapeless mass of flesh slowly flowing from one form to another, with a multitude of eyes that doesn't focus on anything concrete. Such a grisly sight is what greete Jason when he turned
Demon King.
Jason swallowed.
Ohoho, a Demon King - this is bad. However, Jason had a secret trump card.
"Herc!" Jason instantly gave the command and the Berserker instantly disappeared with a jump of incredible speed, unimaginable for such a giant.
Heracles... The greatest hero of the Greeks, perhaps even one of the greatest heroes of humanity. Even if the Demon King was to be his opponent, Jason would still bet on Heracles. Especially with support from Atalanta and Medea... with Jason himself preferring not to get involved in any way.
After a second, only his innate instincts made Jason jump to the side, allowing him to dodge the black sphere appearing suddenly where he had stood. The sphere then began to expand, swallowing several tens of cubic meters of air and parts of the Argo beneath it. After it had reached its zenith it immediately collapsed with a loud bang and a small wave of air, which made Jason sway in place.
"Well, how many surprises these Servants bring," the second voice made Jason curse himself.
"A Second Demon King" - as Jason already calmly noted. Misfortune never comes alone…
Jason observed the second column of flesh rising to the sky and exhaled.
Heracles vs. One Demon King? His bet is on Hercules.
Jason, Medea, Atalanta, and Heracles vs. the Two Demon Kings?
Oh, how he didn't like these odds...
Jason glanced at the fleet surrounding him, expecting to see reinforcements from the other Servants. The unknown Demon King only sighed at Jason - somehow doing this while being a column of flesh… then again if they managed to speak while being a column of flesh, they could figure out how to sigh, - "You should not bother waiting for reinforcements. We didn't arrive here alone."
"I already understood that," Jason swallowed and glanced at the Demon King in front of him.
"Orders?" Medea shot Jason a look of hope. Atalanta said nothing, but still looked at her commander.
Jason in response cast a glance at Heracles fighting one of the Demon King. Despite the Berserker's dexterity and the immobility of the Demon King - he was only met with a varying level of success.
Jason exhaled.
"Order number one," Jason cast a glance at his opponent. "Strike at full strength. Order number two is to protect the commander, that is, me. Order number three…"
After a second, Jason rushed forward. A blade flashed in his hands.
"KILL IT FAST, BECAUSE I DON'T WANT TO DIE HERE!" Jason screamed, then sloppily attacked the Demon King. The arrows of Atalanta and the spells of Medea crashed after him into the shield that arose in front of the Demon King.
Oh, how he hated being in the front lines...
Dodging a stray shot, a servant of the Demon King landed on the deck of the Calico Jack, presenting in all his splendor to the two pirates, Anne Bonny and Mary Reed, after which he smiled.
"What a good fortune," The Servant reached out for his hat with style, then, having evaded another shot from Anne's monstrous musket, he pulled off his wide-brimmed hat and, as if out from the lines of the Three Musketeers novel, he bowed gallantly, putting his hat to his chest. "Indeed, what a wonderful life I am leading! So many beautiful ladies had never visited my gaze before. Truly, if there is a reason that I became a Servant, it is for this."
Mary Reed only reacted to such a display with a quick swing of her blade - her huge curved blade flashed in her hands, but it was blocked by a sharp narrow strip of steel, a sword that repelled the blow with extraordinary ease. After another second, the Servant moved forward - with monstrous grace and speed, he overcame the distance separating him from the target. As if in a single instant, the Servant was behind Mary, with his sword aimed at the defenseless back of his target. He was immediately forced to abort the attack and take a step away when the rumbled shot of Anne's musket passed a few millimeters from his beautiful face, causing the locks of his hair to frizz from the wind.
"Oh, teamwork!" However, the enemy Servant seemed not at all bothered by the failed attack, only smiling instead. Dodging yet another of Anne's attacks with a leap to the side with a pirouette worthy of the repertoire of the best ballet dancer in the world. "And, as much as it pained me to admit, it is quite the effective method of defeating me."
With a fine-tuned motion, the Servant shook off an invisible moisture from his sword, after which he deliberately raised it to his eye level, squinting at if inspecting it for something - "It's a pity that I won't be having my rematch today."
"I would advise you not to underestimate us," Anne smiled while readying her musket for another shot. Mary just raised her blade to strike.
"Oh, noble ladies, I'm not underestimating you at all," The Servant smiled, then stepped away with a sharp jump.
After a second, only a feeling, which could only be called intuition or instinct, made Mary rush to Anne - and only Anne's unlimited faith in her friend made her react to the barely visible sign and turn her head to the side.
Two disproportionately large blades then collided - and although the strength of both Servants was small by the standards of Servants, the wooden floor under them cracked from the sheer force of the collision.
"Indeed, alas, I am phenomenally unsuitable for covert murders," The enemy Servant is dressed in a cloak with a high collar, an ashen colored hair, with his monstrous blade, like that of a guillotine's the most eye catching detail, "But still... Anne Bonny and Mary Reed, hmm... How ironic."
"Ironic?" Recovering from the unexpected attack, Anne handled her overly large musket, took aim at the new enemy, "What?"
"You both escaped your date of execution in your life," the man took a step back, "Wouldn't it be the only right thing if the royal executioner executes you in this life now?"
"Or perhaps not him," a sharp voice next to Anne's ear shocked her. She had loosened her guard against the other Servant!
It would seem that Anne would not be able to evade the thin narrow sword - however, a moment before the sword would manage to pierce her body - the thin rapier was deflected by a bullet. A second later, a sound rumbled - it was the rumble of a shot going off and the sound of another Servant loudly joining the battle.
"Beware!" Anne had never been so glad to hear Blackbeard's annoying voice. " A Wild Blackbeard appears!"
"Oh," The rapier wielding Servant gaze was instantly focused on the new Servant who had just appeared, "And I thought I was lucky to meet only beautiful girls in battle..."
Blackbeard, then leered at the beautiful looking Servant, and grinned with a lascivious smile, - "All the better for me, so many beautiful girls around!"
"What if I were to say," Saber caught Assassin and the two pirate fighting with the corner of his eyes. Alas, it seems that this time he will have to fight with a pirate covered in sweat and mud, truly unfortunate "That am I a man?"
Blackbeard's grin somehow became even larger. "Even better."
After another second, Chevalier d'Eon attacked again.
All of Ainz's Servants had, except for Cainabel and Baal, gathered in Ainz ship before the enemy had attacked them ,which is why Mozart happily exhaled.
Indeed, if they were to fight in a group, they had much better chances to win. Solo battles depended too much on the strength and specific abilities of the combatants - if one of the Servants had even one noticeable weakness - the enemy could use it to their advantage and reverse, what would seem, even an absolutely disadvantaged situation. If, on the other hand, the Servants remained together, then each of them could use each other's strength to the fullest, relying on the fact that someone could cover each other's weaknesses.
Mashu had unsurpassed defense, but she lacked attacking power. Mozart was a support mage with a very limited amount of battle spells. At the same time, Nero and Altera relied excessively on a direct fight, in which their main tactic was to attack quickly and strongly.
By combining their abilities, each of them gained each other's strength. Unfortunately, it seemed that the enemy also had the same idea.
And all of the benefits were also true for the enemy.
Therefore, a second later, when Mozart, stepping back behind Mashu's shield, saw the Servants of the Demon King in the distance, he sighed.
"Good afternoon," the column of flesh of the Demon King slowly morphed part of its body so that its shape and two eyes looked like a face, "My name is Focalor and, to be honest, I don't want to fight."
Mozart was not sure whether the Demon King was telling the truth or not. Although his hearing was absolute, he could hear thousands of thoughts swarming in Focalor's mind - some of which did not even belong to Focalor himself. Because of which, attempts to determine his intentions were doomed to failure from the very beginning.
"Therefore, I want to ask you," Focalor's morphed face mimicked a human exhaling, after which, correctly determining that Mozart was the commander in the absence of the other Servants, he bowed a little at him, "Kill me."
Mozart was greatly shocked as he did not expect such a request. Really did not expect it at all.
"Quickly!" However, upon seeing the approach of the Servants, that would seem to be on the side of Focalor himself, rather than gaining confidence in that he only panicked more, "Please kill me quickly, now!"
Altera almost answered Focalor's request with a sharp blow - but Mozart managed to stop her.
It was probably a trap. Indeed, Mozart could not have come up with any possible reason why the Demon King would ask for his own death, especially at the hands of Ainz's Servants. Of course, perhaps, theoretically, it is possible that the Demon King, after a thousand years of committing evil deeds, would suddenly grow a conscience, and then ask for his death as a fitting punishment for his deeds. Mozart was not at all inclined to believe that such a nonsensical event had happened. Even if his mind was filled with a thousand differing thoughts, none of them even remotely sounded like remorse.
In other words, it could only be a trap.
"Damn, okay, I'll come up with another way," Focalor said a second later after finding that none of the Servants would agree to his request. Instantly, several Servants abruptly appeared next to Focalor in the blink of an eye.
Mozart recognized all three Servants instantly.
It was hard not to recognize your old enemies and friends.
"Marie," Mozart bowed his head, as soon as his gaze came across the fragile figure of the girl who had appeared alongside the Demon King.
"Oh, Mozart!" The blue-eyed girl, barely finding Mozart's gaze, smiled at him, and waved her hand back, "It's great to see you again!"
"Less talking, more me being awesome ~ umu!" It was not difficult to realize the identity of the person who said it.
"Oh, Jeanne!" Of course, the fact that the mage in a black hooded cloak could even make such a mistake instantly grabbed Mozart's attention, "Ah, no... you have her features in you, but you lack her essence..."
"There is enough of me in me, I am perfect on my own ~ umu!" Nero answered the Servant nonsensical remark after a second.
"It's hard to disagree, you look great," Saber, Gilles de Rais, a Servant so similar in appearance to the hooded one, replied with a light compliment, "And I'm saddened that I have to fight you. The Lord is really cruel."
"We can try to come to an agreement," Mashu tried to express a very unpopular point of view.
"Alas, that isn't possible," the Demon King replied sharply, "Such a possibility is impossible now. Although, if you could kill me in battle, this will also be a good result…"
The last phrase the Demon King was barely uttered , because of which, Mozart could guarantee that only he could hear it.
Mozart exhaled, after which he glanced at the enemies in front of him.
Marie-Antoinette. Gilles de Rais. Gilles de Rais - Caster. And the Demon King.
The simplest plan to follow here, was to direct Altera as the only one capable of fighting on an equal footing with the Demon King against him, after which Nero against Saber, Mashu against Marie Antoinette, and Mozart himself to meet in battle with Caster. It was a plan that played on the strengths of Ainz's Servants.
However, at the same time it was a plan that did not take into account the real balance of power. This plan was similar to breaking up a group battle into many single fights with the hope that in each of these battles Ainz's Servants would manage to defeat their opponents, or at the very least keep them occupied until they can gang up on whoever that remains.
Instead, the best plan of action at that moment was to...
"Altera," Mozart smiled, turning to the most silent Servant, "Take them all."
"Acknowledged," Altera answered instantly, after which a second later her Noble Phantasm took shape, "Teardrop Photon Ray."
A second later, like an orbital bombardment, Altera's Noble Phantasm struck the enemy, covering all the Servants at the same time.
The best plan of action at this point was simply to tear them all down at once.
Name: The Great Tomb of Nazarick ~ The Story of Ainz Ooal Gown
The second of Ainz's Noble Phantasms. This Noble Phantasm partially represents Ainz's status as one of the 41 Supreme Being of Nazarick, partly due to his status as the guildmaster of Ainz Ooal Gown...
But most of all, of Ainz's great love of Nazarick itself.
When Nazarick was abandoned. When his guildmates had all left the Tomb behind. When the despair of its denizen had reached its peak.
Ainz alone stayed, until the very end. Enduring his lonely existence, just to keep Nazarick from disappearing.
Walking through the treasury, filled with the memories of his friends, whose miracles stored within that no longer pleases him.
Sitting in the throne room, looking at a kingdom without his friends.
Creating meaningless decorations in rooms that his friends would never see.
Ains remained with Nazarick to the very end.
Any of Nazarick's would answer back with the same devotion.