The monster of steel's transformation finally took shape, turning a previously monolithic fortress into a semblance of a body. One of the standing towers, which had broken under the pressure of an unknown force, literally started to tilt. It looked as if that part of Poseidon's body was going to crumble. And yet at the moment when the tower's crown touched the fortress-like part of the ship, it froze in space. Then, in violation against the natural order, it literally merged seamlessly with the fortress. After the tower was fused, the foundation of the tower that was now exposed cracked, and broke into five finger-like objects. If the fortress is Poseidon's torso, then the now transformed tower. is the hands.
A second later, a similar transformation began on another tower, which turned into the next hand of Poseidon. Finally after the two hand forms, the fortress began its transformation into Poseidon's torso. Breaking under the hail of Poseidon's Authority, multi-ton boulders fell off the fortress in a single moment. The torso of a god which was hidden under them, showed its true nature into the world.
Slowly, the figure of the ship-like creature, Poseidon to be more precise - transformed. The transformation was very disturbing to watch. Instead of flowing into each other's forms and to transform that way. The bulk of the ship, the giant machine, the original shape Poseidon took, begins to warp like a constantly shrinking piece of metal. Poseidon's transformation forced the towers of stone to break over and over again while clinging to each other, turning from a monolithic fortress into a jumble of iron and stone. Slowly the amalgamate took the form of monstrous limbs that looked more like anthropomorphic tentacles than the hands of a living creature. However, given the state and nature of Poseidon, such a thing was not that much of a surprise.
The figure that has now formed calls to mind what the mind of ancient Greeks imagined what Greek gods would look like, outrageously beautiful. The silhouette of the transformed god looked just as majestic as a marble statue in a temple dedicated to the Lord of the Oceans. But when one looked closer, they would see just how ugly he actually looked.
Poseidon's body was composed of barely connected metal and stone. Such patchworks made his entire magnificent figure a mockery of people's perceptions of his Helenistic roots. Many fissures and tears cut through his face like ugly scars. His body looked mangled and badly stitched together, as if it was assembled like Frankenstein's monster. Patched together from separate, barely living, pieces of flesh.
Poseidon's body then ascended to the heavens like a living mountain, going up hundreds of meters. But even this was insignificant when one sees that in his right hand. As if it was always there, a long trident appeared out of nowhere. Cast in gold and marble, whose handle pierced into the sea's abyss, with the pommel and three sharp, monstrously huge blades towering over the already mountain-like head of the god. When one's eyes were focused on the tip of the trident, one would notice that the hair of the god had been turned into marble and steel by the power of the maddened god.
However, the most strange part of the transformation is that the entire lower half of Poseidon's body was still that of a ship. A ship that continued to sail slowly across the sea, hardly disturbed by Poseidon's transformation.
Finally, finished with its transformation into its true form, the giant slowly opened its mouth before letting out a shockwave like howl.
There was not even a hint of intelligence or awareness in this maddened howl. It was more like a wordless howl of a beast, a howl that did not express any specific emotion. Pain, despair, anger, rage, love, hatred, contempt, curiosity - all the emotions that could be imagined are equally merged in this howl of an insane monster.
And against the background of the scream that is spreading throughout the Singularity, Mashu stood.
In the end, looking at the sights in front of her, she was forced to state one fact.
She indeed could still be shocked by what is in front of her eyes.
"It is worth recognizing..." - Mashu gasped - "Cainabel had not demonstrated something as terrifying... for now, at least."
The monstrous figure of Poseidon issuing its howl slowly lowered its head, glaring at Mashu with its empty and unblinking gaze of its marble eyes.
'What…' - The Servant in Mashu's mind coughed uncertainly - 'What is our plan?'
Mashu blinked slowly, then exhaled - "I'm going to hit him with this shield until he dies."
After another second, Poseidon slowly raised his left hand.
'Great plan. Simple and effective'- The Servant chuckled.' Well... Then go ahead. '
"That is..." - Ainz held his breath while watching Poseidon's transformation and just how the small fragile figure of Mashu was lost against this background - "This is..."
Poseidon's towering figure rose above the ocean so high that it was hardly possible to tell how tall the figure really was - the only obvious answer was "Too big".
"It can't be, it's..." Ainz held his breath.
A second later, Mashu disappeared, either by flight, teleportation or due to her power-ups, she leapt away from her original position. Just in time as after a second, Poseidon's raised hand thundered down into the water, and if Mashu had remained where she was, even her vaunted protection as a Servant of the Shield would not have saved her. However, Mashu turned out to be faster and more agile and Poseidon's hand crashed into nothing but water, raising waves like a tsunami.
"There can be no doubt..." Ainz exhaled.
Mashu, dodging the slow blow, then rushed forward. She had placed her shield in front of her and was using it in the manner of a battering ram. She used every shred of her strengthened ability so she could accelerate as fast as she could, then she jumped, adding the effect of gravity in addition to her weight to her blow. At the moment when her weapon came into contact with Poseidon's hand, she caused the wildly grinding metal to break under her mighty blow. The thunderous groaning sound of metal was accompanied by Poseidon's scream.
Ainz exhaled.
"This is like a mahou-shoujo killing a kami-mecha-kaiju!" - Ainz felt his suppression of emotions was forced to activate from the realization of what he's observing. Just imagine, a magic girl fighting a robotic giant divine monster. It was the most Japanese spectacle that Ainz could ever imagine. The realization surpasses the intensity of madness in anything that Ainz had previously seen in all the previous Singularities at the same time.
Ainz felt his emotion suppression activate once more.
Incredible! In fact. Even when he took on the mission to save humanity, Ainz could not have imagined that he would witness such an event!
In front of him was everything Ainz could wish for - a beautiful girl in a skin tight combat attire fighting a maddened mecha-god the size of a mountain!
Ainz felt an endless desire to go closer to the fight right now. Slaying a Titanic Mecha God. That sounded amazing! If he were to kill it, then it would be the biggest thing that Ainz has killed before... Excluding those that were artificially made to seem even larger of course, such as the World Eater. Or even those whom he had never seen in its full size - like Yog-Sothoth or the Lord of Gluttony. The largest thing he fought that had a 'real' size to compare to was probably the Great Prismatic God of Dragons. His appearance really shook the imagination, the players looked like ants when compared to him, he reached almost forty meters in height! But, when compared to Poseidon's current form, he seemed ridiculously tiny, almost like a toy in fact. Although when compared to the abilities he possessed, Ainz was not sure that he should be insulting the World Enemy so much.
In any case, Ainz felt that even his dead heart was beating faster with anticipation.
"I want to fight him!" - Ainz felt some completely childish impulses and desires take possession of him. As if he were a little boy looking at a group of heroes fighting a huge monster on the TV screen and dreaming of also fighting the giant monster. - "Besides... Exactly, this is a test of my strength! Definitely, fighting that giant monster is the one experiment that I simply have to do!"
"Mashu is really fighting him," Mozart, who was standing next to Ainz, said while looking at something, somewhere in the air.
'Mashu?' - Ainz blinked - 'What is a Mashu?'
After another second, the suppression of emotions finally freed his mind from his emotional impulse. Allowing him to shake his head, clearing his thoughts - 'Exactly, Mashu! This is Mashu's battle…'
The sudden realization that Mashu was now fulfilling his childhood dream, battling a huge monster while flying through the air, made Ainz sway as if from a sharp blow to his chest.
'But... but..." - Ainz said almost perplexedly - "Fighting a kaiju..."
Ainz felt a sense of childish resentment from this fact. Mashu is figthing a kaiju, but I'm not, how unfair!
Ainz swayed again in place and then exhaled slowly.
'I am the leader…' - Ainz slowly breathed out, then frowned - 'I am the Master! I cannot let my desires interfere with Mashu in her important battle! I promised to take care of my Servants - and I will take care of them... Besides - it's not that Poseidon is the only huge enemy in the world, is he? I will probably stumble upon someone like Poseidon in the next Singularity, even! For sure! I will just say that when I meet another one is that I want to fight him personally! So as not to endanger the Servants! Yes exactly!'
Ainz felt a surge of pride in his decision and at the same time in his future plan. After which, he turned to Mozart. Mozart, having caught Ainz's gaze, turned to kaiju in front of them, after which, after glancing at the giant in front of him, he returned to watching Mashu.
"You know, Master," - Mozart grunted, - "The list of my not so great abilities still includes a couple of very interesting ones. For example, I can not only listen, but also hear…"
Ainz, not completely sure what Mozart was talking about, just nodded - trying to look confident. And then turned to watch Mashu.
"I can hear the mind, soul, even the body of a person, what they intend to do or even feel. From Servants or even anyone who has something to be heard…" - Mozart sighed, continuing to watch Mashu flickering from one place to another, dodging yet another blow from Poseidon. And then later, taking advantage of the giant's imbalance, struck another blow. It was so strong that it forced even the multi-ton steel and stone colossus to sway, knocking out some of the many-ton boulders from the figure of Poseidon. An accomplishment that seemed so inconsequential when the many-ton boulders looked hardly like dust in comparison with his colossal size.
"It has always worked for anyone I ever met. Before, it has allowed me to know the intentions of anyone I ever wanted to hear," Mozart chuckled, then glanced at Ainz, "Before I met you, I mean."
Ainz, still not fully understanding what this dialogue was about, nevertheless applied his favorite tactics. Pretend that he understands everything and just look confident.
"You know, meeting a person from whom you don't hear anything from is quite disturbing," - Mozart shook his head, - "All sorts of stupid thoughts begin to creep into my head. Thoughts like why can't I hear anything from you? O thought that it was impossible for me to understand a person whose intentions I can't hear…"
Mozart exhaled slowly through his nose, then turned to Ainz.
'Ah, so that is what he is talking about…' - Ainz smiled inwardly, turning to Mozart.
"But just by looking at how you act… even right now you are closely watching Mashu, prepared to intervene at any second," Ainz grimaced inwardly. Oh, again… his action's intents were taken for completely different ones...
Well, what difference does it make? Ainz shrugged. Just accept it and let them think they want. Ainz was already pretty tired of trying to convince them otherwise - let them think what they want.
"I think I understand you better than anyone else." Mozart smiled at Ainz.
Ainz smiled back, but only one thought burned in his mind.
'Yeah… I still have no idea what you're talking about.'
Mashu felt somewhat insecure while continuing to evade the thousand-ton hands of Poseidon, she felt that she was not strong enough to win. But, at the same time, the realization that she was still in the fight despite all of Poseidon's attempts to catch and crush her gave her courage and even somewhat lifted her mood.
After another dodge, flashing like a meteorite, Mashu crashed into Poseidon's body. This blow forced the colossus to sway again, again knocking out granite blocks from Poseidon's chest, again the giant was pushed, showering the lower part of his body with a stone And still the giant stands..
"He just won't die..." - It was wrong to say that Mashu was tired physically. Thanks to Ainz's spells, her endurance was, if not infinite, then extremely close. So it was wrong to say that she was tired. However, a certain mental fatigue had settled in Mashu's mind after her thirtieth blow to Poseidon that didn't seem to affect the god at all. While each of her blows was strong enough to crack mountains, indeed each of her strikes crumbled Poseidon's granite like body asunder, but it was such an insignificant effect in the overall picture. The still standing god that seemed to be impervious to her attacks prevented her from feeling true joy.
'He is a god in the form of a steel kilometer-long giant' - The Servant in her head puffed out 'These guys are pretty tenacious by design, you know. If they were not so tenacious, there would be nothing special in the title of a god-killer.'
"I know" - Mashu exhaled, then teleported from her place again, avoiding another monstrous blow - "But maybe I'm doing something wrong?"
'What, are you looking for some kind of vulnerability?' The Servant chuckled in her mind. 'I doubt the god has such a thing.'
"That's right..." - Mashu exhaled, then dodged another sweeping blow that would kill her in one strike if it connects - but in the end a useless blow that simply crashed into the water - "But... He's just waving his arms!"
'I don't think you should worry about the fact that he's not fighting you at full strength' The Servant gasped in her mind - 'Or is it that, at last, the overwhelming power has affected your mind and you want to fight him at full strength?'
"What?! No!" - Mashu was instantly indignant - "It's just..."
'Not exactly what you expected from a battle with Poseidon?' Mashu's disappointment was easily read by the Servant in her head, perhaps it is to be expected. - 'Well, isn't that a reason to rejoice in this case?'
"I'm glad…" - Mashu said not very convincingly while dodging another blow.
'You should rejoice that you're fighting a god whose main method of attack is a sure death backhand!' - The Servant then rolled his eyes - 'The situation is now developing in the best way for us! Believe me, it could be much worse!'
A second later, Poseidon's hand crashed into the sea next to Mashu. After which, for the first time during the battle - if it was possible to call the one sided beatdown that - Poseidon stopped for a second. Then his right hand, which had been holding the trident without moving at all this time, began to move.
'Oh…' - Suddenly realizing what had just happened, the Servant in Mashu's mind chuckled in embarrassment - 'Um ... It's my fault, right?'
"I think so," Mashu did not spare his feelings.
After another second, the trident in Poseidon's hands was slowly raised, with each of its prongs slowly moving in such a way as to point it to Mashu.
'At least he, um ..." - The Servant coughed awkwardly - 'Can't shoot lasers from that thing?'
"Please be silent" - Mashu answered quickly.
As it turned out a little later, Poseidon did not know how to shoot lasers from his huge trident.
However, literally without any wind up or action, a tsunami-like wave rose in a second. It was so tall that it easily hid even the large figure of Poseidon under its shadow. It seems he did not need his trident to shoot lasers.
"The second phase of the Boss has begun!" - Da Vinci happily raised her hands, - "The raid's paradigm has changed!"
"Da Vinci, this is not a video game!" Olga-Marie snapped back - but surprisingly softly. At least according to Roman's impression - "Mashu is trying to kill Poseidon for real!"
"You can't tell me that you don't think that what just happened is not similar to the second phase of a Boss!" Da Vinci just gave Olga a sneering look, "As soon as he received enough damage, he started using a different attack pattern!"
"This is not a game, is what I'm telling you!" Olga-Marie threw an indignant glance at Da Vinci, "You cannot even consider Mashu's battle a raid!
"I can, I do and I will!" - Da Vinci happily clung to the screen, - "How can I not think that, the fight on the screen looks just like an anime about a magic girl killing a monster - or like a hack and slash game with a multiphase boss!"
"Roman! Roman was surprised for a second when he heard Olga-Marie shouting at him. And for once not in order to hit him on the head with a fist, but in order to get from him - Roman can barely imagine the occasion - confirmation and support! It was so unlike Olga-Marie...
"Roman!" - After a second shout he felt Olga-Marie's open palm land on his head and shook his head. Ah, there it is. He was worried for a second.
"Well, if you think about it, Mashu wouldn't know how to fly in a hack and slash game," Roman sighed, and then caught a glance from Olga… To his horror, for a second it seemed to him that her look was… of appreciation ?
Roman exhaled, after which he remembered all those punches that he constantly got in the past...
"Therefore, this is clearly a magical girl anime!", - Roman grinned, receiving from Da Vinci an instantly raised finger, and from Olga - an instant attempt to strangle him, which only made Roman laugh in response.
"I HATE YOU ALL!" Olga, with all her strength, reached out to Roman, trying to strangle him, "WHY DOEST THE SALVATION OF HUMANITY WITH YOUR PARTICIPATION TURNED INTO A FUCKING THREE-ROUND CIRCUS?!
Roman, fighting off the attempted murder, only continued to laugh.
Why did it happen so? Roman... Probably still did not know.
But he could not say that he did not like this kind of ignorance.
The monstrous wave came as a surprise for Mashu. Well, no. It was shockingly mundane in her opinion. It wasn't even more dangerous than the slow fists flying at her. The cheat-like ability of teleportation allowed her with the same mocking ease to get away from yet another of Poseidon's attacks.
'Well…' - The Servant coughed into his fist, as far as it was technically possible for the disembodied voice in the head of the Servant to do so - "At least it didn't get any worse?'
A second later, Mashu, who wanted to answer him with some kind of taunt, suddenly felt something hit her body. It was enough to make her lose her ability to fly.
Not that she was damaged in any way mind you. Rather, Mashu lost control of her flight out of surprise and began to fall down. The noise of the explosion that rang out a second later caused Mashu much more damage - even if only because of the unexpected volume.
"What was that?" - Mashu blinked, recovering her flight in a second. Before another explosion hit her - then another and another.
'This is…' - Servant hesitated for a second - 'Ship artillery?'
A moment later, Mashu's entire body was enveloped in an extravaganza of explosions. Shells from different times and eras, every weapon that was ever installed on a ship concentrated its fire on Mashu. Bulky ballista bolts, primitive powder cannon balls, long-range artillery from the times of the two great wars of mankind, the most modern cruise missiles. Every weapon that was once connected by the human mind with seabound warfare crashed into Mashu.
And Mashu could withstand a hundred shells, two or even three if she simply relied on the buffs by Ainz.
However, thousands hit her at the same time.
Teleportation, the main trump card in Mashu's sleeve, saved her this time too. Allowing her to move hundreds of meters in the blink of an eye. However, Poseidon's weapon simply changed their trajectory to track her even faster than Mashu could move.
As if in a nightmare of a science fiction writer, Poseidon's body was covered with hundreds of barrels and guns, which continued to move like a wave to track its target. At such a distance and with such an amount, Poseidon's insane mind was not able to concentrate its fire and the best result that he achieved could only be called "suppression fire". However, at a thousand shots per second, no precision was required.
"Now I would REALLY like to find some kind of weak point in him!" - Mashu tried to fly away, dodging hundreds of explosions that were shot around her every second.
'I just told you that fighting a god is not like fighting a video game boss, where you can just hit its weak points for massive damage! ..' The servant inside shouted indignantly.
"JUST SEARCH!" Mashu barked at him before another whirlwind of steel and fire could sweep her away.
'OKAY THEN!' - The servant also answered loudly - 'Hit him in the head!'
"What ?!" - Mashu dodged another volley.
'You asked me to find a weak point!' - The servant barked back - 'Hitting there usually works!'
"And if it doesn't work ?!" - Mashu dodged a volley by another teleportation almost a kilometer upward, fleeing Poseidon's barrage.
'Do you have any other idea?' the Servant answered almost phlegmatically.
Mashu froze for a second and chuckled - "You like simple plans, huh?"
The servant just sighed - 'Well, there was a reason why we were so suitable for each other?'
After another second, Mashu started falling down.
"Shane McMahon, Leap of Faith!" - When Mashu's elbow, or more precisely her shield, hit Poseidon's head Da Vinci rejoiced loudly, raising her hands as if at a wrestling match, - "Come on, Mashu, kick his ass!"
"This is just a fucking circus…" - Olga-Marie exhaled, then pulled out another cigarette and habitually inserted it into her mouth.
A second later, Olga-Marie suddenly stopped her hand, at the end of which a light was already burning and, with a sigh, pulled the cigarette out of her mouth, stuffing it back into the pack.
Before returning to observing Mashu, Olga managed to see a knowing smile that quickly flashed from Da Vinci. But before Olga could react to this, Da Vinci raised her hands up, - "AND NOW SLAAAAAM DUNK!"
Mashu's blow literally crumbled the marble skull of the creature that was Poseidon, revealing what could have been the brain of any other creature in its place. However, instead of a brain, Poseidon's fractured skull revealed a core that shimmered with blood-red light, cut by many streaks of soft starry color that flashed in time with Poseidon's iron heart.
Mashu did not need any further instructions, and a second later the steel bulk of her shield crashed into the core of Poseidon. Crushing him with an unaesthetic quality that fully relies on the title of a deicide.
The core, which in effect was Poseidon's weak point, exploded into a hundred fragments a second later. After which the rest of Poseidon's head, which still retained its mouth, emitted a metal-crushing howl of a wounded beast.
After another second, Poseidon's hands shot up with an unprecedented speed, crushing Mashu like a cardboard figure in the path of a rolling avalanche, throwing her down. There, after a moment the waves rose, burying the Demiservant under them without any hope of getting out, The waves swallowed up the figure of the girl.
A second later, Mashu was in the air again - a little hurt, a little tired, and wet. In the acceptable sense of the word.
'Teleportation is such a cheat,' Servant in her head spoke.
To this remark Mashu did grace with an answer. Instead. she rushed forward.
"Poseidon transforms into Super-Poseidon!" - Nero raised her hands up, - "So we need to intervene in the battle!"
"I'm not entirely sure that any form of Poseidon can be called 'Super Poseidon'. " - Altera spoke bluntly, completely failing to grasp Nero's message. An impossibility, according to Nero herself.
"Any transformation of the mecha can only be into a more powerful form," - Nero pointedly raised her finger, - "So Mecha-Poseidon can only transform into 'Super-Poseidon'."
"But…" - Altera blinked, - "He, formally, has already transformed once before from the form of a ship into the previous form of Poseidon?"
"Oh, in that case," - Nero leaned towards Altera, with a look as if she was sharing some kind of incredible information with her. On which, perhaps, the whole perception of the world for Altera depended on. Altera, instantly appreciating the seriousness of the situation, frowned slightly, bringing her ear closer to Nero. Nero did not disappoint her, - "In that case, 'Super Poseidon' has just transformed into 'Hyper Poseidon'…"
Altera was not really sure what to do with this information.
A few moments later Poseidon's body, from which barrels of guns grew like a forest of death, changed again. In place of the barrel holes that spewed explosive lead, as if on command, hundreds of gaping holes appeared from which streams of bronze and brass instantly poured. The streams slowly take the form of a wriggling mishmash of arms, legs, paws and mouths.
The monstrous picture of a mechanical monster belching hands out of hundreds of gaping holes all over its body would cause anyone to avert their gaze. Even the most staunch of Servants.
Not that the sight would cause the Servants to feel fear. No, the sight would conjure up an altogether different primal emotion.
"I hate spiders!" - Mashu rushed to the side, moving away from the golem sticking out like a mechanical tentacle connected to Poseidon's body.
'Those don't look like spiders, they are more like centipedes!' - The servant hastened to correct her mistake.
"It didn't make the thing any better!" - Mashu used teleportation again, instantly avoiding another possible blow, and then rushed down - "Do you see any weak points?"
'Hit the legs!' - the co-pilot in Mashu's head got his bearings instantly - 'If you do, you can knock him down and beat him to death!'
"There is no land down here, only the ocean!" - Mashu objected logically, while dodging another blow from the 'tentacle'.
'Excellent, he will drown himself!' The Servant laughed a second later.
"He has no legs!" - Mashu brought up a new argument, dodging yet another attack from the wriggling appendage.
'Is Poseidon a man?' The Servant grinned maliciously.
"I don't see wh..." - And after a second Mashu understood.
Poseidon's second Core, his second weak point, was hidden in the groin.
Poseidon's roar made Baal grimace. Unfortunately, he knew what it was like to be injured in such... Inappropriate places.
"Nice memories?" Cainabel was next to her, grinning at Baal's discomfort.
"Not the nicest ones", - Baal easily admitted, - "But, at least, now I have everything in place."
"Except for the hand?" Cainabel smiled again.
"Lost it along with your ability to kill Achilles," Baal smiled back.
None of them paid attention to the battle with Poseidon.
As if realizing that the battle was now lost, Poseidon took a last, desperate hail mary.
If Poseidon had not been mad, the battle with him would not have been so easy. All the oceans of the world, every ship that has ever found itself under the stars of the earth, all the power of its trident would fall on Mashu.
But fortunately for Mashu and unfortunately for Poseidon, he was still insane.
And so his inflamed mind was able to reproduce only one thought.
The last nucleus of Poseidon, which was hidden in the very depths of his body - excluding his trident, of course. Responded instantly, after which the azure glow that had broken through from the inside through the thousands of ugly scars of his body spread throughout his body, like a disease, engulfing every centimeter of his body. As if in a dream, every stone in the bulk of Poseidon turned into a blue glow, foreshadowing the last method of revenge from the mad god.
'And didn't I say that my Noble Phantasm will come in handy!?" - The servant answered joyfully.
"You're rejoicing at the mech's titanic explosion!?" - Mashu reproached him in response.
'If you have a method to successfully neutralize your mistake, then it's not considered a mistake!' The Servant answered with a laugh.
After another second, the explosion that used all the divine energy possessed by Poseidon's body was starting. But Mashu, in defiance of all common sense, teleported closer to his body.
After another second, her request to her senpai turned into an incredible surge of mana. Just in case, to ensure not only the operation of her Noble Phantasm, but also her survival.
Nevertheless, Mashu had managed to get the name and assistance of the Servant in her. This meant that the full power of his Noble Phantasm was able to awaken in her.
Bastion of Faith. A shield that will never fall as long as the hand holding it is confident of its victory. The castle where heroes gather.
The legacy of the Servant who brought the Grail back to heaven.
"LORD!" - Mashu smiled. She had confidence in her victory against the deity, - "CAMELOT!"
Mashu, the experiment that held the great Servant of the Round Table within her. The greatest knight that ever existed named as such by the King of Knights himself, Arthuria Pendragon.
Galahad, the son of Lancelot.
Even looking from an incredible distance, Ainz was able to see the indestructible walls of the fortress rising out of nowhere which had covered Poseidon's entire body. A moment later, Mashu's parameters opened before Ainz's eyes and a thought pierced him.
"This is ..." - looking at the raised parameters of Mashu, Ainz smiled, "This is… Level-up!"
The revealed essence of Galahad, Mashu's changed Noble Phantasm, her increased skills and abilities. Even the Servant's true name has appeared before him. Ainz felt his guildmaster mind began to work with triple strength.
Levelling. Loot. Gains!
Of course, Mashu did not receive any actual level-ups. Her abilities, especially her Noble Phantasm were associated with the fact that Galahad had revealed his essence to Mashu, and with nothing else. There were only a few exceptions in the world that could, according to Ainz's game logic, 'gain experience and levels'. However, the thought that had instantly solidified in his mind about the possibility of leveling his Servants made each skill of Ainz to work in tandem to make it into reality.
And the unstable world of the Singularity put up too little of a resistance.
Not this time though, since Mashu has already received her level-up in Ainz's mind.
But in the future ...
The echoes of Poseidon's suicidal attack reached the Demon Kings and their future army. An echo of the great battle they were expecting.
However, Focalor, the only Demon King who could interact with Ainz's Servants, only exhaled.
Only Focalor suspected that the murder of the giant mad god was not taken seriously by anyone on Ainz's side.
A pleased thought passed through Focalor's mind.
Apparently, he had chosen the right side in this war.
Intrusion of [COUNTER-FORCE_NAME] detected. Any harmful effect has been neutralized.