Looking at the approaching Valkyrie, one that is aiming her spear square at Ainz's heart, Ainz could only sigh at his bad luck. Really, what were the chances of a meeting with a Valkyrie with a bone to pick against the undead in the middle of nowhere? And one that can see through his human shell at that?
Although, technically speaking, this was not a new record. His battle with Nobunaga, and, a little earlier than that, with the robots happened half an hour after he was in London? In that case, this hostile encounter with… whoever this Servant was, was not the fastest that Ainz have ever experienced. Though not by much, it took him almost an hour.
But on the other hand, excluding the situation with Nobunaga, it was still the fastest contact with an enemy Servant ever. Just an hour in the Singularity, and before he found anyone peaceful.
Indeed, it was a kind of record! Though not one that he was very pleased in breaking.
Still, Ainz wasn't sure how he was supposed to react to an attempt of killing him at the moment. That is, of course, Ainz understood that, most likely, he should fight back - Ainz was not that stupid. But how? Should he try to grab, disarm and interrogate the Servant? He doesn't really know where to touch her!? She was wearing so little! Should this idea be given up before it was attempted?
Ainz was sure that the Servant in front of him was not strong enough to break through his passive defense, at least this opening attack of hers. Of course, if she starts using her Noble Phantasms, or some esoteric skills… Who knows how the situation might turn?
Ainz sighed the sigh of the damned once more before teleporting away from the Servant's blow, the Servant's quite slow attack. Reappearing a distance away, Ainz immediately cast a spell that almost became second nature to him at this point. "Greater Hold Species."
Usually this was enough, the magical seal would rise around the girl, and stop her in her tracks so that they could have a civil discussion… No such thing happened.
Ainz's spell suddenly ceased to work as soon as it appeared, some kind of magic flashed around the Servant cancelling his spell. The appearance of the spell that the Valkyrie had cast looked quite familiar to his insignificant knowledge of runes that Ainz kept in his memory before disappearing.
"Your foul magic will not help you, spawn of Balor." Before she could do or say anything else, she had to retreat. As where she was standing, seem to be consumed by seemingly hundreds of shots and explosions, turning the almost completely flat ground into a string of small craters.
Clearing his head of the stunned state he was in, Cu Chulainn, apparently just now realizing that the possibility of a peaceful resolution to the conflict was melting before his eyes, made a last desperate attempt to stop the rampaging Servants. "Master, Teacher, stop! You'll kill each other!"
"I'm not the one attacking," Ainz calmly replied to Cu Chulainn, all the while not taking his eyes off of the Servant. After all, who knows of the strange skill that she has.
The enemy Servant did not deign to reply, also not taking her eyes off of Ainz and Nobunaga, whose guns covered more and more of the sunny sky over the desert. Satisfied that the two of them were not attacking anytime soon, she turned to Cu Chulainn. Strangely enough, she had a sad look on her face. "I had heard rumors, Cu Chulainn, but it seems that I was only refusing to accept the truth, it is obvious now. Indeed, there is nothing heroic left in you, a spawn of Balor has no place in the lands of the living."
"That, by the way, is a very offensive thing to say. I'm no such thing's spawn." Ainz only sighed at the Valkyrie's strange words before taking a closer look at the Servant's appearance. Really, him being a Balor's spawn? What part of him looks like an underwater demon? Is she a Servant from Ireland?
'I have no idea who she is… But she reminds me a little of the 'Witch of Shadows'. Just a little, though. Although, she also did use magic that uses runes…' Before Ainz could think about it further, he was distracted by Cu Chulainn.
"Teacher, I know what this looks like," Deciding to ignore Ainz's words, Cu Chulainn tried to lessen the severity of the situation as much as possible. "But Master… I can fully vouch for his good character! Master has already destroyed four Singularities, fought with the Demon Kings and with Solomon himself! He came here only to help humanity! This is not the kind of undead that you are used to fighting in the Lands of Shadows!"
The female Servant barely reacted to Cu Chulainn's impassioned speech. In fact, her posture, brimming with hostility, barely changed. Nevertheless, she did react in some manner to Cu's words, so Ainz perhaps could still hope that this battle could be resolved peacefully.
"Cu… Whatever their motivation, Balor's spawn cannot be trusted." Or not. And it seems that the situation had grounded on Nobunaga's patience, as the sound of fuses being lit was heard.
"Your disregard to reason begins to annoy me," Nobunaga called out chillingly to the Servant, who is apparently the teacher of Cu Chulainn, whoever she was. "My Master had entreated you with respect and shown you every kindness possible. If you keep talking so disrespectfully, there will be nothing more for me more enjoyable in this world than crushing you in battle, Scáthach."
'Scáthach!' The apparent identity of the Servant in front of him stalled Ainz's mind for a second in shock. Or more likely confusion as he tried to rack his brain if he remembered someone with her name.
'Who is she again? Tabula seems to have mentioned her name before… But not as much as say, for example, Cu Chulainn or Arthur. So she must have hardly been anyone significant.'
"Your word means nothing to me, child." Scáthach's answer was so biting and mocking, that if Ainz was not standing next to her, pressing on Nobunaga with his presence, she would most likely start spitting fire. Literally and figuratively. "Cu… In respect for our past, if you can give me at least one reason to trust you and your… Master. I'll stay my spear. For now at least."
"How about a Geas that if I lie about your next three questions, I'll be forever cursed and cast down from the Throne of Heroes." After another moment of silence, some kind of aura seemed to have Cu Chulainn slightly changed… Though to what end, Ainz couldn't really tell.
'Ha, what happened?' Ainz blinked before glancing at Cu Chulainn's parameters and seeing nothing. 'Is this… Something like a status change? Some kind of special magic? I'm not seeing anything though?'
"Okay, Cu Chulainn," However, whatever it was, it was significant enough for Scáthach to take what Cu did seriously. She didn't let go of her spear, however, nor did she seem to be in any relaxed state. Still, it was enough for Nobunaga to reluctantly stop covering the sky with hundreds of guns, letting only tens of them to hang in the air. With the situation seemingly defused, Scáthach began asking her questions.
"Is what you said about your Master and your situation true?" And starting with something that is very straightforward. Ainz could see how with such a teacher, Cu would be just as frank.
"Yes," Cu Chulainn answered easily and nodded slightly, Ainz could see a smile appear in his face as Cu could feel the situation had begun to slowly improve.
"Are you not affiliated with the Servants and Demon Kings of this Singularity?" Scáthach looked at Ainz pointedly, causing a sigh to force itself out of him. At least it's nice to have a confirmation that the Demon Pillars are in this Singularity, as obvious as it might have been. Though, does she really need to compare him to those guys? "That is really quite rude… what part of me looks like a meaty pillar?" Cu ignored his Master grumbling with practiced ease as he answered Scáthach's question.
"Only so far that we want to deal with the situation in this Singularity and fix it, no matter what method is presented to us. And that would probably lead to us having to interact with them." Cu Chulainn explained, his answer causing Scáthach to relax a little more.
"And for my third question…" Scáthach glanced over at Ainz one more time before returning to Cu Chulainn and frowning greatly as she took a close look at the Druid. "You really did not lose, nor did you give your Gáe Bolg betting on cards, and now are just trying to impersonate a Caster?"
"What?!" Cu Chulainn staggered back as if he was struck by the question. As he tried looking at the others for support, only to be greeted by the depressed figure of his Master and a smirking one of Nobunaga, he once again cursed his luck. Still, bound by a geas, he was forced to answer the question. "No, Teacher I… I really was summoned as Caster."
Judging by the put upon look on Cu's face, and the seriousness that Scáthach asked the question with, Ainz could only think that Cu Chulainn definitely had a… certain reputation that Scáthach was familiar with. A realization that was instantly pushed to the figurative far shelf of his mind, classified as completely unimportant at the moment.
Still it must be important enough that Scáthach, having heard all three answers, at the end, reluctantly, slowly lowered her spear and looked at Ainz before nodding resolutely. "Our battle will be postponed indefinitely, for now. But know this, Master of Cu Chulainn - whatever your name could be - any of your offenses will be noticed by me, and I wouldn't hesitate to strike you down."
"As soon as I left two stalkers behind, one soon joined me even here too." - Ainz sighed, before perking up. "I'm sorry, that was unneeded. It was very rude and unpleasant for me… Actually, seriously, you're also very rude, you can at least show a little modicum of respect for a person!"
Ainz was not one of the Servants, like Nobunaga next to him, who valued their image and title so much that they demanded till the point of battle… But still! He has already cleaned up four Singularities. Hear that! Four apocalypses that his hand had averted! Four! He had won dozens of battles, and participated in, no, more than that! He is the one linchpin for the salvation of mankind at the moment! Was it that hard to show a little respect for the Hero of Humanity?!
Of course, none of these was said out loud. It would be too embarrassing! He might have well started speaking German, it was that cringy.
"The day of my death will come sooner before I gain any kind of respect for the spawn of Balor." Scáthach raised the corner of her lips in a crooked smile of some kind at her own joke.
"Teacher, please!" Cu Chulainn, noticing how Nobunaga, whose Master was just insulted in direct, and therefore herself being mocked in a sense, thanked all the gods he knew for the fact that Angrboda was not here at the moment. "Please. Teacher! If not respect, then at least stop with the insults!" Cu knows for sure that there would be no escape if he lets Scáthach off of mocking Ainz. He could easily imagine himself being poisoned, burned or even eaten alive if the girls heard such a thing!
Grimacing a little, like she had a toothache, Scáthach sighed, before slowly shifting her gaze to Cu Chulainn, and then to Ainz before responding like she was pulling a tooth. "I will try…"
Ainz, frankly, even wanted to, perhaps, continue the squabble, if for a chance to insult her back. He was really hurt by such blatant hatred of him, reminding him of his early days in YGGDRASIL and how the human Player races humiliated and mocked him as they hunted him down. Actually, remembering those dark days before he met his friends, made him really want to give Scáthach a piece of his mind, more specifically a Fireball.
But luckily for her, before Ainz could convince himself that a little Fireball between allies of convenience is nothing serious, he was distracted by a message from his other Servants.
Taking a deep breath to calm himself down, Ainz quickly issued directions to act on his newly gained information. "Cu, Nobunaga, please ask Scáthach about anything she knows about the current Singularity and tell us about our mission while you're at it. I have somewhere else to be."
Without a preamble, Ainz teleported away, leaving the tense if not apprehensive atmosphere behind. Ainz could only hope that they would not kill each other while he resolved other matters.
The fact that the last thing he saw was Scáthach glaring at Nobunaga and she returning it in kind, with Cu Chulainn just standing there nervously, did not give him any confidence on the matter.
Once he arrived next to Angrboda, Ainz exhaled, calming down a bit after the fiasco with Scáthach.
Really, Ainz didn't ask for much! Just a little respect! You don't have to bow down and thank him for all the work he has done so far, just not mocking him to his face would be enough!
After standing there, next to the giantess in silence for a few seconds, taking deep, slow breaths to center his mind, Ainz finally calmed down. Really, the fact that he could actually feel the emotion, and was not forcefully calmed down, meant that he actually wasn't all that mad. It was just so vexing!
Still, determining that he had walked away with enough positives from meeting this… Scáthach - whoever she was, Ainz finally turned his attention to Angrboda, who was carefully assessing him with her gaze. Angrboda, a person that is not really someone who would react in any way that is proportional if Ainz complained to her about anything.
And so, while the idea of Angrboda rampaging at someone who had insulted him might seem funny and cathartic, it would be the wrong thing to do. Ainz decided to just get into the gist of the matter before he could convince himself otherwise. "So? What exactly did you find?"
"Hmm… " Angrboda thought about what to say for a second, before slowly answering with a nod. "I met a group of enemies? A detachment of them… Or more precisely, there was a detachment of them…"
"Was? What do you mean 'was'? There was nothing around… oh." Ainz stopped looking for the remains of the enemy group, quickly realizing the importance of the past tense in Angrboda's speech. Shaking his head, guessing exactly what she was getting at, Ainz couldn't help but sigh. Though, he didn't spot any remnants of flames or a place of cooking, as morbid as the sight would be. And before he had realized it, his mouth moved to ask Angrboda before his conscious mind could warn him that he really wouldn't like the answer.
"Though, I don't know, it always seemed to me that you would be against raw meat…" Ainz immediately realized his error, that that knowledge is something that he really doesn't want to know.
"NO! NO, I DON'T WANT TO KNOW!" Forcefully waving his hand before Angrboda could even form a response, Ainz relaxed when he actually didn't register anything that Angrboda would have said. "Furthermore, don't tell anyone about this. Actually, maybe don't talk with anyone that you do… that." Should an undead even be having headaches? He's definitely having one right now.
A headache that soon got worse, remembering Scáthach, their strained ally. Ainz felt something stirring unpleasantly inside him as a certain possibility formed in his mind. Ainz has no illusion on the scale of carnage that would ensue should Scáthach and Angrboda meet.
Ok! Now to focus on a more cheery topic. Cannibalism!
"You…" Ainz swallowed his nausea while looking at the girl. "You at least questioned them, didn't you?"
"Of course," Angrboda feigned indignation at these words, as if expressing 'how could you think that I would forget something so basic!'. An indignation that soon turned into a smile as she reminisced on the experience. "At first they did not want to answer, it's expected of course. Even if they did talk, I probably won't believe them. They quickly changed their tunes, though, when I started to eat…"
"I DON'T WANT TO KNOW!" Ainz shook his head again as his stomach felt like escaping through his mouth. After which a wave of calm passed through his body, causing him to breathe out. Finally! That was very uncomfortable. "Okay, well… Um… Anyway, what did you manage to find out?"
"Clothes practically do not spoil the taste - unlike armor. Though more experiment is needed before I can single out the parts that spoil the taste…" Angrboda sighed as if she was talking about some great injustice, either willfully or just not noticing Ainz's distressed face. She then continued on, on the particulars of meatiness and taste that is.
"Although, with the beginning of the massive use of gunpowder weapons, there's less need to be physically fit, meaning less meat overall. Though, the addition of more fat does make it more tasteful, and there are generally more of them, therefore it's less filling to just eat one, but… Hmm, pros and cons of progress, I suppose."
"About the situation, Angrboda." Ainz sighed again as he heard more information that he didn't want to know about. At least, it was he who gave Angrboda permission to commit… such actions - therefore, Ainz could not blame anyone but himself for this. The fact that he intentionally sent her alone in preparation for such things happening is cold comfort.
"About the Singularity specifically, or if nothing else, at least tell me what the 'group' actually was."
"Hmm," Angrboda breathed out, "They were, at least from what I could gather from their sobbing screams, that they were an airborne squad acting on the direct orders of the Eternal President Thomas Alva Edison. They were apparently conducting a reconnaissance mission in Sector Twenty-Eight, wherever that is, and also to ready the area for the counteroffensive by the Third Liberation Army… Again, I have no idea what the 'Third Liberation Army' is."
"I see." Ainz nodded understandingly, - "I understand." Ainz did not understand. But being completely accustomed to this state of incomprehension, Ainz continued his questioning. At the very least, he's gaining important information that he needed to feign understanding. "And? Who were they fighting against?"
"To the illegitimate government of the Gaelic Kingdom as declared by the Eternal President… Not that I know what the 'Gaelic Kingdom' is, or why they're illegitimate." Angrboda thought about explaining more for a second before shaking her head. "I was about to ask more, but then they started shouting or crying more than they spoke. They were not doing anything else, and they were starting to annoy me, so I had to deal with them."
"I see…" - Ainz sighed.
So, 'Edison', huh? Strange, but that name was actually quite familiar. He seems to remember that name being repeatedly uttered in his years of adventures in Ainz Ooal Gown… Usually paired with another name, Tesla. Maybe Tesla knows something?
As for the president? Well, it was a quite familiar title to Ainz from his past life. The 'Eternal President'… indeed, it sounded very familiar. After the Third World War, many people awarded themselves with similar titles and positions. There might actually be an 'Eternal President' still ruling a small country or two.
Ahem, anyway, this 'Gaelic Kingdom'… Such a kingdom was really something that Ainz could not remember. Neither from the short history course he had received during his studies, nor from the various conversations he had with his friends.
'Has such a kingdom ever existed at all?' - Ainz could not find the answer to this question and was forced to shrug his shoulders. "Okay… So, did you find anything about the Nuclear bombing?"
"The newest weapon developed by the Eternal President." Angrboda shrugged her shoulders, before continuing. Though Ainz could understand her nonchalance, a direct strike from a nuclear blast wouldn't do anything to her.
"According to the paratrooper, during this month, the United States had used ten or was it fifteen of them? All in trying to destroy either an army or even their main camp… With varying levels of success. Although, as one of them was quite gleeful to share, it was enough to kill several Servants. Surprisingly weak creatures these Servants…"
"So they are using nuclear weapons freely." Ainz looked up into the air, as if trying to spot a lone bomber circling above his head. Ainz, of course, would highly rate his survivability against most things. But, as an Undead, still did not want to test himself against his two main weaknesses. Fire and blunt damage, and a Nuclear Blast, was both of them at the same time.
"And that's it. That's all I've managed to find out before they were too annoying to me." Angrboda shrugged her shoulders, before perking up as she remembered something else. "Ah! That's right, it seems that they managed to stop an attack on the USA, but their counter-attack on the enemy Servants was unsuccessful. That's why they were here, actually, to scout the place as they stopped the bombing raid, at least until they prepared the army for a massive attack."
"That is good news… if they're actually friendly and not an enemy." Ainz exhaled and thought about what he wanted to ask for a second. "Did you manage to find out the location of their… camp? Or maybe even these soldiers' capital?"
"Approximately," Angrboda waved her hand in the air. "But I had a good snack, that's why I didn't know about it in detail."
"A relatively good news?" Ainz blinked, - "Wait, had a 'snack'? How many people were there?"
"Sixty, or was it seventy… I didn't count." Angrboda smiled, remembering the meal that she just had. "So for an hour or two, I'm satiated. After that, it might be necessary to organize an attack on their camp for me to become full."
"No, an attack right now would be disadvantageous. You'll just have to do without it," Ainz shook his head from side to side, and then took another look at the pouting Angrboda.
Was this the effect of becoming a Servant? Or was Angrboda's real appearance and size somehow related to her appetite? The Angrboda in YGGDRASIL was… much, much larger than the current Angrboda, and very far from being so pretty. Although, would even YGGDRASIL's not be satisfied even after… eating seventy people? As a Heteromorphic Player only guild, Ainz Ooal Gown has no one that knows about the quest where they fought Angrboda, but the players who did fight Angrboda said that her real size is much larger… As much as one can trust the forum, anyway.
Though in the lore of the game, something like that was indeed mentioned… Okay, it didn't matter at the moment.
"Anyway, Angrboda, Cu and Nobunaga have met a friendly Servant and…" Ainz racked his brain on a way for the two to never meet. And failing miserably. "And you definitely shouldn't meet her. And furthermore… please refrain from indulging your gastronomic… desires for a while. I'll tell you when you can, return to them." Preferably never, but beggars are not choosers.
"The sacrifices I make for love," Angrboda sighed and before perking up as an idea popped into her head, Ainz didn't like the look on her face. "A kiss for my efforts?"
"My love life is already difficult and stressful enough without your participation. So regrettably, I will have to refuse." Ainz shook his head with faux regret at Angrboda's pout. "Well, in case you meet with this… Scáthach, you shoul… "
"Scáthach ?" Angrboda asked, interrupting Ainz, "Who is that?"
"I'm not sure, but she's hardly anyone significant. Anyway, if you meet her, try to get along at least? She's our ally for now." Ainz tried his best to dismiss the image of Angrboda eating Scáthach out of his mind, and then pondered on what information Angrboda had told him.
Angrboda, one way or another, had brought very significant news, very important information that he could act upon. Now, though, leaving her to wander in the desert was pointless when they now have a concrete target to focus on. But Angrboda could not be left alone, and Ainz doubted that many Servants would be able to handle her 'personality'.
Hmmm, she seems to have come to an understanding with Nobunaga, and Cu seems to be able to get along with anybody, so making Angrboda act with them seems to be a good idea. But, no, he should be curbing any chance of her having any interaction with Scáthach, and there's no way that Cu would not be travelling with his Teacher. Really, judging by her hostility even to Ainz who had not even had time to do anything bad, he couldn't imagine how she would react to Angrboda. Not after she ate dozens of people, least of all.
But Ainz could not just send her to the local version of the United States alone. The very need for Angrboda to be among people was already a sufficient danger factor. Not to mention the tendency of how people themselves could behave when confronted with something unknown… Ainz doesn't really want to make enemies for no reason. And about the eaten people… well, they don't really need to tell anyone else about that, no?
In that case, the only one left for Ainz could trust to accompany Angrboda to perform some useful action was…
"Tesla!" Ainz smiled as he had come up with a brilliant idea, "That's right! Angrboda, you and Tesla will go to this… Eternal President and find out what you can about this Singularity!"
After all, Ainz remembered that Edison and Tesla were often mentioned together, so, most likely, they will have a common language. They might even be best friends! Indeed, it was much easier to find a common language with someone that you knew during your lifetime!
Ainz was absolutely sure that nothing could go wrong with this plan.
'I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.' Galahad dropped a somewhat familiar phrase in Mashu's head with full seriousness. 'I fear something terrible has happened.'
'If it was a joke, I didn't understand what it was for,' Mashu complained as she was distracted for a second from her conversation with Medea.
'I don't know, I just had a feeling that something really, incredibly, terrible had just happened…' Galahad sighed, and then turned Mashu's attention toward the Witch walking beside her. 'By the way, Medea sensed something too.'
Mashu, expecting some kind of prank, turned her gaze to Medea to see if she really did feel something, stopping and taking a step a little closer to make extra sure, "Medea?"
Medea did not react to this, only continuing to examine the desert that had not changed in any way shape or form in front of her. What she said next, raised Mashu's hackles, and she was immediately focused on their surroundings. "Shielder, get ready."
"Okay," Mashu, instantly realizing that the situation, for some unknown reason, had become very tense, immediately picked up her shield at the ready, - "What do you see?"
"Hey, if you can see me - you've got a great eye for a great man!" The unexpected voice surprised Mashu, who immediately started covering the more vulnerable Medea.
"I didn't want to sneak up, honestly! That is not my style at all! I just wanted to watch, you don't see such beauties in this desert every day!" The voice spoke out joyfully before a Servant slowly appeared from the periphery.
The one who approached Mashu was a Servant, there was no doubt about that, and a very powerful Servant at that. But, that was not the first thing that could be noticed about the Servant.
The first thing that one would notice when looking at the Servant was that he was huge.
Not the size of Angrboda, Heracles or Asterios huge, but he was still pretty damn big. The man sported huge muscles, displayed proudly without any shirt covering his scarred chest, and on his face, an expression like a bear suddenly had a desire to smile.
With his short blue hair, he looked a bit like Cú Chulainn - a very large and pumped up Cú Chulainn, who preferred to go shirtless, showing off his torso.
"Hi, beauties!" Smiling a smile as wide as possible, the man approached a little closer, still not showing any hint of aggression, "Did you get lost, by chance? If so, then I can take you to all the hot spots around here! I can promise that you won't get bored with me!"
"Saber," Medea calmly uttered, as she was able to define the identity of the Servant in front of them in a way unknown to Mashu, "But I don't see your sword?"
"Cause, I didn't come here to fight!" Saber just grinned at Medea's calm words. "I tell you without a hint of lies, that I came in peace to see beautiful girls! Why do I need a sword if I have everything I need with me?!" And with that, the resemblance to Cu Chulainn just became uncanny.
Mashu could practically hear the sound of Galahad slapping his hand to his face. 'Now I want to find out exactly how he is connected with Cu Chulainn. I am absolutely sure that he is somehow connected with him, only a friend of Cú Chulainn could come up with such bad pick-up lines.'
"Which of Cu Chulainn's friends could it be? Laeg maybe?" Apparently, having come to the same conclusion as Galahad, Medea muttered guesses of the Servant's identity to herself. She was still paying close attention to the Servant's every action, however, "Stop. Not a step further."
"Okay, okay, as I said, I'm not here for a fight." Saber grinned even from Medea's implied threats, raising his hands in a reassuring gesture. "You are clearly not from the army of that psychopath, so we don't have any enmity between us… Although, yes, I guess it is ironic that I'm calling someone a psychopath when our king is a Berserker. But on the other hand - why not? At least he was not the one to start bombing people with nuclear weapons… On his own supposed country's soil at that."
Medea, easily pushing Mashu out of the dialogue, not that she really wanted to participate - continued. - "So… The theory was correct. These charred landscapes really were the results of a nuclear bombing? My guess was correct, it seems."
"Guess?" Saber raised one eyebrow in incredulity at how one would miss a nuclear explosion of all things, before a realization appeared in his eyes. "So you're new here? Ah, then it's clear... It's been a long time since we had newcomers here!"
A moment later, Medea fell silent, after which Saber, sensing something strange, immediately turned his attention towards the haze of teleportation that had begun to appear.
After another moment, Ainz appeared next to Medea, and Mashu squashed the squeal of happiness bubbling inside her as she saw a sword appear in Saber's hands.
Although, to call it a sword, perhaps, would be wrong. It would be more correct to call it… probably a huge drill on a handle.
Mashu wondered for a second how anyone could effectively fight with such a weapon - after which, remembering what she was holding in her hands, she ceased questioning it.
'Hey!' Galahad was indignant - 'I have a perfectly normal, usable shield! What do you not like about it?!' Mashu ignored it with practiced ease.
"Just in case, I'll tell you that I'm not going to fight." Ainz, as soon as he appeared and saw the drawn sword?, uttered these words instantly, looking at Saber's face. He then sighed, expecting that it would have no effect whatsoever, and began preparing to cast teleportation to dodge an attack.
But, to his great surprise, with a shrug from the man's shoulder, the sword disappeared from Saber's hands, who then grinned happily. "What great news! I didn't come here to fight either! Considering our King and his subordinates, I generally do not have such a desire."
"Hmm?" Ainz looked at his hands, "Wow, that worked… Surprising."
"So, you are all…" Saber sucked in a breath like a dog before frowning and looking at Ainz a little hesitantly before continuing. Ainz wasn't sure what that reaction was about, but was too happy about meeting a reasonable Servant to bother questioning it. "Servants? And one of you even knows how to teleport… Ha, amazing!"
"Yes, that's right." Ainz, however, finding a suitable excuse on why he was here without divulging any other information, immediately rushed to grab onto it. "Could you tell us about the Si… Situation?"
"Yes, of course, no need to ask." Saber grinned, "But, you know, we probably should talk about it in our capital… Anywhere is better than standing under the scorching sun right!. Plus - if you can just teleport us all back home - that will be great!"
"Hmm?" Ainz blinked, "Which capital?"
"The capital of the Gaelic Kingdom, of course. There's no way I would be caught dead hanging around the 'Eternal President'." Saber grinned, "I will show you the direction, if necessary!"
"Okay," Ainz nodded at that, after which he frowned and Mashu could hear his quiet muttering as Fergus boisterously started walking. "It turns out… All three sides… Suspicious…"
"Well, then let's go!" Saber spread his arms to the sides, - "If you need to hug me for teleportation, then I don't mind! By the way, you look good too!"
"I… I'm not really sure how exactly I should react to these words," Ainz sighed before shaking his head. "Well, going to the Gaelic Kingdom, huh… I wonder what kind of place it is…"
Moments later, a third team was dispatched to the third camp of the third side of the Singularity.
The situation seemed eerily familiar to Ainz… and far from positive.
Historical study. "Religion of Ancient Greece and Its Relationship to the Gods.":
… Although modern people perceive - those who study and know the subject, of course, that the overthrowing of the Titans and the ascendancy of the Gods of Ancient Greece as a kind of 'positive' event of the religion of that time, it is far from being that black and white. It is no coincidence after all that one of the most important points in the list of conditions for prototypes of 'paradise' in Ancient Greece was a remoteness from all the Gods, with the condition of their complete impossibility of interfering in the lives of ordinary people being paramount.
Indeed, it is enough for one just to look at the myths of Ancient Greece, and many can easily conclude that almost every God of Ancient Greece was perceived very negatively. Most gods were perceived as a cruel and evil tyrant, primarily more concerned about their whims than the state of people their actions affected.
Nothing illustrates this fact more than the legend of Heracles. Born from one of many incidences of rape perpetrated by Zeus, Heracles, although he was blessed with incredible strength and endurance by the fact of his birth, the Hero was also cursed because of it. Earning the ire of the goddess Hera, he was cursed with madness, resulting in him killing his family.
And then, in an act of atonement for an action that he was not responsible for, he was forced to perform ten feats of incredibly laborious Labors. Even then, the pettiness of the gods was shown clearly, when two of such labors were disqualified because he had received some form of help in accomplishing these feats. And therefore the total number of these feats reached twelve from the original ten.
But even after passing all these trials and becoming a truly legendary hero for the whole of Ancient Greece, after his deification, Heracles acquired not only greater strength, many times exceeding one in his lifetime, but also great anger and madness. Some say it was because of the malice of Hera, which she felt towards Heracles all his life, that turned the great Heracles into the monstrous god Megalos.
In other words, the very fact of divinity was interpreted by many Greeks as, if not a sin, then in the best of cases - as a factor of corruption. In a way, their anathema to absolute power that leads the Greek to embrace democracy as a way to prevent any king from retaining any form of divine power on earth…