Fierce fighting, Treasure hunting is better than fighting


In the silent space, two giant beings, one black, and the other white stood staring at each other, it seemed as if sparks had materialized between them.

The Twenty Great Saints beside the Mechanical Saint were excited to kick the evil dragon's stern this time, from their looks you would find the enmity that had accumulated for hundreds of thousands of years between them and the beast, most of them even felt as if they lived the same moment before.

Indeed, they have already lived the same moment many times in the past, this confrontation can only be considered as a continuation of all previous confrontations, which all ended in a tie, the explorer universe fighters cannot lose or everything will be over, Fate eater will be not allow them to continue to exist if so urged.

This time three Great Saints were leading the newly formed Mechanical Saint, on their head (peak) the Great Saint, the Demon Emperor, the leader of the Demon Bow Empire, Murong Yuda, on either side were the Great Saints (Advanced) Twins, the Mechanical Demons, Murong Chiaro and Murong Chiaodie.

All of them are the elites of the Demon Bow Empire from the southern region, this civilization is considered one of the strongest ten-star level civilizations in terms of mechanical strength and technology advancement in general, the empire contains many demon races, The machines-manipulation geniuses, among whom the Murong clan was the most prominent, and their race as the Demon of Metal was second to none in machines-manipulation.

Metal Demons are also Elemental Demons Since their main affinity is with the element Metal, Metal Demon Transcendents will often become either Mechanics, Mages, or some naturally awakened Esper Force.

At the moment, In it seemed as if the giant formed from a sea of ​​spaceships was staring at the Fate eater provocatively.

"Hmph, a bunch of scrap metal, believe it or not, I can turn you to pieces in an instant."

The Fate eater returned the provocative look with a look of obvious contempt as he spoke.

A semi-mechanical voice with a lively tone rang out from the mechanical saint's mouth, "I really want to see you do that, then I wouldn't be a true Metal Demon if you did." Unsurprisingly it was the Demon Emperor's voice.

The Gundam-like mechanical saint did not wait for the Fate Eater to answer, he quickly raised his hands and released a magnetic field that moved circularly in every direction, quickly enveloping the entire battle area, after which an extraordinary gravitational pressure descended from all sides as if it wanted to compress on the Fate eater in a little meatball.

This Demon Emperor's attack within the Mechanized Saint, called:

[The Gravity of All Paths Reverse]

the mechanical Saint could maximize the original skills of its riders by many folds.

The Demon Emperor's attack was able to stop the Fate eater in its tracks, looked as if he was bound by invisible walls and these walls still continued to pressure him.

But as if these walls were made of mud crushed with iron walls, they were immediately stopped and became the ones being compressed, after 5 cosmic seconds the attack quickly disintegrated and gravity returned to normal.

This attack from the metallic giant gave the twenty Great Saints from various civilizations and cosmic organizations some time to immediately take action.

Couldn't the Fate eater take a breath until he was surprised by dozens of devastating attacks on him, which he is sure that he cannot cancel all of them?

He gritted his fangs angrily and endured the horrific attacks that arrived before he activates the [Entering Informational Dimension] skill.

The rest of the attacks started to pass through his body as if it was just an illusion.

The situation on the battlefield was chaotic, the long-range combined attack of the Great Saints could not be underestimated, Even if the Fate eater, two layers will lose from the skin.

after the subsequent chaos of the fierce attack subsided, the appearance of the devourer dragon was painful to the eyes, he was in a very bad state he hadn't been in for a long time, crystal blue blood was falling from everywhere, even a pearl bone appeared in a few areas of his body huge.

It was truly a fierce attack from the great saints on the battlefield.

After seeing the condition of the ancient beast, the Seventh Void smiled from ear to ear, sneering sneerily.

"Hmph, that arrogant, indomitable beast?! Where is he! I only see a wounded dog dying" Void Seven was adding salt to the wound.

"Arghh! you damned bugs, don't think you won today, we'll see who smiles at the end."

The Fate Eater said and his wounds began to heal at a rate visible to the naked eye, a disgusting regeneration speed in the eyes of the great saints on the opposite side.

They weren't going to wait for him to heal with juice and popcorn, of course, they had to fight back and deepen his wounds, they know that if they let him one cosmic second time to heal, their pampering loss would be the only Natural.

The Fate eater couldn't even catch his breath, and to be trapped again within a formation with spells and pressure skills of various types and shapes, there were gravity fields, magnetic fields, one-sided pressure spells, and space thickness control skills of all classes.

Then he felt as if he was going out of his informational dimension, it was that damned giant again, no... there were three giants this time only two look a little shorter than the one he fought last time.

For the first time, the Fate eater felt this pressure in a long time.

"Oh, how long has it been since I've had this feeling again, ah, ah, my sex hormones are reacting, this is so exciting, the Explored Universe is really the best hehehe" He was seeing even stronger attacks than the first one knocking on his door and preparing to crush him into a meat paste if he didn't act Certainly, all kinds of attacks within her were intent on eliminating the greatest threat to the Explored Universe forever this time were physical attacks from fighters and invisible ones from assassins, Elementals attacks from mages, sweeping mental attacks from psychics, and attacks with various abilities, from Esper, mechanics and monster tamers also contributed to horde sweeping attacks.

In an instant it seemed as if time slowed down hundreds of times, then thousands of times, then millions of times, until it stopped completely.

The Fate eater stared at the attacks that nearly destroyed him to the bone and then stopped, with cold sweat soaking his broad back.

"oh, that was close, I saw death very near now, or maybe it's my imaginary, these stubborn experts from the Explored Universe are really not normal if I hadn't used the [Disable Persistence of Temporary Information] skill which is a time-manipulation skill I would have finish now. "

The Fate Eater had a complicated look on his face as he looked at the different faces of the humble beings in his eyes, but he didn't know why every time he fought with them he felt as if they were on the same level so that at times he felt that they had the power to threaten his life, just Like now, had it not been for his trump card, he wouldn't even have dust left.

He really wanted to destroy them all and devour them now because it's a convenient opportunity, but he knows it's useless, he can't touch the broken information right now.

This is the only weak point in the predation of the insatiable Fate eater, if time is standing still, he cannot eat as much as anything.

"Well maybe that's enough, there is still something more important than all the explored universe to go into."

The Fate eater looked at these stunning faces in different expressions for the last time, then turned around and opened a black hole, and entered.

He seemed to be singing "My treasure... my most important treasure in the I'm coming for you~ ha ha ha, bye explorer universe maybe I'll come back after I become a true god."

After the black hole closed, the flow of time returned to normal and the extreme attacks resumed their path.

In an instant, it seemed as if hundreds of supernovae had just exploded.

Neither the advanced space anchors nor the advanced space protection belts could protect the space anymore.

They deflected as if they were just soap bubbles.

These explosions were spotted by almost all the inhabitants of the Demon Soul Galaxy, it was like The sun that suddenly rose at night.

After the show ended, they found nothing even the dust had disappeared, for a moment it seemed as if they had destroyed an apocalyptic beast that had terrified them even in their dreams for hundreds of thousands of years.

Even ordinary warriors from afar had begun to wildly celebrate the not anticipated victory.

But every Great Saint who participated in the attack had a grim expression on their faces, filled with a kind of disappointment and some joy… a little bit.


"If I thought he was going to run away, I would have saved myself a little bit of mental strength, I can't even think well now."

Damn beast, if you were a man face our attack now let's see if you stay in one piece

"In the end, he ran away like this without even a proper farewell."

"To leave us with a bit of damage and he on the losing end!

That's not the same as usual, something is wrong."

Everyone looked at the last commenter in awe as if something was out of place, they didn't expect a fighter to rely on his muscles, to have that kind of intelligence.

Edward Newgate: 'What's up! Is there something on my face?'

Everyone: "No...we were taken aback by your sudden cleverness."

Edward Newgate: "..."


With this, we have finished the first volume that paves the way for the big world that the hero will reach in the future.

I have squeezed my brain cells to come up with a respectable introduction that is suitable for the course of the story and is short at the same time.

This is really my first novel.

I was thinking of writing it a few months ago after I reached an appropriate level of fictional knowledge, the form of the story I wanted to write began to gather in my mind day after day until the day I first started writing.

The first volume is just an introduction, the real story will be what comes next, I swear it will be very exciting, it will combine a broken system and apocalypse (zombies and evolution) and the style of a villain protagonist and world domination and harem...etc, well I will say it here in lower realms like Earth and the Milky Way the hero will be truly invincible.

#important note:

There will be a chapter after this in which most of the information about the characters mentioned in the first volume, the timeline and the division of the novel's world...etc