Information about the novel

1} Characters:

*The Void Monsters:

1) Eater the fate

Gender: male

Type: The Void monster

Dynasty: Mixed [Primordial Fate God, Primordial Dragon God, Primordial Void God, Primordial Sea God...]

Strength Level: Level 12 Peak [Supernova Class Peak Apocalypse Level]

Ability: Devour the Fate (OP)

Skills: Void Smoothing - Teleportation - Space Warp - Information Dimension Entry - Purple Hole Information Devouring - Infinity from skills...

*The galactic beings:

The Heavenly Black Heaven Empire (Status member of the Universe Council):

1) Rivold Black: Duke Rivold, Pillar of the Empire

Gender: male

Species: Primates [galaxy inhabitants]

Dynasty: Pure Black Sky

Civilization level: 10 stars

Cultivation level: Level 10 peak [the Little Saint (Peak)]

Sublime Category: Wizard

Affinity: Dark Element

Ability: Dark Magic

2) Carlos Black: Marquis and brother of Duke Revold

Gender: male

Species: Primates [galactic inhabitants]

Dynasty: Pure Black Sky

Civilization level: 10 stars

Cultivation level: Peak level 9 [White Sun Peak]

Transcendental class: Esper

Ability: Dark Energy Manipulation

3) The Eighth star: Heavenly Emperor

Gender: male

Species: Primates [galactic inhabitants]

Dynasty: Pure Black Sky

Civilization level: 10 stars

Cultivation level: Peak level 11 [the Big Saint (Peak) ]

Sublime Category: Wizard

Affinity: the Dark Element, the Light Element

Ability: Dark Aura

4) Catherine Vardar: Imperial guardian, Counsellor at the Council of the Universe

Gender: female

Species: Primates [galactic inhabitants]

Bloodline: Pure Black Sky Race

Civilization level: 10 stars

Cultivation level: level 12 (high) [Advanced Great Saint level]

Transcendental class: witch

Affinity: Dark Element, Ice Element

Ability: Dark Ice Age

5) Christian Gerald: Guardian the Empire, Elder in the Council of the Universe

Gender: male

Species: Primates [galactic inhabitants]

Bloodline: Pure Black Sky Race

Civilization level: 10 stars

Cultivation level: Peak level 12 [Great Saint peak]

Transcendental category: Psychological

Theme: Dark, Space, Sound

Ability: Soul Slasher

6) Squard Dauphin: Duke of Squard, Pillar of the Empire

Gender: male

Species: Primates [galactic inhabitants]

Dynasty: Pure Black Sky

Civilization level: 10 stars

Cultivation level: Level 10 (High) [Advanced Young Saint level]

Transcendental class: Esper

Characteristics: Darkness, Death

Ability: Death manipulation

7) Mariana Mesar: Duchess Mariana, Pillar of the Empire

Gender: female

Species: Primates [galactic inhabitants]

Dynasty: Pure Black Sky

Civilization level: 10 stars

Cultivation level: Level 10 (Intermediate) [Intermediate Little Saint level]

Sublime Category: Assassin

Theme: dark, shadows, space, sound

Ability: manipulate shadows

Hungarian Tora federation (status: member of the Universe Council)

1) Alphonse Tora: President of the Federation, Judge in the Council of the Universe

Gender: male

Genre: Astral Objects[also Galactic inhabitants]

Breed: The starly race tora (Pure)

Federation level: 10 stars

Cultivation level: Peak level 12 [Great Saint peak]

Transcendental category: Psychicological

Theme: space, wind, air

Ability: Explosive psychic energy

Divine Dragon Sect (Status Member of the Universe Council)

1) Ren Long: Sect Patriarch, Judge of the Council of the Universe

Gender: male

Genre: Mythical Creatures[also Galactic inhabitants]

Breed: Galactic Dragon, Primordial Dragon God (5% Concentration)

Sect level: 10 stars

Cultivation level: Peak level 12 [Great Saint peak]

Sublime Category: Wizard

Affinity: Fire element, Dark element, Lightning element, Wind element

Ability: Primordial Dragon Aura

Heavenly Void Empire (Status: Member of the Universe Council)

1) The Seventh Void: Heavenly Emperor, Qalqi in the Council of the Universe

Gender: male

Genre: Mythical Creatures [galactic inhabitants]

Bloodline: Galactic Void Race, Primordial Void God (2% concentration)

Civilization level: 10 stars

Cultivation level: Peak level 12 [Great Saint peak]

Sublime Category: Assassin

Theme: emptiness, air, sound, darkness

Ability: the Void Master

2) The sixth void:

Status: Dead, former Heavenly Void Emperor.

Divine Phoenix Sect (Status: Member of the Universe Council)

1) Yue Niling: Sect Patriarch, Counsellor at the Universe Council

Gender: female

Genre: Mythical Creatures [galactic inhabitants]

Breed: galactic phoenix, primordial phoenix (4% concentration)

Sect level: 10 stars

Cultivation level: level 12 (high) [Advanced Great Saint level]

Transcendental class: witch

Affinity: the element of fire

Ability: The fire of Phoenix

Heavenly Elves Empire (Status: Member of the Universe Council)

1) Rhodes Gergad: Guardian of the Empire, Counsellor in the Council of the Universe

Gender: male

Species: Primates [galactic inhabitants]

Breed: Elves race galactic, branch elves forest.

Civilization level: 10 stars

Cultivation level: level 12 (high) [Advanced Great Saint level]

Transcendental Class: Monster Tamer

Theme: sound, nature, space

Ability: Master of Monsters

Hungarian Aqua federation (status member of the Universe Council)

1) Leonard Woter: President of the Federation, Elder in the Council of the Universe

Gender: male

Genre: Astral Objects[galactic inhabitants]

Breed: Water Spirit Race

Civilization level: 10 stars

Cultivation level: Peak level 12 [Great Saint peak]

Sublime Category: Wizard

Affinity: Water element, Wind element, Ice element

Ability: Blessing Of Water Goddess Aqua

Hungarian Sincerity Sect (Status: Member of the Universe Council)

1) Harold Saker: Patriarch of the Sect, elder in the Council of the Universe

Gender: male

Genre: Mythical Creatures [galactic inhabitants]

Bloodline: Demon of Promise, King of Demons of Desire (4% Concentration)

Sect level: 10 stars - Cultivation level: Peak level 12 [Peak Great Saint]

Sublime Category: Wizard

Affinity: Darkness, Light, Five Elements [Fire, Water, Wind, Lightning, Earth]

Ability: Absolute Sincerity

Divine Karma Sect (Status: Member of the Universe Council)

1) Eclipse monk: Patriarch of the sect, elder in the Council of the Universe

Gender: male

Species: Primates [galactic inhabitants]

Breed: Human Highly (pure)

Sect level: 10 stars

Cultivation level: Peak level 12 [Great Saint peak]

Sublime Category: Warlock

Affinity: Light, Darkness, Fate

Ability: Warlock of Fate

Divine Stronghold Federation (Status: Member of the Universe Council)

1) Edward Newgate: President of the Federation, Elder in the Council of the Universe

Gender: male

Genre: Mythical Creatures [galactic inhabitants]

Bloodline: Galactic Giant, Primordial Giant God (Concentration 5%)

Union level: 10 stars - Cultivation level: Peak level 12 [Peak of the Great Saint]

Transcendental class: Fighter

Attribute: force, dark, space

Ability: Super Strength

Hungarian Adventurers Federation (status: member of the Universe Council)

1) Francis Lacard: President of the Federation, Elder in the Council of the Universe

Gender: male

Species: Primates [galactic inhabitants]

Breed: Pure Octopus (Hungarian Octopus)

Federation level: 10 stars

Cultivation level: Peak level 12 [Great Saint peak]

Transcendental class: Fighter

Feature: Speed, Flexibility, Water, Dark Ink

Ability: Super Speed

Demon Bow Empire (Status: Member of the Universe Council)

1) Murong Yoda: Demon Emperor, Vice Judge of the Council of the Universe

Gender: male

Genre: Mythical Creatures [galactic inhabitants]

Bloodline: Metal Demon, Elemental Demon King (Concentration 3%)

Civilization level: 10 stars

Cultivation level: Peak level 12 [Great Saint peak]

Transcendental category: Mechanic

Attribute: Metal, Space, Machine Affinity, Gravity, Demon Aura

Capacity: comprehensive machine control

2) Murong chiaro: Guardian of the Empire, Counsellor at the Council of the Universe

Gender: female

Genre: Mythical Creatures [galactic inhabitants]

Bloodline: Metal Demon, Steel Demon Lord (10% concentration)

Federation level: 10 stars

Cultivation level: Advanced level 12 [Advanced level of Great Saint]

Transcendental category: Mechanic

Attribute: Metal, Power, Space, Machine Affinity, Demon Aura

Ability: Negative Demon Harmony

3) murong chiaod: Guardian of the Empire, Counsellor at the Council of the Universe

Gender: male

Genre: Mythical Creatures [galactic inhabitants]

Bloodline: Metal Demon, Steel Demon Lord (10% concentration)

Federation level: 10 stars

Cultivation level: Advanced level 12 [Advanced level of Great Saint]

Transcendental category: Mechanic

Attribute: Metal, Power, Space, Machine Affinity, Demon Aura

Ability: Negative Demon Harmony

Milky Way Galaxy (Status: Inside Mental Energy Source)

1) Rafael Rio: the protagonist of the story

Gender: male

Species: Primates [galactic inhabitants]

Breed: normal human

Civilization level: 0.7 (surface civilization)

Cultivation level: without [normal human]

Sublime Category: Without (ordinary person)

Ability: Hero's Plot Shield

*Reminder: This is the hero information at the beginning of the story, it will change later.

2} Realms of Cultivation:

¹/²: For galactic organisms:

star transcendental class:

Level 1 (Star Birth Realm)

Level 2 (Brilliant Star Realm)

Level 3 (Star Restoration Realm)

Transcendental Moon Class:

Level 4 (Moon Birth Realm)

Level 5 (Bright Moon Realm)

Level 6 (Dark Moon Realm)

Sun venerable category:

Level 7 (Realm of the Red Sun)

Level 8 (Yellow Sun Realm)

Level 9 (White Sun Realm)

Galactic Saint Class:

Level 10 (little saint realm)

Level 11 (Grand Saint realm)

Level 12 (Great Saint realm)

Galactic Goddess Class: (currently no longer exists)

Level 13 (Deification Realm)

Level 14 (True God Realm)

Level 15 (Realm of the King of the Gods)


Each level within the four known categories is divided into low, medium, advanced, and peak

²/²: For the Void monsters

Star class, lowest:

Level 1 (Star's Birth Realm)

Level 2 (Brilliant star's Realm)

Level 3 (Big Star's Realm)

Moon class, medium:

Level 4 (Crescent Moon's Realm)

Level 5 (Half Moon's Realm)

Level 6 (Full Moon's Realm)

Sun class, high:

Level 7 (Red Dwarf Realm)

Level 8 (Realm of the Rising Sun)

Level 9 (White Dwarf Realm)

Supernova class, High:

Level 10 (Black Hole Realm)

Level 11 (Dark Energy Devouring Realm)

Level 12 (Apocalypse World)

Ethnic Transcendent Class, Path of the Gods: (currently no longer supported)

Level 13 (Transcendent Realm of Mind and Body)

Level 14 (True God's Realm)

Level 15 (King of the Gods)


The same, the levels are divided into the first four categories: Low, Medium, Advanced, and Peak

3} Rows categories:

There are 7 main class and each class has different properties:

1) the Wizard: He manipulates the elements

2) the Fighter: manipulates physical capabilities

3)the esper : Possesses and manipulates a certain innate ability (Esper abilities have a rating from E at the bottom to SSS at the top)

4) Psychic: manipulates mental strength in his own way.

5) Mechanical: He converts mental energy into mechanical force and manipulates it as desired.

6) Assassin: manipulates a certain element and a certain physical trait to have the trait of an assassin.

7) Monster Tamer: Manipulates the mental strength to control lower void monsters or at the same level.

4} Design the world

The explored universe is divided into five major regions, each containing approximately 20,000 galaxies:

1) Central Region: Universe Council, Heavenly Void Empire, Galactic Tora Federation, Divine Dragon Sect,...

2) Northern Region: Heavenly Black Heaven Empire, Heavenly Elf Empire, Divine Phoenix Sect, Divine Stronghold Federation…

3) Southern Region: Bow Demon Empire, Hungarian Sincerity Sect...

4) Eastern Region: Karma Divine Sect, Hungarian Aqua Federation...

5) Western Region: Hungarian Adventurers Federation...

The few powers mentioned in Volume One are categorized by each region to which they belong.

Unexplored universe:

Here belong the Milky Way and the Earth within it.

The unexplored universe will be entered in the next volume of the story... Enjoy!