Prequel: Reihai, at first, was merely a light in a humanoid shape. She then took form before the world took shape before her. First, Mortal's Domain was created, and then the spiritual and heavenly realms. She then gave life to the three brethren: first, Rathaneal (Before he was banished), Ma'iingan, and Lighttin. Then, she crafted all the architects the realms have to offer, including the literal landscape of all of Zero Genesis, before forging angels, draconians, sub-draconians, wyverns, and ultimately, humans, even though she made a lot more than that. All was in harmony at first, only for 2 women to begin pondering against her. Later on, they led a majority of angels into their side, and they broke a hole within the Garden.
Disappointed, Reihai banished the two angels (renaming them into Lilith and Jezebel), and the majority before mending the hole they tore. Reihai then increases the angels' population many times, making GOB and GOM infinite in size. As did their number increased, so did the population of the fallen, which perverted the fallen angels to demons, nephalems, and other sort of filthy things. As Earth and Mortal's Domain multiplied in number, the majority of GOM used it as an opportunity to fuel GOM in Artei by taking their energies and souls long before they could use that energy to directly give GOB a big gulp of hellfire… Until the new began.
Prequel 2: Rumor spread in the realms concerning Rathaneal, which is that he is up to no good, and it is true. Rathaneal was more vainglorious than usual, before being more cold and having no care towards anything, even to the most dire. Rathaneal, finally, has decided to attack GOB to it's very core. He caused the very light of GOB and itself to be bathed in angelic blood, which enraged Reihai. Rathaneal, now known as Thanatos, was casted away, however it did not go as it should have: Thanatos did not go to GOM, despite that he was "predetermined" prior to his "banishment".
Instead, he was in an empty void, and he got to feel the bitterness of the area, yet it was sweet to him; the air was foul, yet it was bliss for him. He then returned to his feet after feeling and enjoying the realm, as he already knew it was just for him. He then renamed the void "Meshuggah", as he also already knew that Aetri has no room there, as all is gone and forgotten. Reihai, realizing the banishment was in vain, her dissension to lost hope began. She then repaired GOB prior to calling upon its civilians, wanting to know if anyone will do their best to try stopping the impending doom.