Chapter 1, Shattering of "The Peacemaker"

Chapter 1 (Shattering of the Peacemaker): Ma'iingan accepted the urgent request, and calmed his mother before he proceeded with his manifestation. He manifested in a snowy region as a baby wrapped in the cloth of the wolves made from the humans as a peace offering towards "Mother" (Reihai). The humans gave Ma'iingan to the family, which is who brought the offering to Reihai, and they considered it such a blessing, although they don't know why an angel came down for them yet. 

As they grew over the years, life was well for the most part for Ma'iingan. However, strife struck, and a pack of Nephalems attacked the village, and he was forced to get out, and not turn back so he won't have to see the flames burn his earthly home. Ma'iingan mourned for his village, and cried for comfort, which he received before he carried on. Ma'iingan was fortunate enough to find himself a family willing enough to take him in, especially since they believed him for what happened to him. 

After 10 more years of this tragedy, he then began his mission objective: build enough strength to destroy their traitor, and he has done so before he hit adulthood. He found himself many demons harassing man, and his current homeland praised him for it. However, he began to fatigue as he continued his kill count, although he never showed it until he had no other option, due to the severity of his restlessness.

 He called upon his mother, and asked for someone to aid him and fight alongside him so he may be able to have the energy to leave a dent on him. His request was accepted, and he met Kuyamuro, a woman manifested similarly from a village, although he was unsure if she was made JUST like him or a completely different god or goddess created her as a response to her village. As they began to have short and sweet conversations, they also began to extend their interaction, get more personal with their long talk, and ultimately they began to bond, which led them to touch lips, share rooms, and years later, marriage. 

But before they got married, Kuyamuro was tempted by a snake to trade Ma'iingan for the riches of the world, although in the end, Ma'iingan stomped its head, and he forgave her. Suddenly, the conflict was realized to be far from over, as nephalems from Ma'iingan's village separated the two as they beat him severely, before Kuyamuro anger was stirred, leading to the scums' death. Then they reunited, and later on, had several offspring. 

Ma'iingan then asked her of her origin, and she revealed that she was made from Earth's guardian, Pangea, although she hasn't seen her ever since she became independent. They agreed to search for her, and after roughly 2 months of searching, they only found the creator of Pangea, Gi'mavros, which led them to her. Pangea spent her time well with them before Ma'iingan offered her to spar with him. She agreed, even though Ma'iingan lost to her at first. But Ma'iingan kept going, until he finally won,

Even though he passed out due to the intensity of their fight. Pangea admires Ma'iingan for his fierceness and for his evolution, which is how he managed to succeed. Ma'iingan then introduced them to their offspring he shares with Kuyamuro, and they all got along just as Pangea got along with them. 

Ma'iingan and Kuyamuro continue to enjoy the breath of life they have been given on Mortal's Domain, while they receive word that an organization is beginning to form, although its identity is yet to be made. As they continue to enjoy each other and their family, so do they continue to raise cattle to feed each other. Prior to the appearance of the Draconians, Fotovolos blooms, taking in anyone who worships "Mother". They considered joining them, but later did not, as Reihai told them it is not to be invited to. The Draconians make their appearance known, and they strive upon the mountains in order to find themselves a home there.

One of their offspring, Deirkan, accepted the request given by his mother, and went onto the mountains, leading to the first encounter with the mid rank warrior, Alpa. Due to the stress of the Draconians, he ambushed Deirkan, only to then be subdued to apologizing. Alpa then introduces him to the Draconians, even though they want nothing to do with him for the time being, as they drive Deirkan out. Deirkan reported the happenings to his family, and their interest was roused up, but they waited until it was apparent they were not in stress anymore. They come to the Draconians, and they welcome them in as temporary guests, even though they are still cynical towards Mortal's Domain.

Alpa then introduces themselves towards their leader, Kyrios, and Kyrios blesses them with jewelry and valuable things of the outside world. Ma'iingan asks for their reason for the distress, and Kyrios explains that they were low in supplies (as in food and medicines), forcing them to ravage seeds from humans and scatter them upon the mountains near City 13. Kyrios then continues, telling them that they originate from the Spirit Domain, a realm full of materials and consumables beyond the world humans know, alongside with the fact it has more conflict within it, as it is where most confrontations appear, which is why they went to the Mortal's Domain for it is settled that they will continue to tolerate the unneeded fighting and wars no longer. 

They emphasized with them, but they were interrupted, as their time being in their turf was up, kicking them out. Although they still question why they can only be here for a limited time, they also emphasized that they still haven't recovered their supplies yet. 

Back into GOM, Elenchos and Prostimos continue to deceive and collect humanity's souls to convert into Aetri only for a premonition to spread across their region. Prior to the dominance carried out by none other than Thanatos, they only felt that it was already too late to begin with, because a blink of an eye was all it took for GOM to be completely changed for the worse. As GOM became the artwork of Thanatos' ruin, so did their objective falter, as it has been deliberately distorted, bringing despair upon them all, giving way for Reihai's composure to begin faltering as well. Due to all the calamities from the heavens above and the pit below, including the Draconians' movement, it has also begun the birth of an unholy behemoth.

Back into Mortal's Domain, the tension of the Draconians' movement hasn't ceased, as humans harass them time and time again for taking their property. Floua notices this, as she spectates over the Draconians, which she reports to her family. Ma'iingan's gut twists, and he proceeds to force them into a peace agreement, although it did not end as he wanted due to his bluntness, prolonging the said agreement. After they claimed to officially make their peace agreement, unsightly maggots rose from the Earth, and proceeded to start a warzone with the Draconians, severing the mountains and their village. Floua, Dierkan, Grekan, Ma'iingan, and Kuyamuro fight alongside them, calming the blazing hellfire. The Draconians, after they managed to repel the demonic forces, praised the battle-hardened family, and rewarded them as heroes of their home. As did they reconfirm their agreement with humanity, so did they get to attain civilization, allowing them to make food, water, supplies, weaponry, supplies, and other valued needs for themselves and their friends. 

It was merely childsplay for Thanatos, as he merely was stirring them up for the enjoyment of molding the aforesaid monster. Although most of GOM has bowed to his feet, humbled, very few are rebellious and are persistent with it, regardless of the severity of his punishments, although it never bothered him. Returning to Ma'iingan and his family, they also attain civilization with humanity, even though it was rougher for them due to their origin and look, despite the Draconians looking so much more different than them. As their children begin to find their loved ones, so do they begin the spread of Mother, which later leads to humanity accepting the god they worship. Until 2 years passed ever since the strife that occured. Chaos spiked due to the hands of mortals; hypocrisy hides behind their fantasies, "order" was shoved within their own throats, filling them with corruption and brainwash. 

Casualties continue to increase, as their "justice" spilt blood, damaging innocents, breaking families apart, alongside filling the civilization's roots with malice and evil that's considered good, making them nearly unapproachable with truth, as the forms of truth itself were misinterpreted. Reihai looked above them, which tempted her to turn away from them, but her heart still pumps in hope. All of this disaster ultimately led to the birth of a ravenous, ugly devil: Katastreptikos. The first and only thought manifests in its mind, as it immediately grows, feeds, and matures from the crisis humanity inflicted on itself is to shame them by overdosing them with their own medicine. Ma'iingan was given the horrible vision of the savage's deeds, and what will happen if it is not apprehended.

Ma'iingan alerts his family and the Draconians, although not all believed. After 3 months of preparation, the homelands began to taste the symptoms of their own destruction, as one was abandoned due to an everlasting fire, panic increased among the agendas, and paralysis was apparent. 3 more months of preparation made alongside the group, Fotovolos, Katastreptikos finally emerged, desolating the continents as they know it. They fought long and hard, but it was also making them sustain wounds beyond repair, even to Alpa's kin. As they persist, Katastreptikos' flame grows hotter and murderous, as it continues to bleed and its rage turns incurable. They have lost many, while Katastreptikos is on the brink of resorting to overfueling the Earth's core to destroy all the planet has to offer. Ma'iingan and his allies delivered their all, and the dragon was repelled, stirring its antagonized state even more, although they were seething as well. Katastreptikos attempts its final trump card: releasing a supernova which will risk itself. Katastreptikos, out of pure luck, failed, and was slain by the family.

Although Alpa and his kin mourn for the casualties, they give them their praise, and they were granted many gifts, although not all were accepted. The Draconians, Fotovolos, and the Earth were mended back to shape after 4 years. Yet, humanity continues with their sheer stupidity, which only made Reihai feel worse about herself and her creations. Ma'iingan could only send comforting words to her, as her shame and her descent was great. Alpa's kin offered him and his family weeks of intense, mind-boggling training, and he and his family accepted, and it took them all 2 months, leading Ma'iingan to have a deathmatch with Kyrios, as it was their tradition to worthy outsiders. Ma'iingan, with sheer willpower, pushes him to the last corner, yet he spares him, as he is not willing to shed blood. Kyrios entitled Ma;iingan into a winner, despite his choice, due to his outstanding performance and every opportunity was made by him.

Ma'iingan was also given knowledge on how to enter the Spirit Domain, which he and his family prepared themselves for the next 2 years, as they were vigilant. After the 2 years passed, Ma'iingan had just enough Aetri to transport his friends and family into the Spirit Domain. So Kyrios allowed Alpa to join them, although the anxiety was heavy. And so they entered the Spirit Domain, and they began their expedition there. The first discovery was made, which is a pack of Sub-Draconians. Because of the fact they are with Alpa and have friendship with the Draconians, they welcomed them with open arms. Their second discovery that followed, however, was not so inviting. A group of much more powerful variants of nephalems ambush them and the Sub-Draconians, and they manage to slay the nephalems due to their coordination and number, giving way to the appearance of Yamaga, the praised top warrior of his tribe. Yamaga shows them around, giving them a taste of their unordinary meals, armory, weaponry, and legends that came to life. 

One, for example, tells if one of the Sub-Draconians live for about 100 years, they attain a state which transcends everything both the Draconians' and their sub counterparts could possibly offer, and it will prosper eternally. Yet, that legend is yet to come out of its womb, as all fail to attain that mantle. Yamaga, however, shows promise, as he was highly persistent with the oath he made, as he grew to be 33 Sub-Draconian years. It sparked their interest, and they became willing to assist him in his goal, and Yamaga gave them his gratitude. Ma'iingan was then reminded by Kuyamuro why they came here, and he told the information to Yamaga, which is they came here, so they may be able to grow, help, and try to find something useful for Fotovolos. Yamaga contemplated the situation, and then he was willing to assist them as well, as it was sensical to him. 

Ma'iingan and his family continue to explore the sands of Spirits Domain, purging the malevolent, assisting others, redeeming them as well. While the realm they are cleansing, however, are experiencing a threat worse than what they're purging, as climates were changing beyond control, and it was proclaimed dangerous, as it was not only is it not supposed to be here, but it is uninhabitable. Word was given unto them, stating that there are sightings of icy climate that is beyond habitable are appearing, and it is continuing to grow rampantly. Ma'iingan was reminded of his years as a child, and he decided to fight him alone. Kuyamuro and their offspring at first thought it was insane, but Ma'iingan theorized it would only make matters worse if they come with a majority of people, as he believes whoever is commanding the cold would intensify it. They agreed, and they put their trust upon Reihai that Ma'iingan would return alive and victorious. Ma'iingan proceeded to approach the breeze, and as it was beyond the reach of fire, so did it hit him hard. It was then he got to meet with the source of all the cold that was occurring: Verglas. Verglas gives him a cold glare, and it was all Ma'iingan needed to see to know he won't be getting out without a scar patched into him. Verglas then lashed at him, commencing their match. As they continue to fight, the cold was slowly cooling the heat of the fight, testing Ma'iingan's will and determination, for it was affecting him internally as well. 

The only thing lingering in his mind is to keep pushing, as it was a battle one must win. Rage began to rise within him, as the breezing warzone was disfiguring him; clustering his mind. Verglas keeps pushing him down, while Ma'iingan continues to get back on his feet, as his anger boils in him. Verglas then proceeds to enter his final phase, and push him further into the building snow and ice, making Ma'iingan's body start falling on him, as Verglas keeps pounding him deeper and deeper, up until Ma'iingan had to let go and let his primal, warrior instinct to overtake him before Verglas and the battlefield could cool him even further. Ma'iingan, with a shout of burning rage beyond belief, starts melting the winter, striking pain and fear unto Verglas. Ma'iingan, with unforgiveness and the desire to kill blazing within his blood, proceeds to give it a piece of his mind, boiling him down until there is nothing left of Verglas, even it's own soul. The effects of it's magic dies as well, which relieves the friendly neighbors of Spirits Domain, but only for a while, as it also spikes their vigilance.

Kuyamuro and their children sprung at Ma'iingan, grateful he is still alive. They enjoy their reunion, and the tribe celebrate that the situation has been dealt with. They continue to cherish their affections, get stronger, grow friendships, and increase the alliances' number, power, and teamwork. A year passes after their long-term celebration, they were going to leave the Spirits Domain and return to the Mortals Domain, only then to be interrupted by the yet unidentified evil who knocks them unconcious, sending them all separately into a completely different realm named Betwixt Gateway, a world with similar properties of the two realms they both lived in. It took them a day and a half to come back together, and they explored the untouched realm. They had mixed feelings about the world they are stepping in. Awe, Disgust, Calm, Stress, all fill their mind and it persistently whirls within their eyes and heart.

It was only then did they get to meet with newer species beyond human comprehension, as they transcend creation itself, taking in forms which make them look like they do not exist under any normal means. Although they were spooked at the sight of it, they later relaxed that they are docile, and they tolerate their presence despite the dimension sensing that it has been finally visited by outsiders. Alongside the so-called "things" was a neutral, shady being with remnants of an angel. Dierkan asked it a question, and it was unresponsive to his voice. The unknown waves at them, as if it is guiding them somewhere. They follow its lead, and they get into a forest deeper than what they can see. Eventually, they reach their destination, a vast city with metal that is seemingly merged with the realm's nature. The unknown thing finally speaks to them, revealing that its name is Siopilos. 

Siopilos then allows them to go freely among them, and its species had no care what they're doing, for they already know their intentions. Floua then asks one of the civilians why they are so tolerant of their presence, and it responds, saying that they all know what side they are on, whenever or not they step on the sands of the gateway. Kuyamuro then worried that their absence is allowing the demonic forces to go rampant, however, another reassured her that it won't be so, as they will do the job for them, as they have been ever since they were a thing. Ma'iingan then asks how they may return to their destination, and they tell them to ask Siopoilos, as it knows more than them. And so they did, and it laughs at him, explaining that it already restored his energy before he was even aware. Ma'iingan was baffled for a while, and he gathered his family and friends before returning to the world of mortals. 

As they returned, they made their way back to Fotovolos, and its members were pleased with their return, as they succeeded in returning the Earth back to full health after the battle against Katastreptikos. Deirkan, Floua, Grekan, and their mother, Kuyamuro learns Ma'iingan's technique used to transport themselves through destinations, so they won't always have to require him. Deirkan returns to the border, and decides that he would like to meet up with a special someone. As he proceeds, he speaks to Reihai about it and is hopeful he will find the one. And so he does on the fourth day of being within the betwixt, as he eventually meets with a former Fotovolos general, Lexia. Both share the same desire, and the more they are with each other, the stronger the roots of their interest grew deeper. Until then, they became one union, and it made their own father and mother proud. 

Thanatos stalked the two, and thought of getting a reaction out of Dierkan by taking Lexia away from him by inflicting a series of deadly diseases. And so he did, as the diseases inflicted upon her were out of the ordinary and were beyond her will to live, she succumbed to it, breaking Dierkan's heart deeply. Next, Thanatos sent an angel to him, to offer him an opportunity to see her again, as they know he misses her dearly. However, Dierkan refused, as he wishes not to be on his selfish ways and allow Lexia to rest in a place better than the Earth, and he doesn't regret the choice he has made, even though it was unironic to Thanatos.

Another 2 years of Aetri gathering and training, they continue to dig deeper into understanding the truth of GOM and their new ruler, as they know little about it other than it is hostile towards the servants of Reihai. Ma'iingan returns to the Spirits Domain, only to find desolation made from war. Ma'iingan manages to find Yamaga, and he urgently asks what just happened.Yamaga explains that they struck again, killing some of their members, which, in return, gave them ideas about their homeland. He adds, saying that it is simply just absolute truth with no love; truth that pushes people away, while some people in particular are just as delusional as the raiders think they know everything for having truth alone. 

Ma'iingan then asks what is the truth, and Yamaga answers, saying that we all are filthy garbage that deserve punishment and hellfire, NO MATTER what you think, say, or do, as we will always be unclean, since we did wrong things we don't talk about. Ma'iingan, although he is angry at the evil forces, is also angry at himself, as it also made him want to be better than this. They continue to attempt repairing the Spirits Domain when Ma'iingan and the Sub-Draconians realize there were lifeforms manifesting, despite death looming over all the corpses and the destruction in battle. 

Ma'iingan calls Grekan to make haste to Mortals Domain, which he did, to also discover an increasing amount of vegetation and lifeforms. Fascinatingly enough, the vegetation and the animals manifesting were invading the life that is already there on Mortals Domain and Spirits Domain, escalating concern and panic upon the two realms. 

Floua and Dierkan transport themselves into the border, only then to see a warpath between one and many, while they realize the culprit of the invasive species, Zoi. Zoi turns to them and smugs at them, as she continues to attack the civilians of the Betwixt Gateway. Floua and Dierkan waged a fight against her, long and hard, but it was in vain because of how great the Eldritch God was. 

As soon Zoi was about to invade the very lifeforce of them two, a blinding light breaks a hole within Zoi, and archangels begin to spew all over the border, the realm of mortals and the realm of greater beings, and it was Pistos who was leading them. Pistos then wrestled with Zoi, repelling her in the process until eventually, she escaped because of the blunt, unrelenting charge of Pistos. Although the invasive species were terminated, Pistos assures them it will not be the last time we will see Zoi, as he's merely getting her off back to GOM. Ma'iingan was not having it, however, as he sensed Zoi's location, beginning his rampage on GOM, although it took him a while because of Kuyamuro's desperate attempt to calm his rage. Ma'iingan finally locates Zoi and begins a war with her, which only repels Zoi once again due to the explosiveness of Ma'iingan's energy. He goes deeper into his rage, only giving way for him to make a great, costly mistake.

Ma'iingan eventually locates Zoi again and finally puts the troublemaker down, only then meets with his traitor unprepared. Ma'iingan used everything he had learned seven ways to Sunday, and it was all in vain. However, it was not of interest for Thanatos to slay him early, so he sent him away, while filling him in wounds. All the pain and suffering that happened to him and to the realms was retold to him, fertilizing another, more fatal move Ma'iingan is unknowingly going to make, which is to enter a fight between hate and truth. Ma'iingan apologizes and comforts Kuyamuro before they agree to enter an endless trial of building their strength before entering GOM and attacking their newfound lord.

In the meantime, they search for the figure who made them misfire into entering the border. After nearing their ultimate abilities and powers, they discover that it was Primaul who was behind their accident. It took effort for the family to pin him to submission and make him speak of who he is and what his intentions are. Primaul explains, stating that he is eventually going to eliminate the entirety of Zero Genesis, while pulling the strings of everyone. Ma'iingan sighs at it, as he knows his strings have been pulled. Then Primaul proceeds to join them and continue to build their strength while building friendships.

After many years have passed, they have "prepared" themselves to take on the fight between "good and evil". And so they revisit G.O.M, and striked it to its very core, ambushing its inhabitants in the process. Then, Ma'iingan confronts the cosmic horror, only for him to later be brought to his knees, being taught that there's no way they'll survive the hard way. After Ma'iingan has fallen into Thanatos' hand, only mourning were present to them. Not only were they forced to retreat, but they also weep for the loss of their savior, wondering how would they ever defeat the god that looms amongst them.