Emergency Welcoming (Part 2)

"Have you all evolved?" Alan asked while following the humanoids down the road.

"That's a simple way to explain it, yes. All thanks to the Goddess Viola. Bless her."

"Alan," Ashley got close to whisper in his ear. "That's the name of an administrator. Viola Lang."

Alan did not reply, frowning.

** If that's the case, this whole situation sounds messed up.**

"Just a little heads up before we get there," the slime man said. "As you can see, we do not mean any harm to you. The days when we fought against new Users have long passed. So please…"

"We won't try anything weird, we promise."

**And it's funny that he addresses us by what we practically are.**

The more they advanced through the tunnels, the more they could hear the sound of people. Alan could remember a large spacious area inside the mountain, where a subterranean river flowed through.

**If I remember correctly, Astrid and I spent our first whole day killing Slimes, until a boss appeared. **

What he found instead was a completely operational town. Bridges to cross over the cliffs, stone houses, and even a building that resembled a church.

**If they worship Viola Lang there, I'm going to puke.**

Alan stared at a quadruped creature he recognized as a low-level monster, being used as a carrying animal. There were also workshops, construction materials, and furniture.

As the group walked through, every translucent humanoid stared at them with a blank face. Their concern could be seen in their body language. Some wearing skirts shared whispers with each other, and those wearing vests and jackets scratched their heads or folded their arms.

**When was the last time they saw a human walking through this place?**

"Smaio," one of them called aloud. "Explain, now! Why are these Users here?"

"You know as much as I do. They just walked out of the Renovatio Caves." Their guide turned its head to Alan, expecting him to corroborate the story.

Alan cleared his throat first. "He's telling the truth. And if you excuse us, we would like to cross through your… lands, with no issue."

"That doesn't explain why you come from that direction!" As the others surrounded them, the bulky slime blocked their path. A dangerous number 20 clearly visible above its head.

"Oh, come on!" Alan cried out loud, crossing his gaze with everyone. "Is it that crazy that some of us would be simply late to the party?"

"You're level 5, and that's impossible since there's no living creature left back there for you to level up. Unless..."

The huge guy cracked his knuckles, even though no sound came from them. **Crap, is he suggesting that we killed some of their people?**

"I'm ready, Alan," Ashley whispered at his back, making the threatening slime back off.

"N-no! We will not retaliate," he replied while gritting his teeth, wondering if they could escape through the crowd until they heard another commanding voice.

"Back off, Smollet, I would like to talk with them." The group stepped aside to let another slime person, wearing pants and leather boots, stroll towards Alan. Its exposed torso showed a rib cage. "Pardon the manners of my people, travelers, but you have to understand that we have seen no humans in these parts of the caves in a long, long time. Follow me. Smaio, you too."

Alan followed him, feeling piercing, non-visible glares from everyone around them. "Thanks, man."

**Um… Shouldn't have said that.**

"I'm Smudock, leader of this humble tribe," the seemingly older slime-man said, as it led the way to the town outskirts.

"I'm Alan, and she's Ashley." He glanced at her, noticing that she was holding the slime kid by its hand. Cute… "So, Smudock... Do you believe our story?"

"I only believe the facts. Your levels don't match your story and that's simply suspicious, but I suppose it has something to do with you having been logged out of The Novus, correct?"

The slime child left them behind to play with other kids. Between them was a pair of regular limbless slimes, jumping and running.

**Awww! Are those supposed to be babies? Wait, what did he say?**

"Do you know about The Novus?" Alan frowned, halting.

"Are you asking if we know that this is a virtual environment? Every NU that has spawned here in the System knows it."

"What's a 'Nu'?"

"Non User…" He looked around. "Smaio?"

"Yes, chief?" The slime-man they had met from the beginning took a step forward, with a very human-like reluctant attitude.

"Ride them to Unus, will you?"

"Yes, chief. You two, come this way."

"Do people from Unus know about you?" Alan asked Smudock before parting.

"Yes. Although the closer you get to Londorus Capitol, the more Users that oppose our existence you'll encounter."

**Oppose? That's an interesting way to say it.**

"It'd be a good idea to keep quiet about this place then."

"Yes. We would appreciate that."

"Chief." Ashley stepped forward, making Alan stop in his tracks. "We would equally appreciate it if our arrival could be kept a secret too."


* * *



"No one has to know that we just logged in, correct?" Alan whispered to Ashley as they got transported in a wooden cart pulled by one of the creatures residing in the area, a black, giant insect with frontal claws that hissed silently as it walked forward.

"We must not create panic among the other Users," Ashley replied with a straight face. "The locals have already questioned you about your low level, so keep it in mind while contacting other people."

Alan sighed as he lied down. "Yeah, I'll have to come up with a clever excuse or something."

The entrance to the caves was now out of sight, and the mountains on top of it looked blue on the horizon. Alan estimated that for them to reach Unus, it would take at least half an hour.

**So much time has passed that even these creatures have their own trading business.** He glanced at the crates at his side, filled with blue, glowing mushrooms.

"Hey, Smaio, what are these used for?"

"Originally, Users would create low-ranking mana potions with them, but since those have become practically useless, they're now used as ingredients for food. Although I've never tried a dish myself."

"I see," Alan said before yawning.

To combat his boredom, he opened his User Interface, checking the tabs more thoroughly.

**What is this? Guild menu? Oh, right! I never had the chance to check it out since I logged out after forming it with Astrid. **

He tapped it, getting a complete list of every member.


Alan jolted in his place.

**100 members?! And all of them are part of... Yes, I'm not misreading it! Shooting Stars! These 100 members are part of our guild! That's crazy, Astrid! Did you do this all by yourself?**

A cracking sound startled him, then the ground trembled. He leaned towards Smaio's seat, only to see an enormous figure approaching them. "What is that?"

"Oh, my goddess!" Smaio cried as he ordered the insect to come to a halt. "It's the Weasenox!"

**'The', instead of 'a weasenox'?** Alan wondered as he watched the red-furred mammal beast with an elongated body. It started salivating at the sight of the black insect tied to the cart, which was shaking in fear.

Alan noticed the number 15 above the weasenox.

**Oh, shit.**

"Smollet is usually in charge of guarding the cart every time we go to Unus!" Smaio cried as it rushed inside to look for its weapon, a wooden staff.

"Who, that bulky level 20, Advanced Smile?" Alan asked as he saw Smaio shake terrified.

**But why is he so afraid? If Smaio dies, he should be able to respawn back in his town, right?**

He glanced at the carnivorous beast, waiting for them to retaliate and crush them under its paws.

"Out of the cart, now!"

The top of the fragile vehicle got torn apart by a quick swing of a tail. Alan pulled out his rusty sword, while Smaio remained in its place, covering its head, crying: "I don't want to devolve, I don't want to devolve, I don't want to…"

**Devolve?** Alan frowned, coming to a realization. **So those regular-looking slimes back in town were not babies?**

He swallowed.


"Battle mode, Alan?"

"Full-on battle mode, girl!"


"Listen, I'll try to—" Alan stopped mid-sentence, as he noticed a blurry silhouette jump from his side. The next thing he saw was Ashley on top of the weasenox, stabbing its head with her dagger.

The beast wailed agonizingly, trying to crush Ashley against a nearby boulder. The girl would not let go, even after being smashed into the rock. That last push seemed to have finally knocked out the creature, which plummeted lifelessly into the road, Ashley by its side, retrieving her weapon.

"Hey, Smaio," Alan muttered.

"Yes, User?"

"She's the reason your Chief didn't send Smollet with us," Alan whispered.

**I just remembered the reason I couldn't see her level. The level gap between us must be enormous.**

"Target eliminated," Ashley said, strolling back to them, seemingly unharmed.

"Yes, I noticed!" Alan beamed at her. "But why didn't you use your bow? You should have more proficiency with it than your dagger."

Ashely stared blankly at him. "You told me to only use the dagger."