Emergency Feeding

"Is that… Unus Town?" Alan asked, flabbergasted, watching new, tall buildings that did not exist during his previous visit.

"It is," Smaio replied, instructing the insect to take the road to their left, circling the outskirts. "I'm going to deliver the gloomshrooms. What about you?"

"We'll be fine. Will you be okay returning on your own?"

"Yes, the weasenox only spawns once a day."

"Drop us here then. And good luck."

"Farewell, Users. May the Goddess Viola bless your path."

"Do you think Viola programmed them to worship her unconditionally?" Alan asked Ashley while observing the cart parting.

"That is something worth investigating, but it is not our priority."

"You're right, but I don't see us fulfilling our primary goal anytime soon." He crossed eyes with her. "I was in a hurry to enter The Novus, but now that I'm here I don't know where to start."

Ashley stood silent for a bit without taking her eyes off him, making him nervous.

**She's pretty cute, but damn she's weird.**

"Although it may be wise to ask the residents if they have noticed anomalies in the system, remember that we must work as discreetly as possible. We must not let classified info get to regular Users."

"What do you suggest then?"

"The only people in all of Novus we could talk to regarding this issue are the Administrators."

Alan exhaled while scratching his chin. "I knew you would say something like that. Let me take the lead for a little longer, we'll still need resources and information, so let's first travel to Londorus Capitol and reunite with Astrid, okay? I bet she'll help us contact an Administrator."

"Understood. Just remember that no one can know about our mission. Not even her."

"Yes, I get the importance of keeping it a secret. Come on, let's find a way to get there."

**We'll also need a map. The one I have only covers part of the Renovatio Caves and the road to get here.**

They walked through the back alleys, the smell of food getting to them. **This must be a restaurant area, and since cooking inside the Novus doesn't produce waste, this place doesn't reek of trash or decay.**

"Alan?" Ashley called out, while putting a hand against her stomach. "I don't feel so good."

"You must be hungry. I'm starving too."

"But why is this body suffering such a thing?"

**Wait, can she even get hungry?** He first frowned at her, before remembering she did not have information about The Novus. **This must be new to her…**

"Listen, although the pods are constantly feeding us users with nutrients, this doesn't change the fact that we'll feel hunger here. And even though you're not human, the system is just doing its work by making you feel that way. See it as a necessity instead of an annoyance."

**Although this hunger is fake, I suppose the developers implemented it so that we wouldn't forget our human fragility and dependency.**

Alan glanced forward, noticing that they were a few feet away from the public street. "Let's not gather unwanted attention. We must be like shadows. Try to blend among the—Whoa, whoa, whoa!" He looked at his surroundings, seeing fancy restaurants, giant ads, and brilliant colors everywhere he turned. "This place has changed a lot! It looks like a little city now!"

People passing him by stared at him.

"Alan," Ashley grabbed his shoulder. "We're gathering unwanted—"

"Look at that place! They serve ramen there. Wait, that other place serves pizza!"

"Alan," Ashley insisted, while the surrounding people frowned at both.

"Wait! If I'll finally be able to get decent food after so long, I want it to be special! Come on, Ashley! Let's go to the biggest one, that one down the street!" He pointed at an establishment where a dragon decoration seemed to try to scare them away instead of inciting them to enter. Alan rushed there while holding Ashley's hand, before noticing what he had done. "S-sorry," he said, blushing.

**Her hand is so soft. Like a real girl!**

"If it's really necessary, let's go then," she said, emotionless.

**Dammit, Ashley, at least pretend that you're embarrassed too!**

"Welcome," an NPC opened the door for them. "Table for two? Follow me, please."

Alan looked around. The establishment was almost full of Users drinking and laughing to their heart's content, some wearing worker's clothes and others using leather and silver armor. What stood out was a giant projection in the back, showing a pink-haired girl, dancing and singing like a pop star.

++ "My he-aa-art, goes boom-boom when you're arooound! So don't leave!" ++

**There's even entertainment created by Users now? That's cool! I wonder if they have tried making movies yet.**

Once they took their seats, the hostess smiled at them. "I have never seen you around. First time coming?"


"You can access the menu by pushing this button and a waitress will bring your food as soon as she can. Enjoy your meal."

Just as the hostess walked away, Ashley quickly leaned towards him to whisper. "Alan, please provide me with a crash course on how to eat."

**I never thought I would hear something like that in my entire life.**

He cleared his throat, making his best effort not to chuckle. "Don't stuff big pieces into your mouth. Chew first and then swallow. Don't talk while eating... You know what? Just follow my example."


The sight of an NPC waitress caught his attention, and his gaze quickly focused on her maid dress, apron, and thigh-high stockings. **Just watching these beauties makes me feel rejuvenated! I had forgotten how cute girls, real or imitations, move and talk!**

**Wait a minute…**

He whispered to Ashley: "I have a task for you."

"If it's in my capabilities, consider it done," Ashley replied in a serious tone, which made Alan feel guilty.

**Just a little.**

"Do you agree that we must blend between the people?"

"Correct. If we can pass as regular Users, that would help us achieve our goal."

"In that case, I think you should learn how to act more… girly."

"What do you mean?"

"I've seen you walk…"

"What about it?"

"Your posture and movements are very rigid."

She stared at him thoughtfully. "Do I look, what you would describe as, unnatural?"

"Yes! I didn't want to mention it earlier, but you move like The Santa María's automatons."

"I understand. I'll study the way these females walk then," she said, staring at a nearby waitress.

"Please, do that." Satisfied with that outcome, Alan pushed the button within reach of his hand and a virtual screen appeared in front of him. At the top was displayed the name of the establishment and a rudimentary animation of a dragon dancing. "Ashley, order something too. Whatever you think you would like."

"I do not have experience knowing which food is the most appropriate for me. Order for me please." she said, without taking her eyes off every waitress that passed nearby.

"Fine. I suppose I could choose what could be considered, 'food for first-timers'. What am I even saying? What about this? Smashed potatoes, a bowl of chicken soup, and a lemonade for her. A hamburger with fries, lasagna, apple pie, and a soda for me... Oh, god, I can already taste it all."

Only two minutes had passed before a waitress brought all the food to them, carrying the dishes as if they weighed nothing, and placed them all on Alan's side of the table. "Sorry, but I haven't received the lady's order."

"Oh, right, that's okay, I ordered for her. See?" He passed the soup and mashed potatoes to Ashley, who scrutinized the employee.

"I see," the waitress said, smiling widely like a doll. "Enjoy your meal."

**Haven't I seen her before?** Alan thought, as both of them stared at her. **Wait, we look weird acting like this.**

"Ashley, please put a hold on your… research, and dig in."

"Why would I want to dig here?"

"Eat... please."

Ashley looked at her food, studying it. She took the bowl of soup first and lifted it, putting its edge against her lips.

"You should have used the spoon, but that's okay too," Alan said, nodding, ready to munch on his hamburger until a liquid sound made him turn his gaze towards her. "Ashley!" he cried with closed teeth. "Swallow!"

She stopped. Lips, chin, neck, and chest soaked in chicken soup. "By your reaction, I understand I made some kind of mistake."

"Here." He grabbed the spoon. "Fill it first, like this. Put it in your mouth and practice how to swallow."

**She wasn't kidding that I should treat her like a newborn!** He glanced at her chest. The system's physics had accurately rendered how a wool dress like hers would look wet, lining her medium-sized breasts perfectly.

**It's not okay to stare, Alan, even if she's not a real girl.** He massaged his forehead until feeling a set of eyes on him. He looked at the table beside them and found a man observing him while munching. **Be a shadow, Alan.**

"Hey," the man called aloud. "Are you bugged?"

**I'm going to regret this.**

"Excuse me?"

"It says that you're level 5." The man pointed at the number above Alan's head. "That's why I'm asking if you're suffering from a bug."

**How to escape from this conversation without him asking more questions?**

"That's the same thing I was wondering. It happened yesterday, so I'm going to Londorus to get some help."

"Good, check that out. It's pretty odd."

"Maybe an administrator could help you out." The man's partner joined the conversation while sipping beer.

**Finally, a clue!**

"Do you know where I could—?"

"Good luck with that though!" Both laughed.

"Y-you… You're right," Alan whispered before sipping his cola.

**Eh?! Am I dreaming?! Well, yes, technically, but this tastes amazing!** He started munching on his burger, as tears of joy started running down on his full cheeks. **Months working outside, so that this system can keep running smoothly… All worth it.**

Alan glanced at his partner, who remained quiet, staring at the contents of her bowl.

"Have you been able to swallow yet?"


"So, how was it?"

"A range of pleasurable sensations has been activated in my tongue."

"Yes… That's a way to describe it."

"Can I taste this too?" she asked, looking at the mashed potatoes.

"Go ahead, those two dishes are all yours."

"Thanks," she said, using the same spoon. After taking a mouthful, her expression, although neutral at a first glance, showed a glimmer in her eyes.

**I'm witnessing something unique…**

"Do you like it?" he asked, grinning.


"Here." He cut a piece of his burger and offered it to her. "This is quite different, it's solid, you'll have to chew first."

"When will I know it's time to swallow it?"

"I think you'll have to practice to get used to it, I don't want you to choke, so at least chew it like 30 times."

"Understood," she said while putting the whole piece in her mouth, chewing slowly, then quicker. Finally swallowing. "Alan Warden, I do not intend to take away more of your food. Can I order the same thing for me?"

"Sure, go crazy and order whatever you want."

Ashley quickly pressed the button on her side of the table and started tapping every dish available to order.

**Oh, come on!**

He opened the menu again and checked the prices, ranging from 100 to 300 gold. **Ah, this is all pretty cheap, actually. Fine, if you can't finish it all, I'll help you.** He giggled, remembering the 100,030 gold in his account.

"Let's see who can eat more! Are you ready?!" He pointed at her face with her index finger while she remained silent, chewing.

**Oh, right, I told her not to talk while eating…**

Minutes later, Alan would find out that every dish had a temperature slider. **Which is kind of neat and crazy, you know!**

While eating, he consulted his User Interface to check his status again and his friend list again, finally noticing that one of the menu options was not available.

**'Error?' It does nothing when I tap it, and I can't recall if it was available before logging out.**

"Isa—I mean, Ashley? Could you do me a favor and open your User Interface? What does it say under the Guild option?"

"I do not have the Guild option."

"Figures. Above System?"

She stared at the window for a moment. "It says 'Error'."