8 The village of songs

" man this is good, they cut on their screens and looked over the list of hunting islands and eating breakfast. " we need one with a lot of woods, Said. Liang Yun, " or forest, how about this one, got great game land Deers, Goats, Rams, Hogs, and buffalos. Said, Ding Yun, " that is the one and it is one and not far. so they send the hunting island to their parents. " that is good, time for that tour the village, so after they finished eating and they paid for their food, and walked out of the villa and up the village, holding hands. And joying the day. back in the dragon kingdom, Wu and Yuan just got the pick, when Zhang Chuntao, Zou Youngzheng, and Kang Deming walked into the castle. " morning how are they? Asked. Zhang Chuntao, " they are doing good. she is showing a little. Said, Yuan Jain, " you know what are they having? Asked. Zou Youngzheng, " a boy, I can't wait to hold him, Said. Wu Jain. " I bet Cao is all over himself about having his first son, said. Zhang Chuntao, " oh yeah you know he is, all four kingdoms send out bridge makers to the selected hunting islands. And they started to build the bridges across, the busy little village is so busy, the kings and queens walked inside a sweet corn shop. " welcome to our shop, welcome to our shop, today would you like some sweet corn. they sing to them, " yes please. they all said, they begin to prepared six bags of sweet corn for them. Dai Ning and Long Tai stopped at the door, " do you two have something to do? the castle is no place where you hanging at, (are you two playing sharing the hunting island?) Asked, Wu Jain. " she in the castle, we just want to know when he is coming back. Said, Dai Ning. " I am a castle aid, and you are not, even if he did. He is a king he has work to do, and a baby to raise You either need to let him go befriend someone else or find a girlfriend of your own, leave the king alone, leave the prince and queen alone. Said, Zhang Chuntao. " (yes, safe the troubled mother, we all got our farming islands, mmm.) -(what's wrong Sun talk to mother?) Asked. Yuan Jain, " (he kicked, and we shared the others. He son,) said. Sun Jain, " you don't think we know he doesn't have time to hunt with us or hang with us anymore! Long Tai. Said in a raged voice, " we just still want to be a part of his life just as she is, said. Dai Ning, " she is wife and queen, and you are just friends, first that not for his happiness, friends wanted their way or the highway. you just need to go your way, do it now. Family comes first, said. Yuan Jain. so they left, " ( what is going on?) Asked. Sun Jain, " (you do not need to worry about it, we got it.) Said, Wu Jain. " (we think it is better to share,) Said. Cao Jain, "hey dad and mom, where you two at, asked. Zhang Chuntao, "(the village of song, we be back and two days. ) they hand them their bags of sweet corn, " (no you do not need to rush, size you know when it is time for you to come back. ) said, Yuan Jain, " (the village is a nursing village for young couples that expecting their first. They let you know when it is to go,) said. Zhang Duyi, " (they will give you a list of prepayments, that you should follow, and fix meals for you that is healthier for you and the baby. ) Said, Xiao Heng. " (you do not need the stress of the kingdom on you'll, just rest, have fun,) said. Zhao Yun, walked out of the shop eating some of their corn, " mm, this is good. (so how long do we stay here?) Asked Cao Jain, as he eats some more of the sweet corn. " (will son, until they say they are ready to come back.) Said, wu Jain. " (that is when they are at the end of getting to deliver,) Said. Jain Duyi, hong can not stop eating the corn. " hey safe me some. she told him, " (so do not every about anything, we are to help with the kingdom.) Said, Deng Yun, Wen is sticking his fingers, " (that find with me, I guess you and mommy say when it is time to come back home, Geng.) Said, Wen Bao. " thatś right. they walked up the village, sightseeing and eating sweet corn. " (just enjoy the village, go to the hot potato shop and season potatoes cuts,) said. Yuan Jain, " ( they have boat rides boys take on a ride.) Said, Xiao Heng. " (and carriage rides,) said. Zhang Duyi, " (and pony rides, ) said. Zhao Yun, they walked inside the gallon shop, " why we are in here? Asked. Cao Jain, "I need something to be comfortable in while we are here, answered. Sun Jain, " don't you want to be comfortable to darling? Asked, Ding Yun. " we can't be comfortable in our armor, said. Xiang Bao, " we need to have something that moves with us. Said, Zheng Yu. " will we going to be here for a while let's look apart, said. Liang Yun, " and fit into guys, said. Wen Bao, "I game, let's do it. Said, Hong Yu. "welcome to my shop, welcome to my shop, how may I help you? she sings to them, " we like some gallon that will cover us, Said. Sun Jain, " that is breathable and moveable. Said, Ding Yun. So she measures them and went to make them royal gallons for them, in the kingdoms. " (this will strengthen all six marriages, so do we want to come directly here, our to our family cottages?) Asked. Wu Jain. " (you know all four isn't going for that,) Said. Yuan Jain, " (it will be a fussy mess. so let's build a room onto the castles so they can be monitored and in,) Said, Deng Yun. " (good idea and a nursing for the babies, ) Said. Zhao Yun, " (how about a baby shower for them, we need to celebrate the babies,) said. Jiang Duyi, "(most definitely.) Said, Zhang Duyi. with all the preparations and planning and help running the kingdom. They got a full day ahead of them, Cao, Liang, Wen, and Hong walked out the fitting rooms in their new gallons. " not bad, at all. Said, Cao Jain. " very stylish and comfortable, said. Web Bao, " flexible, not bad at all. Said, Liang Yun. " our wives have a great idea. Said, Hong Yu, suddenly, their wives walked out in their gallons. Sun and Cao Jain is in a dragon skin clothe that she dyi red and black, and sew their symbol on the front. " I think I just fall in love all over again, son your mother is so beautiful, the gallon makes your reflection shines. Said, Cao Jain. Xiang and Wen Bao are in Catskin clothe, which she dyi white and blue and sew their symbol on the front. " I know what you mean, Cao. d*mn my queen you are fine as h*ll, said. Wen Bao, " dad watch your mouth please, you don't want the first word out of her mouth a bad word do you? Asked. Xiang Bao. Liang and Ding Yun are in Bearskin clothe, she dyi brown and black, and sew their symbol on the front. " you look amazing Xiang. said, Wen Bao. " thank you, these are so comfortable. Said, Xiang Bao, and Zheng, and Hong Yu are in whale skin clothe, she dyi grey and white. sew symbol on the front, " we are so lucky guys to have them as our wives. Said, Hong Yu. " thank you, how much do we owe you? Asked. Sun Jain. she shakes her head no payment, " are you sure ma'am, we don't feel right not paying you for your hard work. Said, Cao Jain, who sings in words that it was an honor and now charge for the gallons, they bow to her and walked out of the shop, so they got in a carriage and took a ride down the village to sightsee everything. in the village. back in the kingdom, they are building a dragon nursery, a Bear nursery, a Whale nursery, and a cat nursery, into the castle, while Yuan, Zhang, Zhao, and Xiao is planing for a baby shower in which there be music, food, drinks, dancing, and gifts, " what is going on? Asked. Mr. Chuntao, " they got things ready at the castle nothing you to worry about, in fact, won't you go visit your younger daughter for a few days. Said, Zhang Chuntao. they stop at the music hall where they are sing songs. " this is good come let's join in, Said. Sun Jain, " let's not overdo it okay. Said, Cao Jain, " what's to overdo, we took a carriage down here Cao, Said. Xiang Heng, " he means we can do this some overtime, let's just take a ride around the village. Said, Wen Bao. " are you boys tire already, girls I think we were out our kings and husbands, Said. Ding Yun, "we didn't say were tire Ding, we just thinking of our wives and queen, and sons and daughters. Said, Liang Yun, " it was all that sweet corn they eat that made them tire girls, Said. Zheng Yu, " but it was good, all we saying is let's not push the limits, girls, ride first and tomorrow we come back to have fun, we promise. Said, Hong Yu. They looked at each other, " Du your father is a tired man so let´s just head back then. Said, Sun Jain, " so we were can give them a locust message with a bathe, said. Xiang Bao, " rub them down with cool water oils, said. Zheng Yu, " front your head and torso, said. Ding Yun, they smiled at that. " i think they just say that guys. Said, Cao Jain, " you don't believe my words, our darling husbands, a dragon never tells lies, not even if their life is in danger. she told her husband, okay Sun dragons never lie. Said, Wen Bao, "either do a Cat even if we stuck up a tree, we never tell a lie, our words are the truth. Said, Xiang Bao. " okay you four you going to help us to relax with that? Asked. Liang Yun, " not help, get you to rest is more like it, you looked tire, said. Ding Yun. " we didn't say that. what you four up to? Asked. Hong Yu, " what is with the distrust boys we are your wives and we love you, said. Zheng Yu. " we trust you, but all that leads us to think that a dragon, a cat, a bear, and a whale is up to something, said. Cao Jain, " why would you think that ? Asked. Sun Jain, " if a dragon a cat, a whale, and a bear never lies, then tell us what you are up to. Said, Wen Bao. " will dear we start with buttermilk rub down which relax your mind and muscles, said. Xiang Bao, " from your head to toes which you will have to take your robes off, said. Ding Yun, " then we leave you with some maple leaves back to your front, that will tenderize your muscles. Said, Zheng Yun, " really. Asked, Liang Yun. " so good. Said, Hong Yu, " then we dip you in boiling hots so your mind and body can be one, Said, Sun Jain. " after you will feel like a new man Wen, said. Xiang Bao, " a new man huh? Said. Cao Jain, " we told you what we are going to do, said. Ding Yun. " so you still don't trust? Said Zheng Yu. " okay we trust you, so why are we still her talking about? Asked, Hong Yu. so they head back to the villa, they rub their wives stomachs, as they pulled up at the villa, they got and help their wives out and walked inside of the villa. "