9 A gift for the kings from the queens

so back in the villa spa, they begin to rub buttermilk all over their husband's bodies, to relax their muscles and minds. " mmm, you have a magic touch? Said. Cao Jain, "I glade you enjoy it my king. this call thousand dragons said. Sun Jain, "enjoy is not the word. Said, Wen Bao. " what the words for it, this is a touch from thousand cats, Said. Xiang Bao, " oh, that is the spot. you are so good, amazing. Said, Liang Yun. " this way my mother gives my father a message. Said, Ding Yun. they lay on their backs next. and they rub their fronts, down, " massage from thousand whales, said, Zheng Yu. Cao, Wen, Liang, and Hong are enjoying the massage that their wives are giving them. " I am so scared guys, said. Cao Jain, " I know what you mean we know nothing about how to be a dad at all. said, Wen Bao, " this is a big step for us, said. Liang Yun. " we had good fathers, but that is sized the point, said. Hong Yu. " you four are going to make great fathers, said. Sun Jain. " just like you are wonderful husbands, said, Xiang Bao. " you four have Nothing to worry about, they already know that you love them. said, Ding Yun. " once you hold your sons and daughters in your arms you have that connection with them as you let them know that you are their fathers. said, Zheng Yu. They are beautiful as they are wise, I never had a father figure in my life or a mother figure, how you know that I won't miss him up, I just want to be a good Father in his life. said, Cao Jain, " my husband it does not matter where you came from, said. Sun Jain, " is that dragon talk, I still don't understand? Asked. Wen Bao, " no she right, does not matter if you have parents or not, that doesn't determine who you are as a mother or father. said, Xiang Bao. " it doesn't? Asked. Liang Yun. " no, your feelings for your family wife and kids, husband and kids, makes you whole, said. Ding Yun, " you are very wise all four, and we are very lucky. said, Hong Yu. " your actions towers us will make you the best Father, we scared to, but we know that we going to be a great mother because of your love, said. Zheng Yu, so after they give them their massages, they rub hot oils on them and put them in the hot tub, they jumped out. " That is too hot Sun. Said, Cap Jain, her gallon disappear off her and she got into the water, " don't think about it, just do it. the steam relax you, my king, she sings to him, that made him calm, his gallon Disappeared off him, and he got into the water, she rubs his head as he closed his eyes. " what is in there, asked. Wen Bao, Xiang gallon disappeared off her, and she got into the water, " if you worry about what's in the water every time how are you going to relax Wen? she sings to him. His gallon disappeared off him, and he got in the water she rubs his browse, he relaxes his mind. " that is extremely hot, Ding gallon disappeared off her and she got into the water, Liang Yun gallon disappeared and got into the water. and she rubs his temple, as they are relaxing in the hot tub, the villa cooks are getting their lunch ready. all six of their parents show up at the villa and walked in the door, " how are our new mothers and fathers doing here? Asked. Yuan Jain, " they are doing great, they are doing well. he sings it to him. " That is good to know, are they showed Anymore? Asked. Wu Jain, " a little bit. he sings, " how are their symptom so far? Asked, Chen Heng. " for our meals they haven't had them so far, as I know. he continued to sings, " that good, could you give us an update status on them? Asked. Xiao Heng, " a course I will my fair ladies and gents, he sing out to them, " thank you. And tell them to enjoy the village, get some fresh air. Said, Jiang Duyi. " "will do, he sings to them. So they left the village and went home, they just finished their relaxing massage, they are in their rooms in bed asleep, " what did you do to me? Asked. Cao Jain. Sun Jain, looked at him and rubs his chest, " relax you, dad, how do you feel. Asked, Sun Jain. " (that is a trick question? Said. Wen Bao, " man I never feel like this before, " it is the first time for anything. Said, Xiang Bai. "( mmm- mmm that buttermilk rub is a miracle, so what next?) Asked. Liang Yun, " I love that song, " I am glad that you do. Said. Ding Yun. "( is that music? we listening to.) Asked. Hong Yu, " where it coming from? " shh, just let the massage and music relaxed you, said, Zheng Yu. They join in on the music, it was a song about Du, Geng, Bai, and Su, the coming of the future, the music stops, and they got out of the bed and their gallons appear on them, And they walked into the villa dining room, " your parents came to see how you are doing. how are the baby's symptoms? sung into a question, " I haven't had the mourning sickness after the breakfast, what is for lunch? Asked. Sun Jain, " nobody pains, your cooks are miracle works. Said, Cao Jain. " for lunch Stewed fish, with fried cabbage and spring rolls, with purple clay tea. he sings to them, as they bring out their lunch and put them on the table, " and no my nose is good I haven't sniff everything. Said, Xiang Bao. " no cravings so far, said. Wen Bao, " that is very good, they fix to heal and aid our guest. Roasted Duck with boil mushrooms and egg rolls, and chai tea. They bring out their lunch and sat it on the table, " no stomachaches here, I am impressed, Said. Ding Yun, " me to this whole morning I haven't had one sense of pain in my stomach. Said, Liang Yun. " I am glad to hear, Braised Bamboo Shoots, with spring rolls, with green tea. they bring out their lunch and place it on the table, "I had the feeling to cry or be mad yet, you know your stuff here. Said, Zheng Yu. " or to go nuts, thank you. Said, Hong Yu. " we know how to censor the symptoms, Fried rice with egg, spring rolls, with hot goat's milk. He singed, they bring out their lunch and sat it on the table. They begin to eat, " so what we do after lunch. Said, Cao Jain. " well how about we go to a music show, said. Sun Jain, " that sounds like fun, do you boys feel rested? Asked. Xiang Bao, " after your rub down we are more than rested. Said, Liang Yun, " so you are not tired then? Asked. Ding Yun, " nope let's do this, my queen. Said, Hong Yu. " the music show it is then, said. Zheng Yu, nothing like eat a meal and being with good friends. back at the castle Song and Mo walked up to the castle door, Yuan Jain walked up to them, " what you doing back Chen. snapped. Yuan Jain, " we just want to talk and apologizes queen Yuan, can we come in talk? Asked. Mo Chen, " we a little busy right now with preparations for the baby, so tell me what do you want now. Said, Yuan Jain, " who had a baby? that whole give it to Bai was Shao island, said. Song Chen, " I been watching you all of you, you had two sons but you pick to take care of one.And not care for the other son, so we took care of him, I knew that Sun and Cao were destined to be together, and the hot flame made certain of that, said. Yuan Jain, " he been accepted in your oldest will not survive the flame, he would burn up. He has not or never be accepted into our claim, and he does not have vampire within him, said. Wu Jain, " in-fact none of you do, so why are you in the dragon kingdom if you do not have our inner dragon, your eyes is not even red. Said, Wu Jain. Back at the villa, they finished eating lunch and now walking around the village, " guys I think our parents pick who they want us to be line up to, think about, a fisherman with a heart of a whale and embrace the inner whale Drama. and our eyes which are blue, so the flame can pick them only. Said, Zheng Yu, " Is that so wrong? Asked. Hong Yu, " they pick them when they knew they were going to have sons and daughters, they only want the ones who born with our ability, sweet you got to bless our parents, said. Liang Yun, " wait now you just lost us, said. Ding Yun, " they saw that your eyes were brown, that your heart was a bear heart, and you got the inner bear Thundra. They knew that you were the one for me my queen, said. Liang Yun, Sun smile at him, " what about me? Asked. Cao Jain, " they saw a baby discard, this baby had dragons heart, his eyes were red, we grow up together Cao, we are like brothers and sister, unfortunately, at teenhood, you went to be with your family. remember that first day we laid eyes on each other, my parents set up that, they knew that we meet up, fall in love. They wanted that to happen, they were waiting for it to happen, said. Sun Jain, " they took me in the castle and raised me like their son, that is right, you still the most beautiful woman of all, no one can not compare to you. Said, Cao Jain. " so if was fade and your parents that line us up, we need to find a wine shop, they looked at him, " Wen if we can not have wine. Said, Xiang Bao, " you can't drink either. But you right we do need to toast to them for picking and lining us up together. They walk up the village, " you took in Cao why? Asked. Mo Chen. " no one should throw away an infant like you did, because we know that he and Sun were going to be together, we want to make sure that happens. Said, Yuan Jain, " the great dragon want that to happen, ampira wanted that to happen, and the dragon clan wanted her to fall for him, not you or your unpurified son with nothing to show for anything wasn't going to stop that. Said, Wu Jain. " that is for us to know, and you can leave now, said. Yuan Jain. They walked back into the castle and closed the door on them. "(Wu, what you and your seven fathers giving them as a present?)-(how are my grandson and daughter?) Asked. Chen Heng, " (father has something been determine as a gift yet for the grandboy?)-(i asking now, what you giving them?)-(Cao how is everything?) Asked. Wu Jain, they are going to give their daughters and sons-in-law baby supplies, and clothes. so they walked up to a tea shop, "welcome to my shop, can I interested you in acup of tea? she sings to them, " res, please and thank you. so she pours them a cup of honey and herb tea, " tour parents for putting us together, said. Sun Jain, " we own them