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7 lunch with the family

She left, he rubs his face. Kari signed, " boys and Viktor, I do not have a problem with you seeing someone, "I do Madison. I rather decided on what was next in their lives, living the dream and going far to be an all-star or taken over Nevada fitness as the new District managers. Or do their own thing, we love you boys and whatever you decide on what is next, you now we support you. Let's go, they are waiting, they paid for their clothes and head uptown to the restaurant, " yes that too. Rather for my future daughters and my future grandchildren to be safe, and my boys happy and safe. Vito, Vinny, Vincent, and Victorious love will come when you not looking and unless expect it. When I left home, I wasn't looking for anything anymore, all I want is my own business, when I finally got and building customers, it was dream new that I need staff so I hire and train them, then my first major client your father hit me, I saw that my work was cut out for me, I mean no bricks, chest muscle, very rusty. He looked at her, " hey I had muscles love, and I was not rusty. I knew being a wrestler is my dream, I had to build up for it, I left home, move to Cottonwood, and train day and night, I am staying in it, I also knew that I didn't want a Diva, I want someone that brings luck in my life, it happens when I met your mother, a course she keeps turning me down every time I ask her out. Said, Reno. " I am not ready for that, or to give up the dream. I love my job, I was just talking to her, is it wrong to talk to her. " no son, like I said when you are ready to date we will know when you are, they pull up to the restaurant. " what take you guys? asked. Jeremiah, " mom wanted to go shopping and Vito is in love, said. Vincent, " I am not in love, mom is the only woman in my life. said, Vito. they walked up to them, " that can not be his wife?" she is, this is your niece in law Kari, and your great-nephews, Vincent, Vinny, Vito, and Victorious. how long you here for, we can show out to some great shopping centers? Asked. Savannah, " nice to meet you. I think we are heading back tomorrow, but this has been a nice, and peaceful, said. Kari, " yeah we got a major investment coming in and a bunch of new clients, and we need to get in training for our main event this month. plus getting ready for the baby to arrive, said. Reno, they walked in and sat down at their table. "grape juice if you have any, said. Kari, " I swear tea lite ice. Said, Reno. " the same grape juice. said, Vincent. " I have an unsweetened tea extra ice, said. Vinny, " water for me thanks, said. Vito, " red wine if you had any, why you not drinking wine? Asked Hank, " uncle we don't drink wine. Said, Reno. " any kind of alcohol is bad for you. Said, Vincent, " we on a health plane, juice, water, unsweet teas, and milk. Said, Vinny, " those type things can kill you quicker than a bullet, size mom is carrying she can only have juice, you should jump on board, you live longer, and be more active in tone, said. Vito, " those my boys, I came up with it when I was carrying them and when they were small. Said, Kari. " so have it works? Asked. Sara, " yep, you don't get muscles like this from wine, beer, and junk food, but a small indulge is okay. They show them their muscles, " it helps when you got a mother that owns and runs the Nevada fitness studio, said. Reno, the waiter brings them their drinks, " are we ready to order? " yes we have your beef Alfredo with a garden salad with lemon, Reno ordered for his family, he took it down. " I have the three cheese pasta salad with broccoli, said. Savannah, " I have the same, the boys are healthy as an ox. said, Jeremiah. " I have chicken Alfredo with extra cheese, what kind of stuff you cook that gets them looking like that? Asked. Sara, " Turkey fish, chicken with veggies. they were born a pound, Vincent Forty pounds, Vinny Fifty pounds, and Viro sixty pounds, and Victorious Seventy pounds, to keep the pack with protein, and a sizeable two meals, said. Kari, " long with a breakfast smoothie that mom and dad make in the morning, before heading out. said, Reno. " what kind of shakes do you fix Viktor, you all look healthier and fit. The same thank said. Hank, " not shakes smoothies more for our mom carrying us, banana strawberry smooth, blueberry kiwi smooth. Said, Vincent. " watermelon pineapple smooth, melon peach smooth. Said, Vinny. " blackberry and raspberry smoothies, we have to drink them every day before going to the stadium and studio. Said, Vito, they drink some of their drinks. "so can you just drink them sperate or with a meal? Asked. Hank, " both. Best you drink them in the morning when you heading out to work. Said, Reno. " speaking after you work out, boys you haven't decide what you want to sign up for, so I did it for you, Reno 20 reps of curl-ups, Vincent 20 reps of push-ups, Vinny 20 reps of Sit-ups, since your back is out of commission Vito 10 warm-ups. And Reno we going to need a bigger house, said. Kari, Kari was starting to eat again when an oversize man shuffled her hard against the table. " mom you okay! Asked. Vincent, " you are squeezing my wife fat *ss move! Snapped. Reno, he moves out of the way. " how rude, who any fatter than her. Vincent got up, " you, my mother is pregnant you dumb, " boys sit down be rude or call him names, we didn't raise you that way, Viktor. He looked down at her, " let's go, they get a bad review from us, they went down when they let your type in here. He paid for the food, and pucked her up, and walked out, " triple V lets roll. " you fat greasy f*CK, if I wasn't clas I would kick your *ss! Said. Vincent, " take your fat *ss on a diet porky! Said. Vinny, " my mother carrying my little brother, you put them both in distress. When you shuffle someone learn to say EXCUSE ME, AND I AM SORRY! " they would be hearing from us when we get home! Said. Sara, "the heck with that I will have this place shut the heck down! That was my niece you shuffle hard, maroon! Yelled. Out Hank, "I have you band from every restaurant, you better hope to god that they both okay. Savannah, " if we lose them both I will be pressing murder charges against your fat *ss! They left and head down to the nearest hospital. " you okay are you and the baby okay!?" some pain, but I think we are, boys that were very mean, he can not help his size, Viktor you are a role model you suppose to lead by example! ahh, " no you in serious pain, hold your mother boys we going to the emergency room, he shuffles my wife, what you want me to do let his porky the pig get away with it!? They arrive, they got her out of the car. " he called our mother fat when she is carrying our brother. said, Vincent. " some people can see, " mom please he could say to you please ma'am could you move or move up. he need to try our health plan, said. Vito, " excuse me I need a doctor now it's my wife, they bring her a chair to take them back. Savannah, Sara, Hank, and Jeremiah walked in, " she okay. " they just take her back grandpa, he shuffles her and she wants us not to power slam his big *ss against the table, said. Vincent, " I feel like I am ten again, I being grounded for spearing a bully in school, that kid had it coming as he does. Said, Vincent, " you boys take after your father too much, that was a headache, your mother and father had to talk them from not kicking you out of school Vinny Seamus Nevada. Said, Savannah, " even your father was so proud of his son, did his first spear, said. Jeremiah, Reno walked out the room. They looked at him, " dad they okay? Asked. Vito, " the good news is they are both, okay, but she is in a lot of pain and distress, what he put my wife and baby in danger, I going to see if our doctor can come here. He wants to keep them here for a few days to see if there are any changes, D*mn! this crap I was trying to avoid from happening, I did we just stayed in the hotel and ordered out. " pull yourself together son, this is no time to be breaking down, she needs you to be strong. Said, Jeremiah, " dad could you take them to the house, boys Vincent, Vinny, Vito before they give her medicine to help with the pain, she made me promise that we will not good after him for revenge, I know it is killing you because it skilling me to. " mom, dad I can't just let him get away with it!" he didn't even say to her could you please slide up, Tear came down his face. he grabs his sons and hugged them. " I know, l know Vinny, but for her do it for mom. go with your grandparents take the phone called Leonard to tell him what happens to see if we can get extend of days off to be with your mother and called the studio tell them we don't know when we are back and happen, and I call her parents and I let you know what happen. Said, Reno. they take the phone and they lefr\t out of the hospital and left, He walked back inside of the room, get strokes her hair and kissed her stomach. He used the hospital phone to called his laws, "( hello.) Henry answered the phone, " ( Mr. Christmas is me Viktor, it's Kari ) Suzanne walked into the room, "(calm down son, what happened? She okay?) " ( man at the restaurant shuttle her hard into the table, which put them both in distress, we are at the hospital.) Said, Reno. "( have you talk to the doctor yet? Where are you at?) Asked. Henry, Jordan, and Jayden walked inside. " Henry what is it!? Knock before coming into my house, you do not live here! Suzanne snapped at them, "(we still in Maine, and yes he wants her to stay here for a few days to see if anything changes, ) said. Reno, he looked at his wife, " it's Kari and the baby, they are in the hospital. " what happens? An oversized man shuffles her hard against the table at the restaurant they went to. ( keep us posted on how she is doing,) said. Henry, "(i will sir. ) they

Hang up and he called to see if their family doctor can come to Maine. Reno finally sat next to the bed, " where are they Henry?" So what she probably started it, " the both of you pieces of crap get the h*ll out my house and never come back. She is my only daughter! Slut! They are still in Maine right now, the doctor wants her to stay few days too if there are any changes. Said, Henry. " pour Reno and the boys they must be going nuts, said. Suzanne, " boys? Dag, she gets around. Said, Jayden, " you are stupid, boys as their sons! I thought I told you to get out, what do you want to do? Henry asked Suzanne. " who is Reno? " Kari husband, and father to her sons, no you can not come, go home. I think we need to go to Maine, I can not stay here waiting by the phone. Said, Suzanne. " you and Kari do not get along, and you are her ex he is her husband, which makes him uncomfortable, right now he needs to be at his wife's side, and therefore his sons. They got in the car and left for Maine, they left. Vincent, Vinny, and Vito are pasting the floor. Vincent got off the phone with Leonard, he gives them a month off, and Adam and Anna are on their way down. "