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8 Rainy evening

" come on dad, called. Said, Vinny. It started to rain, their niece and nephew-in-law walked into the house, " how about something to eat boys. Asked, Savannah," I can't stand this, what if. They grab their little brother in pulled him in. " guys mom and Vic is going to be okay, any minute dad is going to call in said. That she is awake and they are doing great, " you don't know that Vincent. I want our mother, Vinny, and Vincent to hug Vito. " it is not what I know it is what I feel, hey you guys remember that Friday when she told dad to take the trash out. They laughed, " yeah the game was on tv it was about to go into overtime, dad wanted to see how would win, dad told mom after the game he will. Said, Vinny. " she was so mad she called him by his government name, we took her for granted guys. We need to do more for her, they knocked heads, the doctor walked into the room, Reno stands up, as he examined her. She opens her eyes and looked at them, " mm, is the baby okay? Reno smiled. " welcome back Mrs. Nevada, the baby is fine, so we can monitor you, I suggest you stay a few days, and no stress at all. Rest and you continue on the health plan, understand? " yes Kari we went over this that you can not be around any stress you shouldn't be moving around at all. Said, their family doctor. " I have to work, and take care of my family." babe now it is our time that we take care of you, I do the cooking and laundry plus be at the studio. Vincent will clean the house, and cut the grass, Vinny cleans the house. He kissed her on the head, he went to call their sons. " who are they, Aunt Savannah. " those are your second cousins, boys come here, your mother is a fighter she is probably awake. The phone ring,"(dad!!!) They all said at once over the speaker. "(Yeah, the baby is still with us, and so is mom. But this was a very close call, so no more restaurant, she needs to rest and no stress.) Said, Reno. " (we agree, tell mom anything that she wants us to do we will do it, we love you mom.) " the boys said they do what you ask, like always and they love you. " we couldn't have better sons, tell I love them too, said. Kari, "(you said that she loves you.) Said, Reno, " (when is mom getting out of the hospital dad?) Asked, Vito. " (she been here for a few days, did you called Leonard and the Studio?) Answered. Reno, Kari went back to sleep, " ( yes, he said that we don't have any matches this week so he give us the extension off and Adam and Anna are on their way down.) said, Vincent, Jeremiah walked up to them. " his your mother awake? Asked. Jeremiah, " yeah, she just wakes up, thank you, god, said. Vinny, "these are your cousins Vincent, Vinny, and Vito, what the news, boys? " mom is awake grandma, can we go to the hospital? (you coming, dad?) Asked. Vincent, " in the morning son, she probably went back to sleep. said, Jeremiah, " (no, bud. I stay here tonight, stop worrying mom and victorious is out of danger now, go get some rest, love you sons and your mother loves you too.) Said, Reno. "(okay dad you to, mom would want you to go get some rest,) " I do, Viktor go get some rest, we are okay. Said, Kari, " I am fine right here, shhh go back to sleep. (see you in the morning, ) they got off the phone. He hangs up the hospital phone. And walked up to the bed, " Adam and Anna are on the way and I have the extension off, I make up for in the paper view, but right now like always you and the baby comes first. Said, Reno. " how are the boys doing? You need to go eat Reno, go get something to eat, said. Kari, they kissed each other. " I don't want to leave your side, Mrs. Nevada, they kissed again, " are you tired of watching me sleep yet? he got on the bed and lay next to her, " no, I love watching you sleep. But I am getting hungry, that Italian food didn't last long, " we hardly didn't get to enjoy it, could you bring me a turkey sandwich and a cup of water, he got up off the bed. " yeah my wife and baby need to eat too, I shall return, they kissed each other, he walked out of the room. When Henry, and Suzanne, Christmas pulled up at the hospital and walked inside, " excuse what room is Kari Nevada is in? Asked. Suzanne, the RN tells them what room she is in, and they walked back into the room, Kari turns over and looked at them. " hey are you okay? Asked. Suzanne, " we are okay mom, you actually came all the way to Maine to check on me? Asked. Kari, " sis you sound surprised, you family right dad? Asked. Ryan, " yes, I am so sorry that I cast you, I love you and I am so proud of you. Said, Henry. " wheres Reno? He walked in behind them, " so you saying you accepted me and our marriage is not a joke? Babe they out of turkey I got you a chicken dinner, said. Reno, " I should never say that, anyone can see the way you both to looked at each other that you both loved each other, a course you accepted in the family, the joke is your cousin and Jordan, they both without a joke and on the street, have you spoke with the door?" who is Jordan baby? yeah, she needs to be off her feet, and rest, with paper view coming up, this extension is great, they are right on time. my son and America Bash, said. Reno, " my ex-boyfriend, he was a bomb, to begin with, you are twice the man he is not, you have no reason to be jealous Mr. Nevada. he helps her up and gives her a plate, they started to eat. " You know I'm am, king Reno, said Reno. " You are my king, he strokes her face. Every king needs his queen and you are my queen, and our sons are our princes. Said, Reno. aw, that is so cute, said. Karen, "I knew when I saw her that she was my wife and my Queen that bare my legacy of princes. I love you so much Kari, thank you for marrying me and carrying my sons. She looked at him, " thank you for showing My love of a real man, I love you so much Reno. Do me a favor," nice try, bet I staying right here at your side. Said, Reno. " we see you in the morning, try to get some sleep, they left out of the hospital before he can relax the phone ring it is his boss, " (yeah,)-("how is your wife doing?) Asked. Leonard, " (the baby is fine and she is fine, where is the event at Leonard?) Asked, Reno. " (San Diego, are you going to be able to make,) all three of their sons were born on a wrestling event. Vincent came on Havoc, Vinny came on Iron Man, and Vito Came on Royal Thunder, " (you know there is a change that my son being born there Leonard,) said. Reno, "( talk it over with your family and doctor and call me tomorrow,) they hang up. he went to sleep, " talk to Reno where is the event at?" what are you doing wake Mrs. Nevada? Asked, Reno. " tell you are at my side down the ramp, and he will come there before my match, Kari all three came during my match. " you always said that having your sons boring during your matches is a sign of fate and good luck, what changed? ANswered. Kari, " I scared Kari, tell me you going to be okay, tell me you both going to be okay, I would give up the title for you and the baby in a heartbeat. But not my wife, not my kids, she strokes his face. " talk to our doctor see can he come with us again, then in the morning when everyone is here have them to prepare to come as you tell me Reno I am going to be fine, our son is going to be fine, where is and yes I am walking all four of my boys down the ramp. They kiss each other and went to sleep, their family doctor Doctor Bob and the doctor walked into the room to check on her. Reno wakes up and stretches, " how long have I been asleep? she okay, I mean is they okay. " Asked. Reno, " everything is looking good, she is ready to deliver soon, like the other boys usually on the day of an event, and another city, which I am going to ask next when are the event and ware at? Asked, Doctor Bob. a few days and San Diego, can you come? Asked, Reno. " my bags are still packed, and I still have the ambulance on hold long with my nurse, you know like Vincent, Vinny, and Vito he determines to be born in San Diego on the event, you have a plan and motion? Asked, Doctor Bob. " same as always, be ready for both to come, have the boys as back up and take her to the hospital, and my parents and in-laws on speed dail said. Reno, she moans a little. " the great plan as always, we are ready, said. Doctor Bob, they walked out of the room, the sun was coming up in the sky, it is Saturday at 5:50 am, Everyone is heading back to the hospital, Kari finally wakes up while Reno is still asleep. " my poor husband, he rubs his face and stretches, and looked at her, hi Mrs. Nevada, how do you feel? " ready to leave from here, what Leonard said? " he wants to know will we be able to make it to San Diego, just like we were able to make it to Japan, for Iron man, just like we were able to make it to Seattle for Royal bull, and just like we were able to make it to Washington for Midnight Havoc, we be able to make it to San Diego for American Bash. Said, Reno. They kissed each other when they walked inside of the room, " mom!!! they ran in and hugged her, " easy boys, we are so sorry, said. Vincent, " we will do what you ask, for now, said. Vinny, " we never take you and dad for granted again, we love you two. Said, Vito. she strokes their faces and said" sons you do what I ask anyway, and help at home especially when you get home from the stadium, what makes you think you take us for granted?" just felt like we not living up to fit the, she cut vincent off. " Vin, you always there when we need you, and you three always got your father back as he got your back, you four are perfect, " your mother is right sons we couldn't be prouder of the three of you. Said, Reno. they hugged them. " we got few days to prepared for both your brother and paper view, American Bash is in San Diego, I get the kitchen clean, get our food to go fix and prepared, and call get us room reserves, said. Reno, " I do the meal health plan, and our bags, you better call your boss tell them that we are there, He put him on speed dail, " (Leonard it's me you can count on the Nevadas we be there, when is it?) Asked. Reno, " ( Sunday, see you all there Reno and Vincent you got a tag match the Williams brothers, and Monday Vinny you have a single match against Bill Showman, and Tuesday Vito you got a main event title match against Ricky pipes,) said. Leonard, (" awesome, this is going to be epic,) said. Reno, they hang up the phone. " mom and dad are your packs still packed? Asked. Reno, " we never unpack our emergency bags, we head to Cotton with you and get a hotel, "